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  1. Back in 04, the best option I found for my speedster was a MA/SR Scrapper. If I was creating it now from scratch I might throw in /Elec with MA or maybe an Elec/SR Brute.

    I'd love it if we one day get a speedster-specific powerset. Like Speed Melee or something like that.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    Either way, hopefully they aren't going to stop doing WSTs when I20 drops. That would kinda screw people who have characters in the 40s that they want to take Incarnate, not to mention those who'd like the badges but don't have the time or inclination to run six or seven identical S/TFs every week.
    I don't think they're going to stop doing WSTs. It's the best way to get Notices.
  3. Haggard4Life

    Dear Mods/Devs

    Originally Posted by TameDragon View Post
    I know for a fact theres a @Nightshade on us servers due to the fact theres AE arcs which ain't mine active. (
    Hmm... I wonder how the AE keeps track of which @Nightshade is which and if whatever that is can be used to solve this problem?
  4. Would the new zoning screens be a QoL feature?
  5. Well, Victory will always be my home server, but I'm excited to create new characters on Union and Defiant to get to meet new players.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nurse Midnight View Post
    My friend and I did at the meet and greet actually. Second Measure said that it would take a VERY long time to do that and their resources would all be focused on that, so we wouldn't get any new things at all if that happened. He said that there are more Lore summons coming when the Incarnate trees expand.
    Yeah, I was glad to see them discuss expanding the Incarnate trees during the panel. It makes sense that what we're getting in I20 is just the start and they'll eventually release more Judgement, Destiny and Lore branches to give us more options.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
    Also every thread that asked for yo-yo melee powers was instantly obliterated.
  8. I was more refering to the second paragraph that I highlighted. Where it sounds like a future issue will have a feature that somehow utilizes Nobel Savage's comics background. At least that's what I got from the hint.
  9. I found this part interesting:

    Q: What was the impotence behind stopping the City of Heroes comic?

    Miller - it was purely financial. We wanted to put that money into the game itself. What I love about it though is that I have writers on the team now that were fans of the comic and want to bring in old details from the comic into the game.

    Having a comic book artist on staff, we are always working on using his talent and bringing that in. We have something cooking but I can't really talk about it.
    A nice little hint there.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    That makes it sound like the expansion of Praetoria won't be connected to the Incarnate system like it is in I20.
    Haven't they previously said that they'll be expanding the normal Praetoria content? I took that to mean more zones and story arcs.

    The Incarnate system is the war with Primal Earth stuff, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Praetorian stories not related to the war.
  11. Huh. I must not have been paying attention to the MM power customization because I had no idea this was possible. I knew about the ability to color the normal attack powers in the Necro and Demon sets, but I didn't realize the upgrades could be colored too or that that color change would be transfered to the pets. That's awesome! I need to play around with my Demon/Poison MM some more.
  12. I kind of like the bullet aura.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    Do you seriously want me to recite the litany of sins committed by the recent so-called "writing"?
    If you can do it without linking to or referencing TV Tropes I'll give you a dollar.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    Has there really, ever been a major feature in an Issue that wasn't in the Issue's press release?
    It seems like we (as a group, not you and me particularly) go through this every time a new issue gets announced.
    It depends on what you mean by "major feature". For I19, the new TFs were mentioned in the overview but the two story arcs for levels 20-30 were not.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
    Ok logged onto beta and tried to figure out the new powers.
    I created a seer lore pet and it is in the right side of the created enhancments, I double clicked it to equip it and it won't equip, keeps saying Lore enhancment won't equip. How do I equip it so I can use it? Also is judgement powers broken? I created a judgement power and it won't equip.
    Are you in Ouroboros when you try to equip it? There's something about how Ouroboros blocks temp powers (or something) that prevents us from equiping Incarnate powers while in that zone. It's been like that since we got the Alpha slot.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    It's a Well of the Furies plot.
    Hmm... that really doesn't have the same ring to it as "It's a Nemesis plot".

    "It's a Well plot"? "It's a WotF plot"? Hmm... we'll make it work.
  17. Haggard4Life

    Gaussian IO Icon

    It looks like the flight control stick in a fighter jet. There's a red protective covering that you flip up when you want to flick the missle switch... or something like that.
  18. Those ship interiors look fantastic! I'm glad it isn't just more cargo holds.
  19. *Waiters always give me strange looks when I ask if they serve "the still beating hearts of my enemies". I should just go to Taco Bell.

    *Brand name chloroform has gotten too expensive lately. I'll have to switch to the generic.

    *Whenever I'm feeling down, I like to take a trip to the mall and release a flesh-eating nano swarm. It cheers me right up!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Spinomania View Post
    These are resistance gloves, they glow.
    Those of us who don't have Ultra Mode capable graphics cards can't see the glows on those costume pieces and the Mutant Pack costumes either.
  21. I started to use the Virtue server during the free server transfer period and I was surprised to get some of the names I wanted. I thought for sure a name like Viking Bot would be taken, but it was available.
  22. Hmm... I'm not sure what I'd do. Read more books?

    Because of my laptop's Intel graphics, I can't play most games made in the last few years. Maybe I'd start using my subscription money to save up for one of the consoles or something.

  23. Leo Ariel

    He's from a planet that think they're all decended from angels. I'll probably replace that ax with the Vanguard ax when I get access to the upcoming Vanguard Pack. And I'm undecided on the Resistance chest detail (which you can't see in that picture). I kind of like it but I might switch to the Roman chest detail at level 35.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Unlikely to happen.

    Heroes outnumber Villains 3 to 1. We joke that "the Devs hate Villains"; but do you know who else hates Villains? The players.

    It was in the cards long ago that developing Villain-only content was not efficient use of Dev time. The only new Villain-only content that has been taking place and will take place in the future is maybe a single arc (e.g. Vincent Ross) or content that can be re-purposed to have a hero-analogue (like the two Reichsmans [Kahn and Barracuda]).

    Now, with side-switching from Going Rogue, Villains-become-Rogues have access to almost all the Hero-side content, including even starting Task Forces.

    So.... unlikely to happen.
    But doesn't side-switching negate that? Our characters are no longer restricted to one side. So any redside content the Devs make is not closed off to the majority of the player base. They can just switch sides temporarily to play it. So I see this as a great reason to add more redside content (especially Sfs) without the need to have a blueside equivalent.
  25. I'm surprised to see the Apex and Tin Mage TFs on the list. I assumed they wouldn't qualify for WSTs since they're Incarnate-only content. I know one of the big draws are getting Notices, but non-Incarnate characters get WST bonuses too. I'm planning to take a couple characters in the 20-30 range through the Sister Psyche/Silver Mantis WSTs.