PAX east matt miller stream
I found this part interesting:
Q: What was the impotence behind stopping the City of Heroes comic? Miller - it was purely financial. We wanted to put that money into the game itself. What I love about it though is that I have writers on the team now that were fans of the comic and want to bring in old details from the comic into the game. Having a comic book artist on staff, we are always working on using his talent and bringing that in. We have something cooking but I can't really talk about it. |

That whole arc of the Phalanx visiting Praetoria is kind of invalid now. That Paraetoria was retconned away.
I was more refering to the second paragraph that I highlighted. Where it sounds like a future issue will have a feature that somehow utilizes Nobel Savage's comics background. At least that's what I got from the hint.

Black outlines to give everything that real "comic book" feel!
Q: What was the impetus behind stopping the City of Heroes comic? Miller - it was purely financial. We wanted to put that money into the game itself. What I love about it though is that I have writers on the team now that were fans of the comic and want to bring in old details from the comic into the game. Having a kickass comic book artist on staff, we are always working on using his talent and bringing that in. We have something cooking but I can't really talk about it. |
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City of looks pretty good without it, and if its one thing I learned after playing Tales of the Abyss and Tales of Symphonia, it's that cell-shading does not always give things an artistic feeling.
Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

Cant read the panel...
Well, maybe Posi is refering about using David drawings as cutscenes for TFs and special arcs. You know, replacing the old ones.
In revamped Posi TF cutscene, getting a close look to old low-res ugly NPC Azuria make me cry blood.
That would rock. The current ones using the NPCs are not bad, but having a comic motion cutscenes with CoH characters drawn by DN... Whoa!
That would kickass!!!
I know another game got that but is an awesome feature, and I would give my left hand to see in game. Lets say for I21?
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At the panel I asked Posi two questions, one about the AE Guest Writers and the other about the novels. They were towards the end and it appears that Lucas did not get them into his feed.
Posi said the AE guest writers were a success and they would like to continue them.
When asked about converting the existing novels into a comic format, he indicated that putting the non-published third novel into comic format would be a much better use of their resources. Now I asked this question after hearing him say that they have David on staff and something is upcoming. However, I have no idea if this is what he was speculating about.
Go Team Venture!
Here is a link that sends you directly to the live feed of the positron live feed on the early panel. Some bits of CoH on there for anybody interested in it.
Edit: Link was from the facebook page so not my fault if its in wrong section ok!
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