25 -
Remember the days when MA was useless because of the 2 second posings and subsequently rediculously long animation times? Sometimes the enemy would be defeated before you had even stopped posing....
You young Martial artists have no idea what we old timers went through -
some spoilers
villain side
the lev 10 ashley origins of powers mission wasnt all that good after talking to the various contacts mutant science and what not ...alot what they said didnt make much sense especailly the gold bricker one since im tech origin ...he ends up mentioning something about a minotaur and a maze? whats that got to do with a origin of a power?
after that the whole midknight stuff followed that route of vague and not much sense ...especially inside after ya join there nothing in there cept the ourobos crystal and random clicky objects that have weird descriptions that dont rarely add to the story
i thought the vanguard stuff was awesome
but the whole midknight stuff seemed subpar...vague..didnt explain anything .. and inside the club is lacking
side note darrin wade arc was ok that actually had decent story that made sense and was fun
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How do you get ashley to give you the arc?
My lvl 11 villain is locked out since she says that he has to be lvl 14.... -
Hmm, some comments:
Blasters: Maybe a tad overpowered, but no aim in the set so it might balance things out. Cool to get a new secondary.
Corruptor: Pretty much expected and put together for theme reasons. Hopes for normal blue lightning though....
Controller: Plant is cool, but for theme reasons poison should have been ported over. Would have made controllers stand out from defenders too. Thermal will offer thematic synergy with fire control though.
Dominator: Earth is too similar to plant imo, but its ok to include it for sake of completenes. Elec assault? Would have preferred shadow assault (dark) myself, but heres to hoping they will throw in two all new sets in the future, magnetic domination and stone assault.
Defender: Ice is a good all perpose set with a little of everything. Ice blast for completenes sake.
Mastermind: Storm is not going to be popular with the melee pet crowd....
Brute: Super reflexes......lol
Stalker: Lightning rod alpha strike from hidden + BU. Who needs a corruptor to nuke anymore.....
Personally I would have liked to see ice/ice for stalkers, as it will not hurt them like it would brutes.....
Tank: Its ok.
Scrapper: Fire/fire tanks allready outdamaged certain blaster builds. Fire/fire with higher dmg cap and criticals is just damn scary..... -
Not a bad concept. They're independent of combat and largely innate and you've kept their proposed values to be moderate, yet valuable rewards. I'd only be concerned that the absolute lack of combat value may make anyone spending 3 slots here to be labled "combat gimp" by some groups. I think THAT would be unfair... I don't doubt that the hero could still function well on some difficulty levels, but the impact of these selections will have to be weighed to insure that players aren't paying too high a price in combat performance for their out-of-combat benefits
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That was a concern of mine as well. My counter-argument to the "power-gimp" idea is that some players would be ingratiating themselves through the clever use of these powers.
Rogues would be invaluable to any pick up group that wants to do a Safeguard/Mayhem mission, and would you say "no" to a Student that has buffed out their "Protective" power? Merchant powers would be moot either way, unless of course a clever Merchant leveraged their powers into constantly green SOs. At which point, who would complain?
As far as Lone Wolf? That power pool is in there for people that don't want to put up with pick up groups.
Speaking from the perspective of someone who is a Mastermind dedicated to their pets, I often finding myself staring at the Power Selection screen thinking "But I don't WANT more fighting skills."
They aren't a great idea for those that are combat oriented. They will, however, promote Alt-itis to the nTh degree.
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Hmm, maybe these could be a set of 'inherents' you get at various levels to expand and diversify your character. Maybe have 5 powers to each backstory and then you get them at lvls 5, 15, 25, 35 and 45 (Or maybe somewhat earlier as they are backstory feats). One could call them 'feats' as to differentiate them from the "real" powers. -
yeah Fire Cages is one of the bad ones... it might always affect performance now, but it really hammers it into the ground on certain maps if it intersects with a wall.
splat goes the effect. splat goes my now single-digit framerate.
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Same goes for storm powers. Especially snow storm... -
If they made a moon zone, there would have to be wailers there:
"We're wailers on the moon
We carry a harpoon
But there aint no wails
So we tell tall tales
And sing a wailing tune"
Also, any chance that Lord Recluse will be building a giant "laser" thus turning the moon into a "Death Star"?
The strongest among us will join this struggle. Following me into battle are Manticore, Positron, Sister Psyche, Synapse, and Back Alley Brawler.
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And once again, Numina gets completely overlooked.
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Have you ever faught Diabolique from the Praetorians?
Phase-shifting like a carnie MI, then super-speeding all over the place.
My guess is thats why Numina wont be there. -
All MMs were told they would receive a slight buff with i7, aimed at PVP but useful in PVE also. Does anyone on test know what this buff is?
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Actually, it's not aimed at PvP -- it's a general change. Useful equally everywhere.
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Better pet AI?
*puts his hopes up* -
Making an absolute statement like "Mayhem Missions are versus Longbow" based on a single screen shot is a stretch, to say the least.
From that screen shot, the most you can realistically say is that "IF that is a shot of a Mayhem Mission, then SOME of them will have Longbow in them."
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QFT - that is just an example of a group that might be in a Mayhem Mish.
Anyway, most of the mayhem missions will be in Oranbega...
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Why are you doing this? WHYYYYYY?
JUST KIDDING! please don't hurt me...
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*blood pressure.......normaling..........breathing......s lowing down.
Dont ever do that again please. I beg you.
I'm on my knees. -
We just received tech that will allow players to pass buffs onto certain powers (such as Blizzard).
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Let me help clarify this. Currently, due to limitation, target based powers, such as Rain of Fire, Blizzard or Rain or Arrows, cannot be buffed. So if you cast Build Up and then cast Blizzard, it would not do any more damage. This change will now allow such powers to be affected by buffs just like any other powers.
This change affects targeted based powers, but not targeted summoned entities or built devices or traps (you cannot pass build up and fortitude to your trip mine or fire imps). This change will, however, fix other powers that may seem unrelated, but were coded in similar ways. This includes powers such as Twilight Grasp and many Kinetic powers (typically, powers that affect one type of target one way, and another target in another way).
If you are confused, thats ok. Lets just say "Rain of Fire, Ice Storm, Blizzard, Burn, Ignite and Rain or Arrows just got a whole lot better".
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How about voltaic sentinel? Sparky could use the love. -
I have a suggestion that could help Ice tanks.
As their defenses are clearly inferior to the other sets, they do have one ability the other do not: Slow attack speed.
To somehow balance ice's mediocre defensive ability, you could boost the attack speed slow of chilling embrace, or allow for slotting. This would help ice tanks by offering them an alternative way of damage migitation. -
I'm beginning to wonder if Lord Recluse is really Reichsman in disguise.....
And in danish:
1. Gå
2. Jag
3. Dræb Skul'er
Now, I admit that my classical Latin is rusty, but here's another translation.
Caede Skuls.
Note that the word "caede" means "you beat the living crap out of".
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Wouldnt it be "caede cranii"? -
the Guide seems good and all but i am having Stamina problems... can you pls make a new guide for that?
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I can try:
1) Go.
3) Kill Skuls
4) Rest
5) Kill more Skuls
6) Rest again
7) Kill even more Skuls
8) Rest yet again
9) Go to 3 and repeat. -
Going. Ticket for the PTA monotram: 20$
Hunting. Assault rifle and ammunition: 500$
Killing Skuls: Priceless! -
The problem with keeping the harder bosses is that TF's and team missions became too hard for all but 'cookie cutter' teams.
I did a team mission against the DE. After our third wipe, a checked my difficulty: Hard boiled. Then I wondered why it felt like 'Insta-annihilate' or 'suicide'.....
I like that the devs actually listen to their players.
Kudos. -
I dont know why people have this idea that elec blasters are so damn good at taking down the new bosses.
If I choose to use SC to try and drain the boss, I will have to get close to the boss and then in 2 full seconds expose myself to his UberBrawlofInstantDeath(tm).
The other choice I have is to drain him using my regular powers. When he is drained using this method, he will be drained of endurance about the same time as his health is below 10%, so in most of the fight, he will be fully capable of fighting.
Also bear in mind that a single miss will give the boss enough time to recover enough endurance to execute UberBrawlofInstantDeath(tm) or a hold, depending on the type of boss.
The blasters that are good at soloing the new bosses are ice (2 holds) and */eng because knockback is king against bosses. -
I'm starting to wonder if this game is even based on comic type superheros in any way besides graphics.
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Its rapidly going in the direction "EQ in spandex". I guess we will have to live with it or leave...... -
I sent a PM to Statesman yesterday with a link to some pictures (no I'm not posting the link) showing the mission text from my contact mentioning nothing about a boss in the mission and, of course, the boss standing in front of the final blinkie that was needed to finish the mission.
I doubt he'll respond but hopefully he'll take a look and realize that he was very, very mistaken about his statement with all the anecdotal evidence that's been presented.
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I suggest that we start doing this from now on with EVERY mission we undertake. Maybe that will convince him hes wrong when he sees 1000+ PM's with photos and mission text -
Yup, I think the devs are doing great too, but I am concerned that they will start taking CoH down the EQ drain: Casual players get shafted and only those in uber guilds get catered to. And a second EQ problem: the fights took over a minute in EQ. I fear that by increasing mob HP, CoH will go in that direction too. The player will loose the 'Super' in Super Hero, and they will just be another Zerg in the swarm.
When determining the size off the ideal super group, they should look to the comics (who they claim are their inspiration). The largest super group (the Avengers) is below 20 members (to my knowledge). Super groups are NOT EQ size guilds. Its the fantastic 4, not the fantastic 400!!!! -
Coralax, breaking up the word...
n : (Greek mythology) daughter of Zeus and Demeter; made queen of the underworld by Pluto in ancient mythology; identified with Roman Proserpina.
The Arabian gazelle (Gazella Arabica), found from persia to North Africa.
Lacking in rigor, strictness, or firmness. See Synonyms at negligent.
Not taut, firm, or compact; slack. See Synonyms at loose.
Loose and not easily retained or controlled. Used of bowel movements.
I think this will be our winged architype. Possibly an ethereal angellic type.
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Or a stretcher/shapeshifter... -
I COMPLETELY agree that the trolls and outcasts should keep the powers they have now. (But earth powers for trolls?)
What should be done is tone down their damage a little and maybe less secondary effects. (Being stunned by outcast minions just seams wrong). Keep secondary effects to lt's and bosses please.
Make the mobs like they are supposed to be: Minions=cannon fodder, but can swamp a hero.
LT's: almost on par with a hero. An advanced minion that takes longer to defeat.
Bosses: on par with a hero, and can stand toe to toe with one. -
I'm more worried about Lead Scorchers or Shockers who also cast Heal on their minions.... What the heck kind of power set is THAT? That's utterly unfair, since not one of us can create a character who can zapp AND heal.
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their heal is O2 boost which is from the storm pool. Then they have elec blast as well (which features tesla cage as it is).
Shockers are actually defender AT Storm/elec. -
The problem is that they introduced the new super powered outcasts (whom I like a LOT) and trolls (whom I also like a LOT) at a lvl where heros dont have a chance at fighting them. Try fighting the new outcast bosses, or just LT's at lvl 6!
I'm fighting them at the middle teens and love the challenge. It also adds flavor to the groups background stories. Before, they were just hellions and skulls +1. That was boring.
IMO, Hollows should be changed to be the same lvl requirement as Boomtown.