Live Feedback: Issue 12: The Midnight Squad




The Midnight Squad

The clandestine organization of mystics, scholars and mages, known only as the Midnight Squad, seeks to rebuild its numbers since the devastating assault of the Rikti Invasion. The Midnighters hold a secret that could bring the alien assault to an end, but without the help of the Heroes of Paragon City™ it will remain Lost forever.

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Check out some behind the scenes insight to the 'Midnighters' with Joe "Hero 1" Morrissey in I12: The Midnight Hour and Me, by Senior Designer Joe Morrissey

We'd love to hear your feedback of the Midnight Squad and your experience in game.



Something We've noticed, hubby was playing his MM and he noticed that the buff/debuff icons on his Mastermind Minions were stacking, despite the effects *not* stacking. He found this bug made it very hard for him to tell if/when his minions were fully buffed/shielded or not during the heat of battle.

Other than that it's an awesome issue and I hope this bug gets fixed soon

Member of the [url=""]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all



Something We've noticed, hubby was playing his MM and he noticed that the buff/debuff icons on his Mastermind Minions were stacking, despite the effects *not* stacking. He found this bug made it very hard for him to tell if/when his minions were fully buffed/shielded or not during the heat of battle.

Other than that it's an awesome issue and I hope this bug gets fixed soon

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From the Known Issue page:

There are some display issues with buff stacking and duplicate buff icons showing up on players and pets.

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Here's something I experienced while doing Montague's arc...specifically, Curing the Lost. I was teamed with three others, all calling in our mish completes as we went, except I forget to call in after people craft their wands. I crafted my wand, but before I could call for the Cure the Lost mish, the others had already started curing Lost in Perez, so I went to join them. I had my wand in my tray, and used it once before the team had cured 20 people. I received the badge, and then used my wand one more time before it disappeared from my tray. I called Montague to get the Cure mish for myself, but having no more salvage to craft another wand, I had to skip the mish. I am able to get into the Club, like I'm supposed to.

Now, the end result didn't affect me in anyway, except I had to burn a Mission Skip. Is it intended for the wands for the whole team to disappear in this manner? It says you get 20 shots, and if team curing counts, than everyone had shots left in their wands. This might be an issue if someone used their Mission Skip recently, and has to wait 3 days to complete the last mission in the arc keeping them from getting in the Club. Again...not gamebreaking, but it can be an annoyance, and if it could be dummy-proofed (I take full responsibility for not keeping up with my contact calls. Was doing that all day today) a little further, it couldn't hurt.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



The temp power goes poof after 35(?) shots, 15 minutes or you call in mission completion to Montie.



Alright, here's my feedback.

The content balance for this issue sucks.

Villains get less than half the number of Midnighter missions that heroes get, and the Origin of Power story arc is completely absent. Villains can only get the Midnighters missions at 30 while the heroes get them at 10.

The content imbalance was already marked before this, what genius decided to make things this way? Those of us who play villains exclusively are totally screwed over. Thanks tons.

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."

"Nothing is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man."

- Thomas Jefferson



Alright, here's my feedback.

The content balance for this issue sucks.

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I agree!


Villains get less than half the number of Midnighter missions that heroes get, and the Origin of Power story arc is completely absent. Villains can only get the Midnighters missions at 30 while the heroes get them at 10.

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THis definitely sucks!!! Uh, you do know that Cimerora is 35+, so getting it at 10 doesnt do much ...


The content imbalance was already marked before this, what genius decided to make things this way? Those of us who play villains exclusively are totally screwed over. Thanks tons.

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I agree!!! I mean, coh story arcs are soooooooooooooo boring and dull. The newer ones are fine, but villains have MUCH MORE INTERESTING ARCS!!!!
Coh arcs? copy/paste/change villain group name ...

And why does the midnight arc have MORE missions blue side? I have 3 villains, and 8 heroes. Seriously, do I want to waste THAT much more time on my heroes to do the same arc over and over, when the villains have it short and sweet?

Why are you punishing heroes with longer arcs REQUIRED to get into Cimerora!!! I can get 3 villains in, the time it takes 2 heroes!

Meh, lolheroes.

50 Tanks: Invul/ss, Fire/ice/fire, Ice/em, Stone/fire
WP/Stone, dark/dark, shld/mace

50 Other: WS, SS/dark/sc brute, BS/Regen/WM scrpr, fire/fire/force blaster, rad/kin corr, mind/rad ctrl, ill/storm cntrl



Blue-side Midnighter intro arc is show-stoppingly bugged. Thankfully it was /bug reported at least fifty times last night from my little group of people on individual characters.

Over all, BIG kudo's to the Dev's and staff. I12 FTW!

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Alright, here's my feedback.

The content balance for this issue sucks.

Villains get less than half the number of Midnighter missions that heroes get, and the Origin of Power story arc is completely absent. Villains can only get the Midnighters missions at 30 while the heroes get them at 10.

The content imbalance was already marked before this, what genius decided to make things this way? Those of us who play villains exclusively are totally screwed over. Thanks tons.

[/ QUOTE ]

Villans do have the Origin of power arc available. I ran it on a couple of people on test.
Ashley McKnight offers it as well as the intro arc. On test I ran it at level 10-20. Not sure if that was changed later.

Darrin Wade (20-30) has a new and very villanous feeling arc tied to the midnighter club content.

So redside gets two shorter arcs over the longer heroside one, plus the mini-arc for the origin.

Please get you facts right before ranting.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Here's something I experienced while doing Montague's arc...specifically, Curing the Lost. I was teamed with three others, all calling in our mish completes as we went, except I forget to call in after people craft their wands. I crafted my wand, but before I could call for the Cure the Lost mish, the others had already started curing Lost in Perez, so I went to join them. I had my wand in my tray, and used it once before the team had cured 20 people. I received the badge, and then used my wand one more time before it disappeared from my tray. I called Montague to get the Cure mish for myself, but having no more salvage to craft another wand, I had to skip the mish. I am able to get into the Club, like I'm supposed to.

Now, the end result didn't affect me in anyway, except I had to burn a Mission Skip. Is it intended for the wands for the whole team to disappear in this manner? It says you get 20 shots, and if team curing counts, than everyone had shots left in their wands. This might be an issue if someone used their Mission Skip recently, and has to wait 3 days to complete the last mission in the arc keeping them from getting in the Club. Again...not gamebreaking, but it can be an annoyance, and if it could be dummy-proofed (I take full responsibility for not keeping up with my contact calls. Was doing that all day today) a little further, it couldn't hurt.

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I came accross (and bugged that) on test. The work around I used on my team last night, was to make sure everyone stayed still, until we had all got the wand, then all called and got the hunt.

Side effect is theres a lowbie in our SG who has both badges before level 10.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



BUG found:

When running Lost and Found on a 6 person team, everyone on the team got a mission complete credit for each hunt.

This meant by doing the hunt 20 synchronised we each got 6 mission bonuses. It may be an unavoidable side effect of having a badge tied to the hunt.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Well having waited forever for the VEATs, with what limited time I had to play last night, I did not do anything in game other than create my Widow. I have never been so disappointed in this game as I was last night. I feel like the only thing villains were given with their Epic was a new costume that we cannot customize and a power set that we didn't have before, otherwise it was like creating a new toon that I've not played before. No inherent travel powers or tp like the heroes got. I have heard so many people say that villains get shafted and refused to accept that thinking that no matter what the Devs do someone is going to complain, but now I hate to admit I'm feeling the same way with our Epics. I only got to lvl 8 last night and when I saw we didn't have an inherent travel power I thought well maybe when we got to lvl 6 and could access pool powers that they would be different and a full travel power would be available then. I could have lived with that...not what they gave the heroes, but it doesn't take long to get to lvl 6. In light of last night's experience, I have to say heroes do get the preferential treatment.

Please don't look at the number of posts I've made and think me a n00b, I have 5 accounts, 4 for over 2 years and 1 over 1 year. I know its just a game, but I'm sorely disappointed.



Alright, here's my feedback.

The content balance for this issue sucks.

Villains get less than half the number of Midnighter missions that heroes get, and the Origin of Power story arc is completely absent. Villains can only get the Midnighters missions at 30 while the heroes get them at 10.

The content imbalance was already marked before this, what genius decided to make things this way? Those of us who play villains exclusively are totally screwed over. Thanks tons.

[/ QUOTE ]

Villans do have the Origin of power arc available. I ran it on a couple of people on test.
Ashley McKnight offers it as well as the intro arc. On test I ran it at level 10-20. Not sure if that was changed later.

Darrin Wade (20-30) has a new and very villanous feeling arc tied to the midnighter club content.

So redside gets two shorter arcs over the longer heroside one, plus the mini-arc for the origin.

Please get you facts right before ranting.

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I just want to add that not only do villains get Darrin Wade's arc from 20-30, but it's, IMO, the best arc in I12 on both sides. In fact I'd say it's one of the best arcs in the game.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-




I just want to add that not only do villains get Darrin Wade's arc from 20-30, but it's, IMO, the best arc in I12 on both sides. In fact I'd say it's one of the best arcs in the game.

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Yes, Darrin Wade's arc is very cool, and has a pretty interesting twist at the end if you read the conclusion text.



I just want to add that not only do villains get Darrin Wade's arc from 20-30, but it's, IMO, the best arc in I12 on both sides. In fact I'd say it's one of the best arcs in the game.

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Yes, I totally agree! I did this arc several times on test. Now that it's live I've copied some of my characters onto test so I can do the last two missions over and over. I love it!

This arc definately goes on my list of arcs to do on every single villain I play. I have a bunch of level 2 villains I created as concept alts that I'm now going to level to 20 just to do that arc.

Hmm... think I'll get tired of doing that over and over? Nah!



Well, I for one enjoyed the Midnight Squad arc. To enter the first mish expecting to see one thing and seeing something totally different was enough to catch my team's attention and leave us going "Um.... why?" So that was cool.

And the Cure the Lost was just FUN. Yeah, not something I'd want to do for ages, but it is just fun to do It was totally unexpected (I didn't read up on that for test).

Oh, and hands down, every one of us on the team WANT that wand and emote for a cool power

The only problem we encountered was with the mission where you have to get Lady Jane to the chest. If you fail and call it in, it advances the arc -- but doesn't give the salvage piece needed to craft the wand. Is there another piece we're missing for being able to try again?

My 50s:
Tigra Swipe (BS/SR/Dark Scrapper)
Galena Storm (Emp/Ele/Ele Defender)
Master Tolarin (Psi/Fire/Force Blaster)



Alright, here's my feedback.

The content balance for this issue sucks.

Villains get less than half the number of Midnighter missions that heroes get, and the Origin of Power story arc is completely absent. Villains can only get the Midnighters missions at 30 while the heroes get them at 10.

The content imbalance was already marked before this, what genius decided to make things this way? Those of us who play villains exclusively are totally screwed over. Thanks tons.

[/ QUOTE ]

Villans do have the Origin of power arc available. I ran it on a couple of people on test.
Ashley McKnight offers it as well as the intro arc. On test I ran it at level 10-20. Not sure if that was changed later.

Darrin Wade (20-30) has a new and very villanous feeling arc tied to the midnighter club content.

So redside gets two shorter arcs over the longer heroside one, plus the mini-arc for the origin.

Please get you facts right before ranting.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then Darrin Wade's arc ought to be available from 20-50. My characters past 30 are still screwed out of his arc.

That means it's still a content imbalance.

And if Ashley McKnight is supposed to give out a second arc, why isn't she? Is that another one that screws level 50s over? If you're going to have arcs that go from 10 to 50 blueside, why are they not 10 to 50 redside as well, or at the very least available from their starting level all the way until 50? It's ridiculous.

Make the redside Midnighter stuff open all the way to 50, dammit. It's not like there's an overabundance of post-50 content in the game anyway, especially redside, and we already have more than enough content for the low level brackets in the Isles. And most of the high level brackets, too, except for about 40-45. The Ouroboros portal is not an acceptable alternative.

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."

"Nothing is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man."

- Thomas Jefferson



Why not Flashback to it?

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



I just said that Ouroboros wasn't an acceptable alternative. Flashback sucks for a couple reasons. Forced Exemplar is one; what's the point of being level 50 if you can't use all the cool stuff being level 50 gives you to explore new content? Lack of rewards is another. You're not going to get purple IOs, for example, when exemplared, since they're only level 50+ recipes. Additionally some enemy factions are markedly better to fight at higher levels than lower ones, Lost/Rikti being a prime example.

The main problem with villains being forced to use Flashback to experience the new stuff is that heroes don't have to.

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."

"Nothing is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man."

- Thomas Jefferson



Personally, I really don't like this issue. =P You say its lvl 10-20, Yet the main attraction (rome) is lvl 35-50......I worked on these missions all day for nothing really.....really disappointing. XPPP



I find the lack of a map to the Midnight Squads club to be annoying. Please give some indication as to which zone you are about to enter when leaving.

I'm not sure why the zone hasn't been given a map, I see no benefit in its lack. Since part of the task is exploration it would be nice to be able to slowly uncover the map.

All in all, a pretty small complaint

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



I find the lack of a map to the Midnight Squads club to be annoying. Please give some indication as to which zone you are about to enter when leaving.

[/ QUOTE ]

The Club isn't really big enough to need a map, but exit doors with some kind of sign on them, ala Pocket D, would be nice. I spent 5 min guessing which door went where.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Here's something I experienced while doing Montague's arc...specifically, Curing the Lost. I was teamed with three others, all calling in our mish completes as we went, except I forget to call in after people craft their wands. I crafted my wand, but before I could call for the Cure the Lost mish, the others had already started curing Lost in Perez, so I went to join them. I had my wand in my tray, and used it once before the team had cured 20 people. I received the badge, and then used my wand one more time before it disappeared from my tray. I called Montague to get the Cure mish for myself, but having no more salvage to craft another wand, I had to skip the mish. I am able to get into the Club, like I'm supposed to.

Now, the end result didn't affect me in anyway, except I had to burn a Mission Skip. Is it intended for the wands for the whole team to disappear in this manner? It says you get 20 shots, and if team curing counts, than everyone had shots left in their wands. This might be an issue if someone used their Mission Skip recently, and has to wait 3 days to complete the last mission in the arc keeping them from getting in the Club. Again...not gamebreaking, but it can be an annoyance, and if it could be dummy-proofed (I take full responsibility for not keeping up with my contact calls. Was doing that all day today) a little further, it couldn't hurt.

[/ QUOTE ]

I experienced another version of this same problem with a different hero, and had slightly different issues, but still an annoying bug. I (lvl 35) was teamed with just one person (lvl 50), and we were doing the 50's mishes so I could get xp. I was calling my contact after every mish, like a good boy this time. We got to where we had to go to Atlas to talk to the two people and get the last two parts of the cure salvage. My partner isn't in the same SG, nor coalitioned with mine, so I didn't bother setting the mish, knowing it was just a talk-to mish, and then crafting the wand. I finished with Azuria, but waited till my partner did the same. Partner's wand was crafted first, which gave me a wand to use as well, like the first bugged time. But now, here comes the difference. When I talk to Montague, he still says I have all 5 pieces of salvage, but when I go to craft the wand myself, now I only have three pieces. I was missing the Hero 1 blood and the CoT incantation. So I couldn't craft the wand and complete my own mish. I had to use a Skip Mission. Went on to cure the lost, but this time I kept my partner from calling in their mish after getting their 20 until I could get mine. My wand lasted until my 20 were cured, which meant I got about 30 shots off, counting some for my partner's mish.

The process of getting the salvage, crafting the wand, and then using it is a nice, unique feature, but man is it wonky. Still got my badges, but now that's twice out of three times I've run the arc so far that I had to burn a Skip Mish.

One aside: I was SK'd during the arc, and when I tried skipping the mish, I got a message saying I had to either quit my team or unsidekick to be able to use the feature (think it said because it was a badge mish) Has this always been this way?

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



some spoilers
villain side
the lev 10 ashley origins of powers mission wasnt all that good after talking to the various contacts mutant science and what not ...alot what they said didnt make much sense especailly the gold bricker one since im tech origin ...he ends up mentioning something about a minotaur and a maze? whats that got to do with a origin of a power?

after that the whole midknight stuff followed that route of vague and not much sense ...especially inside after ya join there nothing in there cept the ourobos crystal and random clicky objects that have weird descriptions that dont rarely add to the story

i thought the vanguard stuff was awesome

but the whole midknight stuff seemed subpar...vague..didnt explain anything .. and inside the club is lacking

side note darrin wade arc was ok that actually had decent story that made sense and was fun