Live Feedback: Issue 12: The Midnight Squad




Here's something I experienced while doing Montague's arc...specifically, Curing the Lost. I was teamed with three others, all calling in our mish completes as we went, except I forget to call in after people craft their wands. I crafted my wand, but before I could call for the Cure the Lost mish, the others had already started curing Lost in Perez, so I went to join them. I had my wand in my tray, and used it once before the team had cured 20 people. I received the badge, and then used my wand one more time before it disappeared from my tray. I called Montague to get the Cure mish for myself, but having no more salvage to craft another wand, I had to skip the mish. I am able to get into the Club, like I'm supposed to.

Now, the end result didn't affect me in anyway, except I had to burn a Mission Skip. Is it intended for the wands for the whole team to disappear in this manner? It says you get 20 shots, and if team curing counts, than everyone had shots left in their wands. This might be an issue if someone used their Mission Skip recently, and has to wait 3 days to complete the last mission in the arc keeping them from getting in the Club. Again...not gamebreaking, but it can be an annoyance, and if it could be dummy-proofed (I take full responsibility for not keeping up with my contact calls. Was doing that all day today) a little further, it couldn't hurt.

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I experienced another version of this same problem with a different hero, and had slightly different issues, but still an annoying bug. I (lvl 35) was teamed with just one person (lvl 50), and we were doing the 50's mishes so I could get xp. I was calling my contact after every mish, like a good boy this time. We got to where we had to go to Atlas to talk to the two people and get the last two parts of the cure salvage. My partner isn't in the same SG, nor coalitioned with mine, so I didn't bother setting the mish, knowing it was just a talk-to mish, and then crafting the wand. I finished with Azuria, but waited till my partner did the same. Partner's wand was crafted first, which gave me a wand to use as well, like the first bugged time. But now, here comes the difference. When I talk to Montague, he still says I have all 5 pieces of salvage, but when I go to craft the wand myself, now I only have three pieces. I was missing the Hero 1 blood and the CoT incantation. So I couldn't craft the wand and complete my own mish. I had to use a Skip Mission. Went on to cure the lost, but this time I kept my partner from calling in their mish after getting their 20 until I could get mine. My wand lasted until my 20 were cured, which meant I got about 30 shots off, counting some for my partner's mish.

The process of getting the salvage, crafting the wand, and then using it is a nice, unique feature, but man is it wonky. Still got my badges, but now that's twice out of three times I've run the arc so far that I had to burn a Skip Mish.

One aside: I was SK'd during the arc, and when I tried skipping the mish, I got a message saying I had to either quit my team or unsidekick to be able to use the feature (think it said because it was a badge mish) Has this always been this way?

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same problem. on a team of 8, 2 of us were sk'd, and 2 of us did NOT get all the salvage to complete the mission.

It sucks.

50 Tanks: Invul/ss, Fire/ice/fire, Ice/em, Stone/fire
WP/Stone, dark/dark, shld/mace

50 Other: WS, SS/dark/sc brute, BS/Regen/WM scrpr, fire/fire/force blaster, rad/kin corr, mind/rad ctrl, ill/storm cntrl



some spoilers
villain side
the lev 10 ashley origins of powers mission wasnt all that good after talking to the various contacts mutant science and what not ...alot what they said didnt make much sense especailly the gold bricker one since im tech origin ...he ends up mentioning something about a minotaur and a maze? whats that got to do with a origin of a power?

after that the whole midknight stuff followed that route of vague and not much sense ...especially inside after ya join there nothing in there cept the ourobos crystal and random clicky objects that have weird descriptions that dont rarely add to the story

i thought the vanguard stuff was awesome

but the whole midknight stuff seemed subpar...vague..didnt explain anything .. and inside the club is lacking

side note darrin wade arc was ok that actually had decent story that made sense and was fun

[/ QUOTE ]

How do you get ashley to give you the arc?

My lvl 11 villain is locked out since she says that he has to be lvl 14....

Torden - Lvl 50 Electric blast / Electric manipulation / Electric mastery Blaster - Triumph
General Thrax - Lvl 50 Mercenaries / Poison / Mace mastery Mastermind - Freedom



What I've played so far is AWESOME, with a few exceptions.

The mission map content seems a little sparse. I got the exact same map twice in a row in Montague's arc. Even though the new artwork (Cimerora especially) is awesome, having the same stuff twice in a row was what you might call too much of a good thing.

The Midnighters' Club definitely needs door labels blueside. Sure I can remember which door goes where NOW, but what happens when I roll an alt, and don't get in for another month?

I have a magic-origin hero, but I looked at Paragon Wiki to find out what the other things said were in the Origins of Power arc. If what they have is correct, I REALLY hope that idea gets elaborated. Sister Psyche needs to explain psionics more. Tech says basically nothing. And I thought that Manti got a teleportation power, as seen in the comic AND CoV trailer? Not to mention, they make certain assumptions about you and what you know about types powers (Posi and Synapse especially: "not that you'd understand any of that of course"). And why does Synapse have to be such a downer to non science heroes?

And a question: will the club connect to their library, which we see in Madeleine Casey's arc? Or is the club the entirety of the Squad's "base"?



And why does Synapse have to be such a downer to non science heroes?

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Synapse is that way because he hates what he is. He never wanted to be anything but normal. And really, most Science-based powers are the result of either an accident, or manipulation. People were normal, and now their not, and can never go back. Wouldn't you be bitter if you were experimented on against your will? The other origins were either born with powers, born with none at all and still have none but just work extra hard, or a conscious choice was made to augment what was already there, but weak, or uncontrolled. Science rarely gets a choice.

If you haven't read it, go find the CoH book Freedom Phalanx (the second of the two books). It gives a pretty good view on Synapse (and Posi and Sister Psyche).

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



One thing about the Midnight Club, hero-side... if you enter from Steel Canyon, when you go back out the same door, you wind up in Croatoa. For a lvl 10, that's pretty... suicidal

I haven't found a way to get back to Steel from the club other than using my pocket d teleporter, or dying and going to the base and using a teleporter in the base.

Lvl 50 fire/rad troller Wantonya - Infinity
Too many other alts and servers to bother counting



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How do you get ashley to give you the arc?

My lvl 11 villain is locked out since she says that he has to be lvl 14....

[/ QUOTE ]

oops i used oro flashbacks on my lev 50 wasnt to sure of the exact lev around 10 -14 heh



One thing about the Midnight Club, hero-side... if you enter from Steel Canyon, when you go back out the same door, you wind up in Croatoa. For a lvl 10, that's pretty... suicidal

I haven't found a way to get back to Steel from the club other than using my pocket d teleporter, or dying and going to the base and using a teleporter in the base.

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The entrance with the NPC at the desk is the one that goes to Steel (the guy you talked to to finish off Montagues arc.)

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



When in the Midnight Club Cave going into the Hero Exit chamber the exit to the Left is Steel, Straight is Croatoa, and Right is Founders.

Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)



Thanks, I'll check it out.

Lvl 50 fire/rad troller Wantonya - Infinity
Too many other alts and servers to bother counting



And I thought that Manti got a teleportation power, as seen in the comic AND CoV trailer?

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Not a power as such, he taps into the same teleport network the hospitals use. Knowing him, he probably does this without the City Teleportation Network Authority's permission, and wouldn't mention this to just anybody, as it would lessen his tactical element of surprise.



Some suggestions about Montague's Story Arc.

Only the mission holder needs to get the mission from Montague. I was on a team with friends at level 29 and I was level 14 and sidekicked.

Only one person needs to craft the Lost Cure Wand. All team members get the Lost Cure Wand when it is crafted. Have all team members in zone at Latin Student when mission holder talks to Latin Student and gives password. All team members will gain access to The Midnight Club.



Okay, I know I'm gonna get flamed over this, but hey...I can't sit silently. I just spent the last hour inside the Midnighter Club slowly coming to the realization that I'm spending $14.99/month to get pissed off. So, rather than just sit and stew in my own juices, I'm going to go on a rant here on the forums! (In other words, feel free to skip this post and go read something else. I personally feel that these are serious issues, but I imagine most will disagree.)

#1: Multiple doors leading to the same place
Okay, so the Club is one of those "extradimensional spaces", like Pocket D. No problem, I can accept that; it's "bigger on the inside". Fine. Then you head back into the labyrinth area, and there are multiple doors. All of them, for no reason I can discern, head back into the library. There's no indication on any of the doors about where they lead. Hell, for all I knew, the big ominous-looking door at the back of the library led directly into Cimerora.

#2: Easy access to other zones--psych!
As per the "instructions" given to me by the NPC standing just inside the Club as I entered, you can access other zones through the Midnighter Club. How one is supposed to accomplish that feat remains a mystery to me. Actually, that's not quite true: I managed to enter in Steel Canyon and leave into Croatoa. I didn't mean to. Didn't want to be in Croatoa. No effing idea why that door took me there. No rhyme, no reason, and no directional signs. At least in Pocket D, if you can't learn what the different signs are at the ends of the halls, there are "bouncers" there to tell you where you're headed. Here, notsomuch.

#3: Ouroborous crystal--why?
I know, from metagame info, that the crystal /probably/ is the entrance to Cimerora. I don't know that for sure. The Aspect of the Pillar of Ice and Flame (too damn long--OB Crystal will do fine for our purposes here) in the Midnighter's Club looks just like the ones in does it do the same thing? It looks similar to the one you can place in your SG base--which serves for access to Flashback missions. So is this the same? Who knows? Again, no indication, no direction, nothing of value or use.

#4: Speaking of Cimerora...why?
As per the subtitle. Assuming one heads to Cimerora, there seems to be lacking a reason as to why, precisely, we'd be going there. There's no one in the Midnighter's Club that directs you. Nobody says, hey, we could really use your help with this time-travel thing we've gotten ourselves into. A serious lack of not only motivation, but INFORMATION. Gorramit, TELL THE PLAYERS SOMETHING.

#5: Scavenger hunt, aka "Pixel Hunter" game
Okay...we'll start with the clues. The first few were quite good. I had a real sense of accomplishment when I'd figured out each one, not unlike back when I played "Myst". Then things got unravelled about when the clue said something about the smell of salty air, and shipping. They want me to go to Independence Port?!? No...supposedly, it's referring me to another book on another table. (This is according to the friend I was teamed with; I myself remain absolutely effing clueless.) The connection there is...what, precisely? After that, the clues continued to devolve, and I wound up just running from room to room, slowly passing my mouse over each tiny little effing item, essentially playing "Pixel Hunter" like it's 1988 all over again. I think I found maybe 8 items. I gave up. The comparison to Myst evaporated almost instantly; the puzzles in /that/ game were at least logical.

#6: We need your help...but we're certainly not advertising!
The only way I even KNEW about the Midnight Squad was from reading stuff on the website. I read the GMOTD, and that made reference to it. Where was I supposed to go to get the mission? I overheard someone else say the Universities. Huh, okay...where in the University? That should've been my first clue (see above, RE: "Pixel Hunter"). This Montague character is perfectly content to talk to you and offer you missions, but you've got to find him. No "go see so-and-so" from your contacts. Nothing pops up onscreen like with the Xmas & Valentine's Events. In short, either the players will find it...or they won't. And the overall feeling I'm left with is that the devs basically don't give a f*** whether anyone does any of it.

And really, that last sentence wraps up my experience with the Midnight Squad. I'll reiterate it here: The devs don't seem to give a flying f*** about whether anyone finds and/or experiences the Midnight Squad content. If they did, there would be signposts. Markers. Indicators of...well, ANYTHING. I'm just a month or 2 away from my 4-year veteran's badge. That's 46-47 months of continuous play in City of Heroes. What about those people newer to the game? What about the ones who don't know about this stuff? Are they just screwed? I'm assuming they must be, because if I hadn't been actively searching for this new content, I'd never have found it. And again, the overall feeling I'm left with is that nobody in charge gives a good god's damn.



Okay, I know I'm gonna get flamed over this, but hey...I can't sit silently. I just spent the last hour inside the Midnighter Club slowly coming to the realization that I'm spending $14.99/month to get pissed off. So, rather than just sit and stew in my own juices, I'm going to go on a rant here on the forums! (In other words, feel free to skip this post and go read something else. I personally feel that these are serious issues, but I imagine most will disagree.)

#1: Multiple doors leading to the same place
Okay, so the Club is one of those "extradimensional spaces", like Pocket D. No problem, I can accept that; it's "bigger on the inside". Fine. Then you head back into the labyrinth area, and there are multiple doors. All of them, for no reason I can discern, head back into the library. There's no indication on any of the doors about where they lead. Hell, for all I knew, the big ominous-looking door at the back of the library led directly into Cimerora.

#2: Easy access to other zones--psych!
As per the "instructions" given to me by the NPC standing just inside the Club as I entered, you can access other zones through the Midnighter Club. How one is supposed to accomplish that feat remains a mystery to me. Actually, that's not quite true: I managed to enter in Steel Canyon and leave into Croatoa. I didn't mean to. Didn't want to be in Croatoa. No effing idea why that door took me there. No rhyme, no reason, and no directional signs. At least in Pocket D, if you can't learn what the different signs are at the ends of the halls, there are "bouncers" there to tell you where you're headed. Here, notsomuch.

#3: Ouroborous crystal--why?
I know, from metagame info, that the crystal /probably/ is the entrance to Cimerora. I don't know that for sure. The Aspect of the Pillar of Ice and Flame (too damn long--OB Crystal will do fine for our purposes here) in the Midnighter's Club looks just like the ones in does it do the same thing? It looks similar to the one you can place in your SG base--which serves for access to Flashback missions. So is this the same? Who knows? Again, no indication, no direction, nothing of value or use.

#4: Speaking of Cimerora...why?
As per the subtitle. Assuming one heads to Cimerora, there seems to be lacking a reason as to why, precisely, we'd be going there. There's no one in the Midnighter's Club that directs you. Nobody says, hey, we could really use your help with this time-travel thing we've gotten ourselves into. A serious lack of not only motivation, but INFORMATION. Gorramit, TELL THE PLAYERS SOMETHING.

#5: Scavenger hunt, aka "Pixel Hunter" game
Okay...we'll start with the clues. The first few were quite good. I had a real sense of accomplishment when I'd figured out each one, not unlike back when I played "Myst". Then things got unravelled about when the clue said something about the smell of salty air, and shipping. They want me to go to Independence Port?!? No...supposedly, it's referring me to another book on another table. (This is according to the friend I was teamed with; I myself remain absolutely effing clueless.) The connection there is...what, precisely? After that, the clues continued to devolve, and I wound up just running from room to room, slowly passing my mouse over each tiny little effing item, essentially playing "Pixel Hunter" like it's 1988 all over again. I think I found maybe 8 items. I gave up. The comparison to Myst evaporated almost instantly; the puzzles in /that/ game were at least logical.

#6: We need your help...but we're certainly not advertising!
The only way I even KNEW about the Midnight Squad was from reading stuff on the website. I read the GMOTD, and that made reference to it. Where was I supposed to go to get the mission? I overheard someone else say the Universities. Huh, okay...where in the University? That should've been my first clue (see above, RE: "Pixel Hunter"). This Montague character is perfectly content to talk to you and offer you missions, but you've got to find him. No "go see so-and-so" from your contacts. Nothing pops up onscreen like with the Xmas & Valentine's Events. In short, either the players will find it...or they won't. And the overall feeling I'm left with is that the devs basically don't give a f*** whether anyone does any of it.

And really, that last sentence wraps up my experience with the Midnight Squad. I'll reiterate it here: The devs don't seem to give a flying f*** about whether anyone finds and/or experiences the Midnight Squad content. If they did, there would be signposts. Markers. Indicators of...well, ANYTHING. I'm just a month or 2 away from my 4-year veteran's badge. That's 46-47 months of continuous play in City of Heroes. What about those people newer to the game? What about the ones who don't know about this stuff? Are they just screwed? I'm assuming they must be, because if I hadn't been actively searching for this new content, I'd never have found it. And again, the overall feeling I'm left with is that nobody in charge gives a good god's damn.

[/ QUOTE ]

What you've written is literally every gripe I have with it, as well.



I never felt the need to use the forums before but after Issue 12 I felt I needed to express my overall disappointment with the new content. I, and all of my friends I've talked with on this, have to agree that for as much talk as was made before the release on bringing the Midnight Squad back, it takes almost no time to burn through what little is offered. The two arcs heroside aren't bad really (though Montague's is a bit contradictory if you've done RWZ or some of the missions contacts give to help the Lost) but it seems like you just get into them and then they're over with nothing else to offer. I am of the mind that I would rather they have held off on releasing The Midnight Squad (and Cimerora) another month to add more content to it. Burning through the content as quickly as I did is rather disappointing.

Also, this might erk villians, but for rp purposes doesn't it seem a bit too "convienent" that The Midnight Squad would be as eager to bring on villians to their fold as they would heroes?



#1: Multiple doors leading to the same place
Okay, so the Club is one of those "extradimensional spaces", like Pocket D. No problem, I can accept that; it's "bigger on the inside". Fine. Then you head back into the labyrinth area, and there are multiple doors. All of them, for no reason I can discern, head back into the library. There's no indication on any of the doors about where they lead. Hell, for all I knew, the big ominous-looking door at the back of the library led directly into Cimerora.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wondered about this too, posted about it, and got replies telling me that the door on the left takes you to Steel, the door in the center takes you to Croatoa, and the door on the right takes you Founders (I think, forgot to test that, but the other two are correct).

#4: Speaking of Cimerora...why?
As per the subtitle. Assuming one heads to Cimerora, there seems to be lacking a reason as to why, precisely, we'd be going there. There's no one in the Midnighter's Club that directs you. Nobody says, hey, we could really use your help with this time-travel thing we've gotten ourselves into. A serious lack of not only motivation, but INFORMATION. Gorramit, TELL THE PLAYERS SOMETHING.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wondered about this too, but one of the magic-oriented arcs I did recently about soul crystal and spirit thorns had text about ancient Rome and time travel... never really sent me to the Midnighters or Cimerora, but hinted at the idea of going to ancient Rome.

I'm not *too* worked up about it, but I do think it's a bit confusing. I'm sure they'll work it out in future releases.

Lvl 50 fire/rad troller Wantonya - Infinity
Too many other alts and servers to bother counting



I also have to say i12 was a bit of a bust. I'm a bit new to the game (I guess what you would call a 'noob'? - I have no problems being new and could care less if people call me that. I don't consider it an insult at all) - anyway, this issue doesn't seem to offer much to actual play. You get more missions and more content and that's great. VEATS are ok but the lack of costume options sucks big time.

This is my first MMO and I wonder why they don't add small things to the game that might make it more enjoyable. The story and lore is great and if I wanted to focus on that I would read a book. Running missions in the same few environments is annoying. Why not add things where you can customize your toon a bit more with weapons? Have an arms dealer and make no weapon inflict more than moderate damage. Make these items a bit pricey and allow us to customize the toon a bit more. Allow these to be permanent OR temp (different pricing). Sometimes my Brute could really use a rifle! It won't change the dynamic too much because it won't inflict too much damage (anyone saying they shouldn't get ranged weapons should look at patron powers and other temp powers).

How about some new mission environments/background?

Why not allow us to travel vehicles. The lower levels may like this and some higher ones might too. I have to say, EVERY toon needs some form of travel power or it's a slow game. Vehicles may reduce travel power needs and allow us to take other stuff.

Have other power pools available (kinda like the patron powers). That is some cool stuff. Perhaps if you awarded a power per task and didn't have to level to get the power? That way even the lvl 50s could add to the toon.

There are so many other ideas suggested by others (and myself) that seem to get ignored. Honestly, the story etc for i12 is ok but the actual game play wasn't imporved much - issues should add some element towards play and add a new dynamic. If this is what we can expect down the road i13 will be my last



I agree with several of the previous posts. I've done the Midnighter Club missions given by Costanza (sp?) twice; once on my new lvl 17 Plant/TA Controller and once on my lvl 36 Ill/FF. These missions are tedious, especially since mission #2 and #3 use the EXACT SAME MAP!. I can't imagine taking many (any?) more of my alts through this series of missions.

Once you get entry to the Club, the hidden clues, as noted above, start out okay, but them devolve into random clicking. I started out actually taking notes, then eventually just ran from room to room, looking for the little blue hand to pop up. For those of you who don't know, the answer to all the clues is "a book" or "a box". I found 8, then got stuck and quit.

Roman Town is very pretty and well made (like "Age of Empires"), but there wasn't a lot to do here. After doing a couple of timed missions, it dawned on me that I had neglected to take my Ill/FF to the RWZ yet. I immediately left to do that instead.

I think I equate this new content to a half-baked cake; it looks good and maybe even smells good, but it's just not quite ready for consumption yet. Hopefully, a lot of new things will get added (Including a better reason for leaving a major city in the present day that's chock-ful of villains, aliens, and invaders to travel to a sleeping roman hamlet in ancient times facing some political upheaval).

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



(If Lighthouse could comment on this issue.... I'd Greatly Appreciate it so I don't waste 20 more hours on this pointless goosechase!)

Previous Information necessary to this Post:

On my Old, Oldest old Villains... I cannot get ANY missions from McKnight. It's the "Too many story arcs open" bug that ONLY seems to affect my characters that were created between issue-7 and issue-8 or whatever. I've closed down all the lowest level ones to only having less than a dozen contacts still showing a little "book" icon in the active Contact tab.

But alas.... This is the ONLY contact that has refused to give me misison with [u]so few[u] Arcs open. This leads me to believe the contact has some aperture in its code that the Devs could have easily increased to the size of a Broker's or any other primary contact that practically ignores that # of open story arcs. (unlike our stupid Patrons who get all Uppity if ya got more than 20 arcs open)

Run it in Flashback mode.

[/ QUOTE ]

Alright I exhausted every possible solution ... did McKnight's first Arc in flashback. the Badge. And even Darrin Wade's too.

...but Midnight's Hand (the 2nd story arc for 30+) does not appear to be available through the Ouroborous list at any range... at All. I also closed out a half dozen other contacts "open story arcs" but it had no effect. This [censored] won't give me the necessary missions to get my "main" into this Zone.

This is a serious design flaw IMO and even runs counter to the Story line b/c I already got the "password" through Wade's arc anyway. This crap might fly for the newly minted characters created really recently but it screws over our oldest characters. There's no reason, TECHNICAL or otherwise for ANY contact to refuse to give us missions just b/c we have more arcs open than some Arbitrary number placed on the contact Allows.

EDIT: just had a Brainfart! Make McKnights SECOND arc function just like Merlino's or any of the the other Contacts that automatically get the little book icon next to them the instant you talk to them. ...thus forcing them to open up that Story arc to you nomatter how many arcs you already have open.




My biggest gripe about the Midnight Squad (blue-side) is that it's tedious. It was actually a lot of fun the first time, but after that? It's just a slog to get all my 35+ toons into Cimerora for the ITF.


The 20 Lost curing mission, I've skipped every time after the 1st, because it's just time consuming. The 2 exact same Rikti map missions, I just skip to the end. Lady Jane? Psycho airhead that makes Fusionette look smart--if I'm not playing a controller, I always clear the whole freakin' map out first then lead her to the chest.

***end spoilers***

Basically, it's a good, not great arc, but the fact that we *have* to complete it to get into the new zone (as opposed to the RWZ where you got in *then* had the new content) kinda sucks, since the arc gets very repetitive, and fast. Origin of power is cool, but again, it's just repetetive dialogue, and why no mission complete bonuses for each of the Speak to X missions? At least you get fresh dialogue for each origin, so that's kinda cool.

I'm hardly calling i12 a bust--powerset proliferation & the QoL improvements were amazing, but it was fairly content-lite. Nothing wrong with that, but I hope they do more w/both Cimerora & the MS later.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee