1516 -
I don't use it more because too many of the mechanics don't work well - like chaining objectives that claim to be circular but aren't - and because of the profanity/copyright filter that objects to perfectly fine words and names - like anything with "Man" in it or Paragon. The text editor is frustrating too.
I used to make them regularly, mostly to re-tell the ending of arcs or to roleplay out a different ending. They were just for me and my friends and that was fine back before things started breaking and it wasn't too difficult to whip something out quickly. I had high hopes after they raised the size limit but it's been nothing but frustrating for the last year or so.
I don't play other people's arcs now mostly because of a lack of time but also the fear of running into some horrid custom monster. I knew when they announced custom creatures that it would be the doom of AE and I think I was pretty much right. They should have done the customization of the appearance of existing creatures from the beginning and never created the ability to make entirely new ones. Just my opinion of course but it seems like most of the problems come from custom groups and custom enemies.
The review system is terrible and maybe an overhaul on that would motivate me to play other people's arcs but frankly, the AE was always a personal RP tool for me so not a huge factor in what I do.
I wish they would give it a good overhaul, fix the bugs and add some interesting new features. And for goodness sake, give it a decent text editor and trim the filter back to where it was in the beginning. -
Quote:This was not true for me. I ran Heather's on several characters prior to Gabriel being put in game and without fail they all had to repeat her arc to get credit. Now I haven't tried running someone through Heather's arc post-Gabriel without his mission to see if he keeps track of it so that might be true. I did have a character that was up to the final mission before Gabriel was put in and that one did get credit when he finally did finish it but I had grabbed Gabe's mission before going in.Actually that's false. Or at least it was false when I ran through.
I'd dithered with the DA arcs until he was put in the game. And hadn't completed it on anyone.
Yet when I picked him up the first time on my main, I was credited for all the arcs I'd completed previously.
Don't know if it works the same for farming via Oro. But I DO know I didn't have to rerun the arcs I did prior to Gabe's inception to get the 2 emps. Indeed, his presence has basically killed any arguments I had about the deterministic issues with the DA arcs. While still quite slow, at least it allows a diligent player to accumulate Emps for Rare and VR salvage at a steady pace that doesn't rely on an RNG.
I have at least one friend who is going to have to repeat Heather as well and I'm betting my wife's 50 will too but we haven't looked yet. -
I thought it was pretty much the same up to the Korean War when things took a drastic turn. There were small changes prior to that obviously (like Stefan's death) but that seemed to be the major turning point.
So to summarize, the only thing that completing a DA arc pre-50 prevents is the ability to later run it twice in one day for 2 components.
I'd say 10-15 and 30-35 would be the two SF's I'd like done. 40-45 is only covered blue-side by the Shard TF's which haven't been in the rotation so far. I'd love to see more options in that range though so I'm all for it.
My group has pretty much given up on villain-side WST's. I managed to get a small group to do the Renault over double-xp weekend but that's been it since the last time Kal came up. We don't even bother discussing the red-side option anymore. -
I sometimes feel like we have to remind them every month to get a list out in time for people to plan. I guess we should have started asking last week.
I suggest you go on to the 3rd contact and finish the AP arc next. Twinshot is cool, but the range for her first arc is 5-9 while the range for all 3 in the AP arc is 1-7. Running Twinshot's full first arc could easily level you beyond the satisfying end of the story you are already in.
I'm a fan of the new low level content but the abnormal level range really caught me by surprise. I ended up having to do the first two contacts again in Ouroboros just to run through the 3rd's arc. Which brings up another point - O portal works at 14th level now. -
Only if his self-proclaimed title is literally true. But yeah, based on the darkness pets there does seem to be life of some fashion there. The inverse-universe idea has a lot of merit I think and actually enhances my darkness-power character concepts even if they don't totally understand it.
I'm surprised they didn't fix all the DA missions. They fixed all the Galaxy City references before i21 went live that I'm aware of.
Every issue since I started playing (i13 was my first issue release) has included a freespec. Luckily I only have 1 grav and 2 stalkers. Only one of them (the high level stalker) will need a respec in order to allocate more slots in AS so I suppose it isn't a huge deal to me. That stalker probably still has a freespec left over from i21... unless I used it to get fly earlier. At any rate I have a half-dozen vet reward respecs I could use.
But I am disappointed. -
In general, I've liked WWD. I know that isn't worth much but thought I'd throw that in. I just keep in mind that it is mainly a villain arc that had a hero-side tacked on to it so they would have something to do.
But even from the hero-side, I've found plenty of roleplay fodder out of this series and that's pretty much all I require to make it fun.
What I absolutely do not want to happen is for Paragon Studios to throw in the towl and call the SSA's a waste of time and effort because obviously no one appreciates them. I for one do appreciate them and I'm sure I'm not alone. -
I had no idea how bad they were until I got them on my blaster. I actually would oppose making them futher back and above as that's usually where my camera is. I've only summoned them once so far and I had to zoom way up and tried to stay away from my teammates to keep them from being annoying.
My main problem was the hurricane which was floating above my head. With that one thing running I couldn't see myself or either of the pets. For the entire time they were out I had no idea what was happening in my general vicinity. Unfortunately I have no suggestions for how to fix it. -
Everyone should beware this bug when the Kahn becomes the active strike target tomorrow. If you go into Vanguard or Ouroboros you will be kicked from the TF and you can't be re-invited.
This has been a bug, at least on the Kahn, for 6 months that I'm aware of. Ever since getting kicked off a Kahn team twice and seen it happen one other time, I just never use anything but the train for travel anymore when running my rogue. It's a real pain but I've learned to live with it. -
My wife and I kept saying the same thing over and over... why not raise mom? I'm SO confused!
I enjoyed the arc though. It just made a lot more sense from the villain side.
Heh, just realized it's the heroes doing villain's work instead of the other way around for a change. -
Anyone know if there are any unadvertised sales going on like I heard there were last week?
I'm trying to create a take-to escort and I'd like an ambush to spawn afterwards.
If I set the escort's destination to be a collection item and I set the collection item to spawn after the escort's rescue (not escort complete), then I set the ambush to spawn when the collection was complete. I get 3 or 4 errors about circular references and multiple ambushes with the same trigger.
So far those are the only 3 objectives in the mission. If I delete the ambush I still get complaints about the escort's destination and collection's activation being invalid.
I'm not sure of the exact error after deleting the ambush but it took me to the escort's destination indicating it was wrong. I thought about removing the collections activation to mission beginning but then I could just go there and do it without the escort and the whole thing becomes silly.
I was pancaked off at that point and killed the project. A little later I calmed down and decided to come here. I don't expect I can do what I want to do but thought I'd ask. -
Newsletter? I guess I'm suddenly not getting those. I haven't seen one in a couple of months. But I'd rather have the thread updated than get it in a newsletter anyway.
Ah well, thanks for letting me know what they are for the next 2 weeks anyway.
Oh snap, new issue with new TF's going in 3 weeks from now! Yeah! That MUST be it! It's the *only* explanation. -
Hey guys! *waves hands frantically trying to get the mod's attention*
We need a February list of strike targets sometime today if possible. -
I mostly play Protector on weekend mornings and/or afternoons and I frequently have problems finding teams too. The Vigilance channel is a lot more active than Watch so if you don't have that you should give it a shot. Over the course of that hour of soloing some Vigil will usually spark up a TF or something even during the deadest times (although I've seen some of those fail to make critical mass). However, the few times I've come in during the evening (or let my afternoon session go long) the place really starts hopping and I never have trouble then.
Good luck finding a server you are happy with. Justice is where all my global friends are and I love it, but I really dig Protector's "feel" and I've met a lot of nice folks there. -
If you have a bunch of hero merits from running them as a hero, do you lose them when you switch to Vigilante or only if you go full villain? I've never done that before.
And to echo the other answers, my Rogue can run the hero ssa's so I'm sure a vigilante can run the villain-side arcs. -
Awesome. Looking forward to seeing both packs.
I created two characters during my initial trial period. Golden Avariel (elec/elec blaster) and Shadowguardinal (dark/dark tank). I love both and both were made to pair up with a friend who joined me in the trial period. The other person preferred the Shadowguardinal team so that one really became my main for a long time and my first 50 while GA languished at 28th level. I played her off and on for years getting first 1 then 2 and 3 levels ahead of her partner. When xp-manipulation came to the game I turned it off and started playing her a lot. She was level 31 for a LONG time. I finally decided to set her free mid-last year and last night finally dinged 50 after almost 43 months of play.
I play all my characters a lot but those two have a special place in my lineup and also happen to be my first. -
I posted about this a few months ago but ran into it again last night. A rogue in a Kahn TF with us tried to use RWZ as a shortcut to PI and got kicked from the party.
The message we saw was:
Rogue Character was not able to join the team
Rogue Character has quit the team (or task force, I forget the exact wording)
This happened as soon as he transitioned into the Vanguard base.
I tried to warn him off but by the time I knew what he was doing it was too late. All three times this happened to us it was on a Kahn TF going into either Ouroboros or the RWZ. I assume it happens in other TF's and SF's but I don't know for sure. -
Now that I see it explained, I remember reading about that feature in a patch notes someplace. I just never knew how to do it, nor really had the need. Now that my defender is 50, I might want to use it though. I'm glad you asked the question Dr. R.