Storm Elemental Lore Pets restricting view
I would just suggest either zooming out as much as you can, or asking the devs to make the elemental pets be more transparent.
Either that, or pick up a new Lore Pet as a backup in case you're in a cramped area and you can't zoom out. But I don't think the devs can code the pets to always stay above or behind the player, at least not without effing up the pet AI code any further.
I had no idea how bad they were until I got them on my blaster. I actually would oppose making them futher back and above as that's usually where my camera is. I've only summoned them once so far and I had to zoom way up and tried to stay away from my teammates to keep them from being annoying.
My main problem was the hurricane which was floating above my head. With that one thing running I couldn't see myself or either of the pets. For the entire time they were out I had no idea what was happening in my general vicinity. Unfortunately I have no suggestions for how to fix it.
Probably better to have this in the Suggestions section as this isn't a bug nor a technical problem.
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"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
@cat astrophy : Guardian Server
This post is concerning the Storm Elemental Lore pets.
When I summon them my View of the screen is blocked and it is almost impossible to play. After hearing others complaints about the same issue I began thinking about a possable solution to the problem. So here it goes... could the pets be made to stay further back and higher above the caster? This I think would solve the problem of blocking my view and also the views of other team members. Also on the Monsoon Elemental if the pet could buff the caster instead of itself the players view would be less hindered.
Anyone else have this issue? Or ideas on fixing this please post them here.