Question about villainside WSTs
Redside doesn't have that many strike forces to begin with. We have Virgil, Mantis, Renault, Mistral, Cuda, LRSF, and that is about it. Compared to everything that blueside has, things are bound to keep coming up over and over again.
I also suspect it is a leveling thing. Mistral and Renault are at that point where levels become slower and you want to gain more and more of them to get high enough to do the patron arcs.
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Possible WST's that Redside players can participate in
Vergil Tarikoss (15-20)
Silver Mantis (20-25)
Mortimer Kal (20-40)
Operative Renault (25-30)
Ice Mistral (35-40)
Barracuda (45-50)
ITF (35-50)
LGTF (45-50)
Apex (50)
Tin MAge (50)
Redside only has 14 options including the CO-OPs with the level ranges of 30-35 and 40-45 lacking options aside form the ITF, Mortimer Kal and the appropriate Treespecs.
a 30-35(or 40) and a 40(or 35)-45 would do tons to alleviate a lot of these problems
the bottom line that the WST's make blatantly obvious is this
REDSIDE NEEDS MORE STRIKE FORCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd say 10-15 and 30-35 would be the two SF's I'd like done. 40-45 is only covered blue-side by the Shard TF's which haven't been in the rotation so far. I'd love to see more options in that range though so I'm all for it.
My group has pretty much given up on villain-side WST's. I managed to get a small group to do the Renault over double-xp weekend but that's been it since the last time Kal came up. We don't even bother discussing the red-side option anymore.
I actually checked what the Hero TF's were
ignoring the Shards and factoring in Co-Op and Respecs
Hero's have 20 TFs
now granted the zone specific ones in Croatoa and Striga haven't been used in the rotations but that's still 18 TFs available with every level range(except 40-45 oddly) having some coverage and some areas having multiple options available.
Quite a disparity there, and that's ignoring some of the TF's available
Now granted I don't think all of the 18 TF's get used for WST but the potential is there.
EDIT: Just remembered EDEN showed up a couple of times which is 39-41, yes it's a low range but it means there's partial coverage for 40-45 on the Hero side.
NEW EDIT:Looked at the WST list again so apparently every time Ice Mistral is up wither Numina or Eden are also up, Numina being done first and then Eden. so Redside gets Ice Mistral for 35-40 x2 and Blue Side gets Numina/Eden covering 35-41.
I'd say 10-15 and 30-35 would be the two SF's I'd like done.
A level 10-15 SF could include RIPs, Goldbrickers, and Vahzilok, with some kind of mutated beastie about to snap its tether as an end boss. A level 30-35 SF could include Cage Consortium, Arachnos Ghosts, and Wailers and involve an undead superpowerful Wailer King or something. I'm just spitballing, but seriously, there's plenty of potential in the content that already exists to fill in these gaps.
And that's not even getting into developing v-side equivalents for things like Katie Hannon or the Eden Trial or the Striga TFs or all of the Shadow Shard stuff. If there were more big things to do (and badges to get) in the Rogue Isles, more people might play there, even if it was just to switch sides, grab badges, and switch back. It would definitely provide more variety in the WSTs.
Hell, v-side needs the spotlight of the WST to motivate enough people to gather and run a trial or SF, but when the same ones come up over and over, it undercuts this. I thought the idea behind WSTs was to encourage teaming -- level 50+ toons run them to get Notices, and lower level toons run them to get xp, merits, and badges. It's a win-win, as long as people aren't driven away by boredom.
I know it takes a long time to develop new content, and the devs are making us new stuff all the time. This is great! But I hope that making more SFs is at least somewhere on their to do lists.
Pretty please with Cat-thulhu on top?
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The obvious answer is Devs hate Villains
But I suspect it's more about the fact they can't justify it so readily given the historical low numbers redside. How that has changed (if at all) since GR went live I don't know but I'm pretty sure they know there's a disparity. The real question would it be worth the time/effort?
With the new TFs we've gotten recently they've mostly been both sides... Kahn/Barracuda and Sutter/Kal are good examples.
It would be nice... but I'm not gonna sweat too much if it doesn't happen

Thelonious Monk
Moonfire gets into the rotation. It was the WST during DXP weekend
As for why no new SFs, yeah, they've gone on record saying that they want to dole things out equally, so any new strike forces will be put out at the same time as new task forces, or the content will be co-op
I don't expect them to put in a shard TF, or the zone story TFs/Trials. Just a little more variety would do. Do villains really need to hit the double digits for SFs done during a week that quickly?
A little on the same page, the heroside trials/task forces. Even that my main complaint is on the villain side, what happened to doing Posi 1 or 2 (especially 2), Sister Psyche, or in the co-op case, Lady Grey? The last time they've been visited was August. Same thing with Tarikoss/Silver Mantis.
ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker
I think he was referring to Katie Hannon and Hess, the 2 task forces that require you to complete the zone story arcs to access.
As for why no new SFs, yeah, they've gone on record saying that they want to dole things out equally, so any new strike forces will be put out at the same time as new task forces, or the content will be co-op |
Yup was referring to Katie and Hess, but couldn't remember the names at the time.
For new SF's...
well it seems like some zone revamps are coming up so in a hypothetical example Kings Row gets revamped.
Obviously Kings Row is a bad place to put Co-op as the threats for that level don't demand Co-Op. With this in mind why not put a Strike Force for Villains in that deals with the new Kings Row.
The Shining Stars make a good target. I'm sure Villains won't mind attacking their base to steal the portal tech Proton's been working with. Heck the Villains could even stream annoying music stuck in a loop on the PA as they leave. Then they run into Paladin on the way to TP Blue Steel's coin or something.
While both sides aren't getting the same kind of content, both sides are getting content so it should be alright no? Something simple like that could do alot to aleviate the SF gaps over time if done consistently right?
Shouldn't be too much extra work for a SF but I'm not sure what's involved in creating those.
Why do the devs love Ice Mistral and Operative Renault so much? Accoring to Paragonwiki, the two least done strike forces have been Tarikoss and Silver Mantis. The last done task force has been Positron part 2.
Why can't the devs make a little more variety than just reusing the same strike force twice in a month? The level ranges don't need to be similar. I'm getting tired of doing Ice Mistral and Renault twice in the same month. I could almost run them blindfolded. They have becoming boring. I'd rather try something that's uncommon in a week. AFAIK the last time Silver Mantis or Tarikoss has been run have been back in August. 2011.
I know that heroes do run the not-strike targets way more often than a villain does.
ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker