398 -
The servers are down for maintenance, the server status page says they're up. In the bottom corner it says the last update was on June 24th. So can this get fixed to be accurate so we can know when the maintenance is done?
Quote:Nope. You can't change the title of a thread. I'm sure the Forum mods will see that you weren't looking to form an actual petition to get signatures from players to attempt to force a change to be made. I imagine the reason to can't change the title is to prevent someone from starting a flaming post, and then edit it after it's been read, but before it's been modsmacked. Just my theory though.I didn't realize I was stepping out of bounds by using the term "petition" and I offer sincere apologies for that faux pas. Is there a way for me to change the thread title to indicate this is a suggestion?
Quote:Again, I would like to stress that I am not bothered by the broadcasts for farming. It is your $15, do whatever you want. I also recognize that this is much more prevalant on the Freedom server, but given the "CoH:Feeedom" name, I imagine most of the new folks will start their toons on that server. Major Deej made the case for this much more elloquently that I did. -
Interesting... I wonder how a lvl 13 brute got to Atlas...
WB to the game, and the forums.
To answer your question of what is AE... http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Architect_Entertainment
Basically it's a place where players can create their own missions/story arcs. Player generated content.
as for the no sewer teams, that will depend on the server, and time of day. Sewer teams still form, but it's not the 'go to' as much as it was. If you're on Freedom, then most (in my experience) go to AE. On Virtue where I play, it's a toss up. Some want AE, others want Sewers. -
Might want to give this a read.
Specifically 5.3
Do not create threads/posts to “petition” for game features, additions, changes, or other issues.
Also, you're a few years too late. This type of idea came up back when AE first started to become a farming/pl tool, and for the reasons you've stated(Other than the F2Pers point). New player zones in, and sees lots a PL broadcasts for AE had been a concern then, and for some still is.
Also, it's not like that on every server. I play on Virtue, and I rarely see any broadcasts for AE farms when I'm in Atlas. Do they happen? Sure. Do I see it everytime? Of course not. I've been on Freedom and left, because that was what I saw. Mostly people asking for farms to get PLed. If that's the server you're seeing this on, and it bothers you that much, try a different one. -
Quote:Or they could post in the thread that was started almost 4 hours before this one.If anyone else on Virtue is having this issue, please post here.
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=266145 -
This happened to me as well tonight. I was there to collect badges, but it was such a pain, I just waited it out as much as I could to call up my Ouro portal, and zoned out.
Free players won't get Masterminds, unless they pay to unlock Masterminds. If you meant if the F2Pers unlock MMs then it's a free set(Like all the other MM Primaries), then I agree with you.
You can email things to yourself now. No extra account/trustworthy friend needed. -
I'd just gotten to level 3 on a new alt, and ran up to Ms Liberty to train, soon as I do, the following happens.
[Local] DEATHHEADS ASSASIN: alright wtf
[NPC] Elmer: Sh! That's DEATHHEADS ASSASIN. The one who took down Lou without breaking a sweat!
[Local] Wild Touched: Problem?
[Local] DEATHHEADS ASSASIN: i just got mocked by ms lib
[NPC] Ms. Liberty: You started it!
[Local] Wild Touched: Why'd you start something with her?
[Local] DEATHHEADS ASSASIN: can you move?
[NPC] Ms. Liberty: I'm comfy right here, thanks!
Wild Touched hugs Ms. Liberty
[NPC] Wild Touched: Well thanks!
[NPC] Ms. Liberty: Well thanks!
[Local] Wild Touched: lol. I was an NPC for a second there
[Local] NCsoft_Zwillinger: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
[Local] Wild Touched: Heh, that was great Zwill!
[Local] NCsoft_Zwillinger:
[Local] DEATHHEADS ASSASIN: har har har
[Local] NCsoft_Zwillinger: It's funny how she'll do that from time to time
[Local] NCsoft_Zwillinger: Poor girl, standing here day in and day out...I bet she's got a lot to say!
[Local] Wild Touched: Women can be fickle at times.
[Local] DEATHHEADS ASSASIN: i was like wtf never heard her speak before
[NPC] Ms. Liberty: You have NO idea!
[Local] AngelMaker: shut up
[Local] AngelMaker: lol
[Local] NCsoft_Zwillinger: Hey now...
[Local] NCsoft_Zwillinger: That's no way to talk to a lady!
[Local] Fish-Tank: *bwrlrl?*
[Local] DEATHHEADS ASSASIN: and then when she mocked me
[Local] AngelMaker: she wasnt much of a lady last night
[Local] Wild Touched: Esscpecially not a lady who teaches you how to use your powers.
[Local] AngelMaker: woman can drink some tequilla
[Local] NCsoft_Zwillinger: ...
[NPC] Sal: My bank account is totally empty, thanks to the RIP! Why couldn't they just pay off DEATHHEADS ASSASIN?!
[Local] NCsoft_Zwillinger: Wometime indeed
[Local] DEATHHEADS ASSASIN: thats why im a rouge
[Local] AngelMaker: LOL...hero smero...cant wait to get my behind back to the RI
[Local] Wild Touched: Yeah, neither can we!
[Local] AngelMaker: lol
[NPC] Gita: Word on the street is that DEATHHEADS ASSASIN is a fan of Scrapyarders. Who would've thought?
[Local] Fish-Tank: ((Isn't it like 1:30AM on the west coast? XD))
[Local] Sexy-Witch: Thanks!
[Local] Fish-Tank: ((Do you not sleep, Z? XD))
[Local] NCsoft_Zwillinger: It is...was finishing up some paperwork and figured I'd jump on to have a bit of fun
[Local] AngelMaker: ((sriously?)
[Local] Fish-Tank: ((Ha.))
[Local] NCsoft_Zwillinger: No rest for the wicked they say!
[Local] Awesome Murk Monster: indeed
[Local] Wild Touched: I'm glad I caught it. Go get some sleep man!
[Local] Shoah: tell that to the people working at wall mart
[Local] AngelMaker: yeah..just dont give it to me k?
[Local] NCsoft_Zwillinger: HAve a good night all!
[Local] Wild Touched: You too Zwill!
[Local] Awesome Murk Monster: see ya Z
[Local] AngelMaker: night Z
[Local] Awesome Murk Monster: devs.. silly ppl -
Quote:Perhaps this is too obvious to ask, but you didn't actually mention the height slider, which is above the other scales, just under the tabs that you use to select body type.I have a character that I am trying to make that needs to be eeeeensy weeeensy tiny. I have made the scales as small as I can by dropping the legs and body type all the way to the left. I am still too big. I see pthers smaller than I am. How are they getting so small?
I'll be honest, I skipped over a lot of this thread, mainly just looking for the OP to come back and support his suggestion. But up to this point, it hadn't happened. But then I realized something...
The OP wants you to think this is about the villain ATs outclassing the heroic ATs, but there was something else they put into the 'idea'...
Quote:See? It's not about Brutes being better than tankers! It's all about getting the AT and powerset respecs! Cause if the devs give it out once, even in such an absurd and and lubriciously ignorant reason as to delete two ATs completely, you know that then everyone will say it possible, and cry that much more for it.For current Defenders and Tankers, issue a one time AT and power set respec token and force them to use it when they next log on."
Clever troll is clever... but still a troll. -
Oh, sorry. Assemble the Team It's a vet reward that summons all teammates in the zone to you. Not sure if any other teleport powers would work or not... I suppose recall friend, and team teleport would work.
Quote:Which while I understand the reasoning, it annoys me to no end... why? I just created a new alt today, and so for 50 levels now that email tab will always be red... I have no emails, just the certificates that I can't claim for 50 freaking levels... not to mention all the other alts I have!Nope. non50s can't claim the pieces. That's how they kept them to 50 only, instead of recoding the Tailor.
Wonder if I'm the only one this bothers. -
Did you notice that the new pieces did not include a torso, or bottoms when you purchased them? There is only a face mask, shoulders, gloves, belt, boots and a cape.
All the pieces are called simply "Ascension" So for instance, under "Shoulders" it's the 15th from the top, just below Mangler Gears 2, and above Pain Pads. -
Had this happen on a sewers team last night. Three people on the team showed as not being in zone, and we kept asking 'you guys coming?' cause we thought they were still in Atlas. Then someone saw they were right there with us, but none of them said anything... then I realized they NEVER said anything. So if they had said anything in team chat, we couldn't see it, and they weren't seeing what we said.
At some point, someone used ATT, and boom! Everything was normal. So if it happens again, there's a work around if you, or someone on the team doesn't mind burning that power for a while.
I didn't /bug cause I had to leave for work, but if it happens again, bug it. -
I just had a random thought. I've got a character in their 30's right now, and I'm collecting hero merits so they I can buy the IOs I want for when they hit 50. But I'll be limited to buying them one day at a time that way.
Yes there is the option of buying stuff now, and selling it on the market to have the inf when I get to 50 to buy the enhancements that way, but what if we could buy a full set all at once?
So when I get to 50, if I want a full set of Obliterations, and don't want to spend a week buying them one at a time, I could turn in say.. 10 hero merits. With most of the set being 2 merits apiece(IIRC) I'm spending more at one time, to get a full set now, or I have the choice to take my time, and buy them one at a time.
I'm thinking PvP and Purple IOs would cost way too much already, so they wouldn't be included in this idea.
Also, for sets that only have 3 or 4 IOs in them, the cost would be lessened.
Thoughts? -
Quote:I don't think that's what he meant. ...he does say 'gain' there where in the other parts he says 'add', but I think he was just saying that those are all the possible character slots you'll have/won't be locked out from(Like the free players will loose access), because when you bought/buy GR you got two free character slots by adding it to your account. I don't think he meant you'll be getting those again. Re this line...Also, if you have GR on your account before I21 you get 2 free character slots with I21 (per Posi here).
Quote:If you are paying your subscription come City of Heroes Freedom, this is how many characters you'll have access to
So if the OP buys GR for the second account, they get 2 free character slots just because it comes with GR. If the OP waits until CoHF goes live, then they get GR automatically by staying subscribed, and get 2 free slots just for having GR then. -
I know your pain! Usually when I hit the 30s, I seem to slow down, and play alts for a while until I stroll back over to an abandoned toon in it's 30's and just push through. Honestly though, soloing does make the journey feel that much longer. I tend to use TFs and teams to get through those levels.
I also get that same feeling around 43+, because then I know 50 is within my sight, but it seems to take so long to get there because I focus on enhancements, and not being able to slot lvl 50 IOs until I get to 47, it just makes me loose interest for a while again.
Since teaming is not an option for you, from -my- experience I'd say you've got to just suck it up. But look at it this way, you get to take the time to actually read the stories that are told when completing mission arcs. When you team of TF, you loose out on that chance.
So enjoy the journey while you take the scenic route. -
What I think might help would be that the power pools, Inc APP/PPP, were shifted to be under the primary and secondary power windows.
Kinda like
Primary Secondary
Primary Secondary
Primary Secondary
Primary Secondary
Primary Secondary
Primary Secondary
Primary Secondary
Primary Secondary
Primary Secondary
etc etc etc. -
No, you don't.
Quote:LAMDA is pointless to do if you're a squishy, in particular one which has just got to 50. I just died about 20+ times, if I survive not being one shot then I can burn all of my inspirations only to be chased down an slaughtered.
Quote:There is no skill in being one shot, there is no fun in spending 90% of the time in the hospital. I die casting once, I die not even casting, I die running, I die standing and fighting. There is no safe place to get like in a pack of other players since the AoE on them kills me.
Quote:And don't bother telling me it will get easier once I've level shifted because I doubt I will EVER play it once I have the absolute minimum from there.
Quote:You need to give the players some type of tools to figure out what's wrong with the character, like some way to know I need more X defense or more Y resistance and how to obtain such. Just letting them die like tissue paper .... well it just makes me want to close my account and find a game that some kind of skill is still involved. -
Ok, I know that you can turn on chat logs in the option menu, but all I want logged is whats in the default 'Chat' tab, but I get everything. Every global channel, help, request, combat, hit rolls, cut scene captions, damage inflicted, event messages, healing received, NPC dialog etc, etc, etc.
So is there a way I can limit what chat gets logged?