398 -
Quote:So... everyone is supposed to play exactly the same way you do? I should have spent my first alignment merit the moment I got it, rather than save it so I could get what I wanted with it rather than getting five randoms that could be completely useless to me?People discovering this "news" 58 days after Issue 18 launched is kind of ridiculous to me. Perhaps if they hadn't been saving for those purples but instead had spent AN alignment merit they'd have seen the message in the vendor window, or I KNOW this information is in other threads here. No clue when it was announced in the open beta GR forums but I'm sure it was more than two months ago. "Informed buying decision" and all that good stuff....
Yeah, a couple months after release to find this out might seem long to some people, but not everyone plays this game every single day, or wants to grind away tips missions to farm the a-merits. I consider myself to be somewhere between hardcore and casual players because I play fairly often, and farm on occasion. Not as much as the hypothetical hardcore player, but more than the hypothetical casual player. As I said in my OP, I had saved up 5 a-merits. That was due mainly to me mostly playing my main badger collector, who started as a hero, and gone vigilante, to villain, and is now sitting at rogue, he'll be a hero again shortly. So over the course of the last two months, no I didn't get a lot of A-Merits and spend them quickly, to find out about this limit of spending them until recently.
As for the "informed buying decision" line you gave us, as soon as GR went into it's "open" beta, where pre-purchasers were allowed into the beta, I read through the guides posted by people who were in beta, an no where did they mention the 20 hour clock on spending a-merits. I thought I had educated myself fairly well in this area. If B.O.L.T.E.R. does mention, then I missed it. My profound apologies sir! If it's been mentioned in other threads on the forum, again, I do apologize to you for not having read every thread posted on these forums.
I had a question if this was a bug, or WAI, so I asked in the forum for players to ask other players such a question. Since it's WAI, that's fine. Do I disagree with it? Yes. Am I ranting and raving over it? No. If fact I don't think anyone is ranting over it, just simply stating their disapproval of the limitation.
It's really not that ridiculous that not every single person knows about this limitation a couple months after the feature was added to the game. -
So, I'd been saving up a few alignment merits til I got to a high enough level, so I could get some effective slotting done. I only have five, because I just do tips when I'm in the mood, I'm not going to do them every day, because then it's a grind, and I don't care for that(your opinion might differ, and that's ok).
So I go and try to buy a couple of lotg 7.5s, and and a random roll, only to find I could only buy one, and have to wait 20 hours to spend my a-merits again. This came as quite a surprise as I didn't see this mentioned in any of the guides, or on the wiki.
So my question is, is this a bug or WAI?
If it's a bug, I'd assume that it's somehow leaked in due to the 20 hour wait to convert R-merits/inf into a-merits... but then I haven't heard anyone else mention anything about it before.
If it's WAI, well... to me, it doesn't make any sense to limit our spending of A-Merits. Reward merits, Vanguard merits, AE Tickets, Inf, none of these require a wait time on spending... is it a big deal? No, not really, just kind of annoying that I'd planned to be able to get a couple of recipes all at once, and now I have to wait. -
Quote:Ah.. was not aware of that. Shows how long it's been since I've used that particular piece of the gameIt's a temp power, it takes no Inpiration slots. In its original version it was an inspire, but they got rid of that.
[/quote]Making the Day Job power work as you described, leaves someone in one of the "gray" alignments stuck on the other side even if they have a bunch of charges on their power. Not literally stuck, but part of the advantage of being Rogue or Vigi is the ability to go back home for stuff.
Is it a pain getting around the other side at first? yeah, but you can do a few easy things to smooth it out (like working on the BM day job) and the problem is quickly solved for the most part.
I'd rather put in a little extra work to have added flexibility later, than be hobbled later for some added convenience now.[/QUOTE]
The reason I described it as I did, was because then it has the same usefulness as it does when you're on the side the you got the power from.
Right now, if you're a vigilante, and have the Day Trader badge, and you're on blueside, you can use the temp power that comes with it to go to any WW. But if you're on redside, the power does nothing.
My suggestion was to make it so that same character could use the Day Trader teleport to go to any BM when they're on redside.
Overall, I wouldn't mind it if the power was made to be used to cross from red to blue(Which is what I assume you meant by the 'extra work to have added flexibility later' comment), but the main reason I didn't was that simply, a vigilante could still go Villain, and then decide to stay a villain, but then have a useless power sitting in their tray that can't be used again unless they go rogue, and then back to hero. -
I hear about people soloing TFs fairly often. Once every couple of months. All you need is people to fill the team for the min requirements, start TF, everyone quits except for one person who logs off. Viola, soloable TF.
1: The game is not dead. Perhaps the one time you played was durring off times, or you're on a low population server.
2: F2P games work for some, but this game isn't one of them. With the changes f2p would mean for this game, I know I would leave, and that I would not be alone.
3: You realize that you called everyone who pays to play this game 'stupid' with that last section of your non-punctuated statement?
This game has been running strong for over six years, and while your playing the game once no doubt filled you with insight that's so far over the heads of the people who've been playing this game for years, I think we'll be just fine how we are. I can say that because I pay my $15 a month for when I want to escape for a bit, and just have fun. You might think $15 a month to play a game is expensive, but it's a hell of a lot cheaper than what I spend to entertain myself when I'm not playing. A monthly expense from movies, to bars, bowling, and a plethora of other things comes to a much higher cost than $15 in one month. -
Quote:A huge need? Absolutely not. This was more of a "QoL" enhancer. And while yes, you can buy the 1 charge market TP, that takes up an Inspiration slot. Overall, yes, a level 50 could make due with 24 insps throughout their high level career, but at lower levels one insp can make a big difference. It works fine right now as what I see as a temporary patch, but by making the Dayjob power work the way I described makes more sense(At least to me).Spending a bit of time at the opposite side market will start charging up the power for that side's market. Not to mention that at any point you can still buy the 1 charge market TP on either side.
I really don't see a huge need to nuke the two existing powers and replace them with a new one. -
Quote:Thanks for that link. Tried looking for that, but couldn't remember who the dev was that posted it. I couldn't remember exactly what that post detailed, but I knew it had something to do with what I was thinking of.. turns out it was exactly what I needed.I must be misunderstanding something, because as a Vigilante, you can get any of those badges except the Patron badge. They also can't earn the Villain-Only dayjob badges, though they can earn full credit, and will recieve them when they make the switch to full Villain.
As a Rogue, you can get them all.
Also, as a Hero, there is a Tip mission that has Snakes. Run it enough times, and you can get The Mongoose as a Hero. Found that out during Closed Beta.
Finally, check out this thread, by Black Scorpion.
As for the confusion/misunderstanding, I think it's on my part... as a Rogue I was hunting mods for defeat badges, and noticed I had credit for defeating CoT bosses. This was for Weed Whacker, but I didn't know that. The description just said bosses, and I was killing CoT bosses left and right without the progress bar moving. Sent in a petition, and got the following...
Quote:The "Weed Whacker" Badge comes from defeating specific Circle of Thorns enemies. Not just any will do, and Ruin Mages don't count towards it. The mobs necessary for this badge don't spawn in Cap Au Diable, either, they spawn in either Sharkhead Isle or Nerva Archipelago. Your best bet for earning the badge is to defeat both Succubi and Hellfrosts, as outlined in the article found here:
I show that, at current, you have 41 defeats in credit towards this badge. Defeat 9 more from amongst Succubi and/or Hellfrosts and you'll earn the badge. It's also worth mentioning that these specific mobs are only available red-side rather than blue, so you would need to be either Rogue or Villain to obtain this badge.
So thank you all, and my apologies. -
Also keep in mind that the one level 20+ villain can be on any server. If your main server is Justice, and you're pressed for slots, then make your new villain on Champion, get him/her to 20, and forget about it.
I'd realized I could answer my own question, and just exemped myself in Ouro to 45 and seeing if the set bonuses stuck. They didn't, so Tymers is correct. Thank you by the way.
Re Doomguide: Yeah, I knew about the enhancement scaling, my questions was about the set bonuses, and the +5 levels of powers, effectively meant that exemping made it so you didn't loose the IO set bonuses if you were exemped less than 8 levels, rather than 3. But thanks for that info in case someone wasn't aware of that aspect of exemping. -
I'm working on a build for level 50 to use when exemping down, mainly for lower level TFs. Now I know that if you exemp more than 3 levels below the set IOs levels, you loose the set bonuses. What I'm unsure of is... lets say I'm going to run a Synapse. I get exemped to level 20, but I have access to my powers up to level 25. So if I have level 25 Set IOs, will those set bonuses be lost since I'm exemped to level 20?
1: Make the markets completely one entity.
Now I know what you're thinking, the markets are merged, blah blah blah. I'm aware of this. BUT, in you started off as a hero, and got the Marketeer dayjob power, which lets you teleport to any Wentworth's, and then you switch sides, turning Vigilante, and then Villain and/or Rogue, as a Villain or Rogue this power is completely useless! Even if you're Rogue, you can't use the power to TP to Paragon if you're in the Isles. Yet, if you park the Vil/Rogue next to the black market, you can still charge up the power.
So It should be made to allow you to TP to any market that resides on the current side you're on. Example would be, with the hero turned Vil/Rogue, when they're redside, the dayjob power ports you to the black markets, and if you go blueside without having changed morality, it takes you to WW.
2: Pocket D pop-ups...
I'm a Vig/Rogue moves from red to blue, or blue to red using Pocket D, you get the warning pop-up both at the elevator, and at the door to the zone you're going to. This is redundant, and unnecessary. We really only need the pop-up once... if at all. I wouldn't mind being able to disable the pop-up all together, because for me, after the first time, I get the idea. Some might need more reminders, but not me personally, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. But to get the pop-up twice, within seconds of each other is not needed.
3: Ouro portals
No, I'm not asking that hero/Vil Ouro's be merged, and allow Vigs/Rogue to get both lists of destinations while there... while that would be nice, I just doubt it will happen. Instead I ask... why the pop-up isn't there?If I'm a vigilante, and I'm over in Rogue Isles, I can collect tips, hit Ouro, choose Talos Island, and pull up my tips that I got in Cap. I haven't tried to investigate these tips personally, but I just find it odd that Ouro bypasses the need for the pop-up, and the system that should clear your tips that you've earned.
While in my previous point, I recommended being able to disable the pop-up warning, here I think it would do good. I can't begin to count the number of times a teammate in a TF forgot that they were still Rogue, and trying to use Ouro for zone travel, ended up having to go back to the Rogue Isles. If the pop-up warning came up when they clicked on the Ouro portal, they would have the chance to say 'no' and not end up wasting time going through more zones than necessary.
4: Allow them into teammates bases!
As it is, Rogues can't enter hero bases, and Vigs can't enter villain bases... why? We can team up, and we can go for the same goals and objectives... but you won't let me into your home? Sure, I may have done some bad things in the past, but I'm redeeming myself, and you're seeing it first hand Mr. Hero, why can't I come to your base and use your teleporters, or medical equipment? -
Hey, I was just curious if anyone has compiled a list of badges that are Hero only, and Villain only? The reason I ask, is my main badger is a scrapper. He's gone from hero, to Vig to Vil, and is sitting at Rogue right now while I try to collect badges that are villain only, before he goes Hero again. Like the Coldhearted, Hammerhead, Demonic, and SF badges. I know there are some that can be earned by both sides, like Kil Skulls, Man/Woman in Black, Zookeeper, etc, but a full list would help me out greatly, and others I'm sure as well.
If no one has created such a list, here are the ones I know of(Or assume), and if you know of any others, please feel free to add to it, so such a list can be made.
Villain Only:
Coldhearted Defeat 100 Circle of Thorns cold demons, including Hordelings, Hellfrosts and Blade Princes
Electrician Defeat 100 Gremlins
Fort Knox Defeat 200 Gold Bricker Rocketmen
Goon Squad Defeat 333 Cage Consortium Guards
Hammerhead Defeat 200 Ghost of Scrapyard's followers
Spectral Trap 100 ghosts in Fort Hades, Port Oakes
Strike Buster Defeat 200 Scrapyarders (Sharkhead Isle)
The Mongoose Defeat 50 Snakes
Spiders Kiss
The Thorn Robber/Thief/Usurper
Those are all I can think of... -
Are other players powers annoying you at the markets? Hi, I'm Maniac_Raid, and I'm here today to help give you a few tips to ease the suffering. /em bigcheesytoothygrin
So, all those sounds, like the DS pets, and arctic wind just grating on your nerves when you trying to buy IOs? It turns out, that if you turn down the volume on your computer, these sound effects can fade away into nothingness! That's right!
Someone's got their toggles on, be they shadow fall, bubbles, or even fiery auras, and it's slowing you down with lag? A little hint. After you've brought up the market menu, you can zoom in with your mouse, or via pressing the "b" key(provided you haven't placed your own bind there) until you're in first person mode. Then, just stare at your feet! Now if the market is packed tight, some power effects can still get in your line of sight to your feet. In this case, just inch away a little bit. You don't have to be standing so close to the market NPCs that your arm hairs touch!
Is there a tanker or brute who's spamming Footstomp, or a Kheldian who keeps shapeshifting, and it's shaking your screen something awful? Look in your options menu, you can disable the camera shake!
So with a little effort on your part, you don't have to annoy someone else, by asking them to not annoy you!
/end attemptedcomicalInfomercialstylepost.
Seriously now, yes it can be, and is annoying. Personally, I run on min settings, and with my sound turned off via the options menu(No sound being sent to comp from the game makes it so I get almost zero lag during mothership raids, and the like.) And there are times when I'm just flying/running/jumping by the markets and I get lag spikes. You have my sympathies, really. While it would be nice if everyone was nice, and considerate of others, it's not going to happen. Sure there some out there, but no matter what, just like in real life, there are people who just don't care about you.
Travel suppression added to the markets as is? Not likely to happen. As others have said, passerby/overs could get caught in it. Secondly... this. I'm sure there are plenty of marketeers who would riot if they couldn't summon their portable workbenches at the markets.
Adding a studio b style room is more likely possible. Both WW and BM have doors nearby. Currently their only use is as a "Zone in" door when using the market TP powers. Add a room underneath the map geometry, making it an "indoor space" like the Praetorian market, and you're golden.
In case the begining of this post confused some folks, I'll try to clarify. In the state I live in, I have the right to stand on the sidewalk and smoke a cigarette. You have the right to breath clean air. But you don't have the right to tell me to move off the sidewalk, so you can breath clean air. Normally, I move anyway to be polite, but sometimes, I just want to chill. Don't inconvenience me, when you know you're about to walk into a cloud of smoke. -
Don't forget movement on your part interupts the power as well.
As for the 30 second timer to log out. While I'm sure it could be coded, using tech from the Day Jobs, to determine if you're in a "safe area", I'd wager it's the way it is for consistancy.
Think about it like this. GR just came out, and you've never played CoH/CoV before. You buy the game, install it, make your character, play around for a while, and you happen to log out in what qualifies as a 'safe zone'. Next time you play, when you're ready to log out, you're in a 'non-safe zone', you got the 30 second timer now, and a random mob comes over and kills you. Would be a little confusing. -
Note that the cost/time you're putting on those is only if you convert the reward merits. A-Merits can still be earned by completing morality missions and affirming your heroic/villainous status. Cuts off a lot of time, and inf when you add in the earned a-merits.
I think this mission is bugged were a single Cog gets spawned within the map geometry. After my last Synapse, where I was the team lead, and I'd petitoned it, a GM showed up after about 35 minutes, moved the Cog, we killed it, and went on with the rest of the TF. Later, I got the standard email from support asking if my issue was resolved to my satisfaction. I said it was for the moement, but this was the 4th Syn TF in a row that had the same problem, on the same mission, and other teammates had said the same.
Got a responce that they were going to escalate it the next level, and they were able to reproduce the issue, and if the mission is in fact bugged, that it would get put on the list for fixes.
So I'm hoping they can find the problem and get it fixed. I recommend whenever you get an email responce for your petition, you give them details. But only give facts, saying something like "I waited forever and no one helped me because all the GMs were eating donuts, and bowling" isn't going to help in getting this fixed. Voice your displeasure of the lack of service, sure. But being rude won't be helpful, and will likely make them think you're exaggerating and the issue isn't a big deal. -
Wouldn't mind it for the vendors.. as long as it seperates enhancements, salvage, and recipes, so if I just want to sell the enhancements that have dropped, but keep my salavage, I can do that.
As for the WW sell all... no. I can't get behind this. I think it might be better, if something along these lines was implemented, to an "Add all" button, moving all the designed merchandise to WW/BM but not posting it. Just because something sold at a certain price recently, doesn't mean that's what it's actually worth. But then it could be argued that that's what you get for rushing, rather than simply taking the time, and playing the market... -
Quote:I demand you make your suggestions look more like suggestions and not demands!Is this the Demand and Ideas forum? Can I make it a demand and have that work? Because if I could, I'd demand it, but since I can't, I'll stick to suggesting it.
I also would like to demand a few other things... ah, nvm.
Ok, seriously now, while I kind of get where you're coming from, removing DO's doesn't really seem like it's necessary. For example...
[qoute]Level 1-7 go by so fast and you have so few slots, it is irrelevant. At 8-12 the enemies are powerful enough for those few slots you have to be useful, and I would like them to be that as opposed to just leave them empty because TOs are garbage. From 12 on, DO level power is already available, so my suggestion is no change there. I think my idea would actually make you feel more powerful as you level because you are getting useful slots and enhancements. [/quote] This sounds like more an argument to remove TOs from the game, and make DOs be level 1 - 22.
And your argument of there being all the different types, and not remembering what your origin is, sure, I can see that as being confusing, especially for a newbie. I don't recall having had that problem.. but I also don't recall what I was doing at this time last week.
And probably just to simplify it,, as it's taken me up to this very moment I type this... what you're actually suggesting is that DOs be made into TOs in the sense that all origins can slot them, right? Because current TOs do still drop up to lvl 21. But as they are currently, a lvl 20 DO provides more of an enhancement than a lvl 20 TO. Or do you want to keep TOs at the same enhancement level they're currently at? -
Quote:While I'm not a dev, I'm gonna say no. As Forbin mentioned, Ninja run a both super speed, and super jump, combined, and downgraded. I would LOVE to see someone try and convince the devs to make an "epic" version of ninja run, and essentially negate three powers(SS, SJ, and NR) with the exception of concept builds.Can we get some more travel powers like a epic version of Ninja run or something
Quote:Super jump is good but the animation is weird imo.
Quote:Super speed is proabably the least useful because so many obstacles you can't get up to. Its good for mish, but travel powers should be good for traveling long distances.
Quote:those 2 above I like the most because they can be argued as extensions of your characters already existing speed/strength
Fly and teleprt imo are hard to fit in conceptually, unless youre some wizard with spells that basically let you do whatever you want. Because fly and teleport are like completely seprate super powers. So you have your combat powers...but you can also fly.
Quote:Like a mutation that lets you grow/fight with spines but also defy gravity/teleport on the side lol. Its weird IMO
Lastly, I must quote this...
Quote:It's not as good as either because it's free and at lv4. If slottable I'd put it above SS just for the high vert movement, also depending on how much you value stealth. -
Just curious, is this a suggestion, and idea, or a demand?
Eitherway, while TOs seem worthless to me, as I personally rarely will slot anything until lvl 12, when I can put in lvl 15 DOs, they still have a purpose. For those newbies who don't have high level alts, and the marketing voodoo to make a ton of inf, it's how they can get their starting capital.
And don't you dare touch the lvl 10 IOs. Because when I DO actually slot before level 12, one of my high level alts, emails those to my lowbies, cause hey, crafting is easier once memorized, and having something is better than nothing.
What I would suggest instead, to help clear up the clutter at stores is add in Filter tabs. For example. Ghost Falcon. If I'm a Mutation origin, and I shop with him, I have to scroll through and find in the massive inventory for the section of what I can actually use. If there was a way to just click a tab at the top to filter out all things that weren't Mutation, it would be easier. So a tab for each origin.
And at the DO vendors, have a tab that seperates out the TOs, and for example the Mutation/Natural DOs from the Natural/Technology DOs. -
It's not official, since no guides are official anymore, but as soon as GR became open, this guide was released.
And here is Zombie Man's entire I18/GR guide. He's the CoH/V guide master. http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?p=3105669
For those who are too lazy to click the links, yes, the timer is 20 hours. Not 24. -
/suppressCloseFx -- Hide all personal FX when the camera is closer than the suppressCloseFxDist
/suppressCloseFxDist number -- Within this camera distance, personal FX will be suppressed.
I think these are what you're looking for. Also, here's a link to the wiki where I pulled the info from. http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/List_of_Slash_Commands -
Quote:Make a blaster, and get stealth. Boom, you have your ranged boss killer.I said Ranged Bosses killer like a scrapper or a stalker but with ranged attacks.
yes blasters have their place as ranged damage dealers but there is no role for ranged boss killers.
Quote:the reason you'd play this character would be so you could have a ranged damage dealer and the fun ambush abilities as stalker but long ranged instead of melee
when I said that silencing shot wold keep you in stealth was in other words it doesn't aggro or would instantly placate.
and blasters don't have as much defensive power as a stalker but they don't also have repel, decoys, smoke bombs and critical strikes
Quote:and it isn't team support like a corruptor. it's self buffing and foe debuffing to increase personal damage
Overall... I'd just have to ask... what else is there? You gave a brief overview of what you think the a set would be like, but what actual powersets would be put into this AT? New powersets completely, or can existing sets be applied? Or is this an idea for a new Epic AT? And most importantly, why is this AT needed? So you can kill bosses from range? I can already do that on my snipes scrapper, or any of my blasters. -
While I understand the appeal of a F2P game, making CoH one would be a huge mistake, especially now. After GR released, subscriptions have increased, meaning they're getting more money. Why would they then make a F2P version where people could play without paying? The doomsayers would say CoH is a failing game, and other epople who haven't experienced the game would see those rumors, and assume much the same, thus never bothering. The ones who are attracted to the F2P.... well even if they did join, they wouldn't be bringing in any revenue.
Play for free up to level 25? While it's half the level cap, it it hardly half the content of this game. Making this a cap of anypoint it quite frankly silly. For trial accounts stopping at lvl 14, it makes sense why the devs had it stop there. 14 is when you get a travel power. By getting a travel power, you get the chance you run around and see the rest of the City! Helps get you motivated to buy the full game.
Also.. you do realize the current subscription is $14.99 a month, and if you haven't bought GR, which is a minimum of $29.99, you don't get access to it. So that brand spanking new money maker, is given away for free less than a month from the time it actually was released, and drop the subscription rate by $4.99? Again, this would take away so much revenue from Paragon Studio's, we'd be lucky to get even 1 issue every year, for however long CoH would still have after cutting off 65%* of their income.(65% is a made up figure, but let's be honest, it's probably in the ballpark)
Like I said, I understand the desire for the F2P game. There have been times that I've had to cancel my account for a few months because I wanted to eat that month, and just couldn't justify the $15 going to the game. I'm currently a 39 month vet, if I had kept my subscription going from the first time I started playing, I'd be close to 50 months. F2P may ever work for some games. I know DDO is F2P, and the LotRO went that way. Haven't played either of them, so I don't know how it's working for them, but CoH is not one of those games that Free2Play would work for. -
Uhm... no.
The other day, a bunch of people decided to do the CoP trial. The meeting place? Pocket D. With the number of people already in the zone, and those flooding to try out the CoP, there got to be a pocket d 2. Not that big of a deal really, but now imagine come the winter event, which is getting closer and closer now. If everyone went to pocket D for the Ski Chalet, and fighting Snaptooth, and they're all coming from all the servers to the same place... lag would abound so much, no one would be able to get the ski speed badges. Not to mention that sometimes Pocket D is a good way to travel around the City/Isles and having to comb through 12 servers worth of Pocket D Alumi to get to King's Row would be a pain.