A couple of suggestions for improving the Vig/Rogue life!
I agree. Ditto. Sign me up, and all that :P Good luck, I hope this takes notice.
quick note, ALL equipment in a base aside from tp is unusable by anyone who is not a member of the sg, hence why it is a pain to do cathedral of pain trials anywhere aside from pocket d
4: Allow them into teammates bases!
As it is, Rogues can't enter hero bases, and Vigs can't enter villain bases... why? We can team up, and we can go for the same goals and objectives... but you won't let me into your home? Sure, I may have done some bad things in the past, but I'm redeeming myself, and you're seeing it first hand Mr. Hero, why can't I come to your base and use your teleporters, or medical equipment? |

Spending a bit of time at the opposite side market will start charging up the power for that side's market. Not to mention that at any point you can still buy the 1 charge market TP on either side.
1: Make the markets completely one entity.
Now I know what you're thinking, the markets are merged, blah blah blah. I'm aware of this. BUT, in you started off as a hero, and got the Marketeer dayjob power, which lets you teleport to any Wentworth's, and then you switch sides, turning Vigilante, and then Villain and/or Rogue, as a Villain or Rogue this power is completely useless! Even if you're Rogue, you can't use the power to TP to Paragon if you're in the Isles. Yet, if you park the Vil/Rogue next to the black market, you can still charge up the power. So It should be made to allow you to TP to any market that resides on the current side you're on. Example would be, with the hero turned Vil/Rogue, when they're redside, the dayjob power ports you to the black markets, and if you go blueside without having changed morality, it takes you to WW. |
I really don't see a huge need to nuke the two existing powers and replace them with a new one.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
A huge need? Absolutely not. This was more of a "QoL" enhancer. And while yes, you can buy the 1 charge market TP, that takes up an Inspiration slot. Overall, yes, a level 50 could make due with 24 insps throughout their high level career, but at lower levels one insp can make a big difference. It works fine right now as what I see as a temporary patch, but by making the Dayjob power work the way I described makes more sense(At least to me).
Spending a bit of time at the opposite side market will start charging up the power for that side's market. Not to mention that at any point you can still buy the 1 charge market TP on either side.
I really don't see a huge need to nuke the two existing powers and replace them with a new one. |
You know, I saw another suggestion about alignment and SG/VGs before. Something about a checklist for which alignments you'd allow into the SG.
4: Allow them into teammates bases!
As it is, Rogues can't enter hero bases, and Vigs can't enter villain bases... why? We can team up, and we can go for the same goals and objectives... but you won't let me into your home? Sure, I may have done some bad things in the past, but I'm redeeming myself, and you're seeing it first hand Mr. Hero, why can't I come to your base and use your teleporters, or medical equipment? |
It's a temp power, it takes no Inpiration slots. In its original version it was an inspire, but they got rid of that.
A huge need? Absolutely not. This was more of a "QoL" enhancer. And while yes, you can buy the 1 charge market TP, that takes up an Inspiration slot.
It works fine right now as what I see as a temporary patch, but by making the Dayjob power work the way I described makes more sense(At least to me). |
Is it a pain getting around the other side at first? yeah, but you can do a few easy things to smooth it out (like working on the BM day job) and the problem is quickly solved for the most part.
I'd rather put in a little extra work to have added flexibility later, than be hobbled later for some added convenience now.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
Ah.. was not aware of that. Shows how long it's been since I've used that particular piece of the game
It's a temp power, it takes no Inpiration slots. In its original version it was an inspire, but they got rid of that.

[/quote]Making the Day Job power work as you described, leaves someone in one of the "gray" alignments stuck on the other side even if they have a bunch of charges on their power. Not literally stuck, but part of the advantage of being Rogue or Vigi is the ability to go back home for stuff.
Is it a pain getting around the other side at first? yeah, but you can do a few easy things to smooth it out (like working on the BM day job) and the problem is quickly solved for the most part.
I'd rather put in a little extra work to have added flexibility later, than be hobbled later for some added convenience now.[/QUOTE]
The reason I described it as I did, was because then it has the same usefulness as it does when you're on the side the you got the power from.
Right now, if you're a vigilante, and have the Day Trader badge, and you're on blueside, you can use the temp power that comes with it to go to any WW. But if you're on redside, the power does nothing.
My suggestion was to make it so that same character could use the Day Trader teleport to go to any BM when they're on redside.
Overall, I wouldn't mind it if the power was made to be used to cross from red to blue(Which is what I assume you meant by the 'extra work to have added flexibility later' comment), but the main reason I didn't was that simply, a vigilante could still go Villain, and then decide to stay a villain, but then have a useless power sitting in their tray that can't be used again unless they go rogue, and then back to hero.
1: Make the markets completely one entity.
Now I know what you're thinking, the markets are merged, blah blah blah. I'm aware of this. BUT, in you started off as a hero, and got the Marketeer dayjob power, which lets you teleport to any Wentworth's, and then you switch sides, turning Vigilante, and then Villain and/or Rogue, as a Villain or Rogue this power is completely useless! Even if you're Rogue, you can't use the power to TP to Paragon if you're in the Isles. Yet, if you park the Vil/Rogue next to the black market, you can still charge up the power.
So It should be made to allow you to TP to any market that resides on the current side you're on. Example would be, with the hero turned Vil/Rogue, when they're redside, the dayjob power ports you to the black markets, and if you go blueside without having changed morality, it takes you to WW.
2: Pocket D pop-ups...
I'm a Vig/Rogue moves from red to blue, or blue to red using Pocket D, you get the warning pop-up both at the elevator, and at the door to the zone you're going to. This is redundant, and unnecessary. We really only need the pop-up once... if at all. I wouldn't mind being able to disable the pop-up all together, because for me, after the first time, I get the idea. Some might need more reminders, but not me personally, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. But to get the pop-up twice, within seconds of each other is not needed.
3: Ouro portals
No, I'm not asking that hero/Vil Ouro's be merged, and allow Vigs/Rogue to get both lists of destinations while there... while that would be nice, I just doubt it will happen. Instead I ask... why the pop-up isn't there?If I'm a vigilante, and I'm over in Rogue Isles, I can collect tips, hit Ouro, choose Talos Island, and pull up my tips that I got in Cap. I haven't tried to investigate these tips personally, but I just find it odd that Ouro bypasses the need for the pop-up, and the system that should clear your tips that you've earned.
While in my previous point, I recommended being able to disable the pop-up warning, here I think it would do good. I can't begin to count the number of times a teammate in a TF forgot that they were still Rogue, and trying to use Ouro for zone travel, ended up having to go back to the Rogue Isles. If the pop-up warning came up when they clicked on the Ouro portal, they would have the chance to say 'no' and not end up wasting time going through more zones than necessary.
4: Allow them into teammates bases!
As it is, Rogues can't enter hero bases, and Vigs can't enter villain bases... why? We can team up, and we can go for the same goals and objectives... but you won't let me into your home? Sure, I may have done some bad things in the past, but I'm redeeming myself, and you're seeing it first hand Mr. Hero, why can't I come to your base and use your teleporters, or medical equipment?