I want a Free42Play Version!




There shoulde be a free version for ppl who dont have a lot of money.
like you can play free until level 25 and the you can lock some zones for ppl who play free. and ppl can surcibe for $10.00 per month and when you sucrbie you get acess to going rouge expasion. and for free you can only create one chatcer and it can only be a hero and you have limted chocies. thats my idea



Don't they already have this?
It's called a trial account and you can play until level 14. If you like it you can pay $15 a month and do more.

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



I wonder how many current subs CoH would loose if there were a F2P version... guess it would depend on how much one could do in a F2P version. Don't make it appealing enough, and few people will use it. Make it too appealing, Paragon Studios could be cutting themselves off at the knees.




While I understand the appeal of a F2P game, making CoH one would be a huge mistake, especially now. After GR released, subscriptions have increased, meaning they're getting more money. Why would they then make a F2P version where people could play without paying? The doomsayers would say CoH is a failing game, and other epople who haven't experienced the game would see those rumors, and assume much the same, thus never bothering. The ones who are attracted to the F2P.... well even if they did join, they wouldn't be bringing in any revenue.

Play for free up to level 25? While it's half the level cap, it it hardly half the content of this game. Making this a cap of anypoint it quite frankly silly. For trial accounts stopping at lvl 14, it makes sense why the devs had it stop there. 14 is when you get a travel power. By getting a travel power, you get the chance you run around and see the rest of the City! Helps get you motivated to buy the full game.

Also.. you do realize the current subscription is $14.99 a month, and if you haven't bought GR, which is a minimum of $29.99, you don't get access to it. So that brand spanking new money maker, is given away for free less than a month from the time it actually was released, and drop the subscription rate by $4.99? Again, this would take away so much revenue from Paragon Studio's, we'd be lucky to get even 1 issue every year, for however long CoH would still have after cutting off 65%* of their income.(65% is a made up figure, but let's be honest, it's probably in the ballpark)

Like I said, I understand the desire for the F2P game. There have been times that I've had to cancel my account for a few months because I wanted to eat that month, and just couldn't justify the $15 going to the game. I'm currently a 39 month vet, if I had kept my subscription going from the first time I started playing, I'd be close to 50 months. F2P may ever work for some games. I know DDO is F2P, and the LotRO went that way. Haven't played either of them, so I don't know how it's working for them, but CoH is not one of those games that Free2Play would work for.



I could see where they might (might mind you) consider trying out some kind of F2P model say 2 or 3 years from now. But just a few weeks/months after a major expansion to the game and a major influx of money/subscriptions to the company? No, that seems very unlikely.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



moving towards F2Ps is a step towards (more) microtransactions. Microtransactions are evil.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
moving towards F2Ps is a step towards (more) microtransactions. Microtransactions are evil.
We have plenty of microtransactions already though.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Is it really that difficult to find $15 a month to play this game each month ? What's with all this talk of the game being so expensive all the time ? I just don't get it .



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
I wonder how many current subs CoH would loose if there were a F2P version... guess it would depend on how much one could do in a F2P version. Don't make it appealing enough, and few people will use it. Make it too appealing, Paragon Studios could be cutting themselves off at the knees.
Costumes; Inventions; temp powers; content; character slots.

Personally, I think NCSoft could make a killing. The key would be making many of the things we take for granted ala carte. And giving subscriptions perks that make people want to upgrade.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Costumes; Inventions; temp powers; content; character slots.

Personally, I think NCSoft could make a killing. The key would be making many of the things we take for granted ala carte. And giving subscriptions perks that make people want to upgrade.

from experience with other games, that are free2play but get perks with subscriptions, games which have free 2 play, but had lots of limitations unless you were subscribed



Free to play... sure make Outbreak and Breakout Zones free to play... have fun getting to 50 ...

"no" to "free to play CoH" for me

The final line of a post by Sweet_Sarah on Liberty
"Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes."



$15/mo is just not that hard to come up with. If it is, there are bigger issues to deal with than "Where's my MMO Sub money going to come from?" Like - finding food and paying rent.

Plus, as Lothic pointed out - we've JUST had GR released. Seems it'd be a bad time to even consider it.



Originally Posted by mellloyellow View Post
There shoulde be a free version for ppl who dont have a lot of money.
like you can play free until level 25 and the you can lock some zones for ppl who play free. and ppl can surcibe for $10.00 per month and when you sucrbie you get acess to going rouge expasion. and for free you can only create one chatcer and it can only be a hero and you have limted chocies. thats my idea
cut out some of your other wasted expenses??? like don't eat out as much, don't go to every movie that comes out, buy your video games used instead of new...



Originally Posted by mellloyellow View Post
There shoulde be a free version for ppl who dont have a lot of money.
like you can play free until level 25 and the you can lock some zones for ppl who play free. and ppl can surcibe for $10.00 per month and when you sucrbie you get acess to going rouge expasion. and for free you can only create one chatcer and it can only be a hero and you have limted chocies. thats my idea

If you enjoy Free to Play games so much I suggest you try out NCSofts free to play MMO's and tell us what you think of them and if their game models would work for CoH.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
The OP is obviously a troll. "Can only be a hero," WTF?
pot meet kettle??? at least in this section of the forums...



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
They aren't links, just colored for emphasis.
It seems a moderator is removing references to other NCSoft Games.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
It seems a moderator is removing references to other NCSoft Games.
SHHH, You aren't supposed to be saying what moderators may or may not be doing. Iz sekrit.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
It seems a moderator is removing references to other NCSoft Games.

Wow. I understood that we couldn't talk about other companies games but it's really against the NCSoft forum rules to mention games owned by NCSoft?



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Wow. I understood that we couldn't talk about other companies games but it's really against the NCSoft forum rules to mention games owned by NCSoft?
I think they did that to be consistent and not be accused of favoritism.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I think they did that to be consistent and not be accused of favoritism.
If the concern is applying the rules consistently then I'm puzzled why another post in this thread wasn't moderated because it's also against the rules to call someone a troll.

Nevermind I don't want to get in trouble for discussing things like that. I'll drop the subject and move on.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
If the concern is applying the rules consistently then I'm puzzled why another post in this thread wasn't moderated because it's also against the rules to call someone a troll.

Nevermind I don't want to get in trouble for discussing things like that. I'll drop the subject and move on.
Maybe the post wasn't reported.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Costumes; Inventions; temp powers; content; character slots.

Personally, I think NCSoft could make a killing. The key would be making many of the things we take for granted ala carte. And giving subscriptions perks that make people want to upgrade.
I'd rather not. I dislike games that try "encourage" me to get the "delux" membership because that's just a clever way to turn the entire game into one giant adware. Right now, we have booster packs, but they aren't "necessary." I never run into an NPC in-game that tells me "Sorry, I can't sell you this Cavity Press unless you're a Gold Member!"

Right now, the Booster Packs in City of Heroes are cosmetic extras, things that the actual game doesn't really make much of a push for. I would not, however, want to see this turned into a "free" to play model where the game is constantly pimping itself out to me to get me to spend more money. "Buy quadruple experience!" "Buy in-game loot!" "Buy gold!" "Buy access to this and that dungeon!"

Right now, if I pay a subscription, I get practically everything. I enjoy that feeling and would not like this to turn into a game where the amount of fun I'm having is controlled by the amount of money I put into it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
We have plenty of microtransactions already though.
yeah but I don't want any more. I would much prefer if the Devs input time went towards working on stuff all subscribers got. I feel cheated slightly that more and more costume sets are going into booster packs, which is fair enough.

But is Jay and the costume team getting paid just from the boosters, or do they get paid from the subscription fees to do their job? if so, shouldnt more and more of their output be available to me.

In the end, I don't care that much, since if something in the microtransactional packs appeals to me, I can just get it.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I would not like this to turn into a game where the amount of fun I'm having is controlled by the amount of money I put into it.
Sam and I don't always see eye to eye, but I am in complete agreement with him on this one.

I can go to the movies and easily spend more than $15 between the ticket and any snacks I may want to have while watching it. That's more than $15 for 3 hours of entertainment at most. If I want to watch that movie again, I have to pay full price again

I pay $15 for my CoH subscription and I can play as much as I want (or have time for) every month. Quite literally entertainment limited only by the amount of free time I have, rather than how much money I have to spend on it.

In contrast, a console based video game costs around $60, and I haven't seen too many console based games that give me 4 months of entertainment, which is what it would take to equal my CoH subscription.

And on another note. Games that go F2P after having been subscription based tend to have their atmosphere go downhill quickly. Currently, people behave themselves most of the time, because their account is costing them money and they don't want to get banned. If CoH were free, people would play the game and be complete jerkwads to everyone they meet, because they don't CARE if they get banned from a game they aren't paying anything for. They just laugh and move on to the next free game to be a jerkwad in.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
They just laugh and move on to the next free game to be a jerkwad in.
Or they just make another free account. And lets not forget that the sub fee is what helps keep the RMT crap to a minimum. If we went F2P we'd be flooded with their garbage.