How about the ability to "Hire" lackeys?
Kind of like in Guild Wars? Ability to add NPCs to your team which help you out, but steal your loot?
Between Guild Wars and the AI of certain NPCs already in the game, my only reply to this has to be "If I wanted to die quicker, I could do so without their help."
They are available in the MA to your hearts content.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Between Guild Wars and the AI of certain NPCs already in the game, my only reply to this has to be "If I wanted to die quicker, I could do so without their help."
[/ QUOTE ]
This. If you're not sure what we're talking about, go run any of the missions that involve Fusionette as an ally, then come back and you'll /unsign your own suggestion.
Between Guild Wars and the AI of certain NPCs already in the game, my only reply to this has to be "If I wanted to die quicker, I could do so without their help."
[/ QUOTE ]
This. If you're not sure what we're talking about, go run any of the missions that involve Fusionette as an ally, then come back and you'll /unsign your own suggestion.
[/ QUOTE ]
But I like Fusionette
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Between Guild Wars and the AI of certain NPCs already in the game, my only reply to this has to be "If I wanted to die quicker, I could do so without their help."
[/ QUOTE ]
This. If you're not sure what we're talking about, go run any of the missions that involve Fusionette as an ally, then come back and you'll /unsign your own suggestion.
[/ QUOTE ]
Or Lady Jane. "OK, I've saved you, good thing we... wait, where'd you go?" *see NPC that must stay alive running down the hall aggroing two more groups plus her ambush.*
As an on and off again player, I would like to take a look at the idea of "Heroes for Hire". Sometimes I can be on for hours looking for a group or another player to team up with. Life for me is such that I am not on as much as Supergroups would like - so I get booted from Supergroups for attendance.
I think this could add more content to the game as over ones career players associate themselves with Longbow, the PD, Midnighters Club and so on. Lets say you had the ability to give orders to the NPC like in Neverwinter Nights: Stay close, only use missiles, run instead of fight that Vahz horde.
Lets say you can hire more than one? Lets say when you go down the Hired Hero has "one" awaken they can give you?
No AI isnt the greatest - but it beats sitting around for hours or plinking away at mobs you can handle but takes forever to take down or make headway.
Might be kind of fun. It looks like the game already has the ability to team with NPC's based on a few missions I have seen. It would be fun to roll into a mission with a bunch of hired thugs. If you need certain skills, you might have to pay more.
Geoff |
As long as they steal a share of the drops (like teaming does), sure.
NPC pets don't keep up with me very well, so I usually have to either slow down or leave them behind. Not terribly useful.
Teaming with Faultline in the RWZ arc is fun though, for my Villains. I run ahead of him a little, hop to the other side of a pack of Rikti Monkeys (I'm usually running missions at x4 by then) and wait. "So, Big Boy, how's that Granite Armor against Psi Damage?"
Anyway, back to the suggestion. I'm hesitant for the idea for it making "Pocket Healers" or "Pocket Kins" or whatever.
I think this could add more content to the game as over ones career players associate themselves with Longbow, the PD, Midnighters Club and so on. Lets say you had the ability to give orders to the NPC like in <Another Game> Stay close, only use missiles, run instead of fight that Vahz horde.
But they hesitate in allowing other classes have such fine control over thier pets, such as there are in Controller, Defender, etc. powersets.
The idea of having established NPC factions as controllable pets is interesting. And certain Temp Powers allow a summon of such (Back-Up Radio?).
As an on and off again player, I would like to take a look at the idea of "Heroes for Hire". Sometimes I can be on for hours looking for a group or another player to team up with. Life for me is such that I am not on as much as Supergroups would like - so I get booted from Supergroups for attendance.
I think this could add more content to the game as over ones career players associate themselves with Longbow, the PD, Midnighters Club and so on. Lets say you had the ability to give orders to the NPC like in Neverwinter Nights: Stay close, only use missiles, run instead of fight that Vahz horde. Lets say you can hire more than one? Lets say when you go down the Hired Hero has "one" awaken they can give you? No AI isnt the greatest - but it beats sitting around for hours or plinking away at mobs you can handle but takes forever to take down or make headway. |
This game doesn't need hirelings/lackeys to play the game.
Better than Power_NA's oft-repeated suggestion of being able to use teams of your alts in missions, I suppose.
I would rather have a Temp Power that you purchase thru the Alignment Store.
Random Minion NPC = 2 H or V Alignment Merits
Random Lt. NPC = 10 H or V Alignment Merits
Random Boss NPC = 35 H or V Alignment Merits
NPC Temp power disappears after X amount of Real Time.
No more than one NPC can be summoned at one time, with a long cooldown period.
If the NPC is prematurely killed, another may not be summoned until the cooldown timer expires.
[backup radio] for that matter

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Their are some folks who keep saying that the Dev's are looking for Inf sinks. Seems like this could be a good one!
Why would I pay for a lackey when I can get one from the Team Search window, usually for free.
Er, they already exist. The Backup Radio temp power.
Plus, iirc a possible leaked Incarnate Content power was this. Called Lore, I think.
Honestly I've secretly wished for something like this when playing at 4 in the morning and there's literally nobody around that wants to team, and if they want to team they don't want to do what you're doing.
The problem with henchman as they worked in Guild Wars has been mentioned here. Guild wars henchman didn't have an issue keeping up because there were no travel powers and such, and they also didn't have a tether limit where they'd suddenly lose you while you're still in sight and flail like a schoolgirl with a roach up her skirt.
That said.... nope wait I have one more thing to add.
Guild wars was most certainly not about the leveling. I haven't played it since the second (and subsequent) expansions came out but when I played the level cap was 20, and it was -extremely- easy to get to. Most people could get from 1-20 in a day without breaking a sweat. City of heroes? Not so much.... Being able to have a full team of 7 heroes with you would likely be incredibly overpowered in your favor, and I could never honestly see them taking this idea seriously. On the flip side if you make the henchman too weak, you'll just be soundly crushed by your new-found 8 man team spawned enemy groups.
Whichever way you slice it, a guild-wars-esque henchman idea would be incredibly difficult to pull off well without enabling people to just let their henchman teams steamroll everything while they sit back and enjoy the free levels. If it could be implemented right, I would adore it more than anything you would believe for those lonely team-less nights, but I won't be expecting it at all. The most I could see them doing is adding more pet powers as other people have suggested, and you can just turn your difficulty up to match it, but that would still seem like self-power leveling to me.
I would rather have a Temp Power that you purchase thru the Alignment Store.
Random Minion NPC = 2 H or V Alignment Merits Random Lt. NPC = 10 H or V Alignment Merits Random Boss NPC = 35 H or V Alignment Merits NPC Temp power disappears after X amount of Real Time. No more than one NPC can be summoned at one time, with a long cooldown period. If the NPC is prematurely killed, another may not be summoned until the cooldown timer expires. |
Common version of the power:
1 Lt level mob that attacks and can be attacked or 1 ally who only buffs but cannot be attacked.
Uncommon version of the power:
1 Boss level mob that attacks or 1 Lt level that attacks and 1 buff ally.
Rare version of the power:
1 Boss level mob and 1 Lt level mob that attacks or one Boss level mob and 1 buff ally.
However I imagine the Incarnate system is being overhauled greatly so don't expect it to end up like that.
You want to charge people for playing Masterminds or using the search feature?
/unsigned |
For a rough example, Player Xero wants to do a mission arc by himself but needs help, he could have the option of hiring backup for 50,000 each (Just picked a number out of the air) to help complete the toughest stage. Or maybe even to fill out a team for a TF. Xero burns inf and gets to solo the arc or TF. . . I am completely ok with that, wouldn't use it myself, just too poor, but I would not object to someone having the option to.
Edit: Some people simply are not team players, either too shy or burned too often to trust strangers.
For a rough example, Player Xero wants to do a mission arc by himself but needs help, he could have the option of hiring backup for 50,000 each (Just picked a number out of the air) to complete the toughest stage. Or maybe even to fill out a team for a TF. Xero burns inf and gets to solo the arc or TF. . . I am completely ok with that, wouldn't use it myself, just too poor, but I would not object to someone having the option to.
Edit: Some people simply are not team players, either too shy or burned too often to trust strangers. |
- Go to Bloody Bay and get some Shivans
- He can spend some Vanguard Merits and buy a Vanguard HVAS
- He can craft a Backup Radio temp power to summon a Crabspider Longfang or a PPD Hardsuit.
- He can use his Clockwork Connection to summon a clockwork pet.
- He can use his Warwolf Whistle to summon a Warwolf.
- He can use Creeper Seeds to summon a DE.
- He can use his Candy Canes to buy the ability to summon a Snow Beast.
- He can use the Coral Amulet to summon a Coralax.
- He can use the Demon box to summon a Wailer or a Tar Patch.
- He can use his Loa Bone to summon a Skeleton.
- He can use the Rikti Drone power to summon a Rikti Drone.
- He can use a vial of bes to summon a bee swarm.
- He can use Amy's Ward to summon Amy Jonsson
- He can use the Arachnos Combat Radio to summon a Bane Spider
- He can earn the temp ability to summon a Longbow Mech or an Arachnos Mini Blaster if he's in Recluse Victory.
Man, imagine an MM with all those extra pets...
Might be kind of fun. It looks like the game already has the ability to team with NPC's based on a few missions I have seen. It would be fun to roll into a mission with a bunch of hired thugs. If you need certain skills, you might have to pay more.