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  1. Might be kind of fun. It looks like the game already has the ability to team with NPC's based on a few missions I have seen. It would be fun to roll into a mission with a bunch of hired thugs. If you need certain skills, you might have to pay more.

  2. Thanks for the tips guy! I never thought of using four shields, I was just stacking up the health and I couldn't even hit them fast enough.

  3. I was thinking about a team but it usually says you need one to start the mission. I thought I may have been missing something.

    Thank you for the tip though.

  4. I am a level 41 Brute. I can kill the bad guy, Calystix the Zealot, but I can't figure out how to Destroy the "Fonts of Power" or Enact the ritual. I think I have to destroy the fonts first, but they dish out like 150 damage per second and I can't get close.

    Any ideas? This is the stucktest I have ever been.
