PD accessible to all servers
Uhm... no.
The other day, a bunch of people decided to do the CoP trial. The meeting place? Pocket D. With the number of people already in the zone, and those flooding to try out the CoP, there got to be a pocket d 2. Not that big of a deal really, but now imagine come the winter event, which is getting closer and closer now. If everyone went to pocket D for the Ski Chalet, and fighting Snaptooth, and they're all coming from all the servers to the same place... lag would abound so much, no one would be able to get the ski speed badges. Not to mention that sometimes Pocket D is a good way to travel around the City/Isles and having to comb through 12 servers worth of Pocket D Alumi to get to King's Row would be a pain.
You want to play in Virtue Pocket D while on Justice?
This is technically and mechanically impossible. If it ever became possible to do this without name conflicts, server transfer costs and suchforth, then we don't need to stop at Pocket D. We should just marry everything into the same one server.
And I'm not talking about "Merge the servers!" because I don't feel there are enough people. I ideally, any social game works best as a single server with internal instancing. The reason we have separate servers are almost always purely technical and have to do with hardware limitations. One of the developers once talked about wanting to do a "single server environment," but explained that it was probably the single most difficulty, complex and costly thing they could do at the time. I've no reason to believe this has changed since then.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
It would take a space ricreativ.
Pocket-D, but unique and accessible to all servers to meet and talk with any friends and players.
Then immediately buy the emote-pack.