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  1. Frostbiter

    403 error

    You can try doing a traceroute on the website. Oftentimes its a jump in between that is down.

    Open your command prompt and type in tracert and see if it times out before it gets there.
  2. I have only gotten one ever. Its all a matter of randomness and fighting the appropriate level enemies.
  3. Ask for advice in the appropriate archetype forum. You'll learn more than you really wanted to know.
  4. I was trying to be all tongue and cheek but my worser nature got the better of me.

    Bad Frostbiter! Bad!
  5. Your sentence indicates an ambiguity in the reading of it without the serial comma. Spelling and grammar are not the same things.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
    Proper vocabulary, spelling and grammar are critical factors to success in life. Learn it, love it, live it!
    FYI - You should have an additional comma after the word spelling in your sentence.

    And before anyone tries to argue, see "Oxford Comma".
  7. "The Grammar Squad - Putting the you are back in your since 2001."
  8. Bear in mind that the Geforce 260M will be more powerful than the 320M.
  9. Fans are easy to come by and install. And having all the wiring tight to the case increases air flow. When you can, pay the extra money for name-brand memory and video cards. If I recall its not really that much extra.
  10. I also use Web of Trust that marks sites with a rating and one called BetterPrivacy that deletes flash cookies when you exit the browser.
  11. Whatever you decide to use, it's important to not rely on just one product. Malwarebytes and Spybot are good tools to use alongside whatever antivirus you pick. I also use Firefox with No-Script and haven't had any virus trouble in forever.
  12. Microsoft's new antivirus is pretty good. It will only update when you tell it to or when your computer does windows updates. Its Microsoft Security Essentials available at in the security section.
  13. Frostbiter


    If that's all it takes to make your day I have a nice shiny piece of string you may be interested in. But welcome back to the game!
  14. It's more about the defenses. 3% stacked 5 times is pretty significant when you're trying to reach soft caps.
  15. Frostbiter

    Upgrade Problems

    As much as this happens you'd really think they'd change it so their support staff didn't have to deal with it. This issue has to be costing them money.
  16. Frostbiter

    Costume emote

    I actually saw one in RL the other day. I was like "They still have those?"
  17. You may also want to check out Citybinder. Their MM binds are the bee's knees.
  18. Frostbiter

    Upgrade Problems

    Contact support and have them straighten it out. They are the only ones who can help you now. When you get a full retail code you have to upgrade your trial account. If you just add the code to your master account it treats it like a different game account.
  19. Don't forget to UPGRADE your trial account. If you just add the retail code to your trial account you wont get to keep your trial characters.
  20. Here's a link you may find helpful.

    Also why would a Mastermind not want bosses? They are crunchy good xp.
  21. Adding a team member increases the number of mobs in a spawn. increasing your level makes the mobs go up in levels.
  22. Frostbiter

    Illu/Rad Build

    You would be better served posting this in the appropriate archtype forum. You will get better help there.
  23. You start. The rest of us will be along shortly.
  24. Anyone can take Flight as a power pool. I prefer it to all the other travel powers but Super Jump is a second favorite of mine. They all have their good and bad qulaities however.

    The four travel power pools are:

    Super Jump (Allows you to jump very high and far, very fast)
    Teleportation (Allows you to teleport 100 yds at a time)
    Superspeed (Run really really fast)

    All the travel powers are available at level 14 but you have to buy one of the first or second powers in the pool at 6 or later to be able to purchase a travel power at level 14.