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  1. Warrior was awesome and I thought for sure it would have been nominated.
  2. I'll just say that, since I've been mainly playing with a blaster lately, I enjoy having a tank or brute on the team. Even if they aren't that good/bright, they can still be convinced to run headfirst into a mob to soak up some damage as I kill everyone.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Saint Valencrime View Post
    How would your AE arc to kill the Statesman start? Here are a few ideas that I had ....
    I would have had it be Emperor Cole from Preatoria that was Darrin Wade's secret weapon. Cole comes out with his ultramega Well of the Furies powers and he and the rest of his superpowerful villians have an epic battle where Statesman fought as hard as he could but was just overcome by their combined might, especially Cole's.
  4. I can say that Virtue is a lot less RP than it used to be, and it's much friendlier to new players. I tried it years ago and soon regretted my decision. But now the server has softened and I've matured as a player, and am very happy to say that I'm almost exclusively a Virtue player. That being said, I think that labeling it the RP server, and then having people play there and be critical of those that aren't RPing wouldn't be a good experience, especially for a new player.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
    I thought the idea was of her just thinking she was WW while trying to fight crime. If thats the it is fixt:
    In my idea she might actually be WW.....and that gives her an excuse to run around in skimpy outfits
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
    So basically a show with ED in it spending a lot of time in the hospital for getting getting beat up and knocked out on a regular basis. She could co-star on any of the 10 dramas dealing with doctors/emergency rooms etc.
    She would, of course, look beautiful while totally kicking butt!
  7. So....David Kelley needs to create a new show featuring Erica Durance in skimpy outfits........and she fights crime while believing that she's Wonder Woman, and it may or may not turn out that she actually is WW.
  8. Most powerset combos have one offensive set and a defensive set; as a blaster, I have two offensive sets! (Fire/Elec/Flame)
  9. signed.

    Having to resummon it so quickly makes me either not take the power in the first place, or if I do take it, it doesn't get summoned enough to be worth taking.
  10. signed.

    Over the past few years all the floating text has gotten out of control, and yes, I can't see my own damage past all the "disintergration, thiscombo, thatcombo, ____judgement"
  11. I think it's a server thing. Trials on Virtue are almost always launched from RWZ and it's almost always "____ forming, pst for invite".
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
    Yeah this is why I haven't rolled a StJ toon yet. Every time I team with one and hear those sounds it kills any enthusiasm I've built up since the last time I teamed with one.
    I like the sounds; a good old "thwack!" when punching the bad guy in the face is awesome.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Is this supposed to be apocalypsian or heavenly? I guess it depends upon the nature of the catgirl uprising. Are they girls with some features of cats, like the ears and tail as is common in anime? Or are they cats with the features of girls?
    I'm assuming they will appear as the catgirls found in Atlas Park on some servers. I'm thinking it will be like the mermaids in Pirates 4; they are beautiful but mate with willing and unwilling men, to the death!
  14. I think that all the sets should have alternate animations available as long as they are similar in time to the power that they are alternates for.
  15. I've suggested alternate animations for MA before as well. I think that combining some of Kinetic Melee and Street Justice's animations as alternate animations would look awesome. The first couple of KM powers are palm strikes that could take the place of a couple of the lamer kicks.
  16. I have an ele/ele blaster, "Electroblast" but he comes in second in terms of playing enjoyment to my fire/elec blaster, "Fireshock". I've gotten many comments from other players about how "nasty" my build is, in terms of killing the enemy. "blapping" is certainly a lot of fun.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
    Well... not all.
    .....I have finally started trying to get more of my incarnate slots filled, besides the Alpha. I've boycotted the whole thing prior to this.....I think I was the last one....
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
    I'm going back to soloing, f**k this League garbage it isn't worth the frustration.
    I'm with you there. I can't wait on solo/non-league Incarnate stuff.
  19. I'd swap it out a bit and make the call for back-up be a kind of team invite while in-mission and people could be in the que to join teams as back-up. At least, that's what I thought when I read the thread title.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Personally, I've always thought the trainers were a pointless annoyance. I'd be perfectly happy to get rid of them altogether and click the flashing level-up arrow by your health bar to bring up the level-up interface.
  21. I tried it both ways and enjoyed the Corrupter much more than the Defender. That was the only Corr that I've gotten to 50.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    I want to hear ribs cracking when I use Rib Cracker, I want to hear the celery-wrapped-in-a-towel-and-broken 'k-k-krack' when I use Shin Breaker, and I sure as hell want to hear the sharp snap of enamel as my foe's teeth smash together when I use Crushing Uppercut.

    (Also, would it be too much to ask to add a few tooth-shaped particles to the landing FX on Crushing Uppercut?)
    I wanted true Mortal Kombat style finishers! I want to pull a guy's skull and spine out!
  23. I'm really enjoying it. My SJ/WP brute (I should have gone Regen to try it on a brute but I forgot we had that now) is only lvl 10 or so but I'm looking forward to more awesomeness. I like the combo system and can't wait to see what all the powers will do. I'm really happy about purchasing this, but regret getting Beam Rifle.

    Rib Cracker is badass. Nice pic, Nekko.
  24. I was totally not interested but now I'm a bit interested. Thanks, Shonuff!