Now I can't ask WHICH iTrial before I commit?




I was just in Pocket D and some guy announced, "iTrial forming". I sent a tell asking which one.

His response, "One we haven't done"

My response, "LOL Well which have you done"

His response, "I have lead all but UGT"

My response, "Not trying to be a pest, but does that mean you are going to do UGT?"

We sent a few more tells and I say, " I understand. Ty for your patience with me"

His response, "That's fine, but next time leave it to me to form"

Wait, what? Is it so wrong to want to know which iTrial? I didn't even respond because I thought I was being gracious with my last comment even though I was already a little frustrated, then to have him end it with I wrong here and not seeing something?

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



I'm just guessing here, but it sounds like he thought he wouldn't get anyone if he advertised UGT, so he tried to shanghai folks.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



At least that would make sense...the thing is, I wanted to unlock Lore so needed to know which he was doing. Shouldn't be hard. LOL

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



I'd 2-star someone like that. Can't tell me what trial he wants to form or even thinks he wants to form, and then says something like that at the end?

Yeah... no.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
I'd 2-star someone like that. Can't tell me what trial he wants to form or even thinks he wants to form, and then says something like that at the end?

Yeah... no.
OK good, thanks for helping me believe I am not crazy. Sometimes my interaction with people in this game make me question my sanity, my attitude, or my ability to communicate at all.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



I dunno ... I've been on several leagues that formed up before the trial we were going to do was decided upon; it's never really been an issue. Maybe it's just my server.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
I dunno ... I've been on several leagues that formed up before the trial we were going to do was decided upon; it's never really been an issue. Maybe it's just my server.
I have no issue with that. If he has just said, "Well, we will decide when all join" that is a much different response than what I got, imo.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



I think it's a server thing. Trials on Virtue are almost always launched from RWZ and it's almost always "____ forming, pst for invite".




I play on Virtue (as well as others), but this one was on Justice. Maybe it is normal there, I only have 2 50s on Justice.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
I have no issue with that. If he has just said, "Well, we will decide when all join" that is a much different response than what I got, imo.
Yes, I would expect something along the lines of "I want to try for UGT, but if we don't get 24 in the next 10 minutes we'll just go with a Lambda or BAF with whoever we've got so far."

And, yes, it's totally reasonable to want to know what trial you're going to spend the next 10 minutes standing around waiting for...



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
I play on Virtue (as well as others), but this one was on Justice. Maybe it is normal there, I only have 2 50s on Justice.
No, that is not particularly normal for Justice.

Your question was reasonable. I endorse the suggestion of 2-star for the individual.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Just because that guy was a jerk doesn't mean that you're sane.

You got me there...very true.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



My guess is that he was trying to do something different.

Given that most trials are at best boring and at worst a dogpile and that forming a league is a horrible waste of time and effort he was trying to keep you onside as long as possible.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
I was just in Pocket D and some guy announced, "iTrial forming". I sent a tell asking which one.

His response, "One we haven't done"

My response, "LOL Well which have you done"

His response, "I have lead all but UGT"

My response, "Not trying to be a pest, but does that mean you are going to do UGT?"

We sent a few more tells and I say, " I understand. Ty for your patience with me"

His response, "That's fine, but next time leave it to me to form"

Wait, what? Is it so wrong to want to know which iTrial? I didn't even respond because I thought I was being gracious with my last comment even though I was already a little frustrated, then to have him end it with I wrong here and not seeing something?
Christoforo is playing CoH now?

Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
I play on Virtue (as well as others), but this one was on Justice. Maybe it is normal there, I only have 2 50s on Justice.
Say it ain't so Paul. Say it ain't so.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
His response, "That's fine, but next time leave it to me to form"
That's fine. Leave it to me to decline to join your league due to the leader apparently being either indecisive, deceptive or just incompetent.

If someone doesn't announce what trial they will be doing, I ALWAYS ask. If I get a BS response, I don't join.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
I play on Virtue (as well as others), but this one was on Justice. Maybe it is normal there, I only have 2 50s on Justice.
I've seen that happen there and on Freedom. Some leaders like to just snag up interested members 'willing to do iTrials' and then decide 'what' exactly they're doing.

If I'm in the mood for a 'mystery' iTrial, I'll often join up on leagues like that.

Member of:
Repeat Offenders Network - The Largest Coalition Network in the Game, across Virtue, Freedom, Justice and Exalted. Open to all, check us out.

Current Team Project: Pending



The best I ever encountered was a couple of months back. A guy began advertising for a BAF Trial in the RWZ. He managed to get a full league going. Then queued for a Keyes Trial. Keep in mind this was before the Keyes Trial was hit with the nerf bat. I LOLed so hard. I never saw a whole league disband so quickly.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
I was just in Pocket D and some guy announced, "iTrial forming". I sent a tell asking which one.

His response, "One we haven't done"

My response, "LOL Well which have you done"

His response, "I have lead all but UGT"

My response, "Not trying to be a pest, but does that mean you are going to do UGT?"

We sent a few more tells and I say, " I understand. Ty for your patience with me"

His response, "That's fine, but next time leave it to me to form"

Wait, what? Is it so wrong to want to know which iTrial? I didn't even respond because I thought I was being gracious with my last comment even though I was already a little frustrated, then to have him end it with I wrong here and not seeing something?

me: "Well ok then, thanks for invite and good luck." *quit* *assign two stars*

This says to me he's about to try something unpopular. Don't blame you for passing.



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
I was just in Pocket D and some guy announced, "iTrial forming". I sent a tell asking which one.

His response, "One we haven't done"

My response, "LOL Well which have you done"

His response, "I have lead all but UGT"

My response, "Not trying to be a pest, but does that mean you are going to do UGT?"

We sent a few more tells and I say, " I understand. Ty for your patience with me"

His response, "That's fine, but next time leave it to me to form"

Wait, what? Is it so wrong to want to know which iTrial? I didn't even respond because I thought I was being gracious with my last comment even though I was already a little frustrated, then to have him end it with I wrong here and not seeing something?
Neither of you are wrong - well the leader in question should have explained some things to you.

You're trying to get lore unlocked. This means that the odds are that at best you are +1 from alpha. Unlikely, but possible, you may have already unlocked Destiny and made it tier 3 for another level shift.

If I as leader am 50+3, the SSK for teams does not apply to level shifts. You're still level 50+1. At 50 +3, I have a hard enough time with a level 54 +2 AV. But, you see, the leader in question doesn't know you, or if you're level shifted. He could invite you, only to find out that you've never done a certain trial, and he'd have to explain all the little details - which not every leader knows very well. Half of the "leaders" just assume that everyone knows what the deal is, and don't really lead at all, they just recruit.

Many times on liberty, I used to get angry because the leaders wouldn't know what trial they were running. My blasters would do BAF, and my tanks and scrappers would do Lambda.
Eventually, I started to lead the trials a bit, and realized that some teams are ill-suited to certain tasks. Or, I lacked the strategy to make a certain team composition work for a specific trial -so I would want to reserve naming the specific trial the league would do.

If we only have 9 players, well, it's either Lambda or MoM. If we have over 16 players, well, it's going to have to be BAF, Keyes, UGT or TPN. If I have a host of +2s and +3's with about 5 clarions, I would opt for UGT. If not, maybe Keyes or MoM.
TPN, I'm still learning that one, so I'd just let someone else take over for that run.

But, that's just me.

Just join in for whatever they're doing, if they'll let you. You can always quit before they're queued if you don't like what's on the menu.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
Neither of you are wrong - well the leader in question should have explained some things to you.

You're trying to get lore unlocked. This means that the odds are that at best you are +1 from alpha. Unlikely, but possible, you may have already unlocked Destiny and made it tier 3 for another level shift.

If I as leader am 50+3, the SSK for teams does not apply to level shifts. You're still level 50+1. At 50 +3, I have a hard enough time with a level 54 +2 AV. But, you see, the leader in question doesn't know you, or if you're level shifted. He could invite you, only to find out that you've never done a certain trial, and he'd have to explain all the little details - which not every leader knows very well. Half of the "leaders" just assume that everyone knows what the deal is, and don't really lead at all, they just recruit.

Many times on liberty, I used to get angry because the leaders wouldn't know what trial they were running. My blasters would do BAF, and my tanks and scrappers would do Lambda.
Eventually, I started to lead the trials a bit, and realized that some teams are ill-suited to certain tasks. Or, I lacked the strategy to make a certain team composition work for a specific trial -so I would want to reserve naming the specific trial the league would do.

If we only have 9 players, well, it's either Lambda or MoM. If we have over 16 players, well, it's going to have to be BAF, Keyes, UGT or TPN. If I have a host of +2s and +3's with about 5 clarions, I would opt for UGT. If not, maybe Keyes or MoM.
TPN, I'm still learning that one, so I'd just let someone else take over for that run.

But, that's just me.

Just join in for whatever they're doing, if they'll let you. You can always quit before they're queued if you don't like what's on the menu.
I would agree with you if my point was that he said, "We are not sure, stick around and a decision will be made", but that is not what happened. If they flat out don't know and are going to decide as the team is gathered, I am ok with that. I just don't like how it played out. I also don't like your suggestion of hanging out until they decide and then quit before the queue...seems counterproductive for both of us.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



I know that sometimes the trial being run will be subject to change, but that's usually depending on the level of interest (ie, "Going to run Lambda, might switch to BAF if we get enough attention.

I would also point out that wanting to know what trial is run is not simply a matter of wanting to avoid 'hard' trials. If the character I'm considering joining on is already t4'ed on everything I'm only going to be interested in the newer trials or run for badges that I don't have.
