395 -
I favour the Thin 'n Crispy crust.
Not as much thick so you don't get filled up on dough.
And of course the topping has a bigger impact.
Not too certain how that applies to roleplay, but you pizza metaphor seems to hold up to casual scrutiny. -
Once you give up a name...
Quote:you give up a name... Quote:Quote:you give up a name...
You don't give it up, "but only until I want it back!"
You don't give it up, "so long as you make a really awesome character with it!"
You don't give it up, "for a while"
You don't give it up, "only if I'll get it back if you change your mind."
Of course, you can add a comment including any of the above conditions or any additional conditions you create yourself, but the reality is that once that character's been deleted then the name's up-for-grabs! -
Quote:Blaster.hey guys and gals just a quick question.
As the title says what wot beat the following in a pvp duel (zonal or arena)
1, Dark/psy fender
2, elec/thermal corruptor
3, /cold corruptor (due to - rech its soooo annoying)
Theres prob more but i cant think wot they might be
But probably not an AR/dev blaster. You wouldn't kill them before all the debuffs drag you down. -
Quote:I'm going to have to add my voice to this.BaBs, can we be allowed to actually shoot at the shooting range targets, please?
It's really really annoying to have them there, be targetable and in range, and then it says 'Not in Range' when trying to shoot at them.
I mean, this is with a sniper power. What?!
It's nice that one set of targets wobble when hit, but the fact that the other set cannot even be attacked is a problem that causes irritation far greater than the problem itself should logically deserve.
Like a mosquito bite or paper cut. -
I'd post my own claws/sr build, but that's for a brute and I can see the difference anyway.
I didn't get spin.
Here's what you can do with your current build:
Take a slot away from Tough and a slot from Health and put them into Stamina so you can all six pieces of Performance Shifter and get a bonus 3.13% defence(AoE). -
Wouldn't all of his accuracy bonuses also get slammed down by ... whatsitcalled? ... Diminishing Returns?
I played like normal, got my claws/sr brute to level 30±1.
Did a Renault SF.
Caught up on a mayhem that I'd missed. -
I think you're going about this the wrong way Tenacious_T.
There isn't any truely useless class or powerset combination.
The main aspect of uselessness is the player themself.
But if the player is decent, then your next best option is a truely idiotic build. In which case any archtype/powerset will do since most of the powers will be from the power pools.
But if you're not going to be deciding the build, then my best guess would be trick arrows or dark miasma/energy blast defender since the knockback can cause problems with tar pit or glue arrow/oil slick/disruption arrow.
But even then if your wife is a decent player and can handle knockback with a degree of control then you still won't have a useless build.
One question, did you want something that relates to her RL occupation? Because in that case, a traps/energy blast defender would probably mesh quite well with the whole 'person who makes stuff' career. And it would be a tricky combination to handle.
Make a traps/energy blast defender.
It should be fun, and there's a fair bit that can be colourised. -
It's not, technically speaking, essential, but you'll have a much easier time if you do get it.
Now if it was a choice between superjump and superspeed?
That'd be much harder.
Though superspeed, combat jumping and hurdle could be a manageable alternative. -
I've seen a couple of mind control/elec assault dominators doing reasonably well in Siren's Call.
Quote:I think I remember seeing that at my library!I see your Enzyme Man and raise you Johnny Bunko, the world's first manga guide to business.
Also, yay manga. Is there anything it can't teach? -
This does not work:
/bind numpad2 "petsaypow lich <em floatbooks>"
This does:
/macro numpad2 "petsaypow lich <em floatbooks>"
In the bind, the Lich just says "<em floatbooks>" but in the macro he performs the emote.
Back on topic though, this shouldn't cause pet speech bubbles to not show up. Though it is possible that by pushing down on one side of the see-saw, it's caused the other end to come up. -
Quote:Sorry Strawhat, I just tested this on my zombie mastermind and was able to make pets speak and emote using the < > in there as well as making a macro for it.i thought this was because of the whole < symbol causing problems for players cuz others found a way to code a program into that character and forced crashed some people's computers or something like that i forget really. whatever it was the devs disabled pet commands or something in order to stop those people from doing bad stuff to other players computers.
This works:
/macro pet "petsayall <em slapreact>"
As does this:
/macro Gravetalk "petsaypow grave <em wave>$$petsaypow grave Hello."
But there's still no speech bubble when the Grave Knights say Hello. The bubble still appears when they're given an order, since Pet Response Text is still set on the default option from when the character was created and it gives me an idea of where my pets are.
I've just sent in a petition. -
Quote:I actually deleted a character when I noticed this on him as his whole theme was he and the pets were dopplegangers.I stopped playing my masterminds back when speech bubbles stopped working for my pets, just felt like the flavor was missing after that. Just can't get back into 'em while they are "muted".
Yeah, a small thing to many probably, but it bugs me. Someone that is going to HeroCon pounce a dev and beg, will ya?
But he was only level 5, so no harm done.
I'm gonna /bug it next time I'm in game.
It seems silly to keep the auto-response in speech bubbles, but remove the petsay bubbles. -
With three level 50s and another few over level 30, I don't really think altism is much of a concern for you.
But if you're looking for something new to work on then considering your criteria, and the fact that you've mentioned regretting powerlevelling your WS in AE -
Just as versatile as a warshade, but with a number of important differences. -
I want to spend more time in the D, since I greatly enjoy working my characters with other people.
But hardly any of my characters have the motivation to go there.
It's a harsh mistress, character growth/design. -
I let that other thread go untouched because people there said things better than I could have.
This time I will not let it go unanswered.
I was initially planning on making bold the parts where you either made a false assumption or were outright wrong, but then realised that I'd rather throw something out quickly and go play the game.
Quote:The recipes may or may not be too rare, that's not the problem you're talking about. The reason they are selling for so much is that people are willing to buy them at that price, rather than posting a smaller bid and waiting.I know it's hard to find purples. I have found 2 and have a lot of 50's and been playing over 5 years.
But when a recipie is going for 200,000,000 inf on the market it is too rare. There are sets that are going for over 1.5 billion inf. Sure, make them hard, just not impossible.
One of these words is the correct option.
Also AE reduced the number of people running regular content where purple's can drop, thus making them rarer.
With the recent changes there should be more people returning to regular missions which should result in an increase in the number of purple IO enhancements available.
Quote:I finally had to make a farming toon just to get enough to get some purple sets, and instead of content I spend my time doing the same thing over and over and over, it's not really all that fun.
Quote:We need a bit of active control of availability, not just a number game. If something is going for too much on the market it SHOULD set off an alarm for the devs that something is out of balance. Either the drops are too rare, or the item is too powerful/unbalanced.
Manticore: "Damn! That's the market alarm!"
Statesman: "Those people are paying too much for their purple enhancements. We've got to do something!"
Manticore: "Any ideas? Anyone?"
Numina: "The problem lies in their willingness to pay these prices. If they were willing to only wait, they'd be able to acquire the enhancements for much less influence."
Positron: "... I don't think that's going to happen Numina."
Synapse: "We could make hundreds of those purple enhancements and put them on the market ourselves for really, really cheap! That's sure to fix the problem!"
Statesman: "And once all of those are sold Synapse? What do we do then?"
Back Alley Brawler: "What we're gonna do right now. Just wait and hope they come to their senses.[/b]
Numina: "That could take a while."
All: *stare at each other, shrug*
Quote:Heck, let us make purple rolls with AE tickets, say 9000 per roll. Watch the prices fall.
1000 merits?
Make 50 random rare merit rolls. Sell the results. I mean...what, a LoTG or a Numina's Regen/Recov will get you 80 million anyway.
In a way, you can buy a purple for X merits already. If you're lucky you might get enough cash from just 10 random rolls to buy one.
Lacking a concluding paragraph I elected to finish here. -
Quote:Hell yeah, you ask them first!But, I'm sure this is the appropriate server for such a question.
Say you're orchestrating a roleplay that involves framing someone for a crime of some sort. Is it not the right thing to do to OOCLY ask the person being framed if it's okay to include them in your storyline? Especially in that capacity?
I, personally, think it's bad form to pull someone into your storyline without their consent. Especially when that person's role reflects upon them negatively. What do YOU think, Virtue?
It's the polite thing to do.
More than that though, it's the right thing to do.
ChaosRed also mentioned some good stuff as well. -
dark armour/fire melee tank
force fields/psychic blast defender
archery/trick arrows corrupter -
Right now, there's only very minor, almost insignificant advantages to power customisation.
Later on, when we can customise pool powers well... there are going to be a lot less superspeed trails bouncing around.
I can't begin to count the times I've seen someone's superspeed before I've even been able to see the character or target them. -
It was good to see you again.
I hope whatever it is does go well, even though that might mean we won't see you again.
Because I just can't wish ill upon you. -
Maybe set up the attack macro so that everyone but the Arsonist goes in first, and then have a separate one for him to go in shortly after once the other minions have gotten most of the attention?
A little troublesome, but it might help. -
Quote:Wait wait wait. Did someone seriously use a Nazi reference without being jovial or ironic?I don't whine, i argue. Whineing is more a personality thing, i've seen fc police do the same.
Yes, the set of rules balance the broken pvp we have today. We know what we want more then the devs do. We took pvp into our own hands and made it better (for people like me) by setting up these rules.
Yea i guess u can call a taunting/kiting/phasing fire brute a tactical approach, but i see it more like the germans using poisonous gas. More of something to laugh at because they are weak and need to break rules (The rules of war...made up mind you, as ALL rules are)
That's kind of impressive. In its own way.
Back on topic, does Fight Club law include a provision for citizens arrest?
This thread makes me want to contribute to the community.