So, What are YOU planning on making?
dark armour/fire melee tank
force fields/psychic blast defender
archery/trick arrows corrupter
Eastern Standard Time (Australia)
is 15 hours ahead of
Eastern Standard Time (North America)
which is 5 hours behind
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Yeah I'm going to roll up an archery/trickarrow corruptor
San Andrea: Earth/Earth Dom.
Talsorian: Claws/WP Brute.
Names reserved a month ago, costumes created at the same time.
The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8
Not exactly sure, to be honest. There could be a couple of rerolls in my future though.
Nothing. I plan on customizing my blaptroller.
ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker
BS/Nin Stalker
Traps/AR or Dark Def
Rad/Ice Blaster
Toons i'm most seen playing: Hero : xanthicsnow, Pyro Quiver, Californian. Villain: Nox Carbine
- Now that stone is more attractive, a stone tank (lava) and earth controller (crystal/sonic). Viva la pretty options.
- Making a team of 8 using me, myself and I.
- Ooo.. I have four level 45's now (and a 43 - she was distracted by Icon). They all have Tina. Evenings! Level 14-45 teams. Hot dog.
- Breakfast. But not a hot dog. Something eggier like eggs and toast. Mmm.. over-easy.
Edit/add: <elbows> Bad Xan! You're always awake. <hugs> Go make us some fruit drinks, cabana boy. After this, we're watching the Twilight sequal trailer twelve times together and cooing at the screen. :P Do eet.
What am I making? A bootload of costume changes.
There really aren't any sets coming out this go-round that are really firing my imagination. If I hadn't given away a certain name, I might've made a claws brute, but I'll admit my record on keeping an interest on brutes is not great anyhow. I might actually take my Elec/Shield brute and turn him to Shield/Elec Tankering. Not sure about that, though, as I do have a baby shield tank already.
Very excited about the power customization...once I get all my characters tweaked, I might turn towards more seriously considering new alts.
Spines/Electric, and possibly a Fire/Earth dom.
The crystal set for Earth is all kinds of sexy.
Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

Customizing a bunch of Characters, but am going to try a Rad/NRG Blaster. I don't PvP very much and it seems Blasters are a lot of fun in PvP so, I thought I'd make my first PvP dedicated toon. Hopefully a updated Mids will be around soon, to help me tweak the build when I get it leveled up.
I'll probably rerolling one or two characters, the rest I'll probably using all free costume tokens up to do some power changes here and there.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
Rad/EM blaster
Inv/Elec Scrapper
mebbe an Elec/Mace tank
GR has me more intrigued for new toonage, honestly
DestineeFable's Guide to an MSTF run (fixed!)
My latest AE madness
Are you aware of how much customising I have to do? Nevermind new alts....I have a lot of others that need tweaking.
The Fleas
Flea Mark Terror - Recolour the Invuln, rejig the Spines
Flea Mark Evil - Recolour the SR, rejig the Spines
Flea Mark Tempest - Recolour the SR, play some more with the Dual Blade options
Flea Mark Oblivion - Recolour the SR, play some more with the Broadsword options
Flea Mark Siege - Er....nothing. Yay!
Flea Mark Despair - Recolour the Ninjitsu, Recolour the Dark Melee
The Hannahs
Lost Sanctuary - Recolour the Force Fields, Recolour the Energy Blasts
Hannah Reynault-Sand- Recolour the Gravity, Recolour the Force Fields
Hannah's Hope - Recolour the Psi Blast, Recolour the Energy Melee
The Emmas
Ah to hell with this.
Recolour time!
Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
Invuln/Elec Tanker.
Captain Marvel Tribute anyone?
As I was going up the stair
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today.
I wish, I wish, he'd stay away.
-- Hughes Mearns (1875-1965) The Psychoed
Saint Fourth the Patron Saint of Dark Poetry
Step 1 : Delete a toon to make room
Step 2 : ... stuck at step 1 ...
Supersidekick ftw,
<--have high expectation, it will shift the game, ... for the better I hope!
Speed Posi -1lvl, with lvl20 powers
Speed Ice mistral (now for 41 merits), -1lvl, with lvl30 powers.
You get the idea...
oh and stare,wonder, and totaly be confused at the 5th column spawn in Steel Canion
Global Co VG's/SG's | xeaon plot
LRSF Mission 4, Get the code with no Agroo at all , Guide | Speed SMSF Guide | Speedy LGTF Guide |Post your Mids Build in game Guide

Be rolling up a traps/AR defender. Been waiting for this for awhile as it fits a concept and name I just havent been able to nail. Now he will finally come to life
Member of the Hyperion Force
Fire/Rad corruptor with dark green + brown blasts. Makes for great pollution.
But mostly, playing 'just how big of groups can I fight?' on my Earth/Fire permadom and DB/Fire scrapper..
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
First order of business will be turning off the toggle lightshow for the Major (oh, how I have waited for no FX options). After that, there will be several rounds of tweaking colors on other alts, and then I may try an elec/elec (or elec/sr) scrapper to fit a super-speedster character concept I've been throwing around forever.
Major James Ashe
I'm holding out for GR....The one good thing that came out of my champions time is an urge to play a hero mastermind...........Entire new Jack Wolfe storyline is filling my head from that.
Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---
Rerolling a Traps/AR Corruptor as a Defender, so I can actually RP with the people she was made to RP with.
I'unno what else though.
A no attack "Group-Friendly" Defender is like a "Team Friendly" basketball player who won't dribble, run, or shoot, under any circumstances. "I'm a PASSER."
I will FINALLY be rolling my main toon when i16 goes live. That being Nuclear Cowboy of course. I'm gonna try him out as Elec/Elec Tanker with some greenish colored powers. Not sure on the colors yet, that may take some tweaking. Can't wait!
Lighthammer- Elec/WP Scrapper
Tigerhound- Archery/TA Corruptor
Godsplitter- Broadsword/SR Stalker
Now that my partner in crime is making a rad/fire blaster, I'm rolling a fire/rad controller. I'm also rolling a claws/willpower brute.
On the customization front, my DA scrapper, empath, SS tanker, and dominator are getting their powers tweaked. I might fiddle around with colors on the others too.
Blue: Terra Skye, Piper McCormick, Urban Shaman, Umbral Squall, Nosila Marie, Shava, Subtronic, Invisible Osprey, Violet Vision, Master of Moonshadow
Red: S1lv3r Bull3t, Skilljack, Shamanic Steel, Mallory Madsen, Miss Mao, Lightweb, Mad Maenad, Deviant Red
Praetorian: Magnetic Mole, Ljosalfar
All on Virtue
Snagged the name Metalla. Plan on using the crystal theme for a earth/stone dom tinted metallic grey. And a a/ta corr is a must now!
Just wondered what everyone was excited on making when Issue 16 drops. I am going to make an Elec/Elec and a Dark/Elec tank...
How about you?