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  1. You admit that you know that it's a "Power set". You do realize a "power set" is something you have to create a new character to use, right? Did the e-mail really say "Now your Fire Blaster can summon pets!"? No. It probably said something like "You (as in, the player) can now unleash the power of wild beasts with the new Beast Mastery Power Set!" And we all KNOW that "Power Sets" are things like Fie Blast, Energy Melee, Gravity control... Power SETS.

  2. Funny, I left Leon in the second area as soon as I noticed there was a clock and finished the baddies all on my own. Almost didn't make it because one of the goons ran off, but overall, it wasn't too hard to defeat them in the time limit on my own (Mind/Time controller, btw)
  3. All ST holds that come in a controller's T2/3 pick should all be the same duration, endurance cost, activation time, etc. Same damage too, though iirc Mind and Fire's damage is a little higher than the ones in other sets.

    The holds that come in secondaries usually don't offer any damage and their hold time is about half to 2/3rds that found in a Controller's primary. Also, I don't know if the holds in a secondary have the chance to "Overpower"... i THINK they do, but not certain.

    2 holds are good if you want to hold a boss or stack holds on harder targets, or if you need to hold multiple targets (when an immob just won't do). But like I said, the holds in secondaries don't hold for as long as in your primary.

    Some Secondary holds will have a secondary effect (Like Time Stop from TM also offers -Regen), but I don't know of all the extra effects for all the powersets off-hand.
  4. If worse comes to worse, use "Crimson AIpha". That "I" will appear in-game like a lowercase "L" =)
  5. The Longbow Warden thing also happens with Stone Armor doppelgangers and AE critters. I was testing an AE miss with a Stone armor dude. He looked normal, turned into granite, I killed him, then a Longbow Warden popped out. Dangdest thing, I had to remove Granite from him to prevent the headache.
  6. The interdimensional entity known as the Mapserver decided to mess with you. Sacrifice some bit-rate to appease it and you'll be fine.
  7. I wonder if maybe the Devs would be amenable to increasing base storage based on how many Global Names are associated with an SG (Note i didn't say characters)? As the proud owner of a solo SG, I'm relatively fine with the current limits... they're a -bit- low, but I can live. But if a group has 30 different players in it, they need FAR more capacity than they do now.

    Another thought occurs to me... SGs aren't very good for holding salvage, but they're GREAT for holding insps and Enhancements. For a larger SG, isn't that's what's more important anyway?

    Of course, if the Devs were to do an about-face and allow us to access the current inventory of any of our alts, I certainly wouldn't complain ^_^
  8. Haha, well done! I must ask though.. how many times did you subject yourself to that song to write a proper parody?! o_O

    [edit]: The "Where is the Bus" line? Took me a second, but that made me lose it!
  9. Here's something everyone would hate:

    An enemy that can turn off half your powers =) All at random, and it would switch which powers are "off" every minute or so. Would not apply to Temp powers.

    Enemies that deal direct, unavoidable damage when killed.

    Enemies that "Respawn" with high resistance against the attack type that killed it last.

    An enemy that can rearrange your UI >=)
  10. All I know is that if a single "super powerful" entity dies faster than a small spawn of minions, SOMETHING'S WRONG.
  11. Y'know, the Sister Psyche wannabe.

    Anyway, TWICE, the "Mission door" icon appeared at her feet. Luckily I was able to guess where the mission door was (1 of the 3 boats), but it was slightly annoying.

    It should be noted that I had the "Go to Cimerora and talk to Imperious" mission from Ashley McNight still active, so maybe the game got confused somehow?
  12. H-uh, i was wondering why Mesmerize wasn't working on anything...
  13. Same. My character's skirt and cape appeared over Ms. Duncan... though it looked pretty cool on her since my character had a pink/purple color theme which didn't totally clash with Domi's costume.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
    The only thing I get from the splashscreen of states is that skull and crossbones beltbuckle.

    Creeps me out!
    That's an eagle o_O
  15. I might pay 10 inf for that... not 10 billion, though XD
  16. EmperorSteele


    Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
    Hm. Well, I guess it's something we'll have to mull over if we undertake this project.
    Do I have to post the boob pictures again (Bad photoshops ahoy!)?

    CURRENT: (Looks bad)

    What we would LIKE (replace plz k thnx):

    What we would NOT LIKE

  17. ... What, they're gonna bury him under the Atlas Statue? That's a little morbid, isn't it?

    Anyway, I'm a bit mixed on the latest installment. It was done VERY well, but I can't help but be a little miffed that States just... WALKED right into a trap and nothing else. No fight, no self-sacrifice (which is how I assumed it would go down), nothing. Just a LOT of suffering on his part and boom. Also, the villain arc has you playing anti-hero now, which I'm sure disappointed a LOT of people who wanted to be the ones to pull the trigger.

    Though perhaps we're looking at this the wrong way. This isn't a story about Statesman dying... this is a story about WADE and his grab for power... Statesman dying just happens to be a PART of that plan.
  18. So if I decimate something ten times, have I destroyed ALL of it ten times, or only a total of ~65% of it?

  19. Zem: don't get too frustrated. The gaming industry has had great success in recent years executing Player Punches... that is, hits aimed at the PLAYER instead of (just) the character. That's what's happening here, and while I don't expect it all to be "just a dream" or anything like that, we're up against someone who uses your worst nightmares against you and is Genre-Savvy at that. Mark my words: Malaise is not dead, and there's a lot more here going on than what people believe.
  20. EmperorSteele


    With most Controllers, I'd agree that going for capped defense may be a bit counter-intuitive. After all, if you're getting boxing (and slotting it)/tough/weave, Maneuvers, Air Superiority (for slotting), CJ, and other odd powers just to get defense bonuses, you're skimping out on your control and support abilities. HOWEVER, with */Time, it takes a bit of paying attention (and you need to take Primal Forces mastery APP), but you can get over HALF-WAY to the defense cap with just Power-Boosted Farsight. Building on that, it shouldn't be terribly difficult to build for Defense.

    Here's the main problem with building for defense on anything but a melee character: You don't have debuff resistance. One (un)lucky hit, and your defenses will begin to fail. Worse case scenario: You're getting hit, and you can't heal yourself too well because you sacrificed slotting for defenses. You can't dish out a hard AoE control because you used it on the last group and it hasn't recharged yet. You can't debuff your foes because you skipped your second-best power because you needed room for weave. And then you Faceplant. Because you sacrificed everything else for the ability to not get hit, which failed you.

    Again, that's a worse-case scenario, and one that could just as easily happen to anyone else. The main difference is that "anyone else" didn't spend billions of Inf making a build that was -SUPPOSED- to avoid damage in the first place.

    That said, I have my Mind/Kin defense soft-capped (ranged), and it plays rather well. She also happens to have Recharge and Acc bonuses ALMOST as good as her main build, so I'm not losing a lot of performance. However, she can and does still get hit and dies if I'm not careful (like if i go into melee, where my RANGED defense is useless =P)
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy
    If, however, the death is less than permanent, as happened a few years ago with Statesman, the powers return to the individual upon their return to life. As long as the powers wielded by the deceased have not been claimed by another, they can still be reclaimed by their previous holder.
    Yellow emphasis is mine.

    It's possible Statesman and/or Recluse may die, someone (us?) gets their power, and then they are resurrected.
    Wasn't there a throw-away character in the new Tutorial who's entire SCHTICK was absorbing powers?

    Aaanyway, Zwil's posting about "We want you to know this part of the story"... he's sounding a lot like how Malaise was being written in the last couple chapters. I'm gonna play through with the assumption that this is all a set up of some sort >=)
  22. EmperorSteele


    heh, pretty much. Other Controller primaries rely on DoT and Pets for damage. Mind has none of that. A fight will usually go like this:

    Use Mass Hypnosis

    Dominate one foe. Levitate. Mesmerize. Dead. (May have to use Dominate again)


    Foes may wake up before you've killed them all. Confuse one, attack the rest.

    Next group, if MH hasn't recharged: Confuse one foe, Hold another, attack the remaining one. Then defeat the foe you Confused. Otherwise, do as above.

    If you get surprised by an ambush or there's a boss, or if your attacks happen to miss a lot, that's when you start having to use your buffs and debuffs.
  23. I guess they could put GMoTDs in-game and tell players "Hey, there's a new solo incarnate path coming... next year!" Which people won't read and just close because they just want to play.

  24. EmperorSteele


    I've got a Mind/TIme going right now at level 38, and I've played a Mind/Kin to 50, so...

    I would disregard Snow's advice re: Total Dom. It's your ONLY hard containment setting control, and you don't want to be without it. Other controllers can get away with skipping their AoE hold because compared to immobs that do damage over time that are available to use every 30 seconds, a 20 second, no-damage hold that takes 4 minutes to recharge is underpowered. However, you can NOT skip this on a Mind Controller. You'll need to 6-slot it for it to be effective, but not having it will make you much less effective, unless you plan on soloing at -1/x0 your entire career.

    As for Time, REALLY hard to skip any powers here. The only redundant power is the ST hold, but I wouldn't recommend skipping it as it will allow you to hold a boss, either by debuffing them first which makes the hold Mag 4, or by casting Dominate first and allowing the Hold mag to stack. Time's Juncture can probably be dropped in later levels if you team a lot, because you probably won't want to be in melee near an AV, but it's useful solo early on. Between TJ, your heal and Mass Hypnosis, you should be safe as a kitten in a Mack Truck.

    One of the best tricks I've found to aid soloing is to take Distortion Field and load it up with Procs: it takes 3 damage procs (2 hold, 1 slow) and a chance to Hold proc. Doesn't do much against small groups, but in large groups it DOES make a difference and enemeis WILL die while you're picking off other foes with your ST attacks. The Procs will have about 3 chances to go off while the power is active. Some enemies will die without you even touching them! However, i should point out that these are PROCS and only have a 20% chance to go off. You should not rely on DF to kill your enemies for you outright, but it'll make soloing large groups more manageable.

    One other thing to keep in mind (no pun intended) is that Time powers are END HEAVY. You MUST slot an End Redux into most of your powers, or keep a lot of blues in your inspiration tray. Same could also be said for Mind powers, as its play style demands a more blaster-like approach. And until you get Chrono Shift, you won't have anything to help out your recharge or recovery (beyond inherent Stamina, of course. However, at level 38 and with 2 level 40 End Mods in Stamina, I'm only now able to fight more than 2 groups without having to take a break. Leveling up was painful, I'll tell ya!)
  25. Uhhhmm...

    Why WOULDN'T they entice people to subscribe? That's the entire POINT of a F2P model.

    Get a taste, then, ooh, i want that... OH, i need this... oh dammit i spent 50 bucks i might as well subscribe! THAT is the ENTIRE design philosophy of a F2P model and NCSoft wouldn't have mandated that CoH go in a F2P direction unless they predicted it would increase revenue. So Yes, CoH IS going down that path, otherwise there'd be no point to having gone F2P in the first place.