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  1. Mind/Kin: "Waves of criminals waking up in Zig hospital weakened, groggy and entropic, though well-rested, without knowing how it happened."
  2. Suggested before, not needed, yadda yadda, but i felt like being creative. So, I've made a list of new powers I'd like to see added to the existing pools:

    Concealment: Pacify (target click). Like Placate, but watered down numbers-wise. You're so good at hiding that you can convince someone who's looking right at you that you're not there!

    Fighting: Combo (click attack, moderate damage). A 1-2 attack that does just a little less damage than boxing and Kick combined, but takes less time to activate than both separately.

    Fitness: Strength (Toggle self buff). Focusing on your training, you can hit harder than normal. Doing this eats up endurance, however! (+10% dam for .33 end/sec. Might seem a bit high, but this is in the same pool as Stamina, and you can slot end redux in it, so no problem)

    Flight: Bum Rush (Click attack). Target a distant foe (within 100 feet), and click this power. You'll fly towards the foe with amazing speed, hit them, and probably knock them down. Moderate damage, long recharge.

    Leadership: Encouragement (toggle team buff). Your abilities as a leader allow you to push your comrades to their limits. This power allows you and your team to move and attack faster, as well as moderately resist effects which would hamper your progress. (Team + self: +5% movement speed, +7.5% recharge, +10% movement debuff resistance)

    Leaping: Smash Dive (area attack). Clicking this will bring up the targeting circle. Once placed on the ground, your character will jump to that location with all their might, causing any nearby foes to fall backwards. Deals no (or very little) damage.

    Medicine: Experimental Serum (Click ally buff). Much like the "Mystic Fortune" power, this will give a small, random buff to an ally. Might be +dam, +recharge, +defense...

    Presence: Recruit (target click Confuse). You are so well known, so feared and respected, that you can convince an enemy to join you, against his or her comrades. The confuse effect doesn't last very long, though, but it may be enough to turn the tide of battle.

    Speed: Deft Evasion (toggle). While moving, you are harder to hit. Gives you a healthy defense bonus (up to 20%!), depending on how fast you are currently moving. Holding still is only a 3% def bonus. jogging would be about 5%, running would be about 7.5%, swift would add 3%. Ninja run would be about 10%. Super speed unslotted would be about 15%, and just over 20% at the speed cap. Note that you have to be moving, and not just have a power activated, for this buff to take effect (if the game can keep track of that sort of thing).

    Teleportation: ... honestly, i'm torn between a short term defense power (rapidly teleporting to not be hit), an AoE attack (rapidly teleporting to smack foes around), or a AoE foe teleport. So many ways teleporting could be used, so few options actually available, sigh.
  3. In hami raids, there's only three things you need: High regen/recovery (given to you by teammates and other raiders, though your own stats help), EoEs (which get dropped durring Monster Mashing) and Taunt.

    A self heal is good, but that's easily negated by the Mending Metochondria (greens), who have a devestating -Heal. A power that grants +HP is much better for regaining your health.

    Becasue all of Hamis damage is special and not typed, and he's buffed beyond all the tohit caps, no kind of defense or resistance will help. You just need to eat an EoE and tough it out until the other raiders take out the mitos.

    That said, a properly built EA tank should fare pretty well as a lead taunter =)
  4. EmperorSteele

    Make me a !!!

    It depends on how the post "sounds".

    If it's a noob looking for a farming build because they want moar pretend moniez, without even having played most of the game, that'll make me roll my eyes.

    If it's a vet who has a character they love and want it to be the best it can be but are simply lost on how to do accomplish this, I gladly offer help.

    And there's all sorts of shades in between.
  5. Can't we just make a table and view all the appropriate numbers side by side in order to gauge their effectiveness?

    I mean, let's say we have 2 powers: Power A and Power B. People all assume power A is better. But seeing the base numbers side-by side, we'd get this:

    Power | Dam | End | Cast | Recharge | Range | Radius | # targets
    ---A---- | -60-- | -10- | 3sec |15seconds| 30ft--- | 10feet---| 8
    ---B---- | -40-- | --7-- | 1.5s- | 9seconds | 45ft--- | 20feet--| 16

    Power B suddenly looks a lot better. It can be cast more often, hits more foes, and costs less to do so. Though with enhancements, things like endurance and recharge become nill... but we still don't need a formula to determine that B has an advantage numerically, unless you have 8 or less foes in the shorter range with only 60 HP left, in which case power A is preferable.

    Also note that this chart doesn't take into account DoT or how long that DoT takes to finish. Couldn't be arsed.

    But still, why wouldn't something like this be workable?
  6. My only complaint about KB comes as a player who plays 3 Kins. That is, I'm trying to heal you/an ally/myself, but before the heal goes off, someone changes their target to MINE, knocks my target away, and the heal gets wasted. Normally not too terrible, just annoying... worse case scenario is that the person who needed the heal gets hit more and dies. And that's happened a couple times, once even on a MoSTF run that subsiquently failed due to this.

    However, most of the time this is mearly an annoyance orchestrated by a simply good player... that is, they see a target next to someone who's low on health, and they instantly try to help by tossing that enemy away... and good on them! However, a BETTER player will know there's a target-based heal aoe waiting to go off and trust me to do my job. And THEN they can get rid of the foe once they've outlived their usefulness.

    It just takes a bit of forethought to use effectively. KB is a powerful weapon, one which gets misued a lot, which has led to people griping about it.

    I have little sympathy for scrappers who complain it'll take them an extra 2 seconds to kill someone, though.
  7. Gah, soooo many arcs! *tosses his in*

    Heroes No More
    Arc ID #: 36861
    Morality: heroic
    Level : 45+
    Difficulty: hard
  8. Having ranged def of 49.9 is awesome! I think that'll even floor a +1's ability to hit you. Don't worry about increasing it more unless you plan on going up against AVs solo or something.
  9. ... You have the stupidest looking character avatar I've ever seen, and you're ripping on the ninja run animation?

    The pot and kettle just facepalmed, dude.
  10. Actually, taking over pillboxes and killing a few villains will net you a Temp heavy...

    But I agree this would make the zone more fun and frantic!
  11. Actually, Mesmerize and Dominate have the exact same damage values; its just that in your first build, you slotted Des for damage and Dom for holding.

    The main problem I see with your build is that you're trying to slot for ranged def, but you're not quite there. In fact, not to sound elitist or anything, but typically, if you're not at or near the soft-cap (45%), one is essentially wasting their time.

    There's a guide to soft-capping defense around here, and its mantra is essentially that the last 5% (of 45) is more valuable than the first 40. I'd try to squeeze in boxing/tough/weave to help get to the softcap.

    Also, slot terrorize with a damage set. Posi's blast gives almost the same bonuses but will actually benefit the power (extra fear duration isn't needed if you can kill your foes twice as fast).

    That's all I can think of for now, but I'm also distracted. Good luck with your build =)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
    I want something I've decided to work on to have an introductory mission that features character interaction and texts.

    I've made the series of NPCs I want to do the talking, and set them as hostage releases with Single (i.e. none) enemy spawns, and put them on an Empty map that also spawns friendly patrols. I want the "hostages" to say a series of alarming speeches when approached by the player or party. I also made a glowie on the map so there'd be something to click and the mission would not simply complete without the player finding or seeing the "hostages."

    The problem - the hostages say their Inactive speeches often before being in sight of the players. I tried chaining them; but that doesn't work with autocompleting "rescues" well, and raises the possibility that you'd have to backtrack to see all the text: that is not progress. "Clues" attached to the hostages are of course immediately awarded, and without the texts that makes little sense either.

    Anybody figure out a better way?
    You might get away with making a custom NPC with no powers and making them a boss... of course, they'll still follow you around and try to be annoying, and the player would be able to kill them =/
  13. Actually, the Ill/Rad should be the "Follow" account. After all, you can spam heal, lay down phantasm/PA/fear/toggles, and then just let him sit. It can be played VERY passively.

    For the "main" toon that you'd be leading with, how about Mind/Kin? Very busy, but you'll be able to stack confuses, fears, recharge, sleeps, and all sorts of goodness. Also, no pet or toggles or anything else to worry about. Mind gives you all the hard control that Illu lacks, while increasing Illu's other abilities.

    The only problem with that combo is that Kin likes things to NOT get knocked around. If you're looking for a less busy secondary, or one that your pets won't totally screw over, i'd say go Sonic or flame. FF would be kinda redundant (you have invis, defense, and agro management in Illu), but sonic and flame give you bubbles and some handy debuffs. Also, if you DID pair illu up with mind, you might struggle against enemies who're resistant to psi (but totally decimate foes who're weak against it).

    Just an idea.
  14. EmperorSteele


    Theroetically, i dunno. Illu is all about distraction and redirection, with few actual attacks and mezzes. It compromises damage for safety and utility.

    Kin can increase your damage and help you keep Phantom Army perma, so it wouldn't be horrible. Just make sure you grab attacks from your APP, because your pets probably won't be doing everything for you.

    Also note that SB and siphon power and fulcrum shift (your main party/pet buffs) won't affect Phantom Army, so its not like you'll have a small horde of damage-capped pets.
  15. For everyone "reserving names"...

    Might be pointless. I remember reading something about duplicate names on a server being a possibility.

    Sill, can't hurt for now =)
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man
    I tested that and it's true if you haven't leveled up your second build, because level 1 toons don't have access to those powers. Once I started leveling up the second build, Walk kicked in at level 2 and NR at 4, just like they're supposed to.

    I then switched to a toon that had both builds leveled up to 50 and when I switched builds, there was no suppression of Walk or NR.

    So, this is a case that if you want to press the point that this is a bug for your toon, then you gotta post the pics to show that your leveled-up second build indeed has suppressed Walk and NR.[/SIZE]
    Were you able to click and activate Walk/Ninja Run after switching builds? Cuz they're not suppressed, they just don't wanna be clicked =.

    And yes, both builds are level 50.

    I'll make a video to show it in action, i guess (except fraps doesn't like showing my cursor...)

    [EDIT] Uhm, as i was attempting to record proof of this bug... it, uhm, started working normally >_>

    Bizzare, yo.
  17. You can set patrols to be "ally".

    The best way to "populate" a mission with JUST these is to make the mission "empty" by default, then add in the patrols you want.
  18. How about this for an improvement:

    Make is usable after switching builds.

    Seriously, both WALK and NINJA RUN have this strange bug where, if you switch builds, NEITHER will activate for 15 minutes.
  19. Graveyard map? Is it an outdoor map? Cuz if so, those don't HAVE a defined "front" or "back", as far as I know. So in other words, it'll be completely random.
  20. Unfortunately not. Animations and sound fx are completely out of our control.

    As for pistols, you can make a Thugs MM and select ONLY his pistol powers, but he'll BE WORTH 0 XP if you do this.

    Or you can wait for GR to come out, and hopefully Dual Pistols will be ported into the MA.
  21. At risk of gettong Modsmacked...

    Dude, you play in a WINDOW? /=.
  22. I'd think Mind would be a better primary for that: Dominate + Total Dom + TK + Hold procs in each attack + Hold procs in the two holds + Rad hold + Stone hold... I think that'd work if the procs and Overpower went off often enough.

    Assuming all the procs go off and you hit overpower on your holds, you're looking at about 30 mags worth of holding for about 8 seconds durring your first volley of attacks. Without the procs or overpower you're looking at about 18. You'd need lots of recharge, hold durration and end management, but I think it's doable to hold an AV on paper.
  23. I dont wanna say anything because i dont want the power nerfed, but, that'd be dishonest, so...

    NS stacks with Inertial Reduction!

    It's good to be Kin =)

    PS: Neither NS nor WALK work after you've switched builds and are subject to the 15 minute timer. Fix pls =)

    *puts down loud speaker*

    Sorry, but yes, this is effin GREAT!

    STATS: +695% jump height +136% jump speed, +140% run speed. You also flip at the peak of the jump.