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  1. ...that's a good question. I guess you just don't know a bad word until the MA flags it and says "I aint publishing this!"

    I'm afraid your entire concept may be in trouble. A good rule of thumb is "if you have to ask if it's too much/bannable/etc, then it probably is".

    If you really want to go through with this though, I suggest making the ERPers dialog as plain and as non-sexual as possible... then drop a clue somewhere saying that they're speaking in code or something. Or heck, just the idea of two EPRers going "So, did you catch last night's episode?" "Yes, i found it very good!" or something instead of... well, their usual types of conversation, might be funnier than any type of direct innuendo you can conceive.
  2. I wouldn't worry about this... that entire mission arc is being redone for GR. I don't know if the map will remain consistant from holding it or if you'll cause a bug when you finally try to talk to your contact. Either way you might be in trouble come Tuesday, just a head's up.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    I'm probably missing something obvious, but I've been a bit surprised by some of the words which have gotten descriptions rejected for "profanity". (Including a common synonym for "cheerful". Even assuming someone meant the other meaning, is that really "profanity"? The people I know who use it as a self-descriptive term don't strike me as particularly profane.)

    Long story short, as part of a humorous arc, I want to do a custom faction called <Pocket D ERPers>. I'm wondering how subtle/circumspect I have to be about the content; I was assuming that overt sexual language would be a problem, but after a couple of the things the MA interface tagged as "profanity", I'm wondering whether I simply overlooked the place where they said that any and all references to the notion that humans have some way of making more humans is completely banned.

    Part of the problem, of course, is being true to the source material. Having seen someone roleplaying a pimp (and yes, there were other players filling in the implied other roles), I'm concerned that if I bowdlerize this too much I'll lose all verisimilitude.
    I want to be helpful here, but your willful ignorance concerning a word which has been used as a derogatory term for a very long time now makes it hard for me to deduce whether or not you're being serious.

    Anyway, the MA rules are actually very strict, and go further than profanity. You can't even use one of several copyrighted names. They censor a lot of terms that you'd probably find in normal game play that no one cares about, but the Devs aren't taking any chances.

    You'll simply have to be clever in your use of innuendo to get the crap past the radar, so to speak.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    Say I have three custom groups, <Custom Group A>, <Custom Group B>, and <Custom Group C>.

    1. Can I have both A and B show up as random spawns in the same map, without having their group name changed to <All Custom Groups>, so the A and B groups still look like themselves?

    2. Can I have ONLY A and B show up, but not C?

    Right now, I haven't found something other than <All Custom Groups>, so my dream of a map with various mobs formed from each of three custom groups is beyond me.
    Make patrols and boss spawns and specify which group is doing what. So you can set the mission to be populated by Group A, but then make like 5 or 6 patrols of Group B, and make a few boss spawns with Group B also. Just to avoid people figuring out the pattern, make a few patrols and boss spawns with Group A, also.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
    Give it a personality! A fun one! When you summon it, it would say "Hi there!" When a teammate gets near it, it would say, "Hi, $name! I hope I can help!" When an enemy gets near it it would go, "Ooh, who's that?" and when you leave it it might say, "Hey, where are you going?"
    Only if the auto turret does the same thing =P

    "I see you..." RATATATATATAT!
  6. EmperorSteele

    So, LGTF Hamidon

    I think NordBlast has the key to this whole thing. They need to do one of two things...

    Either a: post a warning in the pre-"form a task force" blurb that there are level-hard coded enemies or B: make such missions formable ONLY by a level 50 character. Thing is, these misisons were made BEFORE everyone was forced to accept the team leader's level, so there was always a good chance you'd have one or two 50s to SK lower level people and even out the battlefield. But now you can have an entire team of 49s or 45s fighting against level 50, 53, 53, 54 AVs, and while yes it's always stupid to run things at minimum level (except maybe Posi and Synapse), there should be something done about these late-level missions to warn or prevent lower level players from wasting their time.

    Though if a team of natural 45s beat the STF i'd be hugely impressed. Double-so if it was a successful master attempt.
  7. Mmrphm mm mrhmrm MM!! >=. *hops away*
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    My fixes would be:

    Leave Triage Beacon as +Regen, but give it the flying jets treatment ala "Gun Turret" change to "Gun Drone"

    Leave Tree of Life immobile, but change it to a 3 or 4 second pulse of actual +Hit Points Healing at a level of about 1/3 the strength of unslotted empathy healing aura (or possibly about 1/2 the strength but unenhanceable, not sure which would be better balanced).

    I'd also like to see ALL mobile pets get a general movement speed buff of about +33%.
    You do realize the greatest advantage to these powers is planting them next to a hami taunter so that he can survive being eaten alive by green mitos (which prevent you from healing), right?


    Well, i'll concede the Hami raid is ONE encounter in a game with thousands of missions and that -heal is an effect seen once or maybe twice. But we have so many other mobile healing options already (ie, entire characters with empathy, kin, dark, rad, storm, fire or pain dom... not to mention green inspirations...) that adding more would be superfluous. +Regen is another layer of mitigation against HP loss and removing the inherent strategic value of these powers would be flawed, even if the changes you described would make the powers more useful overall.

    tl;dr: there's enough healing in this game already, leave these powers alone.
  9. *enters by smashing through a mirror*

    Ooohhh Yeeaaa- OHMIGOD I'M BLEEDING ALL OVER AAAGH IT HURTS!! Shattered glass sucks!
  10. EmperorSteele

    So, LGTF Hamidon

    Hamidon is a level 50 encounter. In fact, they raised the level cap for the TF from 35 to 45 simply because of this.

    Though maybe it is a bug. You'd think that since the rest of the content levels down for you, that Hami would, too.
  11. The EULA is to prevent NCSoft from suffering stupid lawsuits. For instance, let's say you and your sg are standing around Atlas, and a Paragon Studios rep takes a screen shot and posts it on the site. Without the ownership-claiming clause, one would be able to sue NCSoft for unlicensed publication of their intellectual property (ie, posting a screen shot of their character).

    Best way to get around this is for NCSoft to basically say everything you make in the game belongs to them. And that -could- be used against one who wishes to create their character on the CoH servers, though i doubt NCSoft would be huge jerks about that sorta thing. Still, play it safe and make an expy or something.
  12. I think people will see that they can buy purps and PvP IOs without using the market and use these as a goal for their playing. They probably won't all do the math to figure out how long it will take, but i see demand for purps and PvPIos dropping at first until people get frustrated of waiting, at which point we'll start seeing price spikes as suddenly people have enough inf from playing at least 5 missions a day for a month and having lost their patience with the A-merit system that they say "eff it" and start making bids.

    So buy up purps and get ready to unload them in a month, i guess.
  13. Some general advice regarding invuln

    If you don't plan on taking Resist Elements or Resist Energies, reconsider doing so. Last year they were both given a substantial buff, both in numbers and functionality. In addition to higher Res numbers, Resist Elements now gives you Slow protection, and Res En gives you End Drain protection. Not 100% worth but a good deal of resistance against things like Carnie death auras, Caltrops, and a few other things you see late-game.

    Also, if you want to plug your Psi-hole (hehehe), you need to invest a lot more energy into it. One IO for 3% isn't enough. But if you're willing to make some slotting sacrifices, you can achieve set bonuses get about 25-30% Psi Res and Def, which is quite respectable. Pop an orange or two before going up against psi foes and you'll be all set.
  14. EmperorSteele

    PvP badges

    It was more like chiding. Do you need to fill out an internet butthurt form?
  15. EmperorSteele


    Well, most of us are adults who have work, so... =/

    But yeah, i know the thread had 30 views but ya gotta giv it more than 2 or 3 hours. Maybe some people looked, bookmarked, and intend to respond later?
  16. Well, I'd want to see your whole build... but if you're missing a lot, i'd say yeah, work towards some more acc, or get tactics yourself... or just carry a full tray of yellows.

    Dunno about respeccing now... depends how many earned repecs and freespecs and vetspecs you have access to
  17. *yawn* Another imagionationless firekin farming build.

    ..though honestly, End Redux in SB? End MOD would be much better. Seriously, I can cast that power all day on auto and never run out of End.

    Also, you took Combat Jumping but then took Inertial Reduction? A power you have to constantly recast that anchors you instead of just selecting Super Jump? Listen... Do you have the Natural Booster pack/Ninja Run? Cuz that's the only reason to take IR over SJ, it stacks with NR. If all you're gonna do is farm the same map over and over, you really don't even need a travel power. Get Smoke instead so you can sneak up on your foes and avoid more damage. Yeah you'll have to reassign some slots, but you got enough of everything to go around.

    I dunno, that's all that jumps out at me.
  18. EmperorSteele


    Tough isn't great, but it's a pre-req for Weave, which... also isn't great but adds some extra defense points bringing you ever closer to the sought-after "Soft cap".

    Take it, put an extra slot in it, add two Res/End enhancers and you'll be set.
  19. Red or Blue... depends what AT you want. With GR litteraly around the corner, you can just level up, and then at 20 or anytime thereafter switch sides. Want a Mastermind? Okay, get him leveled, switch sides, then joing the Statesman's Task Force and beat up Lord Recluse. Want an evil Blaster? Level her up, take her redside and pound States and his Freedom FAILanx into the dirt!

    Overall, Blueside has more going on, while redside simply has better content, especially in the lower levels. Whatever you do, I'm sure you'll have fun =)
  20. EmperorSteele

    PvP badges

    Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
    I think the Devs should have a "completely optional non-mandatory opt-in team building painball excercise" organised in their office on the way between the cubicles and the break room, until they learn their lesson about trying to "encourage" non-PvPers to PvP by putting useful rewards in a PvP zone.
    I'm sorry, but that's just... whiny.

    Actually, that explains the badger mentality awfully well...

    "The ski slopes are too hard!"

    "Master TFs are too hard!"

    "PvP Zones are too hard!"

    "Damage/healing badges take too long!"

    "The explore badges are too hard to find so i'll download a map from the internet!" (note: I'm guilty of that one =P)

    For people who like REWARDS, we're sure quick to complain when some of them actually take EFFORT to EARN. And that there shouldn't be any badges for doing viable in-game things that YOU don't WANT to do, which would leave everyone who LIKES doing those things with no means of highlighting their achievements, making you all flaming hypocrites.

    Here's an idea... don't want to step into a pvp zone for the pvp badges? DON'T. And then don't whine that you "can't" get them. So you'll never reach 750 badges. Oh well. There's nothing wrong with that. Leave your OCD at the door and accept it.

    PS: for everyone who thinks that having to open yourself up to attack for badges is unfair, think about how "fair" it is to the level 12 skulz you decimated with your level 50 around Perez while working on that badge. Yeah. Go you. You are -so- strong.

    [edit] I realize there's mitigating circumstances behind those complaints. Some badges DO have unrealistic goals. Some people with handicaps or physical ailments may get a harsh slap in the face that their in-game character, their escape from reality, can't get something based on THEIR physical inability to guide a mouse or react to a fast-moving screen.

    And whether it's PvP or Master badges, there does seem to be a bit of unfairness behind another player being able to prevent you from getting a badge. Though in my opinion, that only makes those badges and rewards much more satisfying to get. "I survived griefers, jerks, idiots and morons!" I can think of no better accomplishment.
  21. ...In the worst possible way.

    April first, install a patch that does the following: Have any and all build-up like powers summon a cottage. it does nothing and fades after a few seconds.

    April second, revoke the patch.

    ...Yeah, it'd take too much work and there'd be too much chance of something going wrong and only a few people would "get it", but -I- think it'd be funny!
  22. Make cimerorians have an increased chance for dropping purples.

    THAT'LL make people clear the map!
  23. Gavin's right; i WAS oversimplifying, and for that I apologize =)
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
    I wrote the guide so that I didn't have to keep saying the same thing over and over and over again. It is a heck of a lot easier to say, "read my guide," than to explain the nature of specral damage for the 15th time.

    I can't help it if it is so darn popular. I'm not really all that bad . . .

    Am I?
    haha, i know, I'm just busting your nuts =)
  25. *pulls out pistol*

    *aims sideways*

    *Shoots Scrapper in the bum*

    Yup. *walks away*