Returning, want to see it all




Hi, I've been /afk for a couple years. I came back yesterday -- without knowing about GR -- and now I want to see it all! (Especially if GR is about to suck the population away from the old content...) I've read the "must see" thread, most of the Issue notes, and the forums for all the archetypes, but I'm still feeling at a bit of an impasse.

What's the best archetype and server for seeing the most TFs (while still being able to do as many regular missions as possible)? My highest levels are only low 40s on Hero and Villain sides (alt-itis), mostly controllers, /kin corrupters and brutes. I've only really seen the blue-side pre-30 TFs (but would happily do them all again).

If you had to start red or blue, which would it be?

I got the chance to play with some base-building and IOs last time around, as well as a little bit of PVP, but the MA stuff is new. Mostly I'd just like to see as many of the zones, TFs, and top mission arcs as possible. I think badges are pretty addictive too.

Any other tips for a returning player?

P.S. This is already long, but I've got to say, CoX was my first MMO and 3-4 games later, it's very fun to be back (again). I spent a while today just listening to Skyway. Good memories...

Virtue: Steel Cherub - em/inv brute | bad romance - fire/kin corr | Sudden Chill - ice/kin corr
Freedom: Sad Sam - ss/da brute | Tommy Atomic - em/el brute



What's the best archetype and server for seeing the most TFs (while still being able to do as many regular missions as possible)?
Well any server is fine to play on, but if you want a larger population available to team with for missions and T/SF's, Freedom and Virtue are the most populous.

If you had to start red or blue, which would it be?
Red, but that's a personal preference as I like redside just a little more, as well as the AT's.



Apologies for the anemic response - please understand there have been a LOT of new and returning players popping in here the past couple of weeks.

I suspect some of the "regulars" here are a bit welcome-back'd out.

If you're looking for more "welcome back" kinda info, I suggest stepping through the last few pages here and reading into some of the other "Returning player - lots of questions" type-threads.

If I get motivated I'll try to link you to some of the more helpful ones...

Here you go:

New Player, lots of questions

I'm New Here, and Excited!



Red or Blue... depends what AT you want. With GR litteraly around the corner, you can just level up, and then at 20 or anytime thereafter switch sides. Want a Mastermind? Okay, get him leveled, switch sides, then joing the Statesman's Task Force and beat up Lord Recluse. Want an evil Blaster? Level her up, take her redside and pound States and his Freedom FAILanx into the dirt!

Overall, Blueside has more going on, while redside simply has better content, especially in the lower levels. Whatever you do, I'm sure you'll have fun =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Shameless self-plug, but hit the link to D_R's Vids in my signature - I made teasers and trailers for every issue from 10-17 (plus a teaser for GOING ROGUE). It's a good visual update on what each issue's brought to the game.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Thanks for the replies. I've been doing a lot of reading.

I'm mostly stuck picking my ATs. I'd like to explore all the solo content I can, while still getting into every TF at least once. I'd also prefer to do blue-side content first; the guides/population seem slightly better, increasing my chances of seeing it all, and I've seen less of it than red-side.

My first thought was a blaster, but they seem incredibly common during my short forays so far; my next choices -- brutes and corruptors -- probably still are too, but I love brutes and corrs, especially kinetics. I do like defenders a lot -- esp kin and emp, for concept reasons -- but I have bad memories of not finding enough TFs to make up for how much I lost in soloability (I've been spoiled by my brutes); plus, emp/ used to become much less useful at higher levels, while kin/ sounds very common nowadays, at least on the forums.

So I think I've narrowed my top preferences down to: Go kin/ defender and try to find an active SG ASAP so I can see regular TFs, saving the badge/arc-hunting for another toon; or go /kin corr and then switch sides ASAP with GR. I have a feeling brutes will be everywhere after GR, or that'd be a top choice too. /kin corrs will probably be common too, but I recall corrs being a bit more stackable and less common.

Anyway, just thinking out loud...

Virtue: Steel Cherub - em/inv brute | bad romance - fire/kin corr | Sudden Chill - ice/kin corr
Freedom: Sad Sam - ss/da brute | Tommy Atomic - em/el brute



Originally Posted by Tommy_Atomic View Post
Thanks for the replies. I've been doing a lot of reading.

I'm mostly stuck picking my ATs. I'd like to explore all the solo content I can, while still getting into every TF at least once. I'd also prefer to do blue-side content first; the guides/population seem slightly better, increasing my chances of seeing it all, and I've seen less of it than red-side.

My first thought was a blaster, but they seem incredibly common during my short forays so far; my next choices -- brutes and corruptors -- probably still are too, but I love brutes and corrs, especially kinetics. I do like defenders a lot -- esp kin and emp, for concept reasons -- but I have bad memories of not finding enough TFs to make up for how much I lost in soloability (I've been spoiled by my brutes); plus, emp/ used to become much less useful at higher levels, while kin/ sounds very common nowadays, at least on the forums.

So I think I've narrowed my top preferences down to: Go kin/ defender and try to find an active SG ASAP so I can see regular TFs, saving the badge/arc-hunting for another toon; or go /kin corr and then switch sides ASAP with GR. I have a feeling brutes will be everywhere after GR, or that'd be a top choice too. /kin corrs will probably be common too, but I recall corrs being a bit more stackable and less common.

Anyway, just thinking out loud...
Eh, I prefer Kin/ stalkers

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



You want to see it all, huh?

Go to Cimerora. Hover over one of the girls in togas/skirts. Extend your camera as far out as it will go, then look straight up.

Some of them aren't wearing any undergarments if you know what I mean. Of course, those are the ones without crotches at all.



Actually y'know now that I think about it, Psychoti's right - you really DON'T want to "see it all", especially if "all" has anything to do with our beloved Troy Hickman and his notorious predeliction for playing (and posting) sans-pants.



Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
Actually y'know now that I think about it, Psychoti's right - you really DON'T want to "see it all", especially if "all" has anything to do with our beloved Troy Hickman and his notorious predeliction for playing (and posting) sans-pants.
Actually, I'm typing this from a little internet cafe in Vancouver owned by an old Persian fellow who probably would rather have me keep my pants on (I guess I could ask him, but his English is pretty spotty and we might end up getting a loft together).

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe