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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok thank you and also what is the amount of purples do you think I will get in 10 runs?

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    I will second the "probably zero" number, but who knows, maybe the RNG likes you. I've played for months without getting purples, but in the week before i14 came out i had 6 drop.
  2. Hmm, good to know about only needing two people. that certianly makes things a lot easier.

    I suspect it won't work for khelds though since they can't be invited to pentads, and I suspect the problem is with the septads not awarding. It would be good though to test this by having two non khelds try to get the badge through a septad match, find out if it's a kheld problem or a septad problem.
  3. This is not a farm change, but rather a change to all missions. Running on unyielding and invincible will now allow bosses to spawn in normal groups even when solo, not just specifically placed bosses in the missions which is what would happen before.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    For years, I scowled suspiciously at Storm (troller or fender, didnt make a difference). Only a well-played stormy in my SG made me stop all-out dislike.

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    Storm is pretty much my first and only love, but I still regard new Stormers with suspicion. Nothing makes me cringe more than spammed tornado with no attempt to control it. If I see tornado come out early on, especially on indoor maps with mobs close together, I roll up my sleeves and prepare for a hard fight with over aggro.

    Although storm is extremely powerful, I think there are few sets that can be as detrimental to a team as a poorly played stormer...and the AE babies have me scared.
  5. I don't have experience with /dark so I'll let someone else address that, some thoughts though.

    Snow Storm: Except against AVs the chance for -rech in snow storm is wasted. The recharge slow cap is -75%, and snowstorm gives you -62.5%, freezing rain gives you -50% already putting you at the recharge cap.

    Freezing Rain: I still think it's a bad idea to slot freezing rain for damage, but if you really want to try to get some damage out of it, you're probably going to have more luck with procs: positron: chance for energy, impeded swiftness: chance for smashing, lady grey: chance for negative, and javelin: chance for lethal(that's expensive though) can all be slotted in it.

    Swift: 2 flight IOs in swift? That seems rather wasteful to me, especially since you don't rely on hover for movement.

    Stamina: you are not slotting your toggles for end reduction, which means you are going to need all the endurance you can get. I would put two more slots in stamina, but at the very least one, either from snow storm or swift.

    Tornado: You are losing a lot of damage in Tornado to diminishing returns, so replace the Soulbound allegiance pure damage, with one of the other ones. I suspect you won't notice a significant drop in your damage output.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    tried doing an unrated pentad hero vs villain match, no badge- is it bugged?

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    Me and some friends tried doing the hero septad and were not awarded the badge. (we had a kheld friend that wanted the badge).

    We tried various settings but nothing seemed to work. I sent in a bug report.

    The hero vs hero pentad worked fine for us though.

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    Saw the same problem with the hero septad. Tried a number of settings with no luck. For the Hero Pentad we did the same 2 kills unrated since we had confirmation it worked.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    It should work fine in attacks that drain end and give it to you though, Dark Melee's whateveritscalledagain and Fire's Consume for example.

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    What about havoc punch and jacobs ladder?

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    It will give endurance to your enemies in havoc punch and jacob's ladder because the target of the power is the enemy. In powers like consume and powersink, although they affect enemies, their primary effect is giving back endurance to you, and therefore you are the target.

    I believe the power information now also displays the target of a power so you can check in game, for powers that affect you and a foe, which is the "official" target for the +end.
  8. My heart goes out to Freem and his friend's family and friends as well as Aisynia.

    Although I understand why Aisynia found this post very disturbing I hope that she also understands why Freem felt the need to make this post, and understands that this post was not written with intention of bringing up painful memories. This post was rather written in the hopes that people would recognize that intolerance has consequences for real people. I am truly sorry that this post rang so close to home for you, but it seems to me that Freem found earlier posts extremely painful and felt unable to sit on the sidelines when the stakes can be so high.

    Although Freem's experience does not highlight the best in the humanity, I think it's important to remember that all over there are people working actively to create change. People whose lives are not directly affected, like Freem, but care passionately about standing up for the rights of family, friends, loved ones, and complete strangers.
  9. Yeah, never seen a cyst just spontaneously attack like that before. Just one of many heart stopping moments I had

    I'd never participated in these Saturday groups before, but was recruited to fill out the team, and had a great time. I would encourage everyone to give it a shot!
  10. Cross dressing hardly violates a teen rating.

    Twelfth Night, a Shakespeare play, involves a woman dressing as a man so that she can go into the service of a duke who happens to fall in love with her while still believing that she's a man. Film Adaptations of 12th night usually get a PG rating.
  11. [ QUOTE ]

    26) Exactly how does Steamy Mist make people unaware of your presence when you’re in buildings? Do they think a water main broke directly above a heating element?

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    I always assumed that they could see the building fill up with mist, so they know something's happening. But the mist is too thick for them to actually see you.

    A very entertaining read as always.
  12. It is probably also worth noting that resistance debuffs are resisted based on base resistance. So...If you have 50% resistance buff (we'll just talk about one type here, call it lethal if you want) and are hit by a 50% resistance debuff, as already explained, this will put you at 25% resistance since half of the resistance debuff is resisted.

    If, however, you are hit by another 50% resistance debuff, that debuff will still be 50% resisted, based on your resistance before resistance debuff modifiers, not 25% resisted based on your current resistance debuff. So your new resistance would be 0, NOT negative 12.5%
  13. No the Zephyr will only benefit the power that it is slotted in.

    If you happened to have a power that enhanced both flight and run speed that was capable of taking universal travel enhancments (swift enhances both run and flight speed, but can't take universal travel) then it would boost both the run speed and flight speed of the power. Although swift can't take universal travel enhancements, it can take microfilaments which will enhance both run and flight speed.

    [edited: called swift, sprint]
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    Because Tornado has a 30 second duration and a 60 second recharge, if you have 100% recharge slotted in it (no other recharge buffs) then the tornado will just happen to expire when you cast a second one. This may lead to the impression that summoning one destroys the old one, but it does not. Not sure what you were seeing if you had plenty of recharge.
    Having played a stormie for over 5 years, I can assure you this change is not new. However, I can't speak to if it's always been this way, since for a long time Tornado was not programmed to stay anywhere near you and was only taken by crazy people with death wishes. It would be interesting though to discover that the controller version is limited to one tornado, but I doubt it.

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    Stormy since launch and said "plenty of recharge" ... I has a general idea of how much recharge a 60s rech 30s dur power needs.

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    Stormie since beta, although like I said I haven't had Tornado that whole time. And I saw that you had plenty of recharge, but you did not appear to be the only person under the impression that tornado was limited to one, so I figured that might explain some of what people were seeing.

    [ QUOTE ]

    I was really annoyed when they 'took away' my 2 tornadoes. Maybe it was a bug for that particular version, or maybe I'm getting senile, but it's not that I didn't have the capability or my controller and defender had both suddenly decided they were tornado-monogomists!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    strange...can't remember ever having seen that happen. However, I tend to summon tornado and let it do its own thing, so if there was a time when we were temporarily reduced to one tornado it's possible I missed it.
  15. Draggynn

    Food for thought

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    Actually, don't forget that resistance debuffs effectively 'buff' themselves.

    So using Shriek 4 times with Enervating Field running doesn't yield a blank 110% buff, each debuff effectively separately multiplies your damage : 1.3 (EF) * 1.2 * 1.2 * 1.2 - which comes out to about 124% damage increase rather than 110%.

    Unresistible Resist Debuffs Buff Resistible Resist Debuffs.

    Hoo-ah for Rad/Sonic.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is not my understanding of how resistance debuffs work. As I understand it, the effective debuff resistance is (sum of individual debuffs) x (100% - resistance), where "resistance" there is after buffs but before debuffs.

    So a target with 0% resistance and the debuffs described above, one 30% and three 20%, would have a total resistance of 0% - (90% x (100% - 0%)) = -90%. The attacker would get +90% damage.

    A target with 80% resistance would feel significantly less effect from the debuffs. They would have a total resistance of 80% - (90% x (100% - 80%)) = 80% - (90% x 20%) = 80% - 18% = 62%. The attacker would get -62% damage instead of -80% damage; an effective +18%.

    There is some multiplication going on, but not of one debuff by another.

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    And then, of course, there is the multiplication of damage buffs. Because unlike defense and to-hit, damage and resistance are calculated separately, if you have applied -30% resistance then an 80% damage buff becomes an effective 104% damage buff.

    However, I can understand where Dodger got confused. Saying a 20% resistance debuff is misleading, since the debuff percentage is not relative to the current value.

    To simplify Yeti's explanation, debuffs work the same way resistance buffs work. If you have a 15% resistance buff and a 30% resistance buff you now have 45% (.15+.3) resistance, not 49.5% (1.15*1.30). However the resistance's resistance to debuffs complicates things...need a moment to think about this.

    [edited to remove incorrect information]
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    I will say it again....you CAN have more than one tornado, although three is very challenging to do. Three Lightning storms on the other hand, not so hard.

    two tornadoes
    two tornadoes three lightning storms

    Tornado is 60 second recharge and lasts 30 seconds, so you need over 100% recharge if you want to perma one, over that will give you a brief time with two. Lightning Storm is 90 second recharge and lasts 60 seconds so you only need 50% recharge to perma 1, anything over that you can have 2.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm. Odd. last year on my Storm/Psi I definitely recall being annoyed that summoning a new tornado desummoned my current one (plenty of recharge). I'll have to juice up the recharge on my fire/storm and check it out.

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    Because Tornado has a 30 second duration and a 60 second recharge, if you have 100% recharge slotted in it (no other recharge buffs) then the tornado will just happen to expire when you cast a second one. This may lead to the impression that summoning one destroys the old one, but it does not. Not sure what you were seeing if you had plenty of recharge.

    Having played a stormie for over 5 years, I can assure you this change is not new. However, I can't speak to if it's always been this way, since for a long time Tornado was not programmed to stay anywhere near you and was only taken by crazy people with death wishes. It would be interesting though to discover that the controller version is limited to one tornado, but I doubt it.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    1. 1 tornado, many LS.
    2. They both randomly pick from targets in range. If you have only one target, they will rock it - great on AV's.
    3. I found my stormies not to really enjoy getting in melee range, YMMV.

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    I agree with 1 & 2 here, so I won't comment on that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I will say it again....you CAN have more than one tornado, although three is very challenging to do. Three Lightning storms on the other hand, not so hard.

    two tornadoes
    two tornadoes three lightning storms

    Tornado is 60 second recharge and lasts 30 seconds, so you need over 100% recharge if you want to perma one, over that will give you a brief time with two. Lightning Storm is 90 second recharge and lasts 60 seconds so you only need 50% recharge to perma 1, anything over that you can have 2.
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    1. Can you have two Tornadoes out at once these days? How about two Lightning Storms?

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    Since there has been some disagreement: YES, you can have multiple Lightning Storms(3.3 in fact if you're at the recharge cap) and YES, you can have multiple tornadoes(although even at the recharge cap, you can only have 2.5). So it is much harder to stack tornadoes than Lightning storms but both are doable. To perma two LSes you need 200% recharge, to perma two tornadoes you need 300% recharge.

    [ QUOTE ]
    2. If you have a single tough target, will Tornado and Lightning Storm attack it all the time? If not, do they do the "Voltaic Sentinel" trick and just annoy the heck out of individual badguys?

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    I think people have already answered this sufficiently, but if the enemy is not knockbacked out of their range, LS and tornado will continue to attack it. As already mentioned, if you can suppress KB on the target, and there is only one target, tornado will simply "sit" on the target and deal continuous damag, and yes, it's quite a bit.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    If I didn't want chaos, I wouldn't be playing Storm

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    Although crazed chaos is certainly one way to play a stormie, it's not the only way. I, for one, prefer to produce highly controlled chaos. A moving LS would make that much more challenging.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Would it be possible to have it follow us around, like Voltaic Sentinel? That would be kinda neat.

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    Please, NO. If it follows you around you lose the ability to use LS's knockback for positioning and it just becomes another random chaos inducing power. Storm already has tornado to run around and knock stuff about, it doesn't need another.
  21. Draggynn

    Solo AV

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    Little late to the party, but...

    Storm/Sonic Vs. AVs

    The latest few videos are of Frontrunner using only small inspirations (mostly blues), no temps.

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    I'm curious is this before or after the LS change? I can't quite tell because the video is sped up.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    I case you all havent noticed I am still pretty nerd raged about this nerf because it was completely unjustified.

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    I don't disagree with your nerd rage in this case, although, I wouldn't necessarily call the lack of justification 'complete'. +rech is something that pushes coh's current combat processing into very worrisome areas. It's not like mapwide-taunt that can be capped or stacked mez that can be purple-triangled. The engine itself starts to sputter as increasingly more things want to be processed in decreasingly small windows of time.

    Let me put it this way. In part of this game review the point is made that game quality is very strongly served by a 1:1 input-to-game-response ratio between the player and the game engine. If you increase the quantity of input (for example because players/ai have less recharge delay between actions) and the game's ability to respond is not increased, game quality suffers. For a game like coh where much of the game's ability to respond to input is locked in (and would get lots slower if the devs put in even half of the crazy stuff the playerbase keeps asking for), +rech is a variable threat to the overall quality of their work.

    The devs may not handle the pr side of +rech nerfs all that well, but if they really care about getting the best quality into their game's experience, then it seems they have some reasonable justification to aim nerf guns at abusive input situations.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Although an interesting and valid point, I suspect that this particular consideration had almost no impact on the decision by the devs.

    It's true that in Castle's post he mentions the limitations of processing power to make the RIP set work as intended. This fix would entail checking which elements of a power are enhanceable by certain sets. It is my understanding reading the post, that if they could implement this change, LS would still not inherit recharge buffs as this was unintended behaviour. No where in the post was I given the impression that this unintended behaviour was related to processing power. The two thoughts, LS firing too fast, and changing the way enhancments effect powers to be CPU intensive seemed to be completely separate to me.
  23. Draggynn

    Soloing AVs???

    [ QUOTE ]
    You may need to drop your difficulty - on the lowest difficulty (Heroic), the AVs will spawn as Elite Bosses instead, which you can probably handle.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually everything except invincible will spawn EBs when solo.

    Difficulty: Team Members Required to Spawn AVs (otherwise EBs will spawn, TFs excluded)
    Invincible: 1
    Unyielding: 3
    Rugged: 4
    Tenacious: 5
    Heroic: 6
  24. [ QUOTE ]

    There was mention about how the defender version of Lightning Storm was unchanged or not affected somehow by the Pets attacks no longer being affected by recharge enhancements change. Recharge enhancements will only reduce recharge time of casting the power. In regards to LS, there was mention that the only way to get LS to attack more often and be affected with Recharge enhancements is if it they are mixed IOs such as DMG/RECH or ACC/RECH.

    I'm not sure if I caught that last part correctly or what the entire story is on this. Could someone who understands what I'm talking about please elaborate on this a bit more?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It used to be that slotting set IOs with a recharge bonus into LS or having a recharge buff on you (hasten or speed boost for example) would increase the fire rate of LS (LS would also inherit any recharge set bonuses you had for 10 seconds). This is no longer the case.

    The source of the confusion: In the initial change to make pets no longer inherit recharge the defender lightning storm was missed. The change to defender lightning storm did not happen until a couple months after i14 went live. But it is now in line with other pets.

    The source of the conspiracy theories: When the change was originally announced it was explained that it was because pets inheriting recharge was causing some pets to not cycle their attacks properly. The problem with this explanation was that even pets with only one attack, Lightning Storm, gun turret, voltaic sentinel, fire imps, were hit as well. The initial assumption was that the change had to be global and all pets needed to be affected by the change. However, defender LS was not affected showing that the pets affected could be chosen on a case by case basis. This lead to requests that powers with only one attack such as LS being exempted from this change. At this point Castle jumped in to clarify that the change was not simply because of pet cycling but that the change was intended to target the single attack pets specifically (LS) because the inherited recharge was making them overpowered.

    I hope that clears things up.
  25. I don't know if anyone out there will care, but there might be some other people trying to earn the achievement badges through normal game play, so I just thought I would share my experience. After 5 years and 2,300+ hours on my main (storm/psi) defender I have finally earned all of the non epic achievement badges through normal game play, unbreakable being the last one which I earned last night.

    So...looking at the epic badges at this point I have:

    10/1000 million damage taken,
    11.5/100 million healing delivered (with O2 boost as my only heal)
    12.9/80 hours held
    1.1/2 billion inf earned

    We all know that the epic badges are unreasonable to get for most ATs during normal game play, but I thought someone might be interested in just how much progress they could expect to make.