-Resist Question...
Sounds right, barring +/- con modifiers. Resistance resists resist debuffs, if that makes any sence
You are correct. All resist values are calculated separately. As the game sees it, when you hit a target with -res (as we think of it), the game sees is as -res(s/l/f/c/n/e/t/p/other).
Given the scenario, your target will now have 25% lethal resistance and -50% to all other damage types. The resistance debuff effectively multiplies your damage output by 50% across the board, whether that means going from 100% to 150% or from 50% to 75%.
Rule number six of an empathy defender is NEVER underestimate a blaster's ability to die. I don't care if he has CM, Fort, both RAs, bubbles (both FF and Sonic), and is fighting next to a Storm defender with hurricane on. If there is a way to die in that situation, the blaster will find it.
Resist Resists Resistance Debuffs. <insert math theory> The end result is that no regardless of resistance level, a 50% resistance debuff always increases your total damage by 50%. Even if you're fighting something with 94% resistance and only doing 6 damage with an attack that would normally do 100 damage, after a 50% resistance debuff, you'll then be doing 9 damage or 50% more damage than before the debuff.
+damage enhancement buffs/debuffs are typically only half or less effective. a "50% positive enhancement buff" will raise your damage enhancement (assuming a slotted power) from 195% to 245% of base damage. In psuedo-mathspeak it means: B=Base Damage; 1.95B + 0.50B = 2.45B; 2.45B/1.95B = 2.45/1.95 = 1.26 = 26% more damage granted by a "50% Damage Enhancement Buff"
yay for confusing.
It is probably also worth noting that resistance debuffs are resisted based on base resistance. So...If you have 50% resistance buff (we'll just talk about one type here, call it lethal if you want) and are hit by a 50% resistance debuff, as already explained, this will put you at 25% resistance since half of the resistance debuff is resisted.
If, however, you are hit by another 50% resistance debuff, that debuff will still be 50% resisted, based on your resistance before resistance debuff modifiers, not 25% resisted based on your current resistance debuff. So your new resistance would be 0, NOT negative 12.5%
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here
Also worth noting is that despite the reduction in the debuff's value, you're still doing +50% damage to the target
Also note that if your target has 50% base resistance to S/L and say, -25% resistance to cold damage (you're fighting an armored, axe wielding demon) and he is hit with a 50% res debuff, it will result in 25% resistance S/L, -87.5% resistance to cold, -50% res to everything else
Also note that if your target has 50% base resistance to S/L and say, -25% resistance to cold damage (you're fighting an armored, axe wielding demon) and he is hit with a 50% res debuff, it will result in 25% resistance S/L, -87.5% resistance to cold, -50% res to everything else
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, but only if that -25% cold resistance is unresistable. Resistable resistance debuffs get multiplied by unresistable resistance debuffs. When combining with resistable resistance debuffs, further resistable resistance debuffs will merely add to the unmodified debuff value and then be resisted as the sum.
Everybody clear on that? Right.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Put simply: Resisting resistable resistance resists resists on the resisting resist. Now, if you resist the resistable resistance, then it will be resisted by the unresistable resistance resistance! Resistance resistance resists further resistance resistance but not, of course unresistable resistance resistance resisting resistable resistance resistance.
You guys have no idea how happy resistance threads make me.
...okay explain this to me.
Assume 50% Lethal Resist and 0% Everything else.
Assume you're hit for a 50% Resist Debuff
If I'm not mistaken (which maybe I am, but I can swear this is how it worked)...
Lethal Resist would now be 25% (not 0%) and the other resists would be -50%.
Am I wrong?
BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection