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  1. They are altered humans but, as I mentioned, they killed all magic on their world, which would include their own Well of Furies (along with all their gods), meaning the Battalion would have nothing to feed off since the Battalion seems to have the whole strategy for feeding off the well of a race, thus weakening it. The Rikti transcended the need for the Well and thus nolonger required it, advancing to the level of technology at which it is sufficiently advanced to have the capabilities to match against magic using foes.

    The Rikti killing their gods and thus all magic thing is a very old piece of Lore and is only mentioned very briefly during ye olde Rikti info that use to be on the Website.

    Actually I honestly suspect that the devs have forgotten this little piece of Lore themselves.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    Really bad arc idea:

    Mission 1: A mad scientist named "Clayton" sends you into a bad monster movie to fight an alien that looks like a gorilla wearing a space helmet.
    Mission 2: He then sends you into an old Japanese movie to fight off chicken-like aliens and their giant monster while being aided by a guy named The Artist From Space.
    Mission 3: He sends you into yet another movie, where you have to defeat a criminal mastermind with a mind-control mask (while also rescuing an Aztec priest and breaking the mind control on his cougar-themed protoge).
    Mission 4: You get fed up with the crappy movies and go to take on Clayton himself, but he's guarded by minions and lieutenants from the movies, and he's slapped on a suit of power armor.
    Now if only he had Propel that only summoned Forklifts so he could Try to kill you with a Forklift it'd be perfect.
  3. The reason the Rikti may have been able to defeat the Batallion is because they effectively killed off their own well.

    It is made mention that the Rikti 'killed their Gods' meaning that they were not impowered by the well, yet we've seen that at their peak (the Lord of War and the Master at arms) they can stand toe to toe with Incarnates, not to the degree of the well empowered Praetorians but they can put up a hell of a fight.

    This means the Rikti empowered themselves purely through technology, heck they didn't know about magic until fairly recently (their magic users are employed to counteract their weakness to magic after suffering a thrashing at the hands of the Midnight Squad and the Circle of Thorns during the first Rikti War).

    The Battalion had no well to feed off of when they arrived meaning that they were at a sever disadvantage since it seems the Battalion work by feeding off the well of a race, thus weakening any super powered beings they have, without a Well, the Rikti were fighting at full strength all the time.
  4. I'd personally say ignore Venture.

    While I will admit the story writing as of late has been fairly meh (dropping to 'pretty crappy' levels at times in my opinion with the SSAs), Venture hates all the lore and writing in this game with the very passion of his black little heart.

    Hell the Dean McArthur arcs that actually got quite a bit of praise for being well written he was all like "it's not Shakespeare therefore it is terrible!", that is the mentality he has, if the writing isn't up to his amazingly high standard, it is not worth the time.

    So yeah ignore what he says most of the time there Angel of Retribution, just continue the conversation anyway, hell slap him on ignore if you feel so inclined.
  5. Speaking of things that haven't stood the test of time.

    This will be a flashback for any British people.

    Just bought the entire run of Dark Seasons written by Russel T Davies of Dr Who writing fame.

    I remember liking it as a kid but watching it back now....ooh has it aged badly, especially due to the fact the first 3 episodes rely on computers from the early 90s, more specifically early 90s laptops...

    Mmm love me that cromatic green and black display.

    Not to mention the writing, as is usual among British kids shows of the era, is pretty bad, the main character is basically a young Sylvester Mckoy style Dr Who only not as well written (i.e. Obnoxious).

    Yeah it just hasn't aged well at all.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    I remember lots of things being called "prohibitively time-intensive" and similar phrases... I don't remember things every being outright stated as "never going to happen"... Specifically, I am thinking about various exchanges with BaB re: Power Customization.

    Have I missed such definite negatives about things?

    Edit: FPARN
    IIRC the one and possibly only thing the devs have said that is never going to happen, rather than being time intensive is the full powerset respec (respeccing a willpower tanker into a stone tanker etc.).
  7. Would invisible heads/body parts be possible?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    This is also another reason why i dont like it. The only time i find it'ld be good is on a TF like an ITF where you are constantly fighting for the hour, otherwise it does just scream of a farming/PL tool.
    That's pretty much why I bought mine, bought the 1 hour Double XP version so I could go from 38-45 in one ITF, combined with the fact it stacks with Patrol XP and I have a crapton of the experienced charges held.
  9. IIRC they did run TV adverts when the game first came out but they were few and far between.

    Yes, CoH is barely advertised anywhere that isn't Massively even on the interwebs, let alone in print magazines or on TV (I understand TV though, it is hella expensive).
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Horse riding never goes out of fashion

    Also, hasn't anyone suggested one of those jungle adventurer helmets for this set yet? They kinda go together with the fat thigh look
    Called a Pith Helmet and yes my British Gentleman Explore Lord Horace Hattings would certainly like one of those. Heck the Firemans Hat could be modified to make something pretty close, the entire reason I never bought that piece was because it could never be anything BUT a Fireman's hat.
  11. The 'pick your pool of powers' thing got ditched because the devs had no way of making it balanced, testers complained that either you made a tankmage or something hideously gimped.

    Origin had quite a large affect on it too, I remember Mutant meant you could take a wider selection of powers but each individual power wouldn't be as effective as they normally would, while Natural could only take a limited selection of powers but those powers would be more effective than normal.

    Killing Crew and Fear Factor got merged to form the Freakshow we know and love. Twilight Men I believe either became Crey (Men in Black) or Malta and Revelation IIRC was made to become the 5th Column.

    Density control I believe became Kinetic (there is an Increase density power in there) and Gravity, Super Willpower was probably another name for the Fitness pool...super Personality...no bloody idea on that one
  12. Crabs are, much like they're fellow SoAs, in that the more of the SoAs you have, the better they are.

    Each one is usually decent in their area (Night Widow and Bane are Single Target, Crab is AoE + Pets, Fortunata is AoE + Control, the unofficial Huntsman build is a ranged damage + Buffer, all provide good team buffs which stack very well).

    However they're often merely decent in that area, specialist ATs will outshine them, especially now that Stalkers have been buffed to the point where they outshine Night Widows (though Stalkers can't buff a teammates Damage and Defense like a Night Widow can).
  13. Random fact!

    The guy who writes the Dresden Files apparently plays City of Heroes as well.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    #4 is my favorite.

    1) How do you not realize a warship when you see it?

    2) If you did realize it, what on earth got it into your head that you could capture a 453 foot ship armed to the teeth with advanced weapons systems and loaded with over 200 highly trained military personnel... with a handful of guys in a dinghy using AK-47s and a couple of RPGs?
    I would have loved to have seen their face when the Vulcan cannon simply blew their rockets out of the sky.
  15. Sad that nobody remembers the Mech Warrior animated TV series, I remembering enjoying that, even if the CGI is ruddy awful these days.

    Remember Mecha doesn't just cover Gundam style Mechs it also covers other stuff...heck the Warhammer Mech was actually taken from Super Macross (which led to problems with Harmony Gold since they owned the US rights due to using Macross as one of the animes that made up Robotech, Bandai had given full permission to use the original designs).

    Examples here of all the Mecha taken from anime but included in the Battletech universe
  16. Been joking around that if ever a wrestling set gets introduced, along with the standards like power bombs, choke holds, shining wizards (real move name) and suplexes etc. the taunt causes an automatic cutscene where your character calls out the mob being taunted to fight them next sunday at the payperview event, the cutscene lasts two minutes and is not skippable.

    Has chance of causing the mob to disappear only to reappear next Sunday, if you miss sundays, the foes build up until you eventually reach a battle royale where all the taunted mobs fight each other and you for a chance at a championship belt.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    I've been roleplaying an ordinary citizen slumped next to a wall outside a mission door, where groups of heroes have been trampling me carelessly day after day, on their way to "save the city"...

    You people disgust me.
    Get a job ya bum!

    *mutters something about taxpayers money before going in the mission*
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Balanced View Post
    I just want to know if mind-control railroads are involved. No one ever seems to remember the Nemesis railroad plot.

    Or is that all of them?
    Actually at the end of the arc it's revealed that even though Nemesis himself thought the plan was a 'good idea' but he has this thing where he decides that he wants people to genuinely adore/fear him into submission and mind control was too easy.

    The remaining sections of railroad were removed and replaced IIRC since old Nemmy didn't give two figs about them in the end.
  19. Wait...did that article get Judge Mortis's name wrong despite it being on his namebadge in his picture?
  20. On my invuln/SS tanker and ill/Rad controller, not really.

    However my Spines/Fire Scrapper, if only to utilize the ranged cone it has, will hit the Burn, the spines PBAoE and then jump back over the spawn and throw the cone.
  21. It's a 'meh' week in the market but hey, Staff fighting came out last week so I'm willing to forgive them on that front.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    They used Beast Mastery to make a baby... Now that's a story I'd like to see.
    Now when a daddy lion and a mommy bee love each other very much you end up with something like this:
  23. Generic IO'd Bots/FF Mastermind, lacks the uberness of Bots/Traps or Bots/Dark but is very safe (and pretty boring) to play.

    Softcapped defenses, tier 4 in all but 1 incarnate slot (Barrier) invuln/SS Tanker, ok but not what I'd call Uber but pretty damn solid.

    Perma-PA ill/Rad controller, tier 4 in 2 slots (Reactive and Lore), tier 3 in all other incarnate slots. Yeah she is pretty much a beast.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
    Hello everyone!

    I appreciate the feedback you’ve all been given here and on the beta forums. I’ve just made the following changes:

    1) Statesman’s Pal will remain Statesman’s Pal and will be given out when completing ‘A Hero’s Hero’, the original Maria Jenkin’s arc, in flashback

    2) Positron’s Pal will be given out when completing, ‘A Hero’s Epic’, the new Maria Jenkin’s arc

    3) Sister Psyche’s Comrade will remain the same and be given out when completing Psyche’s task force in flashback once Issue 23 is launched.

    4) Penelope Yin’s Friend will be rewarded when completing her new task force

    5) The Task Force Commander badge will be rewarded by having either Penelope Yin’s Friend or Sister Psyche’s Comrade

    Thanks again for all your feedback!

    Dr. Aeon
    And that is me made one happier person.

    Thanks Aeon.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
    Reading over on the comic hero/culture forums about the Superman case, that got me thinking.

    What if they have to remove Statesman and Sister Psyche, and things associated with them, from the game for legal reasons they can't explain, making this seem like a petty change?

    Hear me out. If they are required to put up in the comics/promotional material that these two characters were created by Jack Emmert, he may still have some legal control over them, causing difficulty when it comes to keeping them in-game or making changes to the characters. For all we know they may be contractually obligated to pay him when their image is used in game, and they want to close that door. (As for 'promotional material' that may not be included in the clause, making that safe to still use, for example)

    Now I'm not saying this is true. I have no idea. I'm just tossing that out there as a possibility. It's really bothered me that these moves seem very out of character for our Dev team, with little to no response from them regarding, or even defending, these moves.

    Remember, Positron isn't the lead Dev anymore, it's War Witch, and I really feel if this was just a petty move on Matt's behalf, she'd would probably have had something to say about it, yet these 'broad stroke' changes dealing with these characters are being made as quietly as possible, with little fuss or defense on their behalf.

    Again, just tossing that out there. I have no clue what the actual situation is, so I could just as well be spitting in the wind. (Still don't like the badge changes though)
    If I remember correctly NCsoft bought out the entire City of Heroes IP, such IP would include Statesman etc. Meaning Jack has no way of having any control over them. He lost that ability the instance he decided to depart for making that other superhero MMO.

    However I can see why these changes aren't being defended.
    1) lets say that Positron comes out and says "Yes I did it out of spite, I wanted everything removed about Statesman, right down to the fact that his cape is flying above Atlas City Hall (Yes they actually changed that too) to be completely removed, I hated Jack, I hated his face." Then people would rightly be outraged, infact I imagine quite a few people would be downright disgusted enough that they would unsub there and then.

    Not only that it would probably hit most gaming news websites and City of Heroes is made to not only lose subscribers but actively deter new ones.

    2) They come out saying that "We didn't do out of spite," people call them liars and there is still the underlying feeling that is going on right now.

    Now I was one who was iffy on killing off Sister Psyche, I felt her death was ultimately pointless. Statesman however I was 'eh' on.

    However the sheer level of Retcon involved here where Statesman isn't simply being removed from the game "where appropriate", he is being made into an Unperson. Everything that even remotely references him, bar SSAs is being completely redone. Even arcs where, by all rights, he should be alive (a Hero's hero...since it takes place BEFORE the current timeline, hell Maria Jenkins references it in Hero's Epic).

    Hence why the suggestion of, you create two versions of each badge, Statesman's Pal = Hero's Hero since you've travelled back in time to work with him. Positron's Pal = Hero's Epic since that is suppose to be in the current timeline. Both count towards Dimensional Warden (if the 'pal' badge does at the moment) the same way you should keep both Sister Psyche and Penny yin taskforce badges counting for the same slot in Taskforce commander.

    As mentioned by Sam this is a retcon on the same level as the 5th Column->Council Retcon.