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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cowman View Post

    Batman really HAS taken Superman's place as the hero to hate on.
    Psst, look who you're quoting.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
    There were bone claws in the movie. They even had Sabertooth stomp on them and break half of them off, in a comic shoutout. Too bad the movie really, really sucked.
    We got a decent game out of it though.
  3. I'd love for an arm length slider, so many of my characters border on ridiculousness due to how short their arms are.
  4. SS/ELA Brute colored green as a stand in for Rad Melee and Rad Armor.

    Mind/NRG Dominator colored goldish white to stand in for Light Control and Light Assault.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by james_joyce View Post
    Obviously I'm not really taking credit, but I am stoked that they seem to actually be making Ninja Run clones. I really hope we see more.
    I'd be happy with the Ghouls' run animation.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    And Cynical Gamer. You are dead to me. Nay, you have gone beyond dead. You are undead. A rotting shambling corpse with the temerity to disparage Bruce Timm's work.
    His designs aren't bad on paper, it's just when they get animated and/or poorly imitated.
  7. The designs look a hell of a lot better than the Bruce Timm-esque crap that's been popular for a while now.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    It's been very clear that people like detailed tech pieces. Yes, we get it, they're good. Can we have something else now? There's no point in focusing on things we have triplicates of when we can focus on concepts that cannot even be made.
    Bah, there will never be enough tech pieces until we get a good box/cube shaped tech costume set like this.
  9. Damn it to hell, I liked that old, new animation. Is there some reason the devs outright replaced it instead of adding it as a new option?
  10. Assuming you got the 460 for under $200 (which is incredibly likely) it's a good deal.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    OK, how about being a bit more specific? What does either group have that warrants a new Archetype? What exists in either one that can't be done with existing classes?
    The Longbow suck so I don't care about them, but the PPD could be an interesting EAT.

    Things not possible to replicate with existing ATs:
    The aesthetic (especially the Powered Armor Division)
    A branching AT that's not a part of Arachnos
    Mixing Kheldian powers with VEAT style PPD powers

    I envision the PPD AT as a base AT with three possible paths. Quite similar to the VEATs, but with a distinct PPD flavor and aesthetic. There would need to be some fleshing out as far a powers go, but the VEATs needed the same so it's not a problem.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    Neither of the two groups really need an AT directly aimed at them, since they can be copied so easily with what we already have in game.
    Yeah, no.
  13. Not liking that bike or the uniform. As ****** as the first movie was, they got the look of the uniform and bike much closer to the comic design.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
    I suspect you're far more likely to get an altenrate energy blast animation than a new set that does pretty much the same thing as energy blast.
    Nuts to that, I want a focused, constant beam laser gun (e.g. the laser gun from Akira) that does half energy and half fire damage.
  15. Try reducing the Ambient Resolution for Ambient Occlusion down to High Performance. That option any higher kills performance for absolutely no image improvement.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    ... turn your filtering down.
    The anisotropic filtering is fine, the 32x AA is the killer.
  17. Cynical_Gamer

    Adaptions & You

    Some things are so entrenched in the medium used that you can't adapt it without turning it into something completely different.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DoctorWhat View Post
    I doubt SD would be given to Stalkers. Stalkers are like ninjas and assassins. They want to kill quickly, quietly and be gone before anyone seems them. Lugging a hunk of metal on your arm helps keep you alive, yes, but not in being quick or quiet.
    Yes, because the only concepts possible with Shields are medieval knights.
  19. Cynical_Gamer

    Jet Packs FTW!

    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    As far as them looking good on everyone, we have stuff in the game now that looks stupid on some body sizes and types: see: trenchcoats. That's never stopped anyone before.
    Trench coats look stupid regardless of body or type. If only the Baron jacket had a trench coat texture.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
    I have a question about fansubs and scanlations (anime and manga that have been translated from their original language). Would owning any fansubs or scanlations violate copyright infringement since it has been changed from the original form? The process of creating a fansub or scanlation would violate some law since it is changing a product without the permission of the creator, but the fansub or scanlation is a new product.
    Legal or not, it's certainly not immoral or worthy of any punishment, IMO.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    DP hasn't got Aim. Nor has it got a snipe.
    The latter is a good thing though.
  22. Cynical_Gamer

    Epic ATs

    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    PPD EAT sure, ONLY if we get their robotics/power armour options.
    Do want arm mounted chain-guns...
    Damn straight.
  23. Cynical_Gamer

    Epic ATs

    Assault/Armor regular AT or a PPD EAT. Want both.
  24. I'd certainly like the shield powers in the Mastermind sets to have longer durations or turned into PBAoEs.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Night-Hawk07 View Post
    That's cool and all, so long as Joe Q and Jeph Loeb aren't among those writers.....
