Epic ATs
No, not really. I'd rather have more generic ATs with more than one powerset to their name.
In fact given the multiple choices etc they're probably closer to 2 one-and-a-half powersets apiece.
So technically any implemented EAT so far is hovering around having 6 powersets worth of powers in there altogether.
I'd quite welcome more EATs, I like the fact they tend to be hybrids in terms of what they're "supposed" to do.
Continued call: Acknowledged
Logical request: Re-affirmed
Rikti AT request: Superior
Minor AT request: Inferior
Lineage of War/Traditionalist war: Will continue
Outcome: Must be decided!
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.

Thelonious Monk
Yep. Regular ATs are like looking out at the full city. EATs are getting in to a specific neighborhood and getting to know everyone there. I like getting into specific bits of lore and exploring them, which is what an EAT lets you do. (Badly, in the case of VEATs.)
We have tons of ideas for new EATs, personally I'd love to see some Rikti EATs. Give them an embassy in Galaxy, that zone could use some love. It would be their personal starting zone. Or convert those buildings that they refuse to finish into them. Give them some unique contacts and tip missions and let them switch between Traditionalist and Restructurist.
There's also all kinds of other things...
Oroborus Agent AT with time based powers and a story that expands on their goals and personalities.
Corallax AT that opens up along side a new underwater zone and explains just what's going on with those guys.
FINALLY getting the BBotE EAT... whatever exactly it is
I always thought a assult/support "Movement" type AT might work. Melee range debuffs and inherent travel. For the Flash/Angel/Nightcrawler characters who have travel as their primary focus. Can't really make a character with superspeed or teleport as their focus right now, I think there's room for an AT that specalizes in travel powers and the related abilities
Gimme a minute and I could come up with another half dozen. Rikti still seems like the most obvious idea to expand on a story that needs it. It's the logical progression of the war. Of course, they might want to wait for the GR storyline/Coming storm to end.
The most likely EAT would be a Pretorian one. The Spy AT that jump sides and maybe uses the mimic-tech they created.
I'd like some sort of Mech based AT with a good Missile Macross Masscre power

Does not always detect CoH
I'm not sure where the 1 powerset to their name comes from, EATs have more than one powerset to their name, they've 2 at least (Primary and Secondary), and each EAT tends to have 2 types (PB / WS, Soldier/Widow)
In fact given the multiple choices etc they're probably closer to 2 one-and-a-half powersets apiece. So technically any implemented EAT so far is hovering around having 6 powersets worth of powers in there altogether. I'd quite welcome more EATs, I like the fact they tend to be hybrids in terms of what they're "supposed" to do. |
WS get Umbral, it's much the same thing as above, no choice, no change to look or feel etc. If you get a PB or WS you for all intents and purposes have one powerset to your name. Primary and secondary doesn't mean much when those are the only powers to can pick with the AT.
VEATs have it a little better except their choices are still limited. You essentially get a choice of 2 powersets per veat and some of the options there are pretty limited.
Now compare that to a tanker or any other AT with over half a dozen choices for primary , then over half a dozen more choices for secondary. The options are quite a bit more.
That's where the "1 powerset" thing comes from and it's a justified statement in that it can very easily be backed up and it's hard to argue, especially since as said above to play a PB or WS you have no choices for the powersets for the AT.
As for new EATs. I'd love some.
I think that to match Veat's, Heroes should get to be PPD, with a slot for their uniform that could be the PPD harsuit and powers to go with it, wrist guns etc, like the crabs got crab backpacks.
Praetoria could give you energy rifles and be the resistance or Energy gloves and be the PPD, again with uniform options available.
Villains.... They could get Nictus (Dark khelds.) Coralax, or maybe some other super natural character so they'd be on par with heroes. Essentially giving heroes the Paragon version of Arachnos soldiers, and Villains something super natural, and Praetoria can live with just the one choice of EATs, the Resistance or PPD. Heck maybe throw in clockwork as an option too, they had some nifty attacks and the costume pieces are already there.
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker
Rikti: Desired

I'd prefer something like a Bounty Hunter, that starts off as a Rogue or Vigilante instead of Villain or Hero.
I like the way Soldier/Widow have 4 different powerset groups to choose from (after 24). so a Bounty Hunter would have a group of Range attacks, group of Melee attacks, a group of resist/Defense sets and the group would be Device/Traps.
But it is just a rough idea.
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
I'd like something with the flexibility of the VEATs in terms of power branching, while still maintaining a good story. (Sorry, the VEAT arcs were "meh" in terms of being a member of Arachnos.)
Do I think it's going to happen anytime soon? No, I'd actually much prefer a large some of new powersets to an EAT in any way, shape, or form.
The VEAT story had an interesting thing going where you start out as a mook but eventually you become so badass you kick destiny itself in the face and become a world-changing, important individual. It's just too bad this whole thing was so badly executed ít just never failed as big as it could have.
Working on a more detailed suggestion for a Rikti AT. So far it's been slightly slow going, mostly trying to devide it up a bit more neatly and fill in the gaps, but...
So far it boils down to;
Rikti Militant
Rikti Mentalist
Militant Basic sets have 8/8 powers basic
Chief Soldier Branch 4/4 extra powers
Headman Gunman Branch 4/4 extra
Still working on Mentalist branch.
Primary/Secondary, for those that didn't get it.
Looking fairly feasible so far.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Continued call: Acknowledged
Logical request: Re-affirmed Rikti AT request: Superior Minor AT request: Inferior Lineage of War/Traditionalist war: Will continue Outcome: Must be decided! |
Rikti EAT: Desired
Suggestion: Signed
Times: Whenever it comes up
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

PBs Get 1 powerset, Luminous. It's divided into a primary and secondary called Luminous Blast and Luminous Aura, but given the style, look, feel etc etc it might as well just be one big powerset especially since you don't have a choice to pick anything else.
WS get Umbral, it's much the same thing as above, no choice, no change to look or feel etc. If you get a PB or WS you for all intents and purposes have one powerset to your name. Primary and secondary doesn't mean much when those are the only powers to can pick with the AT. VEATs have it a little better except their choices are still limited. You essentially get a choice of 2 powersets per veat and some of the options there are pretty limited. |
The reason I prefer generic ATs to Epic ones is simple: Every time I suggest the creation of a generic AT that can do a combination of ranged and melee damage with lower-than-standard personal protection, people tell me to play a Kheldian. When I ask them how I can make that Kheldian have Fire powers, people just shrug and walk away.
Epic ATs tend to bring interesting mechanics to the table, sometimes interesting enough for me to want to play them. However, being concept-locked to one or two exotic themes makes them unusable for the most part. Even were I inclined to make, say, a Peacebringer, I can really only make one, because any other Peacebringer I make will just be the same character all over again. Yeah, I can make a slightly different build, but I can do that with multiple builds on the same character anyway. We have three now, after all.
I want a new Generic AT, because I want to use that AT with fire, cold, energy, radiation, dark and earth powers, which an Epic AT will not be able to achieve.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
That's what I was saying, yes. They have a number of different powers divided into a number of different sets, but all of them are essentially the same one theme, and it's usually an exotic theme that doesn't fit a more generic concept.
The reason I prefer generic ATs to Epic ones is simple: Every time I suggest the creation of a generic AT that can do a combination of ranged and melee damage with lower-than-standard personal protection, people tell me to play a Kheldian. When I ask them how I can make that Kheldian have Fire powers, people just shrug and walk away. Epic ATs tend to bring interesting mechanics to the table, sometimes interesting enough for me to want to play them. However, being concept-locked to one or two exotic themes makes them unusable for the most part. Even were I inclined to make, say, a Peacebringer, I can really only make one, because any other Peacebringer I make will just be the same character all over again. Yeah, I can make a slightly different build, but I can do that with multiple builds on the same character anyway. We have three now, after all. I want a new Generic AT, because I want to use that AT with fire, cold, energy, radiation, dark and earth powers, which an Epic AT will not be able to achieve. |
There's room still for more Generic Archetypes, which can fit multiple themes instead of shoehorning anyone who might want to play an AT with a specific style/mechanic/whathaveyou into the same limited powerset.
I'd like to see Melee paired with Support sets which have been tweaked and re-tailored specifically to fit the AT. Give them say 4mag mez protection in their Inherent power (call it Stoicism or something) so that they don't get detoggled every time they get caught in and AoE mez (due to being in close with the agro), but not enough for them to shrug off multiple mezzers. (Obviously the Taunt power from the melee sets would need replaced.)
I'd also like to see a Control(modified) set paired with Armor. Modify the control sets by replacing a few of it's powers with melee attacks, 1 single target, 1 aoe, and 1 of either depending on the set. Put the AT mods at 75% for Damage, Control and Defense/Resist with Low HP (Defender/Controller/etc), then have multiple inherent powers that function similarly to Swap Ammo. Depending on which Inherent you have active you gain a boost to max HP or the Enhancement value for one aspect (Control, Damage, Defense or Resistance). That way they can adapt their role slightly depending on the Team/situation they find themselves in.

If we were to get a new normal AT, it would need to have Ranged/Armour, or some variant of. Not being able to make a Dual Pistols/Super Reflexes character, or a Fire Blast/Fire Shield character, or an Energy/Invul character is kinda annoying, and locks down some very cool concepts.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
If we were to get a new normal AT, it would need to have Ranged/Armour, or some variant of. Not being able to make a Dual Pistols/Super Reflexes character, or a Fire Blast/Fire Shield character, or an Energy/Invul character is kinda annoying, and locks down some very cool concepts.
I've pitched the suggestion to Castle in the past, and he wasn't very receptive to it, citing such an AT's lack of a role on a team, but I still hold out hope for such a thing at least at some point.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Assault/Armor regular AT or a PPD EAT. Want both.
Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!
Do want arm mounted chain-guns...
And yeah, what Sam said.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I think Resistance and PPD EATs are next in line.
Global name: @k26dp
/goes for the thumbscrews
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Anyone else thinking it's about time for a new one?