Speculation and Hopes for the Animal Booster
Well, I'm hoping for some fur patterns. We've seen that there's a new "leopard" type pattern coming, but I'm also hoping for a skin/tights surface that looks like fur and can then have other patterns put onto it (stripes, spots, ect).
I'm hoping for some "wrapped" monster feet, much like the wrapped monster hands you can select for your gloves.
I'd love a 4-legged run, or even a wolf-form run. I know that either one of those will likely work a lot like the Walk power, in that they will be the only power you can use at that time. I can live with that.
A lion's mane would be good, especally to go with the new feline head. A better wolf head would be nice too, but with a limited amount of space in a booster I'm not holding my breath for that one.
"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me
@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn
I think we gonna get common animals heads, legs, and tight skins.
Eagles, reptiles, tiger, cheetah, etc...
I just hope we can put some hairstyles in at least the most human of those.
Always loved Thundercats :P
Also, would be cool if any animal head had a human hybrid face, not only the animal one.
Also, regular costume pieces with animal details that can be used for other non animal characters.
I don't know that I expect any of this to be in the booster, but...
I hope for monstrous feet and legs (hairy, furry, whateverry) for normal (non digitrade) legs (tights, etc).
Honestly, I want to see new full body hair/fur options that show no skin and work a bit more for full hair/fur bodies.
I hope for animal heads that we can customize and add details onto.
I would like to see an animal-ish form of ninja run or some such thing.
Pretty standard hopes and desires for animal stuff for CoH.
I'd love to see head details that are separate animal parts: different beaks, muzzles, bills, noses, eyes, hair/feather/fur/manes/spikes...
Oh... and a beaver tail...
And a duck bill.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
All I really care for out of an animal based booster is more/better bird chest emblems. We have 3; one's an American Indian-style bird, the other two are just bird heads. I've seen some Customization Options in other games that have a ton more bird-related chest emblems. A few of them look really cool, and I'd just like to see more.
Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster
That Stinging Sensation #482183
I'm not going to make the same mistake as last time. I'll worry about what's in the booster and what I can make with it if and when it comes out. I'll reserve my right to get excited about future boosters if and only if a current one has impressed me greatly.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I'm not going to make the same mistake as last time. I'll worry about what's in the booster and what I can make with it if and when it comes out. I'll reserve my right to get excited about future boosters if and only if a current one has impressed me greatly.
See also : "Custom" Power Animations
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Minotaur head.
Shark heads.
Bear head.
- Animal run equivalent of [Ninja Run]
- Fur and feather details for gloves, boot tops and shoulders
[edit] - a new hope: A burrow then erupt from the ground costume change emote.
The set will EITHER:
- Have two full sets, one feline and one avian inspired plus the reptile feet
- Be a diverse sprinkling of animal parts, a majority of which will go in the monstrous head and feet categories
- Based on prior disappointments, I am currently not expecting any of my hopes to be part of the pack. My speculations will be more on target. So my one remaining hope is that it include at least enough elements that amuse me long enough that I'm not at all upset about the price.
FWIW, I AM already liking the new cheetah pattern that's been shown regardless. First element that has me saying "Yup. I can find a use for THAT."
My wishlist.
1) "Normal" leg options for things that only appear under "Monstrous" legs.... for people that don't want to go with the beast-style legs, but would like to still have critterlike skins
- "monstrous with fur" legs, for example
- "reptile," IIRC is another. I believe "insect" is already there.
- Clawed feet for regular legs, again, with fur, with scales, etc.
2) Some variation tweaks for the heads we've seen... whether they're patterned colors for the eagle-head's feathers or general accessories for the cat heads (ear types, with/without mane, patterns, etc)
3) some kind of solution for the "claws" weapon set that makes it appear like "natural" claws. (longshot, since this is a technical issue)

I'm hoping for muzzles, beaks, and other parts that are interchangeable the way the Sci pack face mask pieces are. I may be setting myself up for disappointment, but hope will keep us alive.
Really, the WarWolf head isn't perfect, but it IS... heads and tails ahead of what we the players have available. I truly believe this existing piece of in-game sculpt/art should be the easiest fix in the world for them to appease those of us wanting a wolf head.
ALL the in-game wolf heads as of now are freaking ugly. The 'Monstrous' heads are just that, something terrible out of a bad B movie. The Warwolf heads look NOTHING like wolves!
Warwolf failed freak thing;

Actual scary werewolf thing;

T'be honest, I'd be a tad annoyed if we got a 'monster' wolf face as well, but at least it'd be better than the fail that we currently have.
I'd much rather have a neutral face like the Cheetah and Eagle we've seen so far, one that can at least pass as a Heroic character, not some slavering freak-thing.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
2) Some variation tweaks for the heads we've seen... whether they're patterned colors for the eagle-head's feathers or general accessories for the cat heads (ear types, with/without mane, patterns, etc)
For me, I'm really more interested in things that make convincing animalistic COSTUME DETAILS... not necessarily for beast men and women. So again, fur shoulders, feathered cuffs, etc etc.
A long time ago I'd suggested new costume tech for "armpit wings"--essentially costume details that stretch from the high waist to the elbow creating a triangle of webbing between the arms and the torso that freely distorts with animations. (Think how the legacy character Swan's costume "wings" look.) In my dream world, this tech would be implemented and with a booster such as this we'd get a colorable feathered option and a furry option. Then with something like i20, we'd get some more generic spandex and shiny spandex options. Then with the "supernatural booster" (an idea long ago praised at least once or twice by Noble Savage--no idea if it actually made it into the dev queue), we'd get a nice spider web option for this armpit webbing.
One more set of hopes I know won't be in this pack, but IS animal related:
- Antlers as a head detail
- Animal skin helmets--think fantasy novel cover versions of druids and shaman with wolf, bear, deer and lion heads on their head
- Shoulder (and other body) details made of various animal trophy bits. Think Kraven the Hunter's lion head or Hercule's lion skin cloak
But these packs have only so many parts in them. And when my expectations get too far afield from what has already been teased at (in this case one feline and one avian themed set) I tend to get wildly disappointed.
So this is my remedy.
New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.
My hopes:
Revised wolf / werewolf heads (I have loathed the current ones for too long). Maybe a true wolf's head and another option for a werewolf's head?
Tiger and maned lion heads (with it being feasible for a domestic cat character as well). Of course, the current screenshot of the leopard looking character that's out there is just... grrr baby. LOL. Of course, stripes for the tiger's head.
Bull head / minotaur head (pretty easy since they have Cimmy minos already).
Bear heads (although one of the current beast options is viable for a bear).
Bear paws. Nothing like a big a$$ bear paw swipe coming your way!
Better ear options for heads (especially the wolf / werewolf heads... if we could have *true* wolf ears, that would be oh so delectible). If we could put the current ear options on animals heads that are available for human heads, that would be great. Like the cat, teddy, wild cat, etc.
Stripe / pattern options for the current tails.
Pattern options for the animal heads. For example, be able to put a tattoo over one of the eyes of the character, etc.
Better coloring options for the wolf heads and the new ones (not just being limited to skin color and then fur color).
Feet: ones that are not just considered monstrous, but some that we can just put under a pair of pants or armor and be happy with it without those strangely obscure legs that don't work well with some characters. A revision of the current monstrous feet would be nice as well.
A hope from a friend (probably won't ever have to do with animals, but...): other EXTREME body types. For example, being able to make fat toons. He really wants to make a fat a$$. LOL. He says, "I like big butts and I cannot lie!" He asked for me to throw this in here, just for kicks.
Going by the size of previous booster packs, there's way more stuff in this thread than they could put into the animal booster
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
My hopes:
Revised wolf / werewolf heads (I have loathed the current ones for too long). Maybe a true wolf's head and another option for a werewolf's head? Tiger and maned lion heads (with it being feasible for a domestic cat character as well). Of course, the current screenshot of the leopard looking character that's out there is just... grrr baby. LOL. Of course, stripes for the tiger's head. Bull head / minotaur head (pretty easy since they have Cimmy minos already). Bear heads (although one of the current beast options is viable for a bear). Bear paws. Nothing like a big a$$ bear paw swipe coming your way! Better ear options for heads (especially the wolf / werewolf heads... if we could have *true* wolf ears, that would be oh so delectible). If we could put the current ear options on animals heads that are available for human heads, that would be great. Like the cat, teddy, wild cat, etc. Stripe / pattern options for the current tails. Pattern options for the animal heads. For example, be able to put a tattoo over one of the eyes of the character, etc. Better coloring options for the wolf heads and the new ones (not just being limited to skin color and then fur color). Feet: ones that are not just considered monstrous, but some that we can just put under a pair of pants or armor and be happy with it without those strangely obscure legs that don't work well with some characters. A revision of the current monstrous feet would be nice as well. A hope from a friend (probably won't ever have to do with animals, but...): other EXTREME body types. For example, being able to make fat toons. He really wants to make a fat a$$. LOL. He says, "I like big butts and I cannot lie!" He asked for me to throw this in here, just for kicks. ![]() |
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

We've seen a few costume pieces attached to screenies that are leading players to believe that it's possible NCSoft is going to release a new 'Animal' booster pack in the near future. Among them seem to be feline and avian head models, avian foot models, and 'Toho Films'-style reptile feet.
(If these are not called "'Zilla Feet" in the costume options, there is no justice in this world.)
Obviously, these teasers are doing a lot to get hopes up and speculation roaring. Knowing that there's no way that all of these will be in any given booster, here are my hopes for included pieces and goodies
- A 'Stripe' pattern for the Bushy Tail
- A 'Stripe' pattern for the bushy tail. I have a racoon character, and a good friend has a ferret character that could use this.
- Stripes for the cat tail.
- A curling 'Squirrel' tail.
- A rodent head, preferrably with big cheek pouches.
- Rounded 'retracted' style hand models that look like a cat's paw without the claws extended.
- A leonine mane
- An 'All fours' pose emote that would allow a character to drop into a digitigrade quadrapedal stance.
- An 'On the Hunt' run pose power that allows a character to run in a digitigrade quadrapedial fashion.
- A 'Dry Off' emote, which causes the character to shake rythmically.
- A Texture Compositor build in to the costume editor to allow characters to 'paint their own stripes.'
- A 'Go Fetch' emote that throws randomly a bone, a stick, or a frisbee
- And heres the big one that would more or less allow super animals to exist as a new 'Gender' in CoH -- A new quadroped animal body type.
So, yeah. Your guess is is good as mine on when any of this would ever be implimented. What hopes and speculation do you guys have for the pack?