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  1. Commando

    DM Scrapper

    Originally Posted by In Fear and Faith View Post
    Should i pair it with SR or WP? Im thinking WP but I heard with the new incarnate stuff that SR might be the better choice. Anyone got an opinion?
    None of the above, my friend. Pair DM/ with /Regen. Defense is back to as bad as it was pre i13. People with low global acc bonus in their build cried too much that Elusivity was OP'd, and the people who could beat Defense based toon, outside of SS, were fine with it. The result- the Devs handed a solution to those who cried too much and defense is back on the shelf. The only defense toons I might even consider playing now are Energy Aura (if I could live in Overload and get the decrease recharge time), Shields (they get decent resists along with their defense), and Ice armor (because of a great self heal and hibernate).

    /SR has nothing to mitigate when they start hitting consistently through Elude. I say that because the scaling resistances are coming in when you are already in big trouble. That is not for my taste.
  2. Commando

    Best PvP Toon

    Originally Posted by B_Witched View Post
    well solo you want a stalker with stealth cap phase and hiber - or make a km/regen scrapper or any tank close to hp cap if you don't want to die -

    Psi/em are the dmg dealers for hero side/ mind fire doms vill side

    you will die in zones unless it is vastly uneven and one side is camping your base - and you're on that side. teaming helps a lot.
    It depends, if the OP decides he wants to try arena more often than zone, the best, for the most part, toon out there is a cold/dark defender.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
    I was talking to a friend who is big into Mr. T's favorite MMO and this sounds a LOT like what he was describing to me. So far, all of the "end-game" content has been team/raid oriented. So if you take a character through the levels doing mostly solo stuff you suddenly have to change the way you play to enjoy the high-level content? Is CoH gravitating toward the same mentality as that other game? If it is, wow, that sucks.

    Is there anything coming down the pike that is solo-friendly? Or are solo players persona non grata now?
    There is tons of stuff you can do solo in CoH, regardless of level. At 50, you still have arcs/contacts you can do. You also have Ouroboros with its plethora of contacts and missions. If I throw AE in it, it is just infinite.

    Edit: and the way this BAF works now, it seems to me they learned a thing or two from a long time favorite game of mine, Guild Wars. You click to enter and regardless of AT or power sets, you will get in and you do have a role to play and something to contribute.
  4. I have 3 Ice/ tankers, 1 elec/ tanker, one fire/ tanker which I play regularly. Defense based toons are the best, many times in the game, than Resist. But due to the unlucky streaks you may suffer, you might end up deleting it. Does that pull me away from playing defense based sets, no. Unlucky streaks can be countered by getting out. You may feel it coming, 1-3 big hit, ouch, a 4th hit, then I move away, or hit aid self or a self heal if I have one, or HIbernate, and if there is still more danger, then I get out of there.

    I have an elec armor tank. The resists numbers on that are very very good. The holes in Elec armor/ I have no idea, maybe toxic or something. Elec armor/ tough like a truck. Other people may talk about end drain holes on WP. Look, Elec armor will laugh at any other set out there when it comes time to talk about end drain AND recovery debuffs. There is simply nothing better out there than Elec armor vs that kind of nuance.

    Elec armor has a solid heal which is good every 30 seconds. It also has a recharge buff power and resists to slows.

    Pair elec armor with Dark melee. A heal every 30 and another heal every 6-8 seconds.

    Try that. Forget Invul. My Elec/ armor has done it all, STF, MSTF, LGTF, MLGTF, Apex, Tin Mage... and the journey 1-50 was a lot smoother than I expected (lower expectation thanks to myths or rumors) (edit).

    Try it out.

    My Elec armor tank is a tank I also use to PvP and I have beat psy blasters with it too. Elec/SS. My resists in PvE are 81 S/L, and the rest are 56 (neg energy) and up. In PvP, its a cool 80 and up to everything except toxic (before DR).
  5. My suggestion-

    Keep playing, collect more HERO or Vill merits or Reward Merits. Gather whatever you may need to be able to acquire more or better IOs and sets. It will so worth it. Play the market some more, if you may. Keep working on it and don't stop.
  6. My humble suggestion to fix the Epic AT problem there. Play a VEAT. Leave the Khelds for the Devs to play with. I wish if they Devs played, they had only the option to roll a Kheldian until they show the Kheldians some more love.
  7. If money is no object and you want to do everything you want to do, may I please suggest you do what I and many others have done--make a dual build on your widow, one build pure Fortunata and the other build Night Widow. You will enjoy even more versatility and options, but retain the sweet powergaming aspect which widows offer.
  8. TopDoc had written a guide on Night Widows, one of the parts I remember about it is that Night Widows can have the highest single target DPS in the game, besides a claws scrapper. Nevermind that Night Widows have sky high defenses and very strong defense to Psy attacks and resistance to Psy attacks. Night Widow soloing a Rikty Pylon, yes, sir. I was playing my Widow with the NW build while doing a Carnies arc, and I realized this is the most potent combination to fight Carnies. High Psy resist, High Psy Def, high overall defenses, and a lethal damage, very high DPS lethal damage. Night Widows are the nuclear bomb vs Carnies.

    About Crabs, they are monster AoE (Ranged too) dmg characters with very high defenses, and then throw in their magnificent Pets and their team buffs. If I see a Crab lf team, and the team is looking for more dmg, a Crab is a great option and really tough to take down.


    I love the whole bag of tricks they have--very strong general defenses, strong psy resists, strong psy defense, they can control single or multiple targets at once, they can confuse single or multiple targets at once, they have very strong ranged attacks, and team buffs.

    Look, the discussion of how good VEATS are is a discussion on the tank mages of CoH/CoV, the power gaming available in one AT.

    I love them. Thank you, DEVS, for making it right, for making an awesome Epic AT in VEATS. Could we learn from that and give Khelds a much much needed makeover?
  9. I have to say by far and away Repeat Offenders. Elegant and sophisticated, and many different themes, they have become the most inspiring bases I have seen since the year 2005, when I started playing, and I have seen quite a bit of them.
  10. I read the controller boards and the Dominator boards. I read in plenty of places "Controllers or Doms" are the best AT in the game. Look, in this VEAT crowd, I think I can safely say, a well built VEAT (and especially a fortunata) is IMO powergaming in a big way.

    None of my controllers or Dom feel as powerful as my VEATS, NW and Fort. We have controls, single and AoE, confuse, very very respectable dmg range and melee, mez protection, inherent stealth, respectable recovery inherent, and we can be really really darn difficult to hit.

    We can do it with finesse or we can't be right there, toe to toe, in your face, with the opposition.

    Yes, I know objectively there is no best since everyone's taste is different and everyone's measures are different as well.

    Attack like a blaster, hold like a controller, defense which makes some melee toons cry... This is EPIC. Kheldians, I am so sorry, but somebody had to be the test rats for Epic toons. We thank you for that, and the Deity of CoH gave us VEATS.
  11. Commando

    Is this it?

    Originally Posted by Jakarr View Post
    So hearing all the rage about Fire/Kin Controllers and such I decided to roll one as I have been playing a Fire/Kin Corrupter and thought hey good dps and CC..I'm there!

    Well lvl 20 so far and yes I know that 20 levels do not define an AT but I'm just getting bored and tired of playing this guy. Sure ever since I got my Aoe Root I can handle +0/x8 spawns myself and at a lower lvl they died fairly fast...but now its slowwww going and if I fight anything that is a boss or has mez protection/resistance god forbid if they have both it takes ages for me to kill it. While yes this is all solo and if grp'd this build is fun, I tend to short man or solo alot

    So am I missing something, yes FS is great at adding dps but it takes me a bit to take down a full spawn and even longer to do single targets. Bonfire is great but its pretty much it untill I hit APP/PPP and while yes these abilities are nice and will add dps I just dont see me doing much untill then. So untill 41+ its grp based and powerlevel I guess.

    Dominator here I come!
    I am not exactly sure what rage you have been listening. I have been saying since i6, when I rolled a fire/rad, and since i7, when he hit 50:

    Fire/Kin hype is just related to farming. They farm well. Even back then, they were not the fastest, since some tanks could farm other maps/mishs and get a lot more. Specially built fire/fire blasters would also farm better... hero side.

    They are terrible toons to solo 1-31 or even 1-37. My fire/rad and mind/kin solo'd a lot better and smoother than a fire/kin would. My ill/rad will leave both of them in the dust and would compete with scrappers for speed in 1-50soloing.

    Don't go back to Dominators because of an experience with fire/kin. You want to be impressed with a solid controller to solo? Try an illusion controller. Want to pair it up with /kin? Play an ill/kin. An illusion controller, with /rad, especially, will be an awesome solo controller. Take one of those and call me back in about 3-4 months. :-)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flints View Post
    You know, I can handle all 8 Heroes during LRSF on my Ice/KM tanker fine with a stack of orange insps.

    But on both my Ice/Ice and Ice/KM toons, Lord Recluse floors me to the point that I typically run STF with another tanker who's resistance based.

    I've yet to have a successful tanking experience of LR and his 4 towers of doom, specificly his combo attack of chain gun and the melee punch that seems to take off 2000 hitpoints in each attack and executes in under a scond floors me to the point where I don't even bother anymore.

    If you're trying to go up against him, its handy to have a pain or empath on you to spam healing powers while you use insps to keep you res-capped and at 75%+ defenses. He's still going to hit occassionally, and it will hurt, which is pretty much why Granite tankers are FoTM for moSTF runs.
    This is interesting. I used my Ice tankers, two of them, for the STF yesterday. First I ran my Ice/SS. I do not turn rage on while tanking LR while ToHit/Acc tower is up. In fact I only turned Rage on towards the end when towers were down. My defenses are at 50, so one med Purp two oranges were fine for me. I had a good empth on me and I never needed to hit Hib, but I was ready to hit Hib at any time (after taunting constantly).

    Second Ice/ was my Ice/Dark Melee, my defenses are at 52 s/l and 58 En/Ne, 25 positional all around. This tank was a lot smoother to handle LR. Whif, whif, whif, whif, about all the time. The few times I got hit, I had HF and siphon life ready and my good ol' empth and hibnernate. Never did hit Hibernate.

    Today I ran with my Elec/SS tank. He did die. I had an empth but no AB on empth. So when LR got a lucky streak, it was a bit hard. I packed medium oranges and purps. When those ran out, it was the times LR had the streak. Died three times but we did it. We left a dead body by LR, had VENG up all the time and it was good to go. Veng and fallout works.

    Abysmal Ice - Ice/SS, Gloomy Frost Ice/Dm, Sugar Ray Ice Elec/SS
  13. I would highly recommend the following /thorns--

    Ice/ -- I love Ice and for many reasons. It is a very effective control set and the slows RULE. Flooring the recharge of the critters, confusing them, a hold that also slows, Ice slick, and a pet that also holds as well some pretty solid melee dmg to boot.

    Earth/ -- This has got to be one of the best powersets invented in all the MMOs out there-- A hold which also has a bonus to acc and it packs -def debuff, quicksand which slows plenty and also debuffs defense, earthquake for constant knockdown, stalagmites for the stuns, and is, IMO, better than flashfire, and volcanic gasses, which is arguably the second most powerful hold in the game, next to EMP, that is. The pet for earth/ is nasty too.
  14. I looked at fire as well, but fire ball is just another end hog for the dmg.

    I loved sleet, for even more def debuff and a very solid resistance debuff and basically autohit. Ice mastery is very nice. If I could only fit in Ice storm... yummy.
  15. Yep, I remember you. Don't worry about a nerf. It's melee dmg for the most part on /earth assault. THere's no way earth/ will be nerfed. It is working exactly as it was intended to work, as a pure control set.
  16. Commando


    I actually rolled an earth/earth this double xp weekend. I loved earth assault. I figured I wanted another Dom with earth assault but one I would dare to solo for majority of the time. I am not a Mind newbie. I took a Mind controller solo from one to the end. I did team on occasions some AVs or mish types would not allow me to solo them. Mind/ is a very very safe toon to solo with some very solid controls. The dmg is solid with just the control set. I played a mind/kin. The kinetics parts was the part that pushed to find something who would solo safely since kinetics has no mitigation before transference or fulcrum.

    I know Mind/ and I trust it. I paired earth assault with Mind. I played my Mind/earth this weekend. You are very safe in melee with Mind. Just keep a close eye on the nearby enemies you have sleeping or held. Keep killing them, after all, you have one of the best, if not the best single target dmg dealer assault set in the game for a Dom-- a chain with both mallets and then Seismic will make my Fire assault Dom cry. The approach is simple, just sleep or confuse them, kill one, then kill the other. You are done after that. Mind has good emergency powers as well. Sleep, confuse, another sleep, another confuse, mass hold, fear, then run if you need to. However play a Dom with finesse and remember your whole mitigation is in mez. My mind/earth is now lvl 25. I mostly solo'd him and I will continue to do it but on blue side. I know most of the archs I want to do already all the way to fifty.

    Good luck.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
    Dominators are not Controllers with blasts. They are Blasters with control. Your primary is not there to do damage; it is there to render enemies helpless so that you can murder them with your secondary. All Dominator secondaries are sufficiently good at murder. Some are a bit better on damage, others offer more secondary effects, but they all kill things.
    Absolutely not. My earth/earth will seismic smash you to a pulp for calling him a blaster with controls. My earth/earth is CONTROLLER WITH SMASH !!!!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
    I actually got told that Doms are "too weak" the other day in game. I laughed. I have one of every Dom primary except Fire, and multiples of a couple of them. Weak my rear end. Doms are one of the most powerful AT's in the game. I've pulled things off on my Doms that would make a Brute turn and run the other way.
    It was probably me, and I must have been me playing on my Sup'd up Fortunata. Being able to AoE hold and ST hold, confuse, do some very decent dmg, a solid nuke with no end crash, kill, and evade a whole lot of things, and a great recovery inherent... Makes my Doms a little, just a little envious.


    Actually, I have a true story to tell now. Thanks to 2xp weekend, I felt inspired to make a new toon, and after having so many 50s, it was quite a task to decide on something. I started playing around with Mids. Taking a look at the secondaries. Energy assault looked tempting for TF and other energy blasts but it did not jump at me. I kept sorting through, and I thought: I really want to play an earth controller since I have never had one and the rep is there for being the King of controls, Earth/ . But there is one big problem. Soloing an earth/ controller can be sooo soo tough or impossible early on because of very low dmg. Wait, what if a Dominator with Earth/ control did the trick? I could pair that up with some dmg then. I then started to look at the numbers with /Earth assault. Anyone out there besides me just drooled when they saw in Mids Earth assault?

    I rolled earth/earth, terrible mistake. I was addicted and hooked very badly. Double xp weekend did not let me get out at all for some fresh air. I played and played and played my earth/earth for an unknown amount of time. I felt like a brute. Everytime the noise from all the earth assault smashes came through loud on the speakers I felt a rush. It was worse when earthquake came and then stalagmites and then all the slots and enhancements. In teams I seriously outcontrolled just about any other Dom we had. My earth controls were everywhere and came through in ambushes, and even came through when someone aggro'd wrong group. But that's not all, I not only helped keep them controlled, i actually was out there face to face with all enemies and smashing their skulls in.

    I played from lvl 1 to lvl 41 this weekend. I am never ever going to look back and doubt I made the funnest choice. Earth/earth - the problem for my new addiction.

    TerraShock- Freedom server
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Cyclones View Post
    I tried a Dark/Ice tank and ran him to level 24 and couldn't take the low damage any longer than that. I deleted him and re-rolled him as Dark/SS and liked that better. This was back when leveling took quite a bit longer, I want to say I7 or I8 - I didn't have any extra slots and Frozen Aura did not yet have the Footstomp buff. Now, part of me wishes I had stuck it out to Frozen Aura and picked up another AoE in the Epic, but such as things go. I was thinking I would try Ice Melee again, (perhaps with Fire Armor) but that will be quite a ways off before I get to that.

    For anyone who is having issues with Ice melee dmg, please refer to the excellent guid (I wish it was stickied forever) on Ice melee. Go to the guides in Tank section. If you read that you will see, and if you do it, you will know for sure. Ice melee is some very solid dmg, especially referring to AoE/cone dmg.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yorukira View Post
    In the PvP AT rank, what position a MM take?and by rank I mean The rank of best AT for PvP

    Just curios
    Objectively, MMs are not near the top at all, w/e their powersets might be, in duels. The biggest reason is they can not force the issue at all. I have fought many MMs, poison and others. None of them can force the issue. The only melees that lose to MMs are melees who don't think very well in the fight. They almost try to approach an MM like they would another melee toon, and that's just suicide.

    Frankly, a draw is the most likely outcome of a fight between a melee and an MM. Some melee's might be able to just Shield bash then Lightning rod and other things, some others cant do similar things.

    If a melee loses to an MM, it's because he wants to, but from my experience, MM's can not force the isse in duel fights. They might be able to TP you in arena (if they took TP) but you can run right back out or TP yourself right back out. They sell TP powers in arena and I always pack it when facing MMs. LOL at people who want to duel MMs in a cage.

    Some squishies might be able to force the issues with MMs. A grav/FF troller will very likely pwn all MMs in duels since they can easily take out of bodyguard mode, and I have also seen, fire/elec Doms beat MMs pretty hard since bonfire and thunderstrike are kind of a pain for MMs.

    But MMs just basically set up and wait for most unwise people to come in and take on them and their army, for the most part.
  21. Commando

    PvP Request

    Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
    QR: most people keep dr on because when youre making a build it's something that you plan for and build around As allowed to ts and hd which are just unavoidable annoyances in zones that are easily turned off and not have a profound effect or diffference in a persons build.

    Also personally I kinda agree with posi that dr was needed.
    I am kind of convinced most people who keep DR ON, in squishy vs squishy fights, is because of the capped resists squishies receive or are able to obtain. That's it. You lower those resists for squishies and I know almost all arena fights will be with DR off.

    I participate in fightclubs and I also duel outside of fightclub and plenty. I am pretty sure the reason DR is kept ON in arena is because of the resists squishies receive.

    Also, what PC guy said concerning HD and TS, those are NOT, by any means, factors which do not have a profound effect in a person's build. On the contrary, without HD and TS, the squishies and other toons have a huge impact in how well they perform in PvP.

    So I clearly disagree with PC guy there.

    On another note, I really don't understand why a squishy would refuse to allow DR off when fighting a melee toon. After their resists is higher, in fact, at cap, if they take their shields or tough, AND fight from range.
  22. Commando

    PvP Request

    Originally Posted by BattleWraith View Post
    Well DR affects both dmg and mitigation. Doesn't taking it off in the arena add the zone resistance buff to everyone? There's your imbalance.
    I fully understand squihies having those resists lowered. I do have to add I have been in the arena with DR off about 25-30 times now. I will shared what I have seen:

    The dmg of your attacks is substancially increased, then add to that the fact that dmg procs ignore any resists you may have.

    The resists squishies receive is increased but the dmg they receive is also increased.

    Debuffs are NOT DR'd if you turn DR OFF. That is just obvious but it's really nice to see Rad/ debuffs or Cold/ debuffs, especially powerboosted be even greater with NO DR.

    Let's not even talk about slows, since when they are not DR'd, they are just very impressive.

    DMG bonuses you might prepare in your build with MIDs or other tools, are not DR'd.

    Quote from Positron:

    "I understand a hatred towards DR, as it really does monkeywrench a lot of builds..."

    He is right on the money with this, a very mean monkeywrench. I pasted a response on that same thread:

    "I am particularly fustrated at how a Tank's shields are DR'd, and I am not even going to mention brutes. After spending so much inf to make the brute and the tanks, and then seeing the large cuts in their shields, for resists, I gave up. I no longer will accept any duels with DR on on those toons.

    Resist based melee toons have no PVP resist bonus from the game. This is also the case with Defense/ based melee toons. When entering in arena with DR on, a tank vs a scrapper is at a BIG disadvantage. The dmg from the scrapper is not taking as much of a cut as a Tank's shields. The tank is only a bigger bag of HP's but with some shields that are not going to do much to even the fight. Now consider dmg procs, plus a scrapper's base dmg and Critical Hits... no, no way, am I accepting or dueling with DR on.

    Let me provide some numbers:

    On my Fire/Fire tanker with DR off

    Smashing/Lethal resists are at 79.6% (same as PvE). With DR on, they are at 49.97. 30% perccent cut is a vast cut in the resist. I will provide a practical example from real game play. I entered the arena with a claws/regen scrapper with DR on, the DPS from the claws scrapper (Captain IShredU/freedom) was so fast (and then factor the procs) that a 30 percent cut took my Fire/Fire tanker down in about 45 seconds. The 4 seconds delay of Healing Flames with DR on would not make a difference that much of a difference. The resist cut DID a significant difference. I entered the arena with DR off. Enormous difference, my resists were decidedly making a difference. I would not hit Healing flames faster than the 15 seconds I had with DR on. But his chances of losing were about as good as mine: no one lost; it was a draw.

    On my Elec/SS tanker with DR off

    Smashing/Lethal resists are 78.8% (same as PvE)
    Energy 90% (same as PvE)
    Psy 83.3 (this is due to resist and defenses now providing shields for all dmg in PVP) and electric in PVE gives my build a 73% resist shield)

    With DR on

    S/L resists are 49.57 (about 30 percent cut again)
    Energy 65.47 (about 25% percent cut)
    Psy 51.21 (22% percut cut from PvE, but a 32% percent cut from PvP DR off)

    I have duel'd about 20 or so Psy blasters in arena. I bring a whole tray of greens with DR on. The greens are saving me in such cases. I have beaten most of them, tied 3 times, lost once (lack of greens on that one, since i had two rows of reds). My resist cut make a dramatic difference in the fights.

    With DR off, yes, the blaster has his resists capped, but I also gain more of my resists to Psy. The one who has more chances of winning, if the blaster if playing for the win as well, in that fight is me. The record is 2 wins, 2 draws for me (blasters were all playing to win in those cases, the ties the blasters were less aggressive and more elusive). Those were vs some of the better blasters in Freedom. With DR on, I am a big bag of HPs with resists shields that a blaster with the rate of fire and the dmg output will wear down my Tank much much faster. I don't mind fighting squishies who have capped resists with DR off, I am just glad I have mine back.

    Add healing decay in zone, add travel suppression in zone... add these and other things in zone on top of DR ON and it's dislikeable.

    I duel now with DR off with my defense based toons or resists bases toons. If the opponent does not like it, that's fine. I am sure he/she will find someone who does want to duel with DR on.

    Very fustrating to invest 5-10 bill in a toon and have a huge chunk of what you invest DR'd. It was my money and my investment, let me decide if I want Diminished Returns. If and when I hear from others who have something to say about me not dueling with DR on anymore, I just ignore it. It's my decision if I want my stuff DR'd. I don't like it, and don't use it in arena.

    I just ask you to remove DR from zones as well."
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by yankit View Post
    Rad Blast/Dark Miasma.

    and thx for response.
    WOoops, I apologize for not paying attention to that detail.

    Dark miasma/ has a powerful heal, and it does recharge fast enough to present problems to whoever is trying to kill you, the heal and the -to hit debuff is a bit of an obstacle. I do not like rad blast/ . IMO the dmg is as strong for my taste. I would try fire or sonic, or maybe even dark blast.
  24. Commando

    PvP Request

    Originally Posted by LVConvert View Post
    With IO's, PvP specific IO's and their set bonuses, second builds and now the Incarnate system, isn't it way past time to just strip off all the restrictions in PvP, make all of the powers work the same in PvP as they do in PvE (and strip away travel power suppression in PvP), and let the players have at it?
    You know, eventhough removing Diminished Returns would grant everyone their full IO bonuses AND increase everyones dmg to pretty close or right on to what Mids say, I am kind of perplexed seeing almost everyone who joins arena for team matches or duels KEEP DR ON.

    "Squishies get their resists capped if they take their resist shields..." So?? Everyones dmg will also go higher and if you plan to have your DMG bonuses higher you will get it w/out being DR'd. You could have /Rads or /Sonics debuff resistance. If people would turn DR OFF in arena, bubblers would also be contributers to the team.

    I see it too often. Forcefield can not contribute much now since DR, but peeps keep DR on. Then if you have a toon with resist shields, the sonic shields wont do much since they would be at cap already. But a defense based toon would love the sonic shields. So a blaster who does not take a resist shield but a defense shield, would benefit from a sonic shield AND an FF shield for defense.

    Play with DR off is my suggestion. Playing with DR on is not something I would do and still complain that DR is just terrible.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by yankit View Post
    Hi, planning to make a new toon. Just wondering if Rad/Dark Corruptor a viable toon? Look like fun to play and good debuff.

    Any thoughts much appreciated.thx
    Absolutely. If you happen to be in Freedom, I suggest you hang in Pckt D sometimes or watch the arena chat and look for Kumo of Maji. He/She has a great rad/dark defender. With powerboost, the toon is amazing. If Kumo happens to have a challenger, go and observe. Many times people don't accept the 1 vs 1 announcement she makes, but watch and observe if you get the chance.