3744 -
If a free player hasn't after say 3 months spent $5 to become premium, really they simply aren't worth trying to hold onto from a business standpoint.
I think the Devs data mined AE and saw how popular ambush missions were....
(not being serious btw) -
Just checked, yes it is down right now.
I have little doubt it will be back up an running soon. -
Per my log, I have run just under 1500 miles (will hit that mark on Sunday) this year.
There are actually quite a few runners in CoH. We don't tend to make a big deal about it, its just another part of our life, and is usually by accident that I find someone I have played with for a while, runs.
Its all about balance, and certainly this marathon cycle gaming time has been cut back, but its certainly possible to do both AND maintain other family activities. -
claws/regen scrapper - mainly for solo.
rad/sonic defender - mainly for teaming. -
Quote:I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess this was your first time running it on those toons
You get a "first time" reward always for each arc
after the first time doing each part of the arc doing ANY part in the series will trigger a cooldown on said reward.
Try it again in 7 days and I GUARANTEE you won't be getting 30 threads.
This is how it works:
Fresh toon who never did SSA's:
VERY First time doing hero SSA1.1 10 threads
VERY First time doing hero SSA1.2 10 threads
VERY First time doing villain SSA1.1 10 threads because you havent done any subsequent SSA's yet
VERY First time doing villain SSA1.2 no threads because you cannot choose that reward again this week.
You see 30 threads the FIRST week but you wont see 30 next week.
Next week same character
First time (this week but not your first time ever) doing hero SSA1.1 10 threads
First time (this week but not your first time ever) doing hero SSA1.2 cannot choose 10 threads again because you're now on the 1 week cooldown and have used up your "first time" rewards the previous week.
Swapping to villain side's version of the arcs results in the same... cannot choose 10 threads cause it's on cooldown.
Imagine what it will be like for a new 50 who avoids playing most of the SSA's whilst levelling.
10 threads for first completion for as many SSAs as exist.
OK there are only two now, but when there are a dozen or more in game.
That's a decent start on the progress beyond the alpha slot. -
AT sets were IIRC all unique so one set in one power, or split. Hardly going to be over powering.
Given how trivial it is to get a few non-purple, non-PVP key IOs through hero merits, then fill out the build as/when desired I dont see adding the "normal rare" IOs to the paragon market to be a big deal.
I'm not that concerned about purples, as again they are unqiue
I'm a little more concerned (but still not much) by PVP IOs, but in PVE they are hardly a significant boost over normal IO sets in most cases.
I really don't care enough about PVP to comment about if its good or bad for that part of the game -
It clips with his butt, specifically his back pocket
Shame there isn't a massive convention suitable for this sort of thing in Atlanta....
Oh wait....
I'll not be there, sorry.
You have arranged for folks to go to Europe previously, but not to the South East US? -
They aren't bad for at least getting some progress on the non-alpha slots.
Before the baby came along, I was converting shards to threads about twice /week from tips and general missions. That rate has dropped a fair bit now.
Add 10 threads, plus 4(?) from as Astral each week.
Within a month just doing these and a few other missions you should get 60 threads needed for a 1st tier power in one of the four slots.
Getting the iXP to unlock it is of course extra.
Getting higher tiers is much slower, but at least here is a way to get the basics. -
Nope each character has their own timer for the arcs.
Plus each character has the ability to get the one non-timer reward run for each arc. -
Exemplaring removes any enhancement drops. (except specific ones tied to defeat or an arc/TF complete), been that way since I can recall.
You will still get inspirations, recipes and salvage -
The servers are not listed randomly.
Top is the last server visited.
Then they are sorted by increasing load, to avoid the top of the list defaulting to the most populous. (People being people, they tend to click at the top of the list, its a crude but effective way of load balancing)
Freedom being a heavy load server appears at the bottom. -
I now have all the non-repeatable stuff bought for
A few tokens a year (we get one per month now) on boosters is probably worth it for any marginal gains on my main. -
Quote:Prior to their use of E-mails, the RMT's would routinely spam tells.The other thing about this is email is not the same as chat. The RMTers who were spamming email could run scripts over long periods of time and eventually it would reach you because email sticks around. Tells work differently than that; if they miss you for some reason it never reaches you. Case in point, while I received tons of spam email, not once in 3 years of playing have I gotten a /tell from a spam bot. And even that can be severely limited by putting a timer how frequently you are able to chat. Standard Code Rant applies, but you may even be able to reuse the timer on emails for all channels.
being on /hide didn't help, if they had you name in their list, a tell would be sent.
I will be very unhappy if NCsoft allows unrestricted tells to free accounts, but thankfully I don't see that happening. -
I think its more of an anti-fraud measure than anti-RMT
Paypal them some cash is an option.
Its a bad design.
I think the Devs will be looking at changing it based on the amount of players who have commented about it. -
Quote:You have zero input if someone wishes to server friend you.If I were in control I'd want at least two things done with free-player tells:
- Allow free players to respond to tells to the person who contacted them.
- And allow free players to freely communicate to those on their server & global friends lists
If those two things, especially the second one were put in, the free tell situation would be solved.
It would be a simple botting exercise to get a free account to /friend and /tell RMT spam