Call Me Awesome

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  1. We all know that from the Gospel according to JB all characters will always be buffed to their caps, therefore even thinking about a character's base, unbuffed performance is pointless since it doesn't matter.

    I think we'd best let that conversation die off.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
    I'm not convinced they actually need a buff.

    I think a lot of players take their massive base mitigation for granted (or downplay it), underestimate their melee contribution in relation to that mitigation (even though they aren't high end damage dealers) and assume that every situation will be fully saturated buffs to the caps.
    In general I think the Tanker AT is pretty well where it should be in terms of durability and damage. That isn't to say that we don't have some sets in need of tweaks but the overall AT seems to be in good shape.

    With that said I agree with the thoughts on expanding the Tanker's aggro generation abilities in order to separate them from Brutes & Scrappers... I like the idea of an increase to the aggro cap and possibly the Taunt target cap. I don't think we need anything huge, but moving the aggro cap up to ~22 or so would be about in line and possibly buff Taunt's AOE to as many as 10 targets.

    Most of our secondaries are pretty well where they belong damage wise although there's room for improvement <cough, EM, cough>. I do think Willpower and Super Reflexes badly need their taunt auras adjusted to be in line with all the other sets; those two are such obvious cellar dwellers in aggro generation that to my way of thinking they're broken. I can say from experience that an SR tanker has extreme difficulty holding a spawn's attention from an Energy Aura brute. You get the attention of what you hit with Taunt and everything else peels off and goes for the Brute. Even Gauntlet from AOE's isn't enough to hold the aggro.

    For me the bottom line is that a Tank is defined by it's durability advantage (check, we're good there) and it's unmatched aggro abilities (we could use some work here). Damage is good but the AT isn't about doing the most damage, it's about having the most durability. I think we're about right on the damage side... I certainly don't think we need any major buff there.


    And Johnny, Tankers aren't intended to do "sick damage"; that's the province of Scrappers and Brutes... that's what they get in return for only having 75% of a tanker's durability. Think about it a second, if Tanks had Scrapper damage and Tank durability what advantage would there be to playing any other melee character? We have roughly 25% more durability and they have roughly 25% more damage. Sounds fair to me.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Broken_Wings View Post

    In the description of the Titan Weapons ability Arc of Destruction it says it can only be used while on the ground. Does that mean you cannot have hover on at all when using it, or can you use it as long as you are not hovering up into the air any?

    I tried asking in game but got conflicting answers.

    Reason for the question is that I tend to get very fond of the concepts for my characters and I have a winged TW user that hovers while fighting. It's very fun but I don't want to reach level 32 and find out I can't use the final ability.
    While I don't have a TW character all other powers I know of that say something to the effect of "must be on the ground" won't work with Hover. I would assume that Arc of Destruction works the same.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Firemoth View Post
    On a side note...I have issues trying to run some TFs with my mains (DP/Elec blaster and DM/WP scrapper) when they find out I have an EMP defender...
    Is that thought process still with us? Whenever I'm putting something together my default answer is "bring what you like and we'll make it work." I can't offhand come up with much where a team would NEED an Emp... and if they insist they do then it's probably not a team I want to be on.
  5. Call Me Awesome

    Stacking holds

    Typically EB's have boss level mez protection. There are a few exceptions but that's a decent thumb rule.

    I don't know offhand of any mez powers in the game that don't stack, and I think nearly all holds are MAG 3 (LT level hold) so a second power, or a second hit from the same power before the duration runs out will hold a Boss.

    There's a handful of holds that are MAG 4 and 1 shot hold a Boss, Stone Melee's Seismic Smash and Super Strength's Knock out Blow come to mind there... and of course Controllers have a chance for a critical hold that boosts their hold to MAG 4.

    Bottom line is that any character with two different hold powers can indeed hold a Boss with a one-two attack. I've gotten a lot of mileage out of that on many squishy characters.
  6. Call Me Awesome

    Tar patch

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    But it's not supposed to. But don't tell anyone.

    Of course it has stacked since at least issue 3 when I rolled my Dark/Dark Defender. If that changes get your pitchforks ready all!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    I think the only attacks that are pure psy without a positional tag or other damage type are Dominate, Terrify and Mesmerize. Of those three, Terrify does trivial damage and the other two don't hit that hard either.

    Building to fill the psy hole is, as others have said, not necessary and often a bad idea. Purples and Dull Pain/Healing Flames are all you need.
    Absolutely this. I've never found Psi to be particularly dangerous even to my Inv tanker... even pre-IO when I had zero def/res to it the occasional psi mob was usually not much more than a speed bump. Heck, even the half dozen or so pure Psi missions that existed back then weren't all that tough to tank since with the exception of the AV (candy/team buffs handle that) the damage tends to be low.

    With a few rare exceptions Psi damage tends to be low damage and easily dealt with via Dull Pain or the occasional bit of candy. With an Invuln working for high defense to common (S/L/E/N) damage types you'll also get non-trivial amounts of positional that covers all but a handful of attacks; and those it doesn't cover generally don't hurt very bad.
  8. If you use your insp tray most characters who aren't terribly gimped can solo these arcs, obviously some do it faster than others. My best time on SSA 1 is just under 7 minutes (like 6:59 or so) and all my characters tend to run under 12, I've gotten SSA 2 in just under 12 with a long of just under 20 and SSA 3 I haven't run as much but I've done it in around 15 on average and 25 would be the max. Adding it all up you're in the 30-60 minute range for the majority of characters to run all three arcs.

    For my weekly A Merit obviously I run SSA 1, it's the fastest and easiest. I just wish there was some way I could tell if I'd run that arc on a particular character this week. Oh, as has been mentioned you MUST have run tips to CONFIRM your alignment before you can get the A Merit reward from the SSA. The easiest way to check is to see if you have your Hero or Villain power.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NuclearMedicine View Post
    Bottom line, if made available through the Paragon store would you "purchase" either Radiation Armor or Radiation Melee?

    I know I would!

    Just a fun topic, discuss or aggro in as you see fit.
    It depends on the set and the pros and cons of it. I'd need to know more than just a set's name before knowing if I was interested in it... at least a list and description of the powers would be essential.
  10. Call Me Awesome


    Originally Posted by boppaholic View Post
    I don't recall seeing it mentioned, but I think shield is on par with invuln and wp (dark too, but because it can't cap HP I will exclude it from the argument for now). Shield can cap its HP when its soft-crashing T9 is up. It has the strongest DDR between it, invuln and wp (shd/invuln/wp in that order). And its defenses are capped positionally. So when it comes to psionics, I rank it as wp/shd/invuln. I don't know, I need to fawn over the numbers more, but I think shield is extremely survivable. Perhaps there's some sort of numerical analsys scoring system that can be done to determine which set out performs the rest?
    Shield's good but it isn't in the same league as Invuln. I have both at 50 with pretty maxed builds and while Shield is certainly up to the job there's just no comparison in overall durability... Invuln takes without strain stuff that makes Shield grab for the candy or hope for team buffs to survive.

    The one corner case where Shield has an advantage is vs Psi that has a positional tag (remember, not all Psi attacks have a position and will bypass Shield defenses). In all other situations the Invuln has a pronounced advantage.

    Remember Invuln can also put up soft capped defense numbers AND it has considerable resistance backing it up along with a massive heal/+HP power in Dull Pain. Defense WILL fail on you and the bad guys WILL get massive attacks through your defenses. Where Shield falls short is lower resistance and no heal power to fall back on when defense fails.

    Nothing can die faster than a defense tanker with a run of bad luck; you'll either be full health or dead before you can react. Invuln has those resistances to blunt damage that breaks defense and Dull Pain to recover quickly.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trilby View Post
    There is actually a powerset me and my friends came up with I wanna see as a defensive powerset.

    The idea is your character powers up runes and wards to reduce numbers of damage, not a %. For example, you can throw up a ward for 200 points of damage. It lasts for 5 seconds. A monster can hit you for up to 200 points of damage and you will take 0 damage and have some left over. However, the set is very end heavy and recharge heavy and only blocks agaisnt specific damage, so you have to know what type of damage you are taking, keep popping blues, etc. And it works out the same over all in the % it blocks and doesn't block psionic, but I think it would be fun to have and play with.
    Ugh, no thanks. That takes me back to the early days when armors didn't stack and Jack had his great vision. You'd spend so much time clicking on your defenses you wouldn't have time to do anything else.

    I'll give it points for being WAY out of the box but it just sounds like a major chore to play and a seriously underperforming set. Click defense, click defense, click defense, maybe make one attack, click defense, click defense, click defense, maybe attack again and repeat. You either have no protection at all and are able to attack or you have protection at the expense of doing anything else.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trilby View Post
    Also, is it worth looking at getting lower level procs cheaper, or are the level 50 ones better?
    The level of a proc has nothing to do with how it functions, the only thing it controls is when you can slot it and how far it exemps. Because of that the lowest level procs tend to be more in demand.

    On the A Merit buy/sell you may want to consider the Kin Combat Dam/End (or Dam/Rech), they only cost 1 merit and I recall seeing at least one of them selling in the 70+ million range.

    Heck, if you've regular merits to burn there's good money to be made in buying the Kinetic Combat Acc/Dam... it's uncommon so it's only 50 merits from the vendor and tends to sell upwards of 40+ million.
  13. Radial Rebirth is my default choice on nearly all characters; a massive heal coupled with a perma (at tier 3) +200% regen with much more over half of the duration. Baring a character with specific needs that another Destiny fills this is what I go with.

    On the other hand unless it's changed in the last issue the Core Rebirth is a pile of crap; it's a fixed, relatively low amount of +HP and doesn't vary by AT. It's... odd to see such a massive discrepancy in the functionality of a Core and Radial tree. I really wish there were some valid reason to choose Core but as it stands Radial is so much better it isn't even in the same ballpark.
  14. I'm sure it's fine for email & word processing but I certainly wouldn't buy it and expect to play any even moderately graphics challenging games. That laptop's a basic economy model.

    Get a discrete graphics card, either ATI or Nvidia. Don't get something with integrated graphics (UMA, Intel HD) and ever expect good gaming performance.
  15. Call Me Awesome

    OpenGL Driver

    Agreed with checking your laptop manufacturer's downloads for drivers for your video card. However, frequently manufacturers are bad at updating drivers and you may need to go to ATI to download drivers directly. Check which version is currently working with the game; I've been seeing quite a bit of comments on this driver or that driver being problematic.

    From what you're saying it sounds like you don't have any drivers installed for your video card or they're corrupted... either that or your laptop doesn't have a discrete video card and is using the Intel HD graphics built into the CPU.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Known issue.
    Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
    As I understand it, somebody accidentally turned up the gravity.
    So enjoy it while it lasts.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Spiritchaser View Post
    Ok, I've played a few tankers, mostly electric, some willpower, a fire or two and a single invul that I never took to 50.

    None of my builds can solo both longbow and arachnos at 54/8. I'd like to build one that can.

    I'm guessing a shield/dm might, and Shield/stone might too... but I'd love to hear any other suggestions people might have.

    Any/all suggestions would be much appreciated!

    EDIT: by solo, I don't require that it be trivial, just that for any combination of bosses/LTs there be a reasonable/practical way to get through.
    Frankly I haven't run across any tanker that's well built who can't handle +4 Arachnos and Longbow. I certainly can on my Invuln/Stone, my Shield/Fire and my Stone/Fire. Heck, I don't have problems with those mobs on my BS/Shield scrapper, my Spine/Elec scrapper or, if I'm careful and use my insp tray, my Spine/Regen scrapper. None of my tankers have ever been in any real danger of dying, it just takes a little time to actually kill +4 mobs.

    I've done it with my Fire/Dark corruptor and my Fire/EM blaster as well although it's much more touch and go. My Ill/Rad controller is easy mode of course albeit a bit slow due to it's single target focus.

    If you're having problems then you may be approaching something wrong. I assure you that Invuln and Electric will have no problems... if my Spine/Elec scrapper can mow them down then an Elec tanker should have no problem.
  18. I'd look at it on a set by set basis... I think the AT itself is in pretty good shape now although some sets could use some attention. The only general improvement that comes to mind and might not be out of hand (I haven't figured any numbers here so it's off the cuff) would be a SMALL boost to base HP along the lines of 5-10% in order to move tankers slightly farther in durability from brutes.

    Now when we look at sets there's two that jump out at me anyway and those are WP and SR. Both of them could really use a boost to their taunt auras, WP's only has a 1.25 second duration and SR is even worse with a 1 second one. Strangely the Brute version of SR has a 13.6 second duration taunt... somethings certainly out of sorts there. My opinion has always been that a tanker who can't hold aggro is no tanker at all; those two sets make it MUCH more difficult to fulfill the primary purpose of the AT.
  19. There's a couple of the Kinetic Combat IO's that cost 1 merit and are selling in the 60-90 million range... or were a few days ago anyway. That may be a good option and it'll end up roughly the same as simply buying a level 25 LotG def/+7.5% recharge... Those have been hovering between 100-150 million for some time now.

    Of course by random rolling you could come out well ahead, or you could roll up 5 pieces of vendor bait... I've rolled 2 LotG 7.5%, 1 Miracle unique, 1 Numina unique and an Obliteration quad in one roll before. Of course I've also rolled up a Perplex, Trap of the Hunter, Impeded Swiftness and a couple others that slip my mind... nothing in that entire roll had a market value over 5k and most was going for under 1k.

    As the saying goes ya pays your money and ya takes your chances. In the long term it'll probably come close to evening out but any given roll you may make several hundred million or you may make several hundred... period. Generally I use A Merits for IO's that are unreasonably expensive that my alts need in their builds.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
    When you are offered an escort mission, "Just say NO!"

    Radio/paper will never generate an escort mission to a good player...all you have to do is abandon the mission and pick a new one.

    Most common reason(s) why NPC fail to follow is:

    1. People move away from them too fast.
    2. Running powers that have stealth
    3. Having a stealth IO slotted.

    No matter what though, if you are offered an escort mission, "Just say NO!"
    Absolutely. There's a few tip missions I ALWAYS drop because they have that moronic escort... the "Rescue the Debutantes from the Carnival" I don't even consider running... THREE escorts?

    Back to the OP, I'll bet you have some form of stealth running, either an IO or something like Shadow Fall or Steamy Mist. That's typical behavior in that case as the hostage can't see you if you're more than 10' away. Blind as a bat and dumb as a post.
  21. If you ALWAYS have all the mobs in a very tight bunch then Pyronic fires off faster and I think does slightly better damage. On the other hand Ion will hit a drastically larger area than any other AOE I've seen in the game.

    Last night we ran an STF and in the Vine Room I tossed Ion on a vine in front of the tree... it cleared every single vine in that entire section of the room in one shot. Likewise on a Mothership Raid you can toss Ion on a mob at the top of the bowl and hit mobs all the way around the ring... it's great to see it chain from one end of the bowl all the way around the rim to it's starting point.

    In my experience with both Ion and Pyronic I find that I almost always hit considerably more targets with Ion than with Pyronic. As long as a mob's within about 20' or so (has anyone measured that distance? I'm going on an off the cuff perception) Ion will jump to him provided it's still below it's massive target cap. The sole disadvantage of Ion is the somewhat lengthy animation while Pyronic uses the Fireball animation.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sukothai View Post
    1. Where do I find the walkthrough for each Arc?
    2. Which one is consider the hardest and why?
    I'm not sure there's a walkthrough but they aren't any more complex than the typical radio/tip mission so you shouldn't have any problems. In general terms:

    Skyway City - SSA #1 (caps at 20)

    Mission 1 - run to the end room, kill the boss triggering a timer, run back out before the timer runs out. You take the side door to the left of the exit door to get out of the mission.

    Mission 2 - run to the end room stopping to get the three glowies along the way. Kill the boss and exit mission.

    Mission 3 - run to the big obelisk, kill the mobs around it. If you have problems with the EB just lure him into the lava that's all around and watch him melt. Wait for the ghost to arrive and complain about how you can't get good help anymore, kill the reinforcements when they arrive and watch the cutscene. Take your hero merit. Once you figure it out you'll be running this entire arc in 10 minutes or less.

    The other two arcs are similar although slightly longer. The second arc typically takes 15-20 minutes and the third arc usually runs 20-25 minutes.

    The easiest, or at least quickest, is definitely the first one in Skyway... my characters average a little under 10 minutes for the arc while my fastest characters can run it in just under 7.

    It's in your best interest to run all of them at least once; you get an alignment merit (provided you've REINFORCED your hero or villain status) for each of the 3 arcs and you can also get another merit once a week from running one of the arcs... that means if your character hasn't run any of the arcs you can run the first (Skyway) twice for two A-Merits, then run the second (Talos) for a third A-Merit and run the third (Founders) for a fourth A-Merit.

    Really you won't have any problems if you've any experience with the game's other story arcs. Yeah, it'll take you a bit longer the first time as you're figuring it out but you'll be fine.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterMajestic View Post
    Thank you for the help and input everyone. Hopefully I'll be up again soon. Can someone point me to the location to download the new launcher? I've got the original CoH and CoV, and will be starting from scratch. Unless their is an actual physical copy of CoH:Freedom in stores I will have to download everything since the original discs.
    Here's the launcher; the game is a rather large download, something over 3GB. If you've access to a machine with the current version already installed it's faster to copy that to a flash drive and then to your new machine.

    I believe the newest version of the game in stores is Going Rogue, which is several issues old.

    Have you decided on your new hardware yet? You may want to get a second opinion unless you know hardware as we may well be able to get you more bang for the buck. I've noticed that a typical store bought PC tends to give you a lot of RAM (dirt cheap, 8GB goes for under $50); large (but usually slow) hard drive which is (or used to be, dang flooding in Taiwan) cheap while skimping on CPU (expensive) and especially video card.

    I've seen a typical store bought PC with loads of RAM, big HD, outdated CPU and integrated video card actually sell for more than a good machine with a current CPU and decent video card.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterMajestic View Post
    This might not be the right place to ask but I can't find the information. My computer died last night and as a result I will have to get a new one. I was just wondering if City of Heroes Freedom will work with Windows 7 64 bit. I know when I originally was using the 64 bit Vista it would not run City of Heroes. Just wanted to make sure their would be no problems with Windows 7 before I invested in a new computer. Any help folks can give is most welcome.
    As a suggestion you may want to post in the Technical Issues board about a new computer... the folks there will be able to advise you on what you'd want to get based on your budget.

    Assuming you're going to keep your old monitor and miscellaneous stuff (keyboard, mouse, speakers and so forth) you're probably looking at something capable of playing COH starting in the $400 range up to a top end powerhouse around $1,500. A good middle of the road machine would probably come in around the $700-$800 range.

    Remember that COH is a very power hungry game and isn't going to run well on integrated graphics... the video card is one of the most important parts of just how it'll run. Budget a minimum of ~$100 for the video card alone.

    And I can assure you that Win7 64 bit works perfectly with COH, I've been playing on that since shortly after Win7 went to a release candidate status.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
    Quick look at it in City of Daata shows that it is indeed only 1s taunt. Specifically, it's a scale 1 taunt using the "Melee_Ones" table. Most other auras have scale 1 taunts but use the Melee_InherentTaunt table. The Brute version uses Melee_InherentTaunt, too.

    My guess is it's a bug and not intentional.
    I would hope so, but I'm reminded that we thought much the same when WP came out and we noticed it's taunt aura... or more to the point lack of same.

    Still, I'll bug it in game next time I'm on that character and hope for a fix to it.