"Who Will Die" SSA Questions
1. Where do I find the walkthrough for each Arc?
2. Which one is consider the hardest and why? |
Skyway City - SSA #1 (caps at 20)
Mission 1 - run to the end room, kill the boss triggering a timer, run back out before the timer runs out. You take the side door to the left of the exit door to get out of the mission.
Mission 2 - run to the end room stopping to get the three glowies along the way. Kill the boss and exit mission.
Mission 3 - run to the big obelisk, kill the mobs around it. If you have problems with the EB just lure him into the lava that's all around and watch him melt. Wait for the ghost to arrive and complain about how you can't get good help anymore, kill the reinforcements when they arrive and watch the cutscene. Take your hero merit. Once you figure it out you'll be running this entire arc in 10 minutes or less.
The other two arcs are similar although slightly longer. The second arc typically takes 15-20 minutes and the third arc usually runs 20-25 minutes.
The easiest, or at least quickest, is definitely the first one in Skyway... my characters average a little under 10 minutes for the arc while my fastest characters can run it in just under 7.
It's in your best interest to run all of them at least once; you get an alignment merit (provided you've REINFORCED your hero or villain status) for each of the 3 arcs and you can also get another merit once a week from running one of the arcs... that means if your character hasn't run any of the arcs you can run the first (Skyway) twice for two A-Merits, then run the second (Talos) for a third A-Merit and run the third (Founders) for a fourth A-Merit.
Really you won't have any problems if you've any experience with the game's other story arcs. Yeah, it'll take you a bit longer the first time as you're figuring it out but you'll be fine.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
hardest is really kind of variable based on the specific mission and the archtype you're playing and whether you're playing hero side or villainside.
Arc 1 - Skyway City/Cap Au Diable
Mission 1 - Pretty straightforward, heroes will fight the Circle of Thorns boss in the middle of the mission, Villains will talk to him and be able to strike a deal. Both sides have a couple minutes to get back to the entrance, don't bother trying to fight the igneous, you can get bonus time but it's not worth it. Get back to the exit and take the side door and keep going til you find the new exit, heroes will see some NPCs run out, villains see a glowy chest with a clue. Do not worry about failing to get out in time, there's no penalty.
Mission 2 - This is essentially the same for both sides. Pop 3 purple luck inspirations and run through it to get to the glowies in order to get rid of the ambushes. Most likely mission to get killed on. Kill the boss at the end.
Mission 3 - Short and sweet. clear out the mobs, take down the Elite boss. Villains will have the Circle of Thorns NPC with them to help out. Heroes have to go it alone, so more fragile characters can be at a disadvantage (like controllers). There's an extra boss for heroes, and 3 and several mobs for villains, but you'll have the advantage.
Arc 2 Talos Island/Sharkhead
Mission 1 - For heroes, you clear out a room, beat up another mob to rescue an NPC, then have to face down several waves of enemies, but you'll have several powerful NPCs for back up so you can let them handle a lot of it, they're very capable. Villains only have to fight a few enemies, then clear out a small room. It's stupid short for them.
Mission 2 - This is the same for both sides. Find the tomb, beat up the gaurdians, go through the tunnels, open the chests and READ THE CLUES. An NPC will quiz you on the clues, then you fight a boss.
Mission 3 - Heroes just have to go in, find a glowy, and then chase several mobs through a few rooms. You can avoid upsetting the guards in the shop. Then face down the elite boss and his mob, he's not too hard but he is a brick of HP and likes to summon the occasional minion to annoy you. Villains, on the other hand, have to go break into the vault, which upsets the guards (they can hit kind of hard). Breaking into the vault you have to fight a kind of hard boss, then it progresses normally like heroside to the elite boss, however, you can speak with Numina and get a temp power from her if you threaten to smash the skull.
Arc 3 Founder's Falls/(I haven't done the villainside yet).
Mission 1 - Short and simple. Go in, wait for the NPCs to finish talking. As soon as the boss turns red wail on him. Pets won't be a lot of help, they'll want to go after the other enemies. After knocking off a chunk of his life he'll flee (I think like 10-15%, it's not much) and then you'll have to fight off a few waves of enemies. Talk to manticore to finish it.
Mission 2 - Short little escort mission, you'll get a number of helpful NPC longbow with you. Rescue the girl, beat up the mobs, go to where it directs, fight more mobs. Pretty simple.
Mission 3 - A short trek through a lot of mobs and a boss, then having to take down a gimmicky elite boss. He agroes on you the moment you step in, so you have to kind of rush around. Mastermind's can be hard hit a bit here, when I ran mine through my pets got eaten by the boss fairly handily, and trying to take down the shield generators can be tedious. Once you destroy all 4 though the boss goes down pretty fast, a short vehicle sequence, then you fight the boss at half health. Then another NPC talky scene and a very short boss battle.
In general, none of them is explicitly hard, but Arc 1 can be a bit tough on heroes with the elite boss. And Arc 3 can give some ATs problems at the elite boss.
Villains, on the other hand, have Arc 1 as a cakewalk all the way through. Arc 2, on the other hand, has a stupid short 1st mission but throws an extra boss that hits *very* hard in melee in the 3rd mission.
Really though, the missions are all pretty straightforward, a walkthrough isn't really required.
Breaking into the vault you have to fight a kind of hard boss, then it progresses normally like heroside to the elite boss, however, you can speak with Numina and get a temp power from her if you threaten to smash the skull.

"If you want to win you must not lose."
"Easiest way to turn defeat into a victory is to put on the enemy's uniform"
"Better strategic retreat than dishonorable defeat"
Marshall Blitz in the hero-side SSA 3 consistently kills me at least twice while I'm running around trying to make him kill-able. He has two-shot me through 3 purple inspirations several times.
You can't rely on the lava to take out anything in the final mission of the first arc anymore. All the mobs in both hero & villain versions have been made immune to the lava damage ... & the EB still loves to run off & wade around in it, which makes it trickier now for melee toons.
Culex's resistance guide
Marshall Blitz in the hero-side SSA 3 consistently kills me at least twice while I'm running around trying to make him kill-able. He has two-shot me through 3 purple inspirations several times.
The second time with my Mastermind, all my pets wanted to whack him instead of the generators, and he *really* chews up the necromancy pets.
One thing I did notice though is that, while Blitz hits like a tank, he's actually kind of slow, so my best advice is if he starts getting into melee range just run to the other side of the map and wail on the generator opposite him, he'll take a bit of time to get to you.
(SSA 2) Mission 2 - This is the same for both sides. Find the tomb, beat up the gaurdians, go through the tunnels, open the chests and READ THE CLUES. An NPC will quiz you on the clues, then you fight a boss.
Sometimes I just click a wrong one for the extra fight.
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1. Where do I find the walkthrough for each Arc?
2. Which one is consider the hardest and why?
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