System Requirements

Call Me Awesome



This might not be the right place to ask but I can't find the information. My computer died last night and as a result I will have to get a new one. I was just wondering if City of Heroes Freedom will work with Windows 7 64 bit. I know when I originally was using the 64 bit Vista it would not run City of Heroes. Just wanted to make sure their would be no problems with Windows 7 before I invested in a new computer. Any help folks can give is most welcome.



I can assure you CoH will run with Windows 7 -- but be advised, you'll want at least 4 gigs of RAM - preferably more. CoH uses about 1.5-1.75 gigs of RAM as it runs, and Windows 7 uses quite a large chunk as well.

If you only had, say 2 gigs of RAM, CoH would run, but very poorly.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




That is what I wanted to know, thank you for the information. If I end up going with a new computer I'm going to go with one built for gaming. I'll make sure it has atleast that, knowing the amount of RAM that will be used up. Thank you once again for the help.



Is the Official min. specs although the ram is definitely off for Win7 which if you have the x64 4GB is the recommended for Win7 alone, with 8GB being the serious "recommended minimum".

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by MisterMajestic View Post
This might not be the right place to ask but I can't find the information. My computer died last night and as a result I will have to get a new one. I was just wondering if City of Heroes Freedom will work with Windows 7 64 bit. I know when I originally was using the 64 bit Vista it would not run City of Heroes. Just wanted to make sure their would be no problems with Windows 7 before I invested in a new computer. Any help folks can give is most welcome.
As a suggestion you may want to post in the Technical Issues board about a new computer... the folks there will be able to advise you on what you'd want to get based on your budget.

Assuming you're going to keep your old monitor and miscellaneous stuff (keyboard, mouse, speakers and so forth) you're probably looking at something capable of playing COH starting in the $400 range up to a top end powerhouse around $1,500. A good middle of the road machine would probably come in around the $700-$800 range.

Remember that COH is a very power hungry game and isn't going to run well on integrated graphics... the video card is one of the most important parts of just how it'll run. Budget a minimum of ~$100 for the video card alone.

And I can assure you that Win7 64 bit works perfectly with COH, I've been playing on that since shortly after Win7 went to a release candidate status.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Thank you for the help and input everyone. Hopefully I'll be up again soon. Can someone point me to the location to download the new launcher? I've got the original CoH and CoV, and will be starting from scratch. Unless their is an actual physical copy of CoH:Freedom in stores I will have to download everything since the original discs.



Originally Posted by MisterMajestic View Post
Thank you for the help and input everyone. Hopefully I'll be up again soon. Can someone point me to the location to download the new launcher? I've got the original CoH and CoV, and will be starting from scratch. Unless their is an actual physical copy of CoH:Freedom in stores I will have to download everything since the original discs.
Here's the launcher; the game is a rather large download, something over 3GB. If you've access to a machine with the current version already installed it's faster to copy that to a flash drive and then to your new machine.

I believe the newest version of the game in stores is Going Rogue, which is several issues old.

Have you decided on your new hardware yet? You may want to get a second opinion unless you know hardware as we may well be able to get you more bang for the buck. I've noticed that a typical store bought PC tends to give you a lot of RAM (dirt cheap, 8GB goes for under $50); large (but usually slow) hard drive which is (or used to be, dang flooding in Taiwan) cheap while skimping on CPU (expensive) and especially video card.

I've seen a typical store bought PC with loads of RAM, big HD, outdated CPU and integrated video card actually sell for more than a good machine with a current CPU and decent video card.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Originally Posted by MisterMajestic View Post
I was just wondering if City of Heroes Freedom will work with Windows 7 64 bit.
No problem. I'm running it right now.

Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
CoH uses about 1.5-1.75 gigs of RAM as it runs, and Windows 7 uses quite a large chunk as well.
ouch. I've never seen CoH go above 1.3 on my system.

Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Is the Official min. specs although the ram is definitely off for Win7 which if you have the x64 4GB is the recommended for Win7 alone, with 8GB being the serious "recommended minimum".
I dunno about 8 being a 'minimum'. I have 8GB and I can run 8 instances of SETI@home, 2 instances of CoH, Excel, Firefox, Yahoo Messenger, Skype, firewall, anti-virus, anti-malware *AND* then Adobe Photoshop to edit screenshots.

Even with 2 instances of CoH (and no Photoshop), my usage stays below 6GB. 4GB should be fine for 1 instance.

BTW, the page you linked to says the minimum is 512MB.
I would say their Ultra Mode requirements would give an acceptable experience in general.... just not for Ultra Mode.

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I'm running 7x64 on a laptop with 4Gb physical, 6Gb virtual (on the faster data drive, I have 2HDDs!), and can safely run 2 instances if I Have to by dialing down the GFX settings. I think the biggest holdup on mine is the 256Mb(supposedly scales upto 2Gb using my normal RAM) GPU. I have ultra slimmed down and get like 30+FPS normally, but can go all the way upto like 60FPS if I drop to basic GFX settings. Idle, 7 tends to sit at like 1.5Gb and the game tends to hit 1-2Gb depending on whether I'm solo or on a TF. Oh yeah, I also have a 4Gb flash card set for Speedboost, but I don't know if that's even doing anything honestly.

Either way I'd wait out the download until it's done, but install the game to somewhere Other than the default. I have second partition just for my apps. I've heard that software/games installed to default locations can have UAC related issues. There's one other issue for this game if you did too, but I don't have the link off hand.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
BTW, the page you linked to says the minimum is 512MB.
I would say their Ultra Mode requirements would give an acceptable experience in general.... just not for Ultra Mode.
Note I mentioned it was way off on RAM for Win 7x64 - and the 8GB for win 7x64 I mention is because it not too hard to find a good deal on that much and it should last him - and it's better to get 8GB at once, then upgrade later and have a bunch of mis-matched sized sticks of ram and 4GB Ram for Winx64... not much breathing room, I'd say. The min specs for Win7 on a 64bit system is 2 gigs - and CoH takes between 1-1.5gigs.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.