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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nitra View Post
    From what you are saying I would say it sounds like the power supply is bad, since you are getting nothing...
    That would be my guess also, if the PSU is fine then your next option is the motherboard. I've seen this happen three times over the years; twice it was a power supply that just decided to die and once it was a dead motherboard.

    Oh, I just thought of something... check and make sure that the power cord is firmly attached to the computer. I had a monitor once try to power up then quit thanks to a cord that was almost unplugged. It's unlikely but it doesn't cost anything to check!

    Oh, just saw your post... do you have a laptop? If so the battery should be irrelevant while you're plugged in; you'd be running on AC, not battery. If your computer won't power up while plugged into AC then you're possibly looking at a new power supply... WalMart carries universal power supplies and so does Radio Shack and Best Buy.

    Another stupid question here, but is your power supply plugged directly into the wall or into a power strip? Is the power strip turned on and it's breaker isn't tripped? Many times I've found it's the stupid stuff that causes me fits... I tend to look for the complex before the simple.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Niteforce View Post
    Anyone heard of issues trying to slot Celerity +Stealth into Super Speed?

    I have my PvP scrapper that I was slotting last night and it will not allow me to drop in the Celerity +Stealth in the slot. There are no other Stealth's slotted into the power. My other PvP toon it slotted just fine.
    It works just fine for me; I just slotted one on a new controller last week. Are you sure you don't have another stealth IO slotted in fly, jump or sprint?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BoogalooSelector View Post
    Of those, MA looks like the clear winner for mitigation. Lots of disorient and some knockdowns along with that +def seems pretty nice.

    SJ doesn't look too bad either. The fun animations might be a good thing, especially compared to MA.

    DB doesn't seem like it offers too much, but I do like it for concept reasons. Am I reading the wiki correctly that you need the T9 to start the knockdown combo?
    Street Justice IS a lot of fun, although it does effectively force a thought process of "attack, attack, attack, NOW use a better attack, repeat with it's combo builder and finisher design. On the other hand I've found my StJ/Invuln scrapper to be the most fun melee character I've played yet... I just got him to 44 last night.

    There's just something about kicking the bad guys in the junk that makes you giggle, and you get Nut Cracker... er, I mean Rib Cracker, fairly early.
  4. Call Me Awesome

    Reward lvl 3?

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Uhm Awesome, The OP's question is asking for tips that will explain why he can't use the Broadcast channel, not about tip missions.
    Ah, I guess that's what I get posting after midnight. In that case it sounds like he hasn't reached tier 3, the solution is to either subscribe or buy more points.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    Pricing is everything. I have a SS/Invul (Brute) with a lot of shineys thrown on him. I could probably have gotten 95% of that performance for half th cash, 90% of it for a quarter, and 75% performance for 10% of the cash.
    Speaking of pricing the OP may not be aware of the extreme cost of the build they first posted. Also, even though that build would cost way over 4 billion inf (that Gladiator's Armor 3% def IO will be the better part of 3 billion all by itself) it's really not going to be very effective. The power order really needs some work and the slotting needs to be reworked.

    Kal, I'd advise you to check out both of my guides in my signature for some suggestions on powers and slotting. My basic soft cap build is a tiny fraction of the cost of the one you're contemplating and gives you a "shopping list" of the IO's you'll want. In a nutshell you'll want Reactive Armor in your armors, Smashing Haymaker in your single target attacks and Mocking Beratement in Taunt. That should get you close to the soft cap for S/L damage. E/N defense is going to be a bit tougher to get since /SS only has one AOE to slot Eradication. You can slot a full set of Thunderstrike into an APP attack for more E/N defense.
  6. Call Me Awesome

    Reward lvl 3?

    Originally Posted by Mastermiine View Post
    What is it I thought once I became premium I could broadcast but i cant any tips?
    You need to be level 20+ to get tips and I think you also need to have Going Rogue on your account. I won't swear to the second part but you definitely need to be level 20 or higher.
  7. I've found that the difference in performance between a fairly basic soft cap Invuln build and one with billions invested in it are really pretty small; the first hundred million or so gets you 95% of your performance and the other 4 billion gets another 5% or so.

    What I've gotten for my money is about another 35% global recharge, 35% more recovery, a bit more regen and a few percent more accuracy. Frankly if I didn't have the inf to burn and it wasn't my namesake character and first level 50 I probably wouldn't have bothered... it's been a slow process over the last several issues of acquiring a few purple sets then gradually respecing them in while modifying things to maintain my defenses while replacing some other sets. There's a few areas still where I could improve slightly but it's WAY past the point of diminishing returns.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Heh. Had a guy from Help (yeah I stick my head in there now and again, I'm a masochist) try to tell me "you can never have too much inf".

    Then I told him (within a few billion) how much I had spread across all my toons.

    It got REALLY quiet from him after that...I could almost feel his eyeballs popping out and hitting the screen.
    Heck, in cash on hand I'm nearly a pauper... I only have about 4-5 billion spread across all my toons. On the other hand I have about 20 enhancement tables in several bases nearly full of high value stuff and more yet on my various toons.

    I don't tend to work the market that hard unless I'm financing a high end build; otherwise I just accumulate inf and then blow it outfitting an alt.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Enzymes are like divorces. Very expensive, but worth it.
    Heh, after hundreds of Hami raids from issue 4-8 and dozens of STF's I've quite a few stockpiled. Still for most players that's a definite concern although aren't two Enzymes cheaper than 3 Cytos?

    We're getting kind of into the realm of really high end builds though; I imagine most players aren't going to have those resources. I figured CMA's build a couple of months ago taking the then-current market prices and it was around 4 billion. Of course a solid soft capped Invuln build without all the extra bells & whistles could be done for under 200 million.
  10. I'm going to have to give a big thumbs down for this, it's effectively penalizing the tanker for doing his job and controlling aggro. This just sounds like a really bad idea... we have enough bad tanker players already who don't try to manage aggro, why on earth should we encourage bad play?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Bah. I prefer Enzymes (at least until they're nerfed).
    Agreed, in my last respec of CMA I got the same def/tohit buff out of two Enzymes that I had from 3 Cytos. That freed a slot to toss in a LOTG +7.5.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
    I do believe the resistance would be 90% even if you had 100000%. you would resist 90% of the debuff, it would subtract your resistance (99999999% now) and then cap it. I don't know for sure, but that's how I believe it works.
    I believe you are correct, the 90% cap applies to debuff resistance as well.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    Okay, so, lets say you have a pegged hard cap resist. And you get debuffed, so that lowers. What if you were over the hardcap to begin with (either because like with Fire Armor its almost impossible not too, too many sets, or a self buff (incarnate) or outside buff.) Does this still debuff you right from the hardcap or does it take from the extra?
    Just like defense, it reduces the number itself, THEN the cap is figured. On the other hand resistance resists resistance debuffs (say that 3 times fast) and if your resistance is 90% then you'll resist 90% of the debuff. In practical terms if you get hit with a 10% res debuff and you have 92% resistance (capped at 90%) you'll be affected by a 1% debuff bringing your res to 91%.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Spiritchaser View Post
    Here's a random idea that probably won't have much impact on improving tankers solo or small team performance, but which might make them more usefully "stackable" on large teams.

    Have gauntlet apply a -special or low grade general debuff effect on all affected foes. Less def, less -def, less -tohit, a little bit of - regen, whatever. Make the effect small but stackable, such that 2-3 tanks could impose a fairly meaningful level of debuff on one, or a few enemies and protect the entire team, possibly making a significant dent on the survivability of a handfull or less particularly irritating mobs... Not so much of a debuff that you'd meaningfully kill off large numbers of foes faster, or make tanks solo much better than they do now.

    Going further: Not interesting enough? fine. Make gauntlet a slottable power. Give it equal measure of enhanceable debuff and unenhanceable -debuff of many types, and let tanks slot the debuff type they'd like to particularly specialize in. WP/DM tanks might choose tohitdebuff, you could slot damage, for -damage and SD/KM tanks could potentially stack a fair bit of this. slot resistance for -res, heal for -regen, def debuff... more -range... all applied in small amounts to those caught in gauntlet. Not enough to make THAT much difference with one tank, but again, let it stack. For added entertainment, let the alpha slot modify this.

    Possibly consider adding in an increase in the aggro limit and you'd be more than fine. These changes shouldn't make tanks much better solo.

    They'd never eclipse defenders for debuff, scrappers for damage or any such thing,

    But you wouldn't feel that three tanks on a TF were a waste.
    Interesting idea on the small, stackable debuff, depending on the numbers it could be good or relatively meaningless though. It is an out of the box suggestion.

    On the other hand I'm not really sure slotting Gauntlet would be all that effective and we all know just how precious slots are. Still, if it's done well it could be interesting. Of course then all the other AT's would want to be able to slot THEIR inherent so it might open up a nasty can of worms.
  15. The powersets have nothing to do with hero/villain. Your Dark/Dark corruptor will be a highly capable debuffer and a definite benefit to a team. Your damage output will be lower than most corruptor primaries but everything you hit will have it's chances to hit you or your team decreased significantly.

    Together the Dark blast/Dark miasma combo is perhaps the best tohit debuffer in the game; once it matures you'll be able to completely neuter an entire spawn so your team can kill it off with impunity.

    My experience with that combo is as a Defender but even with the slightly lower effectiveness of the debuffs it'll still be a great controlling Corruptor. As long as you're happy with not dealing top damage in return for the control and team support you'll do well with that combo.

    You have a lot of great powers available to you... and a couple of very skippable ones. Dark Pit & Life Drain are skippable from your primary and Black Hole is the power to skip in the secondary. I'll advise getting Tar Patch, Shadow Fall & Fearsome Stare pretty much as they open... Fearsome Stare is capable of cowering an entire room full of enemies. Darkest Night is your best tohit debuff and you should snag it before 20.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Wut - sense, this makes none. I always look at the radial side but thanks for bringing this to my attention.
    Yep, I really see no valid reason to go with the Core side Rebirth... Radial doesn't just beat it, it follows it into an alley, smacks it upside the head and steals it's lunch money.

    Core Rebirth is, IMO, crying out for a buff of some sort to make it a valid choice to the far superior Radial line.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kchammy View Post
    I may buy a new laptop today and Im wondering if some could either point me to the spec requirements, or cut & paste them run the game in ultra mode.

    Well, any modern laptop should be fine on CPU & RAM. The sticking point is the video card... COH is extremely demanding on graphics and Ultra Mode is even more so. You'll need a dedicated graphics card, either ATI or Nvidia, and the better the card the better performance you'll see. Here's the graphics equivalence chart from Tom's Hardware, anything on par with or better than the Nvidia 280 M should be ok. If your laptop has a high resolution screen then you'll move the requirements up a notch and of course the better the card the better the framerate.

    For non-ultra mode or limited ultra mode you can drop down to the 7950 GTX moble card and still have good performance... I have an older laptop with that card that plays fine at 1600x900.

    If your laptop has "Intel integrated graphics" of any flavor forget it... you might get COH running at low settings but it's not going to be pretty.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    I guess I've not explained what I'm trying to achieve very successfully.

    On tray 1, if I want to use the 4th power slotted there, I press key 4. On tray 2 the 4th power is alt+4, and tray three, ctrl+4

    But what if I want to use the 7th power in Tray 5? Is there a single or multiple keystroke as per above that will enable me to use that?

    I can have (so far as I can tell) 8 trays running that way. I don't think the Powexec route is going to work for me unless I build macros. Also I don't have every toon configured the same way and so sadly Local Man's suggestion won't work for me.
    Here's what I do... I've been using the Nostromo for 7 years now.

    Keys 1-10 are bound to 1, 2, 3, etc.
    Key 11 is spacebar (jump)
    Key 12 is alt
    Key 13 is ctrl
    Key 14 is open and I bind it to something I use frequently that doesn't fit... on my Incarnates it's typically my Destiny power.

    The thumb rocker I map to the arrow keys and use it for moving around, the small top thumb button I map to "closest enemy", the wheel I have mapped to next/previous enemy and button 15 is mapped to follow.

    With that setup I have my tray 1 powers under my fingers, my tray two are available with key 12 + whatever power and my tray three powers are key 13 + whatever power.

    I always set all my characters up similarly so I don't have to hunt for powers... all my main attacks will be 1-5, 6 is always my travel power (I like this macro for super jumpers: "powexec_name combat jumping$$powexec_name super jump" to toggle from CJ to SJ), 7-0 are going to be buffs, debuffs, "special" attacks and whatnot.

    Tray 2 contains buffs, pet summon and other things I need frequently while Tray 3 has the overflow. Trays 4-6 have macros, TP powers like O Portal, Base TP, Assemble the Team and other powers I use occasionally but don't need in combat. So far I haven't yet come up with a character I can't fit all powers I use in combat onto the first 3 trays... things I use out of combat it isn't a problem to simply click with the mouse.

    I try to configure things so I can move from a tanker to a controller to a defender without having to relearn where my powers are.

    I bind the forward/backward (button4, button5) buttons on the mouse to a self heal and/or AOE buff power. For my Kinetic characters I use the keyboard numeric keypad with the following:

    NUMPAD1 "$$teamselect 1$$powexecname Speed Boost"
    NUMPAD2 "$$teamselect 2$$powexecname Speed Boost"
    NUMPAD3 "$$teamselect 3$$powexecname Speed Boost"
    NUMPAD4 "$$teamselect 4$$powexecname Speed Boost"
    NUMPAD5 "$$teamselect 5$$powexecname Speed Boost"
    NUMPAD6 "$$teamselect 6$$powexecname Speed Boost"
    NUMPAD7 "$$teamselect 7$$powexecname Speed Boost"
    NUMPAD8 "$$teamselect 8$$powexecname Speed Boost"

    Hitting 1 on the keypad selects team member #1 and hits them with SB (sometimes you need to hit it twice, once to select and once to buff).

    I find that setup takes care of my needs; most of the time I only take my hands off the Nostromo & Mouse when I'm typing something in chat.
  19. It has to do with the way XP is figured... what happens is the PP hits MOG and heals to full, then damages itself by 85%. Because of the way the game figures things it assumes that you only did 15% of the damage, so you're only entitled to a percentage of the kill XP. It thinks most of the damage was done by the PP itself, so your share of the XP is reduced.

    I'm not really sure if it's a longstanding bug or a limitation in the game engine but it's been that way since day one... or at least since issue 3 when I started playing. Basically it's another reason to keep 'em from hitting MOG.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    As you layer more and more defense on, the utility of Unstoppable decreases logarithmically. While the utility of the power never QUITE reaches zero, eventually you're just never using it. I carried it around in my pocket as a "backup" for over a year without ever using it. I finally got rid of it and don't miss it in the slightest.

    Just about anything that's rapidly killing you through capped defense and your defenses is only going to kill you slightly slower through capped defense and Unstoppable. Then you have cheaty crap like the death patches in Apex and MoM that kill you regardless of defenses, resistance and HP, and the unresistable death pulses in Keyes. Unstoppable won't save you in any of those circumstances.
    This has been my experience also; I first soft capped my Inv/Stone tanker in issue 13... at the time I wasn't sure how well it would perform so I hung onto Unstoppable. Well, just about a year later after tanking everything in the game at that time I hadn't hit Unstoppable once, or needed it for that matter. Therefore it got the boot in the next respec.

    Now I did get use out of Unstoppable in the issue 6-12 era before it was feasible to build for high defense. It wasn't often needed even then but I used it perhaps every other play session. Now however, if you build high defenses, it's the next best thing to worthless. As Hyper mentioned the few things that bypass your defense/resists generally are hard enough hitting that Unstoppable wouldn't make any difference anyway. You might find a couple of corner cases where it would help but IMO it's kind of hard to justify a power you only use once in a blue moon.

    On your money problems you'd be amazed at just how easy it is to make massive amounts of inf. Two days of running Tip missions gets you an Alignment Merit that you could cash in on either 5 random rare recipe rolls (odds are you'll get at least 30 million profit from that once you craft the recipes and you may score several hundred million profit) or you can take a guaranteed profit of ~50 - 80 million by simply buying one of the high dollar recipes... the Kinetic Combat set has a few recipes that cost 1 merit and sell crafted for 50-100 million.

    You can also, once you've run 10 tip missions and your Morality mission, run the "Who will Die" arcs for another 5 A-Merits. With 6 A-Merits in hand you should easily be able to finance a basic soft capped Invuln build. Obviously there will be room for improvement as you get more inf built up but if you buy level 30-35 recipes and craft them you should be able to manage your build for close to what you'll get from those A-Merits.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mistress Rue View Post
    Any plans to update this for I21? (i.e. no need for travel power prerequisites, travel powers at lvl 4, Etc.)
    Really there's very little of substance to change, for all practical purposes the only difference is another optional power pick in place of the travel prerequisite. Personally I often use that optional pick for Combat Jumping; it gives you nice mobility and provides a small amount of defense for practically zero endurance cost (0.07/second). Since most of my melee characters tend to be super jumpers it amounts to no change. It does open the option to keep the defense buff/combat mobility of Combat Jumping while also getting Fly if that's the direction you prefer.

    As far as opening at level 4 it's certainly an option to get your travel then but as fast as levels come in that range I find it's more useful to pick up another attack at that point. Waiting a couple of levels for a travel power isn't any real hardship and that second attack will help those levels go by faster.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
    Now to me, this was beyond funny. But maybe I am the one that is the it generally expected (and the general practice) that tanks get ranged attacks 41-50? Can someone tell me I am not crazy? Or at least that I am?
    There are some nice attacks available to you in the APP's and I do find them useful on my tankers... Fire Ball makes a nice ranged attention getter. HOWEVER, you sacrifice the vast majority of your damage potential if you stay at range. Sometimes that's useful if you need to hold an AV's attention from range but if your damage output is a factor in the fight then you need to be in melee... those APP attacks are nice, but they're fairly anemic in the DPS category thanks to their recharge and somewhat lowered damage numbers.

    I have a couple of melee characters who have zero ranged attacks and generally haven't found it a huge problem. Now I haven't ever played the MoM trial so I don't know any specifics about it but I certainly wouldn't expect melee characters to be effective damage dealers from range.

    Bottom line it sounds like that league leader was talking nonsense.
  23. It sounds like you have a corrupted file on the game; I'd advise you to open the NCSoft launcher, click on "City of Heroes", then click on the down arrow and select "Repair". That should correct any corrupt files.

    You may also want to defrag your hard drive; that can sometimes cause problems as well.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    Even with adding memory, updating to Service Pack 3 and clearing off some drive space, the game may run on the absolute lowest settings, but it's still going to be a horrible gaming experience with that video card.

    The best recommendation I can offer is to start saving up for a new computer or the parts to build one if you know how.

    Actually, that PC reached the end of its useful gaming life several years ago.
    I have to agree there; that PC will probably be useful for word processing and web browsing for some years to come but as a gaming machine it's way out of date. I'm not enough of a PC historian to know just what vintage that machine is but at a guess it's somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 years old. I'd suggest retiring it or possibly just using it for office work.

    You can buy a new machine that's up to the task, albeit at moderate settings, for around $600, or you can get something that's highly capable for around $1,200. Yeah, more $ can get you more performance; you'll need to decide on your budget and on just what you want to do with the machine. This forum is full of knowledgeable people who can guide you to the best options in your price range. In today's computer market one of the most important components in a gaming machine is the video card; you want to make sure you get one with enough horsepower for the job. Integrated Intel HD graphics will NOT work well if at all, you need a dedicated Nvidia or ATI card.

    From that point the question is "how much video card do you want?"; and the counter question of "how much video card can you afford?". Figure on a minimum of ~$100 to get a good card, from there more $ generally gets you more performance with a top end card running over $500. Realistically the price/performance ratio gets to a peak at around $200-250... those $500+ cards will generally only be a small amount faster; the last few % of performance will cost you more than double the money. You'll be able to get good playable performance with decent settings out of a $100 card, from that point it's just a question of how much beyond playable you want to go and how much eye candy you want to turn on.

    Assuming your monitor is of the same vintage as the rest of the PC I wouldn't plan on re-using anything; good 21" LCD monitors are out there for under $150 and they blow away most any old CRT monitors I've seen. Keyboard and mouse are cheap; frankly I generally replace mine on a nearly annual basis. For $20 (newegg price) it doesn't seem worth the trouble to clean an old dirty KB and I frequently fall under the spell of a "new shiny mouse" when I see one with new features I've just gotta have.
  25. Yep, you at the very least need more RAM to play; you're well below minimum spec for the game.

    According to your COH Helper readout you have an Elitegroup K8T800A motherboard. Looking up the manual it shows it takes 184 pin DDR SDRAM and it lists a maximum capacity of 2GB. You can buy a pair of 1GB sticks from Newegg for roughly $50, or you could get two 512 MB sticks for ~$28. HOWEVER, I wouldn't recommend any further upgrades to that machine as I don't think they'll be cost effective. Your board has 3 RAM slots; if you use a pair of 1GB sticks that fills up your capacity and the 3rd slot is left empty.

    Another thing I notice is that you have several hard drives that are nearly full; you probably will want to clear them out and open up at least 10% free space on each drive. Drives sometimes get a bit funky when you fill them up.

    In the long term that PC is at the end of it's useful gaming life and will need replacement but a bandaid in the form of more RAM should get COH running, albeit at minimal settings.