Character Spec question...

Call Me Awesome



I play a Mystic/Corrupter (demonic) hero archetype spec'd Dark Blast/Dark Miasma, I understand that this is best suited for a villan...but will it work as a hero as well or should I re-spec?



There's no reason that combination of power sets is better suited to being a hero or villain. Moreover, you couldn't respec out of it even if you wanted to - your character's primary and secondary power sets are basically written in stone at character creation.



Thank you...all good then!



Well Corruptor is more Damagey while Defender is more Buff/Debuffy

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
There's no reason that combination of power sets is better suited to being a hero or villain.
Seconding this. And anyone that tells you something "has" to be hero or villain (epic ATs aside, and even they can switch after level 20) can blow it out their tailpipe.

The only reason I'd switch the AT is the priority of getting certain powers - do I want to get the support powers more quickly? Play a defender. Do I want more damage, or more damage choices coming faster? Corruptor.

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



The powersets have nothing to do with hero/villain. Your Dark/Dark corruptor will be a highly capable debuffer and a definite benefit to a team. Your damage output will be lower than most corruptor primaries but everything you hit will have it's chances to hit you or your team decreased significantly.

Together the Dark blast/Dark miasma combo is perhaps the best tohit debuffer in the game; once it matures you'll be able to completely neuter an entire spawn so your team can kill it off with impunity.

My experience with that combo is as a Defender but even with the slightly lower effectiveness of the debuffs it'll still be a great controlling Corruptor. As long as you're happy with not dealing top damage in return for the control and team support you'll do well with that combo.

You have a lot of great powers available to you... and a couple of very skippable ones. Dark Pit & Life Drain are skippable from your primary and Black Hole is the power to skip in the secondary. I'll advise getting Tar Patch, Shadow Fall & Fearsome Stare pretty much as they open... Fearsome Stare is capable of cowering an entire room full of enemies. Darkest Night is your best tohit debuff and you should snag it before 20.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.