Res hard cap and debuff
Just like defense, it reduces the number itself, THEN the cap is figured. On the other hand resistance resists resistance debuffs (say that 3 times fast
Okay, so, lets say you have a pegged hard cap resist. And you get debuffed, so that lowers. What if you were over the hardcap to begin with (either because like with Fire Armor its almost impossible not too, too many sets, or a self buff (incarnate) or outside buff.) Does this still debuff you right from the hardcap or does it take from the extra?

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
Nice. And, not that I am advocating abuse, but would 100% resist in fact resist debuffs 100% of the time effectively voiding any attempts to debuff your resistance? Or does it cap at 90% effective so you can only resist (only?) 90% of the debuff?
I do believe the resistance would be 90% even if you had 100000%. you would resist 90% of the debuff, it would subtract your resistance (99999999% now) and then cap it. I don't know for sure, but that's how I believe it works.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.
I believe you are correct, the 90% cap applies to debuff resistance as well.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
It does, because those two are the same thing. For a given damage type, there is only one number, called (for example) Smashing Res. Its used to reduce the damage an attacker does to you, and also used to reduce the strength of Smashing debuffs an attacker inflicts upon you.
I believe you are correct, the 90% cap applies to debuff resistance as well.
As an absolute principle, there is no such thing as "debuff resistance" anywhere in the game. There is only "resistance" for a particular attribute. That resistance reduces attempts to increase that attribute, decrease that attribute, alter the resistance of that attribute, alter the strength of that attribute, affect the maximum cap of that attribute. The one number - Resistance - affects any attempt to change any aspect of that attribute.
That single number, the Resistance aspect, has a single cap. There aren't separate caps for separate usages of that single number.
And as previously mentioned, caps are always applied "last" which is to say just before you use the number. If you have enough powers to apply a 120% resistance buff to smashing, you actually have 120% resistance *buffs* on you. But the cap means the game will only "use" 90% of it. When you are hit by a resistance debuff, that debuff is resisted. But again, only 90% of your resistance is used, and the debuff is resisted by 90%. That debuff, after being resisted, is added on top of your 120% resistance buffs - the game has no idea that effect is a "debuff" or a "buff" - its just an effect, and it can't tell the difference between a defender buffing you and an attacker debuffing you. It all goes into the same big pile of buffs. 120% + the debuff. If the debuff was, say, -100% resistance debuff then 90% of it was resisted, and the net is -10%. Your total buff is now 120% + (-10%) = 110%. You'd still effectively be at the 90% cap.
There are special rules for handling unresistable debuffs, but that's another story.
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Thank you all, I understand this corner of the game much better now. My only previous high end tank was a soft cap Willpower. Now that I am making a Invul/Dark (now at 11th level!) I want to get this stuff in my head.
Okay, so, lets say you have a pegged hard cap resist. And you get debuffed, so that lowers. What if you were over the hardcap to begin with (either because like with Fire Armor its almost impossible not too, too many sets, or a self buff (incarnate) or outside buff.) Does this still debuff you right from the hardcap or does it take from the extra?