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  1. See that girl in my avatar? The one with the big, feathery wings? Yeah... Almost all of my characters are like Shade, there. Most of them are members of a species of winged fliers. They're their own transportation.

    Not that Mei'jin would say no to a steam-powered pony if Nemesis wanted to give her one. (Mei is supposed to be a Nemesis operative keeping an eye on Arachnos. I've always wanted a pet Jaeger for her, but a cute brass pony would do.)

    As for the "non-Birdbrains"... Mister Bibbles and Mister Mistofolees are both cat-familars using purloined magic to look human. Bibbles belongs to a Cabal witch, while Meff belongs to a lazy sorcerer. (Their humans are rather sweet on each other, but the two cats are fierce rivals-) I imagine Bibbles borrows his mistress' broom on occasion, while Mistofolees makes use of his master's flying carpet.

    Mameshiba, the very chibi Littlest Bane, is a product of Mad Science. Like the original WSPDR Saturday-morning cartoon character he was modeled after, he just jumps. He's too short to pilot a black Flier.

    Alshain, the barrista Warshade, is from Striga. She knows how to hotwire SkyRaider gun skiffs. Kephren, on the other hand, is a siren. She's not so saavy about all this modern-world techno-stuff and never learned to drive... She just takes the train.

    Anu, the winged bull, and Beans, the stink-bug, both fly.

    Cholula, my Nightwidow, is a biker chick. I can't imagaine her with anything but a Very Loud Motorcycle.
  2. I like the journey... right up to the moment that journey ceases to be any fun. (That is to say, the point at which continuing becomes a repetative, stressful, and often frustrating grind-fest.) At that point, I just want "the journey" to be over and done with so I can move on to something more entertaining, and maybe actually ENJOY playing that character for a change instead of feeling obligated to run it through a well-nigh-endless series of PUGs, speed runs and raid-fails, which I don't find the least bit fun.

    So far the Devs have done a really great job of turning the entire "end game system" into exactly the kind of journey I'd rather avoid completely or get over with as quickly as possible. It's been about as much fun for me as dancing on a fire ant nest, and shows no sign of improvement.

    So, yeah... While I agree that the journey CAN certainly be fun, it can also be a serious drag.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
    Not a good sign of things to come for that character....

    (Cue "Devs hate villains"/"lolStalker" replies....)
    Run, little monkey! Run!

    I was soloing Kestrel (my favorite DB/WP Stalker-) through that "Go take out the Nemesis automatons of Positron and Manticore" mission and made the mistake of hitting SM in the middle of my fight with RoboPosi... I figured Kes could use all the help she could get with that stubborn bucket of bolts.

    I've never been so glad that Cardinal (Kestrel's Adept) and my Shivan were bigger aggro magnets than she was. 'Learned my lesson about using that thing in combat, though. Oh yeah.

    The very first time I had it happen to a character was the same toon, right in the middle of a CoT mission. 'Found out then that it drops Hide. She was a little closer to a spawn than she ought to have been, but got away that time.
  4. I'm still finding individual little details of the world that surprise me occasionally...

    A really big mushroom beside some rocks in the northern hills in Croatoa, the rowboat under the dock in Port Oakes that you can get in, one beach on an island north of Grandville that has a collection of starfish on it that are different from all the others, another beach on a neighboring island with an abandoned boat on it, some of the graffiti in Saint Martial, a place with a perpetual swirl of leaves in Perez... That kind of thing. 'Just little environmental oddities that you could pass a hundred times without noticing.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    That's actually kind of nice. Makes me want to think of a concept like that or maybe just wish we had a 'Super Twins/Sidekick' or 'Commander' AT that worked on a similar mechanic of not *needing* the pet there but being nice when they are.

    I generally have trouble with pets on stealthy characters, though. Not sure how you manage it with a Stalker. Grant Invisibility perhaps?
    Yep. Grant Invis helps a lot.
    Simply moving faster than he does is also important...

    Kes usually has just enough time to line up on her target and hit it with AS (Also getting the attention of the rest of the target goon's group, with luck-) before Cardinal gets into zarking range. It's close, though, and occasionally he'll still get something's attention before she does... but I've been running them together long enough now to judge the timing pretty well.

    Kestrel also having Aid Other goes a long way towards her pal's survival, too. If his AI wasn't determined to make him close into melee range so often (In spite of not having a single melee attack to his name... ) she might not even need that, really. But as it stands? Very nice to have.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

    Wondering if anyone else is seeing anything similar.
    We've gotten four in a group a few times, but never THAT many.
    Holy smokes...

    Is it bad, though, that the first thing I thought seeing that screen-cap was "Mmm. Badge credit."?
  7. I don't have any characters with powers I limit based on their costumes (They don't tend to have themes along those lines-), but I definitely have one with a particular summon that I'm picky about.

    My red-side main is a rogue Stalker named Grey Kestrel. Out of a collection of about 30 toons in total, she's the only one I really run as a dedicated role-playing character... Which is what dictates how I use her Patron Pool summoning power. Her Adept, Cardinal, isn't played as "Generic Mu #37". He's supposed to be a distinct individual; Kestrel's partner, best friend and (thanks to her absolutely ludicrous recharge numbers-) near-constant companion. She's very protective of him.

    Given that, I'm reluctant to drop him in the middle of a meat-grinder. If I'm running a mission or TF with Kes that I know would shred the poor guy faster than you can say "That looked painful. o_0" I don't use the summon. Cardinal will never show up in the Apex taskforce, for instanance, or on a Mothership raid before we've secured the bowl. They're just not situations Kestrel would want to involve her friend in, knowing that he's more fragile than she is herself.

    Silly from a game-play standpoint? Well, yeah, maybe... But it's a role-playing thing. It doesn't have to be practical.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    Having to spend two power-picks just to make the Patron Pet viable kind of says it all. I really must play test this approach though, because it does sound fun, if highly suboptimal.
    Kestrel's recharge is good enough at this point to *almost* wrap her Adept's summon, so Cardinal has ended up being a well-nigh-constant companion rather than an occasional helper. I felt like it was worth picking up the Heal Other for him when we got the Fitness pool as a freebie. (Grant Invis she had anyway as both a place to stash a Gambler +rech and for team-mate sneakiness purposes-)

    Of course, I also ended up investing quite a few enhancement slots in her pet, too... He's got a full Soulbound set... so he's a little more useful to have around than a one-slotted basic Adept would be.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    I heard Mu pets are better because they are all ranged and they offer some controls or healing.
    Their attacks are all ranged... but since they suffer from the same AI weirdness that most ranged-only pets and MM henchmen do, it doesn''t make much of a difference in their survivability. Even though they have no melee attacks, they still tend to close to melee range. The Guardians (Doms/Controllers are the only AT that get those-) have a heal. Adepts have some controllerish powers. 'Not sure about the Strikers.

    If you have room for it in your build, picking up Aid Other so you can heal them up between fights helps a lot. That plus Grant Invis made a world of difference for my main stalker's Adept side-kick.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Usually when my Fire/Rad trifectas someone (Vengeance/Fallout/Mutation) I wind up thanking the corpse and pointing out how many enemies "they" just killed.

    Then I ask them to ease off on the chili next time.
    Beans (my little stink-bug Rad Defender-) approves of this.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katten View Post
    Vini, vidi, vici. The shards are my favorite zones in the game, getting the Lord of Storms was just another excuse to see how awesome the storm palace is again.
    Agreed... The Shard zones are gorgeous. (I'd already spent enough time just flying around out there with Palrah to have most of the maps filled in, even without the map-clearing vet power-) Those exploration badges were great fun to collect.

    The text for some of the ones out Chantry-way tended towards the Terribly Depressing, though.
  12. If I were your veng-bait, Firebeam, I wouldn't find it rude. I might even chuckle over it...

    I'm easily amused.
  13. Way-back-when (and I do mean "way back"... like, i1 a-week-after-the-game-went-live way back-) I made two toons on FCM's account. One was a defender based on an old tabletop Shadowrun character of mine, and the other was a cat-boy scrap (Or as close as I could get to one, anyway, since males didn't have cat ears as an option in those days-). I don't think either of them ever made it past about level 3. MMOs were just not my thing at the time.

    Their names were Brightfires and Mister Mistofolees.

    Humorously, many years later now, versions of both of those characters are sitting on my account. Bright is still a Rad defender, and eventually made it to 50. The current Meff is an Illusion/Kin controller in the 20's. With cat ears.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katten View Post
    Hahaha, Dechs Kaison got a great laugh out of that one. And officially, though I've already begun my badger, Kin/DA just sounds tasty when you put it down like that, and I've never tried /DA out (nor did I know about the dull pain base damage thing) so that will have to be my next project. The colors would be great to play with too.

    We'll see who takes over when it comes to straight up fun. (I've already reset my badging character once, at this point I am getting a very intimate sense of the location of all the exploration badges hero side.) Amazing what time THAT saves.
    Wait'll you get to the ones out in the Shard.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
    In a two week span, I collected just over 160 shards on my TA/Dark, playing for 1-3 hours per night. That's 11+ each night. With a defender. A TA defender. I can't imagine "real" farmers not achieving a higher drop rate, especially considering that I'm limited to 10 targets for two of my three AoE damage powers (Tenebrous Tentacles and Night Fall). I could hit 20/day if I just spent another 1-3 hours playing each night.
    And just to provide a counter-point for those who solo and are not blessed by the Random Number Generator... In the same period, running a similar amount of time per day, doing tip and newspaper missions with my favorite level-shifted, purpled-out DB stalker... How many shards have I gotten?


    Not seven per night, mind. Seven in total. And I clear maps pretty quickly with Kestrel.
    So, yeah... Color me unimpressed by the viability of the current "solo path". <_<

    Geko's idea is a fine one, and I really hope the Devs eventually give us something like it. Random chance drops being what they are, it'll take years for some of us to even equip commons the way things stand now. That's not just "slower" than the teamed option, it's down-right depressing.
  16. I'm very uncomfortable playing with people I don't know, so I tend to avoid PUGs at the best of times. I have no clue how the Incarnate Grind has affected lowbie pick-up teams on Liberty.

    One thing I have seen, though... Most of my friends list are spending their time on their 50s, grinding for shards. If FCM and I weren't very good at duoing this game, or if all of my current "in-progress" toons weren't reasonably solo-capable, I'd be at a total loss when it came to leveling my current alts.
  17. I intend for all of my 50s (I have 22 of them-) to have at least an Alpha common slotted, just so I can play through the new Incarnate content with any of them without being at -4 to everything and its sister. I'm not in any real hurry, though. Most only have the slot opened at this point.

    Of those 22, the six or seven I play most often are likely to end up with Uncommons somewhere down the line, just by virtue of occasional TFing and shard drops.

    So far only three of my characters have Rares... My red and blue side mains (Grey Kestrel and Palrah, a stalker and a tank-) and my favorite Scrapper, Ashirion.

    I'd like to eventually get a Rare for Shade in Shadow (hero-side KM stalker-) as well, since she's my Alignment Tip runner and the level shift would come in handy. Neither she nor Ash are ever likely to see a Very Rare, though...

    No one in my crew has a Very Rare yet.

    I'm only looking at getting VRs for Pally and Kes, who are both in the "hunting 32 shards to craft a Favor" stage. Frankly, Very Rares simply require far too much WST- and Shard-grinding for me to even consider bothering with it for anyone else.

    I suspect it'll be a similar story once the other slots open up. Anything I *have* to do to get to gated content I'll do with all of them. The favorites will get a little more attention, and only the two mains will see full Incarnation.
  18. I was gonna say I didn't have any villains who used red... Then I remembered Kestrel's fetishy red lightning and leather "Mu Babe" outfit.

    So much for that.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
    My apologies then - my sarcasm meter must have been broken this morning.
    No worries... Tone over the internet, and all that.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
    Thanks for the tips guys.
    I actually haven't run any of my seriously "IO'd out" characters with him, and did in fact start a new Brute on Friday. We were the same level for one day. I think the mistake I made was in playing the Brute on Saturday and jumping ahead of him. Perhaps when he rerolls again (tonight most likely ) I'll start another character and limit its play to only when he's on. That may help.
    Yep... I'd say have him pick the AT he's liked the most, build something you like to compliment that AT, level pact the two of them right out of the box, call 'em the Smash Brothers and always play them together.
  21. I would be sad... I'd miss playing around with Pally and the other birdbrains.

    And then I'd wander back over to Aion and start rebuilding my two or three favorites as Deva.
  22. I play on Liberty, which is a medium-population server... but I was still surprised I got Suzume (for my winged FF/Rad defender) and Anu (for my Shield/Mace minotaur tank).
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
    Derangedpolyglot may have read the stalker vs scrapper thread but you just proved that you didn't read it - or you didn't understand it. The primary conclusion in that thread was that most folks would invite whichever player asked first to their group and pretty much ignore the AT, other than to note that it filled a damage dealing slot.

    Actually, I did read it and understood it just fine, thanks. My post, if you didn't notice, was posted with tongue firmly in cheek.

    I like stalkers. I play them often myself, and team with others who do as well. I just find it funny when those threads come up (and they do pretty often-) how adamant some posters are about their "brokenness".
  24. I've never built a toon with farming in mind.

    Now, my favorite DB scrap *can* farm reasonably well, and I'll admit that I keep a copy of Harvey's demon mission on him for the purpose of finding common magic bits for crafting when market prices get crazy... But i just don't have the patience to slaughter demons by the thousand in pursuit of purples or anything like that.
  25. My blue-side main, Palrah, is my dedicated badge-monkey, and I've had pretty good luck with him... He's a WP/DB/Pyre tank with a solid, though not quite top-of-the-line, IO set build.

    He does decent damage for a tank, and is still tough enough to handle most things on his own.

    Stalkers also make excellent solo toons, though some EB/AV fights are tough with them. (Shivans and other temp powers usually solve that-)

    As others have said upthread, though... Fly is your friend for exploration badges, and some form of stealth is also handy. (Pally has Invis, but even a stealth IO can be helpful.)