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  1. Hi,

    Thinking of building a new Brute, and wondering which Primary Sets work best with Invuln. I will mainly PVE, and run Strike Forces with the toon.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.
  2. Black_Strike

    Dom curiousity.

    Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
    Actually you did ask for education. You asked me to compare every single build in the game. I'm assuming you did that so you could draw relevant conclusions. I have compared a heck of a lot of them, but I'm not going to post the 50 page thread necessary to reach the answer that I already know.

    So I asked you to narrow it down in order for you to show that you have some initiative and actually want to learn rather than just being spoon fed.

    It would appear that you'd rather just happily go on in ignorance. That's fine, I don't really care how you go about your life, just don't try to call me out on something unless you actually want to hear the answer.
    I revert your Challenge back to you. Give me one of your "SUPER CONTROLLER" Builds. I will Beat it with other AT's. It don't have to happen out here in the open, PM me. And don't think that I want your Builds, I Play Villains Exclusively. I could really care less what Controllers can do.

    [Edit] And as to your statement about my Ignorance;

    1 I have 12 level 50 Villains,
    2 I have researched and IO'd all of them to max proficiency for their intended purpose.
    3 I have nothing to prove to you, you however have still failed to prove your statement.
    4 I was Spoon-Fed as a Baby. I deffininately don't need it from you. I'm most likely old enough to be your Dad.
    5 The Forum Join Date can be misleading. I played this game 2 years before I became active on the Forums.

    You seem to be an Elitist Clown, like what I used to put up with when I played WOW. You think you know it all, and everyone who disagrees with you is IGNORANT, or a NOOB.

    Get over it.
  3. Black_Strike

    Dom curiousity.

    Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
    I have no interest in educating those that are unable to educate themselves. How bout you name a build that you think is the best at something and I'll make you a controller build that will beat it. Feel free to also remember the specificness to which I said the claim about controllers.
    I did not ask for you to Educate me or anyone else. You made a loose claim, based on specific builds built to specific ends, and from that Stated that Controllers are the best AT in the game. Better than any other AT in the game. I continue to disagree with you.
  4. Black_Strike

    Dom curiousity.

    Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
    Controllers can do everything better than everyone else. They aren't hugely popular because they take a long time to mature and even while outperforming everyone else they do it subtlety with a very high flow of dot damage rather than huge orange numbers (exception being controller seismic smash). That and very few people spec their controllers to maximize damage output.

    Things like fire/rad, ill/rad, fire/kin, plant/kin, fire/storm, earth/storm, ill/cold and others are simply disturbingly powerful if built to the purpose.

    And no I don't mean something as niche as a fire/kin farming s/l mobs only. People that think that combo is limited to doing that have either never played it or don't know how to play it.

    Trollers do have some deep lows as well, but you'd no more pick something like an ice/ff troller for the purpose of dealing damage than you'd pick a /nrg dom for the purpose of dealing aoe damage. That is implied and really shouldn't need to be stated, but I'm doing it because it probably does need to be stated or someone will come along and pick that nit.
    edit: see what I mean?

    Why can they be more powerful than dominators? because buff/debuff sets are > assault sets at determining peak power and because trollers have exceptionally potent epic powersets available to them. It results in a very different playstyle, which I already pointed out though.
    I ain't buying. You said that Trollers are better than every other AT out there. No sell.

    [Edit] Back it up with the math for every AT in the Game, with every possible Powerset Combo, and all Possible IO builds. Then I will concede your point.
  5. I understand that Bases are more important Blue side. You have all those troublesome Story Arcs that send you back and forth continually. That's why I've never leveled a Hero above 16.

    To you Base Functionallity might be fine, and creating a seperate system of Appartments might seem a grand Idea.

    It would be another blow to the SG's Villain side though.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Medical? If you go to the hospital from some zones, it drops you in another zone. (i.e. the zones with no hospital)
    Storage? Vault storage lets you store salvage, not enhancements or inspirations.
    Not sure what kind of Problems you have with the Hospitals Hero Side, But Red Side they seem to work fine. I can't think of a Zone Villain Side that doesn't give some sort of Hospital Option. Or they place you in a jail of some sort, fully healed. Ouro out of there in most cases.

    I17 WW/BM Interface has a Storage Tab. It will hold Recipes, Enhancements, and Inspirations. It is also just a few days from being live. You did notice that I referenced that?

    Tp is handled quite nicely through Ouroboros. And, you can get to the zones that Ouro don't cover in other ways quicker than the Base, in most cases.

    I will admit, I use the Base quite Frequently, because I'm the Sg Leader. But, the majority of my Members seldom visit the Base. There is the Functionality problem.

    There are no Base Services that will actually draw Members to use the Base. Other than Storage at this time. Soon as I17 Hits, they Get the Storage Tab at the WW/BM.

    I really didn't mess with the new WW/BM Interface much in Closed Beta, as I was testing Demons. I'll log back onto Test, and check the Storage Tab. I may be overstating it's potential usage.

    I'll get back to ya.

  7. Hey, I just summarized the arguments from before, and offered a possible solution.

    Don't shoot me.

    Sure, I would think that Items in Storage Bins with Higher Permission Settings are flagged in some way on the server. That would only be logical. But, does the Permission Flag apply to what is in the container, or to the container itself?

    I'm All for a SG Storage Version of the New I17 Market Inerface, with all it's new and improved features applied to our Base Storage. We could sort and find anything then, lol. They could have the Tabs set by Rank, so every member can see what he has access to in the Base. That would be very cool, and if they made it a function of the Super Computer, it would give it a purpose for being there.

    Another thing I REALLY wish they would do is give us a Storage Log by the Storage Container. Give us a way to track what is done in each Storage Device, exclusively. Instead of the never-ending list that we have now. You could use these logs to also monitor what you have in each Bin, collector, etc...

    I will say that I admire the Solo SG Builders, they have to work hard for each and everything they get.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    People would still join an SG for functionality that the apartments don't provide. For example, it makes sense that a private apartment would have some storage, but not a teleportation system. The apartments should be designed as a very limited 'shadow' of bases.

    Since we wouldn't want the ability to have an apartment to be restricted to those in an SG, the apartments would have to be completely separate from SG bases. Every character would have the option of having an apartment, regardless of SG membership.

    Of course, then we need to come up with a way to pay for it. Using influence? If it uses prestige, you'd have to choose between your SG and your apartment. Perhaps have what you can buy be based on level?
    Shouldn't this Apartment Issue be a Thread on it's own? I have ideas, and arguments with what some have said about it, but it seems to stand apart from this Thread. Maybe it's just me.


    People will still join SG's for what Functionality? Everything they can do in the Base can be done better in the Game. TP, Med, with I17's new Market Interface; Storage. Why would they need to be in a SG? If they had their own Apartment aside from it being in a SG?
  9. This has been dicussed, in another form.

    There are Threads about being able to access all your storage from any Storage Device, to know what you have, and retrieve it. It was met with DOOOOOMMMMM! And, I can say to a good purpose this time.

    To be able to access all your Storage from a central point, and manipulate it, destroys the integrity of the Storage Permissions. Meaning, If you had a Computer that could access all Base Storage, and display it to you in a way that you could get it from that terminal, you could steal your SG Leader's hard earned IO's he/she was saving for his next Alt. (That is just a summary of the arguments that went on in those Threads).

    The only way to keep that from happening would be if they gave us a way to Label our Storage Devices, and a way to label the Room they are in. They would then have to give us a way to Set Permissions on those Labels so certain Storage Devices didn't show up, or were Labeled Unaccessible.

    While It sounds simple enough, it opens another can of worms so to speak. Without the Labeling of the Storage Racks and Rooms, how would you know where to go get it if you have multiple Storage Racks spread out over Multiple Rooms Providing the Computer doesn't do that for you? Unless the Computer Terminal itself shows a display of your Base Map, and Either Highlights the Room, or the Storage Container.

    Seeing as our Map feature just shows the Room layout, and not the Content, that would take considerable programming.

    Not trying to "Rain on Your Thread", just trying to give an idea of what it might take to make it happen.

  10. I suggest they Develop new SG Badges, that the SG Members have to earn to get the following:

    WW/BM Iterface
    Cimerora TP
    Difficulty Interface (Fateweaver)
    A Vendor, that buys and sells Insps, and buys Recipes and Salvage.
    A Trainer for leveling/Respecing
    AE Interface
    Danger Room
    NPC Raid AE

    With this idea, they will add all this stuff to the Bases.

    However, They will also reinforce what Bases were originally meant to be by causing the Members to have to work together to accomplish getting the upgrades. That way everyone is a part of the action. Not just the Base Editor.

  11. I have participated in, and started Base Functionallity Threads on many occasions. While I agree that it generally degrades into what you are calling "Fluff" (AKA Decorating), I think Decorating is here to stay. I myself have several highly stacked rooms, and while I'm no Top-Notch Stacker, I am proud of what I've accomplished.

    Should it replace Functionallity, and the whole point of an SG in the first place? No.

    I think the problem is this; Many of us over the years have created so many lists so many different times and they have all been ignored. Alot of the peeps that used to regularly frequent this Forum in the first year or two since I joined it rarely comment now. They still monitor the Forum, but don't comment. Like myself.

    Why is this?

    Because Thread after Thread of "I built this!" lost it's granduer a long time ago.

    Perhaps some have given up hope that the Devs will EVER do anything constructive for Bases.

    I don't know, you tell me.

    I do think that Functionallity should be the Primary Focus of Base Development. The Base needs to have more to offer SG Members, so that it is not just a storage house.

    However, as I said before, Decorating is here to stay. It should be considered in any such list as well. It should be a secondary Focus to Functionallity though.

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
    Me, team mates who know how to work as a team. AT doesn't matter, as long as they aren't all "RAWR I'm a villain, I can solo this entire map without you guys".
    You mean there are actually players who still work as a "TEAM"? They Actually think before rushing in? Use Tactics and such? I was beginning to wonder if such players still existed in this game.

    Now to the original question;

    AT doesn't really matter that much anymore. Most teams I run on don't question what you are unless we are setting up A LRSF, and need specific things to finish out the Team.
  13. I would like to see;

    The Undo Button: to counter the dreaded buttons that can change all ceiling and floor heights in the entire Base, or change the entire Theme.

    More Lighting Control in the Lighting Tab, and lighting Items that you can actually set color and light intensity on.

    More than 18 Storage Items per Base, if the current ones are to stay at the capacities they are now set at.

    WW/BM Interface that is placeable.

    The new UM Graphics added to Bases.


    More Themes, and more control of how they look.

    Dual axis control of items when placing them, meaning they rotate horizontally, and vertically, and are settable at angles. A +/- Key feature for elevation would be nice also.

    Windows, and working doors I like the sound of. Though doors prolly wont happen due to Raiding supposedly coming back. Windows will still not let you see what's on the other side even in the new UM Graphics. You can see your reflection in them, if close enough. (Note: There may be exceptions to that last statement. I only looked at Villain side zones.)

    Tailor Made floor sections, and wall sections that can have themes applied to them. C'mon, as much Stacking that is going on in Bases these days get rid of the desks, and the Stacking methods. Give us placeable Walls and floors. Better for your Servers, better for us.

    More of the in-game Items we see everywhere. Slot Machines, Bar Items, the list goes on and on as to what I have seen in the game that is not available in Bases.

    As for Functionallity;

    Give us an Inspiration Vendor, not necessarily an NPC; though that would be nice. Have it sell all the Insp's. (This would do away with the Inspiration Collectors, I know. But, If we aren't getting more than 18 Storage Items per Base, I say good riddance). Heck make it a new Badge, make us work for it. Alot of us would love a new level of Base Badges to go after offering more for the SG to do together.

    A Mission Computer Interface to AE. So that it isn't just collecting dust. Especially now that Mantis has gone Contact.

    SG Specific AE Content, accessible from the Mission Computer. (For building the Story of your SG, and providing challenges for SG Rank increases).

    Danger Room; Where you can fight simulated Battles, to build on teamwork. Difficulty Level interface would be nice here, and the ability to choose your opponents.

    Raids from PVE Villain Groups, Longbow, etc... We piss alot of these guys off foiling their plans, don't you think they might figure out where we live and try to retaliate? This is not PVP, but PVE. Should be scheduled, but Random would keep us watching our Bases more.

    I'm sure I'll think of more.
  14. I would like to see NPC's also have settable Dialogue, not a long winded Conversation mind you. Just be able to input NPC phrases that you want, and have them "Chat Bubble" when a certain thing happens. For instance; when you res in the Medical Room, or Remove something from Storage.

    I have commented on many such lists, and even started a couple over the years. I will post again in this thread with the rest of my suggestions. I agree we are beating a horse that has been beaten to death many times before though.
  15. You are welcome to come to Triumph and visit my Base. I don't know if my work will impress you, but you can decide that. I don't consider myself to be among the top Base Designers on CoX either.
  16. While I am one that sincerely hopes you will one day respond to things that have been asked for for years, I do appreciate everything you are doing.

    I-17 Was a great Closed Beta Experience, I loved every bit of it. Thanks Devs, and Thanks for inviting me to be a part of it.

    [Edit] I look forward to I17 going Live, and even more so to GR!
  17. The one TF is going available to all in I17. Making the thing useless. But, I will keep mine, 'cause it's out of the way, and looks goood where it is. If they actually do something with it...YAY!!!!!! I don't intend to hold my breath though.
  18. Thanks for all the responses.

    I can see your point, now that I think about it, on being able to get several attacks off while Snipe is just trying to fire. I can also see that those combined attacks would indeed in most cases do more damage than the Snipe.

    The Stalker Comparison;

    Why on earth would a Stalker use a Snipe, other than to pull? Wouldn't your Assassins Strike be a better all around choice for an opener? And, if you did use a Snipe to Pull, doesn't that break your Hide? I would guess in that case you would Snipe your target, and then Placate him. Of course if it is a bad Pull, it still leaves you vulnerable/Visible to his buddies.

    Anyways, I see what you all are saying, and understand that Snipes aren't really all that.

    Thanks for the info.
  19. Hi,

    I have played several Corrupter Combos, and read a whole lot of the Guides that are posted for them. Nearly every Guide gives the Sniper Attack a bad rap, and says it's only useful as a pulling tool. I don't find that to be the case.

    Most Combos will come with a power that will allow enough time for you to get off you Snipe, and the Damage is usually huge once slotted. Any knockback power usually allows time for a snipe while the target is getting back up. Stuns, Fears, etc... also open up the opportunity. While teaming, you can find yourself without Aggro if you are good and get Snipe in.

    Even Solo, I use Snipes frequently. You just can't beat the damage.

    I admit, it is situational, and not for every fight. But, I find myself using it quite alot.

    Timing is the key, and knowing when your other attacks will set up for it.

    So, why not use them?
  20. To Werner;

    No insults, or Rudeness was intended. If you took it as such, well, I was just stating my in-game experience COH vs COV.


    Disown me? Do I even know you? And I'm confused as to where I whined.

    At any rate,

    The DB/WP is going along fantastically.

    Thanks again for all the helpful replies.
  21. Hi,

    First, Thanks for all the replies.

    As to my second Post, 15 people had viewed without comment. The first part of my 2nd post is merely my observation that Villains seem to be friendlier than Heroes. I found this to be true two years ago, and this is what led me to stay on COV so long without trying COH. Since I have decided to once again try COH, I continue to find this to be true. Heroes seem less eager to help newcomers to Paragon City.

    As to me "Showing you up"; This was a statement that was used to provoke responses. Which it did wonderfully. I have played this game long enough to know that my first Hero toon will hardly be capable of "Showing up" vet Hero players.

    At any rate;

    I decided to go with a DB/WP Scrapper. I played up a few levels on Katana, and it seems that the Animation times are a slight bit longer than I remember Ninja Blade being on CoV. It may just be my imagination, but it just seemed a little slow.

    I played Willpower on a Brute, and didn't really like it. But, as alot of you have recomended it, I decided to try it out again.

    Again, thanks for your replies.
  22. Wow, Villains are friendlier than Heroes. Who would have figured?

    Guess I'll just wing it and show you up then.
  23. Yo,

    I have played COV for over two years, and I want to see what's cooking Hero Side. I'm thinking of running Katana/?

    Any one want to help me out with good suggestions as to a secondary for Katana? I'm leaning right now towards Katana/Regen.


    Suggest a different Combo that would be good. I would like to wield Blades though.

    Thanks in advance!
  24. I'm currently not planning to take my Widow, or Soldier to Paragon. But I don't get the reference above that stated that if you walk around Paragon in your Arachnos uniform the Heros will attack you.

    Unless you enter a free-for-all PVP zone, how can they attack you? Other than making comments about you in Broadcast?

    My vote is to let players switch their Veat's if that is there preference.