COV Player wanting to try a Hero: Scrapper





I have played COV for over two years, and I want to see what's cooking Hero Side. I'm thinking of running Katana/?

Any one want to help me out with good suggestions as to a secondary for Katana? I'm leaning right now towards Katana/Regen.


Suggest a different Combo that would be good. I would like to wield Blades though.

Thanks in advance!

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Wow, Villains are friendlier than Heroes. Who would have figured?

Guess I'll just wing it and show you up then.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Because you didnt get an answer after an hour?



Wait, what? Did you really just wait a mere hour, in the middle of the heaviest shopping day of the entire year, before accusing an entire faction of the game of being unfriendly for not jumping on your question?



Katana/Regen is a great combination IF you don't mind taking a very active role in your own survival, and don't mind a school of hard knocks. It's a good soloer, particularly in smaller spawn sizes, blooms early, and stays strong.

Katana/Willpower is often recommended for a first time scrapper. Willpower takes no effort devoted towards survival. It just chugs away in the background keeping you alive, and you'll barely even notice it.

And then there's Katana/everything else. Katana, and specifically Divine Avalanche, just makes all secondaries work better. On a Super Reflexes, you may eventually not need Divine Avalanche, but it sure smooths out the journey to that point, turning a normally late-blooming secondary into an early-blooming one.

The trick to know about putting scrapper combinations together is that there is no trick. Everything goes with everything. There's very good balance. Yes, some combinations will be better at some things, and others at other things, and some may be a little better overall, and others a little worse overall, but they're all very good. So it is difficult to recommend something without knowing more about how you want to play and what you care about (active/passive, solo/team, small spawn/large spawn, single-target/AoE, leveling/end game, etc.).

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



An hour on Black Friday???

I have several scrappers, and one is kat/fire. I really enjoy this because, as Werner mentioned, DA really helps secondaries a lot, especially if they are resist based. My kat/fire is hella survivable thanks to a lot of melee set bonuses and DA. Granted aoe and ranged land alot if they aren't s/l, but that is what healing flames is for. Plus you get an end tool, a damage aura, and two build-ups. I've found it to be my favorite scrapper aside from my main, ma/sr. I think a lot of this comes from the vast number of swords, and the new color customization for fire. I would think kat/elec would probably play about the same, although imo they get a much better t9, although I haven't personally used it yet. The rez does come in handy with my horrible case of scrapperlock tho.

I could also see kat/wp as being very nice, with resists and a super heal. kat/regen would be good too, but I hate redraw whether it costs dps or not i'm not sure, still dont' like it on my claws/regen. regen is great cause you do'nt have to use rest all the time low lvl.

Anything /sr is gonna be awesome later on, and not so much earlier. Just be thankful its not as bad as it used to be though. If your a jumper you can get sj and the steadfast unique early on and help a ton.

I always either have a concept and pick powers accordingly, or pick the powers i want to use together and try and get a halfway decent backstory to make them make sense.

Welcome to the good side, once you go scrapper you very rarely go back.



Originally Posted by theheat View Post
kat/regen would be good too, but I hate redraw whether it costs dps or not i'm not sure, still dont' like it on my claws/regen.
It does cost DPS on I think everything but Spines, yes. It's not huge. It's more a matter of how much it annoys you than actual numbers.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
Guess I'll just wing it and show you up then.
This I gotta see



My Katana/Willpower was by far the easiest trip to 50 I've taken in CoX.

It's just ridiculously easy mode.



Kat/invuln is a beast as well. I got mine to fifty easily, with half-hearted slotting and a non optionized build. She solos most AV with no problems.

I'm Tealeaf, and I approve of this message.

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Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Kat/invuln is a beast as well. I got mine to fifty easily, with half-hearted slotting and a non optionized build. She solos most AV with no problems.
Yep. Any content with S/L damage as the most common type (pretty much 90% of the game) will be very easy for a Kat/Inv thanks to your enormous defenses against S/L.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
Yep. Any content with S/L damage as the most common type (pretty much 90% of the game) will be very easy for a Kat/Inv thanks to your enormous defenses against S/L.
Or Melee period, with DA.

I'm with Iggy though... you wanna show us up... do it!

Blue side as far as scrappers go, talk is cheap actions speak louder and make sure you get proof of what you do, otherwise it didn't happen.

50's: Heroes: Ozmeth DB/WP; Black Decker DM/Regen; Shado-Strike DM/SR Scrapper (13 AV soloed); Desert-Shock Claws/Elec Scrapper; Shado-Shriek Dark/Son Def
Villains: Bokken Nin/Nin
Current project(s):




First, Thanks for all the replies.

As to my second Post, 15 people had viewed without comment. The first part of my 2nd post is merely my observation that Villains seem to be friendlier than Heroes. I found this to be true two years ago, and this is what led me to stay on COV so long without trying COH. Since I have decided to once again try COH, I continue to find this to be true. Heroes seem less eager to help newcomers to Paragon City.

As to me "Showing you up"; This was a statement that was used to provoke responses. Which it did wonderfully. I have played this game long enough to know that my first Hero toon will hardly be capable of "Showing up" vet Hero players.

At any rate;

I decided to go with a DB/WP Scrapper. I played up a few levels on Katana, and it seems that the Animation times are a slight bit longer than I remember Ninja Blade being on CoV. It may just be my imagination, but it just seemed a little slow.

I played Willpower on a Brute, and didn't really like it. But, as alot of you have recomended it, I decided to try it out again.

Again, thanks for your replies.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
This... was used to provoke responses. Which it did wonderfully.
I'd suggest being careful with that approach. I wrote most of my response before seeing your follow up. I tend to hit refresh on the original thread once before posting. So I only saw your second post when I was about to hit the post button. So in my case, you didn't provoke a response; you only provoked annoyance and a posting delay.

I should note that the showing us up part wasn't what I found provoking. We're Scrappers. I've mentioned in the past that the Scrapper forum is a game of King of the Hill, but with the rules modified to see just how many of us we can fit at the top. I ENCOURAGE you to play your own game and show us just how good you can be.

I also didn't find it provoking that you might find villain side to be friendlier. Not only can I not argue with an opinion, but it may well be the case that if I spent a lot more time villain side, I would agree with you. Wouldn't be suprising, even if I find the Scrapper forum to be a very friendly place overall.

What *I* found provoking was a combination of your lack of patience, particularly on Black Friday, and that you expressed some otherwise perfectly reasonable thoughts (villains friendlier than heroes, that you could wing it successfully) in a way that seemed intended to be maximally insulting in order to provoke a response. Dude, I was TAKING A NAP. The very first thing I did on waking was READ AND PREPARE A RESPONSE TO YOUR POST. That's as frickin' fast and helpful as I can possibly be to you. I didn't feel that warranted me being insulted for my efforts.

I even considered NOT posting what I'd written. I do not like rewarding impatient people who bump their own thread with insults to provoke a response. But I didn't want to have wasted my time spent writing, and figured you were new to the Scrapper forum, so maybe I was just misreading you.

Well, you've now confirmed that I wasn't misreading you. You were being intentionally rude in order to get what you wanted. I now regret trying to help you. I don't have an ignore list, and I'm bad at names, and I've certainly seen much worse, so I'll probably forget this quickly and respond helpfully to your questions in the future. Unless you pull the same trick, anyway, in which case, you aren't getting a response from me, even if I've already written three pages of the most awesome information ever and now have to junk it. I am no longer responding to people who pull this trick. You were the final small straw that broke that camel's back.

I don't think this is unfriendly on my part. I'm just doing my small part to not reward poor forum ettiquete with helpful information. The scrapper forum is usually a very friendly and informative place. I would like it to remain so, and also hope that you find it so in the future.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post

First, Thanks for all the replies.

As to my second Post, 15 people had viewed without comment. The first part of my 2nd post is merely my observation that Villains seem to be friendlier than Heroes. I found this to be true two years ago, and this is what led me to stay on COV so long without trying COH. Since I have decided to once again try COH, I continue to find this to be true. Heroes seem less eager to help newcomers to Paragon City.

As to me "Showing you up"; This was a statement that was used to provoke responses. Which it did wonderfully. I have played this game long enough to know that my first Hero toon will hardly be capable of "Showing up" vet Hero players.
see what you did there?
I was so looking forward to the show that no doubt you could put on and now you're telling me you were just messin around? That's just not right.

Well I guess it could have been my fault as 12 of those 15 views are probably mine. It usually takes me 10 times to read through something and 2 more times after that to understand what I just read.

99.9% of the time, the scrapper forun is probably the most helpful and friendliest of them all. That .1% falls to me as I usually just post stupid useless junks like this one you've just read...



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
I decided to go with a DB/WP Scrapper. I played up a few levels on Katana, and it seems that the Animation times are a slight bit longer than I remember Ninja Blade being on CoV. It may just be my imagination, but it just seemed a little slow.
By and large, the katana animations are a little slower than ninja blade animations. (The exception being Gambler's Cut which is faster for katana--a fact that katana scrappers have leveraged to produce some incredible DPS chains with the Achilles Heel proc.)

But the reason Katana/Willpower is so strong is because Divine Avalanche's Lethal/Melee defense dovetails with Willpower's exotic defense, damage resistance, and regeneration, producing eye-popping survivability even at intermediate levels and without the use of expensive IO sets.

End management is also idiot-proof, as WP offers QR and Katana's attacks are remarkably end-efficient.

That said, you'll do fine with DB/WP--a combo which was very popular at one time since both sets were released simultaneously, but frankly one which misses out on some of the synergy offered by Kat/WP.



Yeah, I agree that it misses out on some of the synergy of Katana/Willpower. But Dual Blades/Willpower was a whole lot of fun for me to level up, and definitely couldn't be described as weak. It's a great combo. Should be lots of fun for you, Black Strike. Welcome to Scrapperdom.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



As to my second Post, 15 people had viewed without comment. The first part of my 2nd post is merely my observation that Villains seem to be friendlier than Heroes. I found this to be true two years ago, and this is what led me to stay on COV so long without trying COH. Since I have decided to once again try COH, I continue to find this to be true. Heroes seem less eager to help newcomers to Paragon City.
Bah, now you're making us redsiders look like whining self-righteous bungholes

We'll have to disown you as a redsider for good now.



To Werner;

No insults, or Rudeness was intended. If you took it as such, well, I was just stating my in-game experience COH vs COV.


Disown me? Do I even know you? And I'm confused as to where I whined.

At any rate,

The DB/WP is going along fantastically.

Thanks again for all the helpful replies.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
I'd suggest being careful with that approach. I wrote most of my response before seeing your follow up. I tend to hit refresh on the original thread once before posting. So I only saw your second post when I was about to hit the post button. So in my case, you didn't provoke a response; you only provoked annoyance and a posting delay.

I should note that the showing us up part wasn't what I found provoking. We're Scrappers. I've mentioned in the past that the Scrapper forum is a game of King of the Hill, but with the rules modified to see just how many of us we can fit at the top. I ENCOURAGE you to play your own game and show us just how good you can be.

I also didn't find it provoking that you might find villain side to be friendlier. Not only can I not argue with an opinion, but it may well be the case that if I spent a lot more time villain side, I would agree with you. Wouldn't be suprising, even if I find the Scrapper forum to be a very friendly place overall.

What *I* found provoking was a combination of your lack of patience, particularly on Black Friday, and that you expressed some otherwise perfectly reasonable thoughts (villains friendlier than heroes, that you could wing it successfully) in a way that seemed intended to be maximally insulting in order to provoke a response. Dude, I was TAKING A NAP. The very first thing I did on waking was READ AND PREPARE A RESPONSE TO YOUR POST. That's as frickin' fast and helpful as I can possibly be to you. I didn't feel that warranted me being insulted for my efforts.

I even considered NOT posting what I'd written. I do not like rewarding impatient people who bump their own thread with insults to provoke a response. But I didn't want to have wasted my time spent writing, and figured you were new to the Scrapper forum, so maybe I was just misreading you.

Well, you've now confirmed that I wasn't misreading you. You were being intentionally rude in order to get what you wanted. I now regret trying to help you. I don't have an ignore list, and I'm bad at names, and I've certainly seen much worse, so I'll probably forget this quickly and respond helpfully to your questions in the future. Unless you pull the same trick, anyway, in which case, you aren't getting a response from me, even if I've already written three pages of the most awesome information ever and now have to junk it. I am no longer responding to people who pull this trick. You were the final small straw that broke that camel's back.

I don't think this is unfriendly on my part. I'm just doing my small part to not reward poor forum ettiquete with helpful information. The scrapper forum is usually a very friendly and informative place. I would like it to remain so, and also hope that you find it so in the future.

Not that you need it or anything Werner, but just to show a little love, I'd like to say that probably 70% or more of what I know about Scrappers I learned from reading your posts. I'm not even joking. Prior to frequenting the Scrapper forum, I had not a single Scrapper that could solo AV's or complete the RWZ challenge. Now, I have several that can do both, one of my Scrappers can handle most AV's quite handily--even easily. I never would have gotten to that point without the knowledge that you and some of the other regulars around here have passed on.

It's really quite nice to be on teams and have people actually go "Wow! You are one bad-A Scrapper!" when I'm performing feats that I used to think were impossible. That never used to happen before I began to frequent this forum. So, yeah, thank you and thanks to all the other people around here that have always been so helpful and generous with thier knowledge.

This really is one of the most friendly and helpful forums on this site. If not the most friendly and helpful. In my opinion.



Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
see what you did there?
I was so looking forward to the show that no doubt you could put on and now you're telling me you were just messin around? That's just not right.

Well I guess it could have been my fault as 12 of those 15 views are probably mine. It usually takes me 10 times to read through something and 2 more times after that to understand what I just read.

99.9% of the time, the scrapper forun is probably the most helpful and friendliest of them all. That .1% falls to me as I usually just post stupid useless junks like this one you've just read...
another useless post I guess



Originally Posted by JeNeSaisQuoi View Post
Not that you need it or anything Werner, but just to show a little love, I'd like to say that probably 70% or more of what I know about Scrappers I learned from reading your posts.

/signed! the first time I was trying a scrapper, I posted a thread about regen, and Werner pretty much told me everything I needed to know. I still refer to it again here and there on my regen journey.



Thats it!!!

Group hug with Werner being in the middle!!!

I seem to have picked up a habit of derailing any tread I post in to... My Bad!!!



Wasn't this thread originally about kittens?

Proud Member of Fusion Force.



Well, to add to the Werner love, if anyone in game asks me anything about /Regeneration, I point them in your direction myself.