would be nice if you could create an inventory computer




I run a solo base with 2 workshops full of storage. I would trade in a storage bin if I could look at a computer that would just give me a list of all my salvage in all my bins. I will admit I am not into sorting stuff out and keeping tabs on what goes where.

Just would really be nice to go and look in one place instead of going through each of the bins every time. Especially when you know you have it but just don't remember which bin it was in.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives



This has been dicussed, in another form.

There are Threads about being able to access all your storage from any Storage Device, to know what you have, and retrieve it. It was met with DOOOOOMMMMM! And, I can say to a good purpose this time.

To be able to access all your Storage from a central point, and manipulate it, destroys the integrity of the Storage Permissions. Meaning, If you had a Computer that could access all Base Storage, and display it to you in a way that you could get it from that terminal, you could steal your SG Leader's hard earned IO's he/she was saving for his next Alt. (That is just a summary of the arguments that went on in those Threads).

The only way to keep that from happening would be if they gave us a way to Label our Storage Devices, and a way to label the Room they are in. They would then have to give us a way to Set Permissions on those Labels so certain Storage Devices didn't show up, or were Labeled Unaccessible.

While It sounds simple enough, it opens another can of worms so to speak. Without the Labeling of the Storage Racks and Rooms, how would you know where to go get it if you have multiple Storage Racks spread out over Multiple Rooms Providing the Computer doesn't do that for you? Unless the Computer Terminal itself shows a display of your Base Map, and Either Highlights the Room, or the Storage Container.

Seeing as our Map feature just shows the Room layout, and not the Content, that would take considerable programming.

Not trying to "Rain on Your Thread", just trying to give an idea of what it might take to make it happen.


Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



i dont think hes asking for a device to take stuff from any bin, just an item that will list all the items currently being stored so you dont have to look through ever bin to see if you have what you need

i support the idea with that (10 salvage bins is very annoying to look though and thus i usually buy 90% of my salvage from market)



I think a simpler compromise would be to have the storage bins/racks/tables default to alphabetical sorting. The enhancement tables could also have an extra option to sort by level. This would allow for flexibility in set-up (different bins with special permissions & such), while simplifying organization.

my 2 cents

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
I think a simpler compromise would be to have the storage bins/racks/tables default to alphabetical sorting. The enhancement tables could also have an extra option to sort by level. This would allow for flexibility in set-up (different bins with special permissions & such), while simplifying organization.

my 2 cents
i like this idea too



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
This has been dicussed, in another form.

There are Threads about being able to access all your storage from any Storage Device, to know what you have, and retrieve it. It was met with DOOOOOMMMMM! And, I can say to a good purpose this time.

To be able to access all your Storage from a central point, and manipulate it, destroys the integrity of the Storage Permissions. Meaning, If you had a Computer that could access all Base Storage, and display it to you in a way that you could get it from that terminal, you could steal your SG Leader's hard earned IO's he/she was saving for his next Alt. (That is just a summary of the arguments that went on in those Threads).

The only way to keep that from happening would be if they gave us a way to Label our Storage Devices, and a way to label the Room they are in. They would then have to give us a way to Set Permissions on those Labels so certain Storage Devices didn't show up, or were Labeled Unaccessible.

While It sounds simple enough, it opens another can of worms so to speak. Without the Labeling of the Storage Racks and Rooms, how would you know where to go get it if you have multiple Storage Racks spread out over Multiple Rooms Providing the Computer doesn't do that for you? Unless the Computer Terminal itself shows a display of your Base Map, and Either Highlights the Room, or the Storage Container.

Seeing as our Map feature just shows the Room layout, and not the Content, that would take considerable programming.

Not trying to "Rain on Your Thread", just trying to give an idea of what it might take to make it happen.

I understand what your saying. But I would imagine behind the scenes the items are tagged in a database with the permissions. So that being said, I do not see it impossible. If you have 5 Commercial Cybernetics and 3 are tagged Leadership only and 2 are tagged for everyone. I don't see how difficult it is for the system not to compare the persons listed rank on the database and then determine how many he can take out.

Further the computer would only display what your rank was allowed anyways so in my previous example you would only see 3 items if you were not leadership rank.

It does require linking a new object with other items. ETC.

I'm a solo guild. I could only imagine those guilds with the largest bases and 5x the amount of storage bins.

I am certain that RL programing exist to create a database on permissions. We use something along these lines at my work place. We the workers can see certain things in the database. The bosses can see things related to their divisions and workers below them and the big bosses can see everything.

Just sort of funny you build this SUPER Computer for the base but it can't keep track of your stuff.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives



Hey, I just summarized the arguments from before, and offered a possible solution.

Don't shoot me.

Sure, I would think that Items in Storage Bins with Higher Permission Settings are flagged in some way on the server. That would only be logical. But, does the Permission Flag apply to what is in the container, or to the container itself?

I'm All for a SG Storage Version of the New I17 Market Inerface, with all it's new and improved features applied to our Base Storage. We could sort and find anything then, lol. They could have the Tabs set by Rank, so every member can see what he has access to in the Base. That would be very cool, and if they made it a function of the Super Computer, it would give it a purpose for being there.

Another thing I REALLY wish they would do is give us a Storage Log by the Storage Container. Give us a way to track what is done in each Storage Device, exclusively. Instead of the never-ending list that we have now. You could use these logs to also monitor what you have in each Bin, collector, etc...

I will say that I admire the Solo SG Builders, they have to work hard for each and everything they get.


Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
This has been dicussed, in another form.

There are Threads about being able to access all your storage from any Storage Device, to know what you have, and retrieve it. It was met with DOOOOOMMMMM! And, I can say to a good purpose this time.

To be able to access all your Storage from a central point, and manipulate it, destroys the integrity of the Storage Permissions. Meaning, If you had a Computer that could access all Base Storage, and display it to you in a way that you could get it from that terminal, you could steal your SG Leader's hard earned IO's he/she was saving for his next Alt. (That is just a summary of the arguments that went on in those Threads).

The only way to keep that from happening would be if they gave us a way to Label our Storage Devices, and a way to label the Room they are in. They would then have to give us a way to Set Permissions on those Labels so certain Storage Devices didn't show up, or were Labeled Unaccessible.

While It sounds simple enough, it opens another can of worms so to speak. Without the Labeling of the Storage Racks and Rooms, how would you know where to go get it if you have multiple Storage Racks spread out over Multiple Rooms Providing the Computer doesn't do that for you? Unless the Computer Terminal itself shows a display of your Base Map, and Either Highlights the Room, or the Storage Container.

Seeing as our Map feature just shows the Room layout, and not the Content, that would take considerable programming.

Not trying to "Rain on Your Thread", just trying to give an idea of what it might take to make it happen.

I think you are over thinking the problem.

Just make a sorting/access terminal that allows the player using it the same access they are allotted to the storage units. Still saves time and for small SG/VGs that are used mostly for storage and the like, it lets people save a lot of search time. So if character A has rank 3 and access to storage bins 1-4 but not 5-8, the terminal only shows items in said terminals. Don't really see all the doom and gloom you are worried about, nor the difficulty in implementing it since all you will be doing is linking them kind of like how the WW/BM system works.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



Originally Posted by Fomsie View Post
I think you are over thinking the problem.

Just make a sorting/access terminal that allows the player using it the same access they are allotted to the storage units. Still saves time and for small SG/VGs that are used mostly for storage and the like, it lets people save a lot of search time. So if character A has rank 3 and access to storage bins 1-4 but not 5-8, the terminal only shows items in said terminals. Don't really see all the doom and gloom you are worried about, nor the difficulty in implementing it since all you will be doing is linking them kind of like how the WW/BM system works.
That is exactly the way I was thinking it to, I know I find it annoying looking through 14 Storage racks to find that one piece because even with the best organisation it gets tedious.

At the moment I try to pit rares in the 1st 2, uncommons in the next 3 in a room and expensive commons in the rest. But eventually you do loose track. But a system where additional rack add to capacity with 1 access point, but with flagged access per 30 would be a good work around. I don't know how it would be linked or implimented, but it would be a start.