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  1. Dear NCSoft:

    Get ebola and die, you worthless scumsucking parasites. I hope all of you are left destitute, broken and alone until finally, you choose to end yourselves in a filthy gutter to be eaten by rats.

    All my love,

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    I stopped reading here, because this is exactly right. Let's just pretend for a second that I could snap my fingers and have Guild Wars 2 just disappear and NCsoft to go bankrupt because of it's stake in it. I wouldn't do it. You know why?

    Because I wouldn't have wanted an avid Tabula Rasa fan to have done it to us.
    You know, given how abruptly and out of the blue the CoH shutdown announcement was, maybe that's exactly what happened.
  3. I didn't find out until about 3 p.m. yesterday, well after it had finished. I was a little bummed that I couldn't contribute, being at work. Then I got home and found out that my wife had donated for both of us.

    So yes, devs. Go out and enjoy!
  4. Basilisk

    2195 Days Later

    He was pretty much forgotten about: A level 3 MA/Inv scrapper sitting in a corner of Virtue abandoned for 6 years and change. But today, after 2,195 days, Argent Star on Virtue was logged in for the express purpose of taking his turn on the vigil on the steps of Atlas Park 33:

    I really wish I'd had the presence of mind to actually screenshot the character select screen, I have a villain with the same amount of time, so maybe I'll log him in tomorrow.

    Who else has used the end of the game as an excuse to dust off the oldest of the old?
  5. Basilisk


    Under CuppaJo, there was a period where a number of posters began posting under sexier and sexier avatars until finally Cuppa had to step in and implement more strict regulation on what was allowed in avatars. I started that trend with a thread encouraging "beefcake" avatars.
  6. Dumped it into a chatlog and formatted out the junk from it for all of the people who were complaining about the spam.

    [Help] TonyV: Heya all, I wish I could tell you words to describe how I'm feeling right now.
    [Help] TonyV: Oh wait, the mods aren't here... I CAN tell you those words!    (I kid, I kid!)
    [Help] TonyV: I can sum up what I'm seeing right now in two words:  MIND.  BLOWN.
    [Help] TonyV: As I stand here in the train station on Atlas 13, I am seeing 33 instances of Atlas Park.
    [Help] TonyV: Now if I remember correctly, each instance holds 100 people.  (I don't know that for a fact, so don't bust my chops if I'm off by a little.)
    [Help] TonyV: That's upwards of 3300 people all in one place at one time.
    [Help] TonyV: That's simply incredible.
    [Help] TonyV: I just wanted to tell you all that this is the most amazing community.  EVER.
    [Help] TonyV: So let me tell you a little bit about what we've done in just ONE WEEK.
    [Help] TonyV: We've mobilized people across a ton of social media outlets.
    [Help] TonyV: Facebook has been exploding with Likes, Shares, tags, and a bunch of boards dedicated to the cause of saving our beloved Paragon City.
    [Help] TonyV: Right now on Twitter, #SaveCoH is the TOP trending topic.
    [Help] TonyV: We've put out press releases, and thanks to our friends in the gaming, comic, and technology media, we have over a hundred articles posted on blogs, news sites, video podcats, etc.
    [Help] TonyV: I have to give a really special shoutout to Massively, who is broadcasting our Unity Rally LIVE at
    [Help] TonyV: You guys at Massively rock, and I can't tell you how much gratitude we have for your excellent coverage of our game.
    [Help] TonyV: (33 Atlas Parks and counting!)
    [Help] TonyV: At the Titan Network, we have welcomed people who want to congregate and be part of the effort to Save Paragon City.
    [Help] TonyV: Our own membership numbers have positively exploded by an order of magnitude.
    [Help] TonyV: We organized a letter-writing campaign to NCsoft, and I've read a bunch of the letters people have posted and copied us on.
    [Help] TonyV: They are amazing stories of how incredibly strong our community is, and how much City of Heroes means to us.
    [Help] TonyV: And I can tell you, they WILL make a difference.
    [Help] TonyV: In the coming week, we're going to be organizing a couple of other important campaigns.
    [Help] TonyV: One, we'll tell you about today and post information on during the Unity Rally.
    [Help] TonyV: One, we'll tell you about within a day or two.
    [Help] TonyV: Your unwavering support is GREATLY appreciated.
    [Help] TonyV: I've reached out to NCsoft, and I have gathered some contact information for other key people that we'll need to community with, people who have the decision-making ability for us all to win.
    [Help] TonyV: I KNOW they are paying attention, and I am VERY optimistic that these effots really are getting a lot of attention within the company.
    [Help] TonyV: I've also talked to some of the staffers at Paragon Studios.  I can't really say anything, but everyone I've talked to is also optimistic and upbeat, and they all are VERY appreciative of our efforts and the outpouring of support.
    [Help] TonyV: As much as this game is our baby, it is even moreso theirs.  It is what they've poured their life's passion into, many of them for 10 years or more.  Our willingness to stand up for what it represents really is giving them a morale booster shot.
    [Help] TonyV: So with that, let's talk about our next campaign!
    [Help] TonyV: I've been working with one of the members of our community.  She told me about an idea she had, and as soon as I heard it, I thought, "Wow, that's EXACTLY what we need!"
    [Help] TonyV: So since she came up with the idea and has been driving it, I want her to tell you about it.
    [Help] TonyV: Her name is @Maressa, and she'll show up as Meticulous Meta in the channel.
    [Help] Meticulous Meta: Hi everyone! A huge thank you to everyone here! And an even bigger one for Tony!
    [Help] TonyV: @Maressa, I'll turn it over to you!!!
    [Help] Meticulous Meta: I am super excited to have been here with you all for the last 12 hours.
    [Help] Meticulous Meta: It has been amazing.
    [Help] Meticulous Meta: I know there have been a lot of calls for people to send things in to the NCSoft Offices.
    [Help] Meticulous Meta: Well now we're going to!
    [Help] Meticulous Meta: But its not food.
    [Help] Meticulous Meta: We're SEnding in Capes and Masks!
    [Help] Meticulous Meta: I'll be posting some information on the forums soon.
    [Help] Meticulous Meta: Addresses, links to masks and capes you can send in.
    [Help] Meticulous Meta: City of Heroes forums and Titan forums both.
    [Help] Meticulous Meta: Also, be taking screenshots today. We have a plan which will be announced in a few days.
    [Help] Meticulous Meta: Thank you all for coming. Keep yup those tweets: @NCSoftGames we are Heroes. This is what we do! #SaveCoH
    [Help] Obsidian Rabbit: show all your love for CoH people!!!
    [Help] Meticulous Meta: Ok everyone! I'm going to turn it back over to Tony now. Thanks for listening!
    [Help] TonyV: Thanks, @Maressa!
    [Help] TonyV: So just a couple more notes, and then I'll leave you all to party.  
    [Help] TonyV: First, be sure to keep track of our efforts at the Titan Network forums:
    [Help] TonyV: In particular, the Save Paragon City! forum.
    [Help] TonyV: Second, I cannot emphasize this enough: PLEASE continue to get the word out!
    [Help] TonyV: Join one of the City of Heroes groups.
    [Help] TonyV: One in particular I've been active on is Save City Of Heroes
    [Help] TonyV: On Twitter, please tweet out our activities using the hash tag #SaveCoH
    [Help] TonyV: We're in the process of setting up a YouTube channel for multimedia expressions of our commitment.  (Side note: Be sure to search for Save City of Zero Wing for a treat.)
    [Help] TonyV: Keep posting your support for our awesome Paragon Studios staff on the official forums.  These people build the world in which our imaginations have lived for over eight and a half years, and they deserve all of our kudos and support.
    [Help] TonyV: When you run across media coverage of our efforts, please engage in any comment sections or discussion forums they have, and let them know that we REALLY appreciate their coverage of our effotts.
    [Help] TonyV: *efforts.  I knew I couldn't get through this without a typo.  
    [Help] TonyV: Be sure to tune in to The Cape Radio (, who has been an incredible source of entertainment for our community and who is covering the rally today.
    [Help] TonyV: Oh, and THANK YOU, citizens of Virtue for hosting our party today and for being such gracious and wonderful hosts!
    [Help] TonyV: Don't forget to stick around at 6:00 Eastern for the Paragon Appreciation Costume Contest, the LARGEST costume contest held in a gaming community EVER.
    [Help] TonyV: I'll wrap up with one more thought.
    [Help] TonyV: A famous man once said, 'Y'all got on this boat for different reasons, but y'all come to the same place. So now I'm asking more of you than I have before.'
    [Help] TonyV: Some people think that this is the end of our incredible community.
    [Help] TonyV: Well, I can tell you that I do not hold to that.
    [Help] TonyV: No more runnin'.
    [Help] TonyV: I aim to misbehave.  
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    MOre used to Muad being from Victory... 's where we played, at least.

    Character I'm used to seeing him on: Acoustic Delusions:

    ... dont' know that we have demofiles of him or anything, fairly simple costume though. Have to try to recreate.
    I'm fairly sure I have a demofile of this character somewhere. I'll send it tonight if you haven't already.
  8. /unsigned

    I don't see there's really much need to buff Cold. Frostwork may not be the greatest power in the set, but it has its uses and it's thematically tied to Hoarfrost in Ice Armor. As I see it, Cold already beats the crap out of FF as far as team support goes, it really doesn't need any more help at that.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Freitag View Post
    I actually used a rotary phone up until I moved to California :-). That makes me awesome, right?

    I think by some definitions, that actually makes you a hipster.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Seriously, he can. I've thrown pineapples, lemon merengue, old gym shoes....
    Yeah, but the one day I got out the airzooka and got you in a surprise attack, you took one puff of air to the chin and you were done.
  11. One of my favourite characters so far is my dark/ice tank. He's not the heaviest on damage output, but he can take whatever you'd care to throw at him and tough it out.
  12. I'm interested in this idea. Given SR's "defence and pretty much nothing else" survival strategy and the fact that once you're soft capped more defence doesn't help much except with these tohit corner cases, I don't see why they couldn't go right off the far end with the defence buffs, making it so SR characters (or at least tankers) at or below 10% health hit the defence hard cap (which still wouldn't completely overpower the effect of 3 quartz emanators at +100% tohit).

    Off the top of my head, I'd like to see the scale at something like:

    100% health - +0% def
    75% health - +2.5% def
    50% health - +15% def
    25% health - +75% def
    10% health - +200% def

    That said, though, I do have a few concerns about this idea. First off, Elude. It's already on very unsteady ground since, as you said, it's not worth much once you're capped. The very large +tohit buffs would laugh at any minor addition to +def that scaling would add, while significant scaling buffs would further weaken Elude's already tenuous position. What if it were rolled into the def buff Elude gives instead of being an always-on deal? It would give Elude a better use against those high-powered +tohit without undermining it.

    Second, of course, is the fact that +tohit seems to be the intended "kryptonite" for the set. Now whether or not the devs still hold to that philosophy, most of the sets so have a few gaping holes that leave them less capable when dealing with certain threats. +Tohit is SR's. Now, I don't agree that one power should be capable of completely negating an entire powerset, as some of them do, but that should still be a consideration.

    Lastly, there's the addition of more +res in IOs, which is undoubtedly going to be a game-changer for SR. Once that goes through, I'm not sure SR will need much more help competing with the other "big boys."

    It's an interesting idea, and one I'd like to see played with. I'm just not sure it's necessary.
  13. I'm not sure they could manage it, but having the Beam Rifle blasts come from your eyes would be a decent way to manage an eye beam set. However, I think animation customization like that with a weapon set is probably not possible. Which is a pity.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Yeah, because Water Blast really sucks right now.
    It does!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
    It's only ambiguously worded because people are going out of their way to find ambiguity. Had he come out and said "There is absolutely no way we will be making any new ATs," we'd have posters saying "Well, he didn't say they don't have a new AT MADE already. It must be in the bag and on its way out the door!"
    Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
    Without getting too deep into the verbal gymnastics going on here, I'd like to point out that Zwill's statement neither confirms nor denies that the Primalist AT has been scrapped. He merely says that they're not working on any new ATs. That doesn't mean it might not happen at some point. Only that they're not actually putting it together at this time. Just sayin'...
    Did I call it or what?
  16. I would be happy enough if the Vault Exchange buildings became the designated place to do merit reward purchases. I don't think we really need one in every zone, and that seems as logical of a place to relocate them to as any. Maybe while we're at it we can get them into something a bit more dignified than those godawful yellow-and maroon things they wear right now.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
    I think there are some great ideas here.

    What would Fallout do?!
    I would make it targetable on enemy corpses like Unchain Essence from the Umbral Blast set. It would provide damage and debuffs commensurate with enemy levels, with Minions and Underlings providing the least damage and GMs and Players doing the most.
  18. I personally go the other way on the brute/scrapper pairing. I hate the random critical chance on scrappers, since far too often it turns into a waste, particularly since I seem to have some arcane and well-documented ability to make RNGs roll in the worst possible way. I'll hit some jerk at half health with an attack that would take him down by itself, only to have the big "critical" float up. Yay! I did double damage and wasted half of it!

    With brutes, at least the "additional" damage is consistently added in smaller amounts across every attack so that more of it is being used against targets that might benefit from it. In addition, the higher HP of Brutes makes a marked improvement to their survivability, particularly in the pre-SO levels where your defences are still weak.

    In short, you can take my fury bar when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Let's say the sell the Black Wolf for $250. Would you buy it?
    Probably not. But then again I didn't buy 50 packs looking for the wolf either. I bought however many I needed to get the Elemental order costume set, which were fairly reliable drops, and decided the wolf was a lost cause. I think the real question is: would the number of obsessives who throw a whack of money down on a gamble like that be outweighed by the number of people like me who would be willing to drop, say, $20-30 for a super pack "exclusive" up front?

    Sure, it may be nicer to have 50 people shelling out $250 each on a pack purchasing rampage for the "must-haves", but if you can get 625 people dropping $20, you've got the same profit. Plus, if the pet were also available from the packs, then you'd probably get some interest from people who aren't willing to drop that much on a vanity pet but are willing to buy packs from their stipend or their PR tokens or the extra few hundred points that always seem to kick around every time you buy something in-game.

    Mind you, I have no particular regard for artificial exclusivity, as implemented in MMOs. The only reason to restrict supply of an object that is infinitely replicable is to establish it as a "positional good," which is annoying and particularly out of character from a game that's gone out of its way to be so inclusive as to develop systems like exemplaring and sidekicking.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Says the VIP who doesn't have to spend a dime on any Super Packs because he can get them for free with the Paragon Rewards he gets each month.
    Could, but so long as they keep cycling in new costume sets in the tier 9 VIP level, probably won't.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    And when they burn 30 or 50 packs and haven't gotten it, do they keep going because that is the only way to get Teh Shiny, or do they say "the heck with this!" and wait for the eventual store release?

    If you're being honest, you know the answer to that.
    Or if they're reasonable, they pick up those 30-50 packs, decide that it's not worth gambling for and give up, in which case Paragon doesn't see another red cent from them. That's what I ended up doing. I would still like to get the black wolf, but it isn't worth the investment.

    At least if the wolf were an option in the store, I might yet drop some money on it, but as it stands I'm not throwing good money after bad trying to get the random drop.
  22. I think instead, we should combine PBs and Warshades. Maybe have them in the same kind of branching leveling interface that the SOA and Widows use. Especially the level 24 respec, because that's critical.

    I mean, they're basically the same thing, right?

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    Are there unshorn volumes?
    Not anymore, thanks to the new Gillette Infinitum!

    22 blades means that no volume ANYWHERE will remain unshorn! A shave so close, it will retroactively shave you 20 minutes before you begin shaving!

    Gillette! The best a man can get!
  24. Aw, man... You mean they're going to be taking away my debt reduction bonuses? That means I'm going to have to go through and re-do all of my debt protection builds!

    I am disappoint.