2195 Days Later




He was pretty much forgotten about: A level 3 MA/Inv scrapper sitting in a corner of Virtue abandoned for 6 years and change. But today, after 2,195 days, Argent Star on Virtue was logged in for the express purpose of taking his turn on the vigil on the steps of Atlas Park 33:

I really wish I'd had the presence of mind to actually screenshot the character select screen, I have a villain with the same amount of time, so maybe I'll log him in tomorrow.

Who else has used the end of the game as an excuse to dust off the oldest of the old?

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



6 years? I believe it, that costume is so 2006. Joking.

I did dust off some old characters and the first thing I thought was, "Wow, my pre-2010 builds suck."



Yup, I've got lowbie toons I haven't played in ages that I've been playing today, too!

Great minds think alike.

And I've had so much fun that I can't believe they went by the wayside to begin with. I have 5 level 50s, a 46 and a bunch in the 30s, too, though, so I guess I just got side-tracked by my high-level characters.



Fidel From Hell, 3042 days and counting. I have no plans to break the streak either. (This is on Protector I believe).

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I wish we had the opportunity to go VIP so I could dust off all my heroes and villains.



My oldest unplayed character at 3,003 days on Freedom. Even with leap years, this is 8.2 years old so she was made sometime in June of 2004. Back in the early days, I created a whole host of "Miss American" characters from different eras, intended to team up via time travel. (I was anticipating the MA or something.) "Ms. American" is from the mid-1970s. Even with leap years, this is 8.2 years old so she was made sometime in June of 2004.

My two oldest characters on Virtue, however, are Sea Devil and Ancient Astronaut. I created Sea Devil in anticipation of water-based powers (or an underwater zone) and AA because of the mention of the space station and moonbase, two things I was eagerly anticipating. /em sigh

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I love that you have a character named "Wilhelm Scream."
I was gonna say exactly the same thing about "Jerk Hacker".

my lil RWZ Challenge vid