Prpposal for Super Reflexes: Scaling Defense to offset To-Hit Buffs
The trouble is trying to decide how much would be enough. The worst offenders in the game (in my opinion) would have to be DoE and Nemesis. How much extra defense would you need to offset two quartz pets out or killing 3 or more Nemesis Lt.'s and the mini-vengeance that is cause with each death?
I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm honestly curious at how much extra defense you think we would need in those situations and why we can't counter it by using our tier 9 or popping a few purples. I know that I carry a few for those situations, even though all my positional defense is above 50 and I found room in my for I slotted elude for when it really hits the fan.
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I likey I likey a lot!
I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm honestly curious at how much extra defense you think we would need in those situations and why we can't counter it by using our tier 9 or popping a few purples. I know that I carry a few for those situations, even though all my positional defense is above 50 and I found room in my for I slotted elude for when it really hits the fan.
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I'm not sure this would be very easy to code this.
And as mentioned: how much is really enough?
Frankly I think that SR could instead stand to have it's own +tohit buffs. Afterall, reflexes aren't just about dodging, but taking advantage of openings.
Oh, and maybe a +recharge buff to Elude.
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I'm interested in this idea. Given SR's "defence and pretty much nothing else" survival strategy and the fact that once you're soft capped more defence doesn't help much except with these tohit corner cases, I don't see why they couldn't go right off the far end with the defence buffs, making it so SR characters (or at least tankers) at or below 10% health hit the defence hard cap (which still wouldn't completely overpower the effect of 3 quartz emanators at +100% tohit).
Off the top of my head, I'd like to see the scale at something like:
100% health - +0% def
75% health - +2.5% def
50% health - +15% def
25% health - +75% def
10% health - +200% def
That said, though, I do have a few concerns about this idea. First off, Elude. It's already on very unsteady ground since, as you said, it's not worth much once you're capped. The very large +tohit buffs would laugh at any minor addition to +def that scaling would add, while significant scaling buffs would further weaken Elude's already tenuous position. What if it were rolled into the def buff Elude gives instead of being an always-on deal? It would give Elude a better use against those high-powered +tohit without undermining it.
Second, of course, is the fact that +tohit seems to be the intended "kryptonite" for the set. Now whether or not the devs still hold to that philosophy, most of the sets so have a few gaping holes that leave them less capable when dealing with certain threats. +Tohit is SR's. Now, I don't agree that one power should be capable of completely negating an entire powerset, as some of them do, but that should still be a consideration.
Lastly, there's the addition of more +res in IOs, which is undoubtedly going to be a game-changer for SR. Once that goes through, I'm not sure SR will need much more help competing with the other "big boys."
It's an interesting idea, and one I'd like to see played with. I'm just not sure it's necessary.
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I say we just add a great resistance buff to Elude and reduce its defense buff, then call it a day.
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I guess I'm not seeing how this would help anything, based on my understanding of the current attack mechanics. I'll go poke my head at the formula again, as it's been a while since I've looked at it.
Re-balancing Elude in the manner Dechs mentioned wouldn't be a bad way to go.
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Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.
The problem with my idea is that it's not at all thematic. Super Reflexes is about not getting hit at all, a strict theme that isn't helping in a world of hybrid mitigation sets.
If SR is going to continue on the path of the one trick pony, that trick should damn well work. DDR is great for debuffs, but SR needs some kind of protection from tohit. Arcanaville long ago suggested Elusivity, which I believe would be sufficient, but it may be more difficult to implement.
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Hmmm...a way to help Super Reflexes...
Step 1) Get rid of scaling resists
Step 2) Turn Practiced Brawler into a toggle and give it one unique resistance (placate, confuse, fear, -tohit resistance)
Step 3) Give Agile, Dodge and Lucky a 50% Regen component (enhanceable)
Step 4) Give Focused Fighting, Focused Senses and Evasion a 150% Regen component (enhanceable)
Step 5) Turn the God Mode, Elude, ability into Adrenaline Rush, a 120second Recharge, 25% Self Heal, 100% Regen for 60seconds, 20% EndRec for 30seconds, with a 15 Point End Crash after 60seconds ability!
Step 6) Increase Quickness to 25% +Recharge/Speed
^_^ The set would be love!
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
A simple suggestion:
Instead of finding some way to add more +Def, add a small -To Hit aura to one of the toggles (possibly along with a scaling-per-enemy +To Hit buff for the SR character). The idea would be that it'd be easier to dodge enemies who were very close (and similarly easier to reflexively adjust your attacks to better hit close enemies - who says reflexes are entirely defensive?).
With that reasoning, the -To Hit would make the most "storytelling" sense in Focused Fighting, but I'm wary of putting such a powerful tool in the Tier 1 power, so instead I suggest putting it in Evasion (because that's the power that already has the Taunt aura for Tankers and Brutes).
I know Willpower already has a similar -To Hit aura, which is why I suggested having a +To Hit instead of +Regen as the counter-effect, so to speak.
Actually now that I think about it, I believe that a scaling PvE elusivity effect might be a larger benefit for scrappers than just throwing more def at them.
Devs would post more if they could say "hi!" without people whining because they wanted them to say "hello".
My first two characters were FF and SR. One trick ponies, pure Def in a world that has steadily chipped away at the effectiveness of same. Debuffs, buffs for other sets (including new sets that give most or all of the practical benefits plus other goodies, like Ninjitsu and Sonic), autohits that outright ignore the entire set, IOs and bonuses and builds that regularly hit the softcap...
It would be nice to matter again.
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My first two characters were FF and SR. One trick ponies, pure Def in a world that has steadily chipped away at the effectiveness of same. Debuffs, buffs for other sets (including new sets that give most or all of the practical benefits plus other goodies, like Ninjitsu and Sonic), autohits that outright ignore the entire set, IOs and bonuses and builds that regularly hit the softcap...
It would be nice to matter again. |
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Not sure just more def is really the answer. Sure, it would be good, but as people are saying, against BIG sources of to would need so much to do anything at all.
It would mostly help vs Incarnate mobs, and even then, that first hit (with no +def or res) quite often hammers an sr down into almost dead status.
Likewise..+regen in the much is too much? A small amount and it wont do anything, to large and it breaks SR's niche of being 'the' defence set.
I'm not against the OP, but I don't like new mechanics when simple changes to existing powers could get to a somewhat similar result.
I.e., what if Elude was turned into a crashless, short duration buff? This way you could fight tohit buffs, and it would actually require player involvement, something SR is missing. It would also give the power an use beyond these situations, as a temporary end recovery / movement speed buff.
Then again, the case could be made my suggestion would go against the feel of the set, and there's probably people out there who like Elude as is.
I'm not against the OP, but I don't like new mechanics when simple changes to existing powers could get to a somewhat similar result.
I.e., what if Elude was turned into a crashless, short duration buff? This way you could fight tohit buffs, and it would actually require player involvement, something SR is missing. It would also give the power an use beyond these situations, as a temporary end recovery / movement speed buff. Then again, the case could be made my suggestion would go against the feel of the set, and there's probably people out there who like Elude as is. |
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The problem with my idea is that it's not at all thematic. Super Reflexes is about not getting hit at all, a strict theme that isn't helping in a world of hybrid mitigation sets.
If SR is going to continue on the path of the one trick pony, that trick should damn well work. DDR is great for debuffs, but SR needs some kind of protection from tohit. Arcanaville long ago suggested Elusivity, which I believe would be sufficient, but it may be more difficult to implement. |
I'm not sure even the SR scrappers would be as thrilled with the idea today as when the idea was first proposed. Remember: regular defense doesn't stack with Elusivity. That means SR would not have the easy road to soft-capping it has now. What it would have is defense basically impervious to tohit buffs. Today, Elusivity would have to be integrated into a game where soft-capping with inventions is far more common than it ever was in the past. A lot of players might prefer super-strong but brittle defense to weaker but super-stable defense.
It does suggest, however, that Elude could be turned into an Elusivity buff for use when tohit goes berserk. It would still be avoidance, but not defense, and nearly impervious to tohit buff avoidance. That plus regular defense would really make you nearly unhittable under all conditions for three minutes, and would have less PvE collateral balance issues (because Elude as a tier 9 defense is supposed to be unusually strong anyway).
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what if Elude was turned into a crashless, short duration buff? This way you could fight tohit buffs, and it would actually require player involvement, something SR is missing. It would also give the power an use beyond these situations, as a temporary end recovery / movement speed buff.
I suspect that T9 crashes will eventually be removed, and that will make Elude far more desirable for mitigating high To-Hit environments. Myself, I just use Demonic. 50% typed defense (I usually have a bit of typed defense by accident, so it ends up ahead of my positional values) and 50% resist to all but psi. And all of my SR characters have enough recharge to cut it down to 8-12 minute recharge - I rarely want it more often than that.
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Elusivity to Elude sounds nice, but if anything I'd like the scaling resist in the passives to be reversed, but have their percentile thresholds limited further.
At 100% you have (or nearly have) capped resistances. By around 80-70%, it's all gone. It would make more sense for the first hit or so to be shrugged off while the following ones cripple you. Presently, you're just being beaten down to near death before any of the resistance applies at a reasonable level, and by then the next hit is going to drop you either way.
This would allow specing for defense (or using elude to counter high to-hit), resistance, and regen to be viable options, in addition to making allied heals more useful.

I'm not sure even the SR scrappers would be as thrilled with the idea today as when the idea was first proposed. Remember: regular defense doesn't stack with Elusivity. That means SR would not have the easy road to soft-capping it has now. What it would have is defense basically impervious to tohit buffs. Today, Elusivity would have to be integrated into a game where soft-capping with inventions is far more common than it ever was in the past. A lot of players might prefer super-strong but brittle defense to weaker but super-stable defense.
Incidentally, can you remind me what elusivity actually is? Just "negative accuracy" or am I forgetting something? I keep wondering if we can't bring the accuracy mechanic more in-line with resistance mechanic, in the sense that the attacker's stats are in the attack itself and the defender's stats are in the actual defender, meaning you can't offset damage resistance with damage buffs.
And in either case, we need to stop mucking about with critter base to-hit.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Elusivity to Elude sounds nice, but if anything I'd like the scaling resist in the passives to be reversed, but have their percentile thresholds limited further.
At 100% you have (or nearly have) capped resistances. By around 80-70%, it's all gone. It would make more sense for the first hit or so to be shrugged off while the following ones cripple you. Presently, you're just being beaten down to near death before any of the resistance applies at a reasonable level, and by then the next hit is going to drop you either way. This would allow specing for defense (or using elude to counter high to-hit), resistance, and regen to be viable options, in addition to making allied heals more useful. |
The scaling resists are not in fact as worthless as you describe. At, say, 30% health remaining the passives are up to 30% resistance, and 30% resistance is more than many resistance sets get to non-s/l damage by default. And that's inside SR defenses which block most hits from landing. In most real-world game situations the scaling resistances offer a significant increase in survivability all by themselves. With no other resistances, a single hit would need to deal damage equal to about 43% of your health bar to kill you through the scaling resistances at 30% health. If you're getting hit by attacks of that magnitude, you're going to be 3-shotted either way.
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Incidentally, can you remind me what elusivity actually is? Just "negative accuracy" or am I forgetting something?
The mechanical consequence of this is not that you become immune to tohit buffs, but rather in the same way that heightened accuracy affects defense sets and resistance sets in the same way (+20% accuracy means everyone gets hit 20% more often, and takes 20% more damage on average, barring corner cases), Elusivity "sees" increased accuracy and increased tohit as basically the same thing, and reduces all critter incoming attacks by the same proportional amount, whether they hit more often due to increased accuracy or increased tohit.
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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
Occasionally the topic comes up of how Super Reflexes compares to other, newer sets -- Shield, specifically. Example: Why choose Super Reflexes?
I know they buffed SR a bit in the past with the scaling resistances, but if they were inclined to buff it again, I would like to see a buff that addresses its greatest weakness, instead of adding a damage power or something silly.
What is SR's greatest weakness? Well, once you have got your DDR to 95%, it's no longer defense debuffs. :P I'd say the thing my SRs worry about most of all is to-hit buffs to my enemies: Nemesis Vengeance, Devouring Earth Quartz drops, Rulaaru eyeballs, and special bosses using Build Up (in Architect and certain missions). These things tend to completely overpower defense, and since SR has insignificant layering, huge damage pours in fast. The scaling resistances cut in to slow it, but they really work better in normal (non-to-hit-buffed) combat, because resistance allows some damage in, and since the scaling resistances cut in when life is very low, when every attack hits, even the reduced damage getting in is almost always fatal.
But how to make these things less dangerous (i.e., not an immediate death sentence) without totally removing their effectiveness?
Just giving SR more resistance seems like a cop-out. It's already going to get a little bit of resistance (along with everyone else) with the I24 IO changes.
I propose that scaling defense be added to the scaling resistances. I hope I can explain clearly.
Under normal (non-to-hit-buffed) circumstances, a high-defense character can in theory get a lot of use out of the scaling resistances, because the hits are still fairly infrequent, allowing the resistances to buy the player some time to react.
Scaling defense, one's defense numbers climbing as one's life bar drops, would provide little help in these normal circumstances, thus not making the character unbalanced/invincible. When you're soft-capped, more defense is (normally) literally no help at all.
But that changes when the enemy is to-hit-buffed. The buffs would allow the enemy to hit the SR character easily, quickly putting some damage on the character...but then as the life bar dropped, the otherwise-superfluous scaling defense would pile up. If set at the right values, this defense could progressively offset big to-hit buffs, slowing the character's decline enough to make the fight interesting, without making the character immune to harm. Randomly-occuring spikes of damage could still kill the character outright (health being low at this point), but the point is, it would now require spikes of good to-hit rolls, it wouldn't be "everything hits and down you go."
You can kind of do something like this now if you slot Elude, but I get the impression a lot of these to-hit buffs are way stronger than Elude can counter. Plus, Elude is a fixed number, and can contribute to the binary state problem of being invincible or dead. Scaling numbers might help instead (or alongside Elude). Of course the exact numbers would be up to the Devs to set.
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