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  1. Haha.... I've gone back to college since the making of that guide, so although I'm still "unemployed," I am actually now busy.... However, I'll try to work on it when I can. I have a tri-form build that I switch to for specific situations, but the possible combinations for a tri-form build obviously doubles, so it may take a bit of time.

    I'd say if you're rarin' at the bit to do it, definitely go for it! After reading your guide on softcap, I'd say you've already got what it takes to make an awesome tri-form guide!

    I'll still try to work on my own too though... My *ultimate* goal is to fully expand my guide into an all-inclusive guide for human-form and tri-form Warshades as well as human-form and tri-form Peacebringers...

    I'm sure by the time I get it done, everyone will be playing City of Heroes

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
    To put it mathematically, to say that one build is always going to be the superior build is fallacious simply because a build by itself is an incomplete equation. It leaves out the player. Just as a character in game can be mathematically defined with mathematical formulae like dpa, dps, mitigation, dpe, and [insert random Arcanaville-originated term], a human player can be quantified by looking at age, IQ, reaction time, mental stamina, etc. The fact that the latter can't realistically be measured and analyzed by someone on the boards doesn't change its effect on the former.

    Now you could say, for example, that tri-form warshades out-damage human form warshades on average, and no one here - even AlienOne - would argue with you. That's a good bit different than saying one build will always outperform another. The former is a generalization, and a sound one to make. The latter is pure hyperbole.
    I couldn't have said it any better--although, it may be a useless post, since the person whom you are debating with fully admits he doesn't even read everything completely. XD can't properly debate unless one pays attention to who he/she is debating with.

    Someone may not like my answers or reasoning, but at least I'm not the one with my fingers in my ears going "LALALALALALALALALALALALA"

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
    The above is correct, of course. Once you define a role (e.g. "Tri-Form Warshade with an emphasis on forms"), you're going to have a small handful of builds which are optimal for that purpose...
    Which is why there simply can't be "one build to rule them all." There are so many different possible ways to play a Kheldian "effectively in every situation," that in order to FULLY realize an "optimal" build for someone, you have to figure out their playstyle first.

    By saying there is "one build to rule them all," you are forcing people to choose specific powers/forms/type of slotting (e.g. "for defense," "for perma-eclipse," "for recharge," etc., etc.) that may not be beneficial to how they like to play their game. It's also extremely restrictive, and not in the "spirit" of how this game was designed. Choices are there for a reason.

    What if you created a "build to rule them all," and then realized that half of everyone that plays this AT doesn't like one of the forms? One of the powers? The travel power you picked out for them? What if they wanted to concentrate in S/L defense? What if they didn't? What if they wanted to stay in blaster form 90% of the time? By stating "this is the build everyone should use because it's the best for every situation," you're restricting one's individual playstyle.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    The .mxd files can be opened in any text-editor and viewed in plain-text. The levels and slottings are visible there.


    Also, unless I'm missing something, none of the links actually have the second builds. Builds 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 do not seem to be posted.
    You are missing something... Read the "Mid's Hero Designer Tips and Tricks" section for information on how to see 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.


    Guide edited to highlight that information
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by poptart_fairy View Post
    I'd love to know where the **** you work that thirty-two grand is average.
    Actually, if you take a closer look at what he posted, that's 32,000 pounds, which, if you look at exchange rates, translates to about $64,000, give or take a few thousand.

    Yes... Yes, we're all in the wrong career field.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    And another pun is left to die unnoticed as the mists of gloom and doom cover all in a shroud of doomed gloomy shroudiness. And mist. And gloom.

    i suppose the severe doom and gloom is infrequent enough to be mostly overlooked. If only it was ignored completely.
    I NO, RITE?

    Hope you're having as much fun as I am. With words. And smiley faces.

    On the internetz.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    That reaction seems a little bit severe to me.
    Welcome to the internetz.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    - for example, a 5 year vet is entitled to a closed beta invite under the requirements they set out, but if there's a 5 year vet who's disruptive or constantly negative or aggressive towards other posters or the devs, or just generally thought to be an unsuitable beta tester for whatever reason, then they'd be unlikely to be allowed in.


  9. If this is your first time rolling a WS... First of all, gratz! Welcome to one of the most fun experiences of your CoH career. Second, I recommend trying out a dual-form shade based on what you're saying about what you want. Try human/nova, and use both concurrently to see how you like it.

    If you absolutely insist on human-only for the first run through, be ready for a challenge from lvls 1-30, and definitely go with everyone's suggestions on the raptor pack.

  10. Well, if he's building for maximum recharge plus running up to 7 or 8 toggles at once, he'll run out of endurance before he can say "Warshade"... So, I'd say test it on test before you respec to see if you really want to get rid of Stamina all together... form-shifters don't really worry too much about the endurance issue, because they're not constantly running a bajillion toggles... My human-only shade has 7 to 8 toggles running at any given time (that's with leadership), and even *with* Stamina, I have to really watch my endurance when it comes to fighting a boss or an AV... When the bodies disappear, and you settle in for a long fight, Stygian Circle (although one of the best powers in the game) becomes useless.

    Good advice about waiting on it, though... I think both of our viewpoints are very dependent on what direction a human-only warshade build decides to go, so if you're not running many toggles at all, what I just talked about may be useless advice.

    Definitely test it in several different fighting situations first, before you use up respecs right and left...

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    Back Alley Brawler: I know nothing about bases or plans for bases
    Valectric: yall seem to have just forgotten about them
    Back Alley Brawler: forgotten about what? [I think Back Alley Brawler did not see the person who originally asked about bases when replying to this.]
    I believe that's just BaBs' notorious sarcastic humor coming out there... ("You've forgotten about bases!" ..."Forgotten about what?")

  12. All good suggestions. I would add to what Justaris said and say that if you really wanted to keep the fighting pool for the defense/what your can slot in it, you should consider dropping ALL of your shields and picking up Eclipse, because it can seriously take the place of every single one of them and free up some power choices for more attacks.

    Keep in mind that Eclipse takes some practice to pull off perfectly every time (and you need to be watching for the *optimal* situations in which to pull it off), and you need to make your build to where you know it's a "permanent" power (i.e., it's up all the time).

    Some people think building a human-only 'shade is "gimping" it. I don't think so, but I'll definitely say you're gimping your human-only 'shade if you skip Eclipse.

  13. There should be enough votes in this thread for DragonCon that I think they should re-consider doing PAX... (haha!)

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Athanatosis View Post
    I like the idea of a generally all-human Warshade somewhere down the line.

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GRUDG View Post
    Would leveling as a Tri-Form first then switching to Human Form at 50 be the smartest idea for a first time Kheld?
    That is what I suggest most of the time to first-timers... It gives you a broader sense of the capabilities of a Kheldian, and *most* people I've talked to in game about the subject have said (and I tend to agree) that leveling up as human only--especially from lvl 1-30--is significantly more challenging.

  16. I just have to say that I think Television's posts are pretty much the only "enjoyable" (as in entertaining) dev posts on the boards when BaBs is on break... I like it when he speaks "in character," because none of the other Devs technically do that.

    It's unique. Learn to love it, people.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    One more thing please. Make the announcement MORE THAN TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE EVENT!

    Announcing that you were attending an already-sold-out event kinda put a really bad taste in people's mouths.
    Word. Earlier announcements mean a higher likelyhood that more people can make plans to attend and buy tickets...

    Too bad they're doing PAX West... My vote would be for DragonCon, because A) I could easily do a trip from Florida to Georgia, and B) I have relatives in Georgia that I've been meaning to visit anyway.

    I hope there's at least 1 more east coast event you can attend, because I totally missed PAX East... If you went to the Florida Supercon, I'd be sure to travel down there... I might also be able to make plans to attend the Baltimore Comic-Con, if you guys decided to make a trip there...

    On a side note.... As someone who has lived in the midwest (Missouri) for over 10 years of my life, I would also throw in a vote for GenCon to show the Midwesterners in our gaming community some lovin'.

  18. Good idea... Beef? Can we have your permission? I'm assuming you're one of the owners, because I have no idea who the owners are...

    Probably depends on if he's still following this thread...

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
    We all make mistakes like that.

    Also, elipses (...) do not replace sentence or paragraph structure.

    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .............................................

    What now? You gonna "ban" me for improper paragraph structure?

    "Teh interwebz eez funnee."

    --Some random dude

  20. I dual boot Vista 64-bit and OS X on my MacBook Pro, so if someone still needs it done, I can zip up the latest data file and post a link to it. CuppaManga would have to handle instructions on how to install it, but I could certainly zip the latest edition up for whoever needs it for their Mac.

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
    pretty glad the ignore list doesn't seem to have a limit
    Oh, it does. I've hit the limit several times and had to "clean house" a few times....

    ...and it still seems to keep hitting that limit... Devs, please let us have more "global ignore" slots!!! PLEAAAAAAAAASE!!!!

  22. Great advice, Pum... I'm actually now playing CoH on a MacBook Pro, and have done the "dual install" thing, so I can get the Windows Vista 64-bit/OS X selection screen on laptop startup... I use Windows for all my gaming, and OS X for all my college work...

    Highly recommended, if you can find Windows for cheap somewhere!

  23. It is amazingly comforting to me to read a thread for once that is talking about the strengths of a human form. All good advice here...

    Please continue.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JamMasterJMS View Post
    Why do you allow yourself and your developer team to let these mistakes "get by" in the first place?
    Because there are no super-powered heroes that work on the dev team in r/l? Because they're human, and humans make mistakes?

    Wait... Is it that you've been fired from a job for every single mistake you've ever made in your life, and you're bitter about it? How many jobs does that make for you? Thousands?

    Or have you never made a single mistake in your life?

    I realize I've been just as guilty about posting when I thought devs (or more accurately the marketing team) had "failed beyond all reason," but damn...give 'em a little breathing room, man.

  25. Dammit, you guys' arguing completely buried my funny and insightful post about Vet pets.

    Screw you guys, I'm going home!!!

