Why do people recommend WS over PB?




In one of my threads asking for a fun AT, I got a lot of recommendations to try out a WS but nobody said PB. What is it about WS that makes it more fun than PB? Also, does PB involve as much form dancing as WS?



I can speak for myself why I love my warshades and not so much my PBs.

The secondary effect:
WS is to slow your enemies meaning they cannot attack you as often.
PB is -def to them. So yes, you can keep hitting them. But they can keep hitting you until you kill them.

The pet:
WS you can easily get 2 and sometimes 3 Extracted Essences going as little cannons traveling along with you even when you die.
PB you get photon seekers.

WS gets Eclipse which you can easily get to cap your damage resistance.

WS can double mire (human and dwarf) but the PB has a buildup power which doesn't last that long.

WS gets Stygian Circle meaning that pile of dead enemies can fully restore my endurance and health after each fight.

Where I prefer my PB to a WS: against ghosts.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



^^ Agreed ^^



probably the main reason is the 2 mire's. Even if you just compare the WS dwarf mire to the PB Footstomp, the WS is gaining a mini build-up each use.

I guess if you plan to spend most your time in Human or Nova form, then PB and WS's are pretty equal..hard for me to say cause I never played human form. Also all my knowledge is based of the old kheld numbers.. today they have higher damage modifier's and can switch to dwarf form even when mezzed.

as far as form dancing goes, the type of kheld doesnt really affect how much you change. Personally i only went to human form after the battle to click buffs like hasten/heal/dullpain/conserve power/stygian circle etc.

btw I'm not saying human form is bad now, in fact it sounds kinda interesting.

perma jump is ---> /up 1



I would vote for the stygian circle. A previous poster said you could use it after every battle. There is nothing to prevent you from using it DURING a battle either. They both have a lot of tools. It's certainly a matter of taste, but for me it's hard to argue with a self-heal self-endurance refill.

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HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Warshades have made me want to delete and reroll my PB as anything else. I only recently, as in, within the last 3 months, taken my WS to 50 and he was my 22nd level 50 to boot. I wish he had been my toon 20-something alts ago. He is friggin' sick.

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.



Because unlike Peacebringers, Warshades offer a whole new play experience unlike any other Archetype. Sure, some of thier powers are based on certain Dark X powers but many of them are quite unique or have an extra something added rather than the Copy+Paste list Peacebringers have.



The power of a warshade is directly proportional to the number of enemies it fights. In this game, that's an enormous advantage most of the time.

Edit on further thought: Actually, it's better than directly proportional: the more enemies the warshade has to fight, the more enemies it will hit, and the harder it will hit each one. So Warshades actually scale up in damage output as a function of the square of the number of targets. And that's insane.

Of course, it's not necessarily easy to get this level of performance from the AT.

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Here's a counterpoint - for a first Kheld, I'll tell people to consider the PB for the simple reason that all buffs, heals, etc. are completely self contained. You always know what you'll end up getting, your heal will always work for the same amount at the same level/slotting, your build up will work even if nobody's around, etc, etc.

Warshades are variable - but that variability is why it can get more powerful, etc, etc.



I play both humanform PB and WS characters. Folks have pretty well covered the combat differences. One other key difference is green and blue bar management.

Both have self-heal powers -- PBs have garden-variety self heal and +Max Health powers, WS heal powers are targeted off enemies. PBs imo have just a slight edge in this category because they don't need targets and have a +Max health tool.

Endurance management is different matter. WSs can replace used endurance with two different end-drain tools; PBs can only conserve what they have left with one, repeat one, tool -- Conserve Energy. Definite advantage goes to Warshades. Not even close.

My personal preference are Peacebringers, but I do wish they'd pull an Electric Armor Energize fix with Peacebringer's Reform Essence and add Energize's endurance discount to get even close to parity with human-form Warshades.



Thanks everyone. This answered my question entirely.

I'll be doing Tri-Form for now but I like the idea of a generally all-human Warshade somewhere down the line. Perhaps one that still occasionally relies on forms for a few things, but generally remains human. I initially felt it would be stupid to play a form changing class and not use the forms, but I really like the way human form Warshades look with all their interesting powers.



Originally Posted by Athanatosis View Post
I'll be doing Tri-Form for now but I like the idea of a generally all-human Warshade somewhere down the line. Perhaps one that still occasionally relies on forms for a few things, but generally remains human. I initially felt it would be stupid to play a form changing class and not use the forms, but I really like the way human form Warshades look with all their interesting powers.
For your first foray into Khelds, I would definitely agree that you should try the forms out. Speccing into an all- or mostly-human build later on is fine, but the whole point of a warshade is to have a ton of options to play with, so play with 'em a while and respec once you've got a better idea how you like to handle them. Any two warshades will likely play very differently, depending on user playstyle, and there are a lot of valid and viable playstyles to work with.

Probably the single trickiest part of building a warshade is figuring out how to manage your enhancement slots. Not only do you get a lot of shiny toys in human form, but Nova and Dwarf mean taking an extra dozen powers that want to be slotted up, and you don't get any more slots than normal characters. You can do it all as a shade -eventually- but when you're starting out I'd suggest focusing on just a few things and doing them well, branching out more once you reach the 20s and 30s.

Rule number six of an empathy defender is NEVER underestimate a blaster's ability to die. I don't care if he has CM, Fort, both RAs, bubbles (both FF and Sonic), and is fighting next to a Storm defender with hurricane on. If there is a way to die in that situation, the blaster will find it.



/echo the good Doctor.

An all human warshade is tough and expensive to pull off, and in my opinion a TriFormShade of any expense will outperform a human form on the same budget. Again, that's just opinion and depends far too much on the person behind the wheel anyway.

Dwarf grants you mez protection. That alone makes it worth taking. Bonus HP and resist is great, too. The ability to double and even triple mire is such a decadent icing on the cake. There's also the seldom but greatly appreciated advantage of being an off-tank. When the team's tank drops, and ambush hits, or when things just get ugly, you can lobster up and help keep attention off the squishies.

Nova form grants you the ability to fling negative energy on a large scale. Eclipse and mire beforehand turns you into a veritable flying gunship that just doesn't die. Warshade forms in particular benefit from the human click style buffs that last a long time.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I'll echo Memphis Bill's comments somewhat by saying that PB's are steady,
known quantities, and thus have few surprises in a fairly straightforward style.

Triforms of either flavor are more involved than normal AT's, but generally,
imho, WS's have higher highs, and lower lows. PB's generally cruise along
on a much more even keel.

Additionally, if there is any thought of PvP in your future, PB's are a much
better choice in the current PvP 2.0 implementation (again, imho).


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Warshades remind me of my Brutes...once I get Fury going I can't stop...the same goes with a WS...except replace Fury with Bodies :3.



I honestly can't stand playing my peacebringer. My warshade though... Oh my gawd I love that char.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

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In my experience (highest Warshade 50, highest Peacebringer currently 22), Peacebringers seem to be easier to manage and more fun at low levels. They seem to be quite blastery.

I've had some trials over time with my 50 Warshade, so that might color my opinion that they're especially difficult to play well... I don't seem to have done as well as others in this thread, at least. Still, it's a unique and very interesting AT... worth trying just to see stacked Mires, Stygian Circle, and the glory of Eclipse.

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Originally Posted by Patteroast View Post
In my experience (highest Warshade 50, highest Peacebringer currently 22), Peacebringers seem to be easier to manage and more fun at low levels. They seem to be quite blastery.

I've had some trials over time with my 50 Warshade, so that might color my opinion that they're especially difficult to play well... I don't seem to have done as well as others in this thread, at least. Still, it's a unique and very interesting AT... worth trying just to see stacked Mires, Stygian Circle, and the glory of Eclipse.
Do you have a Tri-Form Patt? I was miserable when I leveled my WS to 50 taking the Tri-Form route. Once I decided on a Dual Form it was alllll guuuuddd lol.



A Peacebringer may be consistent, but the performance level of said consistency is too low for me. The average performance of a Warshade is much higher and more fun.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Here's a counterpoint - for a first Kheld, I'll tell people to consider the PB for the simple reason that all buffs, heals, etc. are completely self contained. You always know what you'll end up getting, your heal will always work for the same amount at the same level/slotting, your build up will work even if nobody's around, etc, etc.

Warshades are variable - but that variability is why it can get more powerful, etc, etc.
Also if you want to try a simple tri-form build, Peacebringer is a more fun route IMO. Defenders/tankers boost your damage, so Nova is amazing. Scrappers/blasters boost your resists, so Dwarf is amazing.

For warshades the balance just sort of rounds out each form. I'm not a fan of that. Your Nova is tougher when someone's tanking or buffing you? Say what? Your dwarf does more damage when you already have damage in spades? Say whaaaaat?

I prefer PBs, but I play both triform, and the PB is support in human form (the heal, and all the power pool team buffs), so I can really switch my role base on the fight or the party lay out. For the warshade, I do the same thing all the time, which involves switching forms constantly.

I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.



Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
A Peacebringer may be consistent, but the performance level of said consistency is too low for me. The average performance of a Warshade is much higher and more fun.
This made me think of...


"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
Do you have a Tri-Form Patt?
Yeah, he's a tri-form. I also decided that I'd be fine without Stamina, since there were so many powers I wanted, and Stamina took up too much space. It's probably my biggest regret, as I enjoy playing him much more with it. I don't regret being tri-form, though... after I learned how to utilize all three forms, things got a lot better for me. Which form would you say is better to skip?

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Warshade just has more Fun Stuff(TM) than Peacebringer does. PB's powers are relatively vanilla, being mostly duplicated from other sets. Warshade has a lot of this too, but comes with a lot more interesting and unique powers: stygian, pets, corpse explosion, eclipse. And mire is quite a bit more awesome than the PB buildup-ish power.

Tri-form PB is probably ahead of tri-form WS because PB's group bonuses make it better equipped to fill the needs of the group, but the difference isn't so huge that you can't get your tri-form fix just as easily from your alternate WS build.

@Dysc, on virtue:
Virtue blues: Overnight (DP/MM), Kid Ridiculous (FC/rad), Panorama (Ill/time)
Virtue reds: Block Party (SS/SD), Goldcrush (earth/fire), Deadwire (claws/elec), Snowcrush (ice/kin)