Human-only strengths?




This is a request not for numbers so much as for some narrative.

I've been poking at Kheldians lately. My tri-form Peacebringer is a delight, and reminds me in good ways of leveling up a druid in World of Warcraft - the nova and dwarf toolkits aren't huge, but they're really solid. I absolutely loved being able to jump in at the end of a Synapse task force and tank the last three missions, after connection troubles got our tank. My tri-form Warshade isn't to 20 yet, but I can already love her nova performance, and stealthing Midnighter arc missions was pure love for me, and I'm looking forward to her dwarf form as well.

But I like my generalists/multi-purpose characters, and I also like my specialists! So, what's interesting and cool about human-form-only Kheldians? I've looked at threads about them, but since I don't "read" Mids stats well, I don't have any clear idea of what it is people are actually doing with them. Can they focus on ranged attacks and be useful? (I'm better at ranged, and have more fun at it, overall.) Do they solo effectively, or do they help out with teams more? (I've been hankering after someone to help stealth/speed missions, but I found out about that feature already.) What's neat about them, and what's to be cautious with?



Warshades change with age.
Lowbie level you are a stealth blaster.
Then you get self-heals and you can scrank a little.
Then you get eclipse and are a god.
I dunno.
Your milage may vary.

All I know is I managed to solo a posi in all humanform at lvl 15 (with lvl 20 powers of course), but it took around 5 hours and i'd not reccomand anyone try it. God that was a brutal tf.

Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.



Everyone says eclipse is "godlike" and "ZOMGawesomesause!!!111!"

Honestly, I can't tell the difference when it is working and when it isn't. If I hit three or 8 or none. Can't tell a dang thing is different.

Mire, I can see bigger numbers. Not big enough that it reduces the number of attacks to kill a minion, but I can see bigger numbers.

Eclipse? Nothing. I don't run out of endurance all that fast without it, so with it I don't see how I'm supposed to tell. Damage coming in is only an issue with spikes and spikes hurt even with capped regeneration. So overall, the power is just "meh" to me.

To the OP: The key strength of human only is that you aren't half as frustrated figuring out forms and you can use power pools and you get your shields all the time. Or like me, if you're totally incompetent and just can't use them at all it is your only viable option. You lose out on damage (nova) and defense/mez resist (dwarf), and you lose a LOT of flexibility. But it is much easier.

Peacebringers seem to be more like Blappers since their best attacks are melee so you're very aggressive and smash-like. Warshades seem to have more ranged attacks but still need to be up close and personal from time to time so all-human warshades are often running in and out of melee.

But I already admitted I'm incompetent, the others will give you good answers. =)

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Eclipse can easily cap your damage resistances. That's why it's so good.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



I have one 50 level Warshade that is primarily Human/Dwarf. I have squid form but on to travel since I am too loazy to use teleport LOL. Dwarf form is slotted fro maximum damage, accuracy and recharge since it has so few attacks. Human form gets everything else. I don't know squid form does a good bit of damage but its just too squishy, and as mentioned no way to add defenses like the shields available in Human form.

My Dwarf has Tanked Almost every GM and has fillede in nicely tanking on TF when we couldn't find a tank.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Everyone says eclipse is "godlike" and "ZOMGawesomesause!!!111!"

Honestly, I can't tell the difference when it is working and when it isn't. If I hit three or 8 or none. Can't tell a dang thing is different.

Mire, I can see bigger numbers. Not big enough that it reduces the number of attacks to kill a minion, but I can see bigger numbers.

Eclipse? Nothing. I don't run out of endurance all that fast without it, so with it I don't see how I'm supposed to tell. Damage coming in is only an issue with spikes and spikes hurt even with capped regeneration. So overall, the power is just "meh" to me.
If you've got Eclipse slotted for Damage Resistance and are running it along with Human form shields or bubbles then it basically caps after 3 or 4 enemies hit anyway, that's why you don't see any difference between 3 and 8 targets.

But with it capping you can take over 4 times more damage than vs just running human form shields. That's why it's so awesome.



I tried out a humanform PB once. I spent the entire time playing it thinking "Do you know what would make this a lot more awesome? Dwarf form." Nova form wasn't missed terribly, but lacking Dwarf form HURT. It's just one power slot, but you get a bunch of powers out of it that make melee much safer. Getting something like Pulsar instead feels like shooting myself in the foot.

A pure humanform Warshade is pretty manageable, but picking the right combination of powers can be important. I suggest you read guides before making one. Keeping enemies clumped together would be very important, as would having a few attacks to fell a minion or two very easily. Nebulous Form makes activating Eclipse, Sunless Mire, and Stygian Circle easier, as well as using slow moves like Unchain Essence safely. Lastly, you can stack Stuns with Inky Aspect and Gravitic Emanation, and you get VERY powerful pets with Unchain Essence.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Everyone says eclipse is "godlike" and "ZOMGawesomesause!!!111!"

Honestly, I can't tell the difference when it is working and when it isn't. If I hit three or 8 or none. Can't tell a dang thing is different.

Mire, I can see bigger numbers. Not big enough that it reduces the number of attacks to kill a minion, but I can see bigger numbers.

Eclipse? Nothing. I don't run out of endurance all that fast without it, so with it I don't see how I'm supposed to tell. Damage coming in is only an issue with spikes and spikes hurt even with capped regeneration. So overall, the power is just "meh" to me.
Capped Resistance.

Eclipse lets me run up to an AV spawn (with no shields, no super speed, no stealth), jump in, activate one power and then survive without coming close to dying.

If you can't tell a difference between either 0% resistance or ~30% resistance (depending on if you have shields) to most types and a whopping 85% resistance to all types, then I'd say that you can probably up your difficulty. Mind you, I rarely use Eclipse solo (perma Grav Em means that there's really not any incoming damage), but it lets me run off during an ITF and solo some rooftops. Or as I mentioned earlier, freak people out by running ahead of the tank and jumping into AV spawns.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Honestly, I can't tell the difference when it is working and when it isn't. If I hit three or 8 or none. Can't tell a dang thing is different.
Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
Or as I mentioned earlier, freak people out by running ahead of the tank and jumping into AV spawns.
So very much this.

My warshade feels like a flying nuclear battleship with a side of steriods and heaps awesomesauce. Nova form with 85% resist to everything.

Now, if you're talking about the difference between dwarf form and eclipse'd dwarf form, there's not too much of a difference there, especially if there's a tank or a 'fender on the team.

But running solo? There's nothing better than being a squiddy ball of invincible doom with fluffy balls of extra doom floating behind you.

Edit to add something on topic: I have a human only peacebringer which fairs very well. I have the slots to fill out the human attacks so it allows me to leverage lightform more effectively since I don't rely on the form shifts that it locks me out of.

But it'll be a cold day in hell before I take nova and dwarf out of my 'shade.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
If you can't tell a difference between either 0% resistance or ~30% resistance (depending on if you have shields) to most types and a whopping 85% resistance to all types, then I'd say that you can probably up your difficulty.
You are assuming that the reason I can't tell the difference is that I survive. The opposite is true. With eclipse, if I jump into a spawn blindly, I die. Without it, if I jump into a spawn blindly, I die. Again, no difference.

I run on 0/x3 and don't feel like going higher as it already takes too long. I CAN and have done 0/x6 and mire almost gets me enough damage to kill things faster at that point. And that's where I noticed that eclipse doesn't help enough to let me run around blindly even against lots of targets. And I just don't have the patience for using single-target attacks against spawn sizes that large.

But everyone was like, "once you get eclipse EVERYTHING changes" and I got it, and nothing changed. It's one more click between attacks with a cool graphic. Once I have more set-based defense to combine with the regen and resist, I imagine that there will be a difference. I'm not using any of the shields and I have no defense to anything currently, and as all the tankers and scrappers will tell you resist by itself isn't godly, but resist with even a bit of defense is way cool.

For me, so far the biggest improvement was the pet. Man those are cool. They stick around when I'm dead, pull a ton of aggro, have decent defense against +0 enemies (I can't vouch for them against +2s), and it's pretty easy to stack two of them. At which point they deal fantastic damage. With the mitigation provided by enemies going after them, plus enemies dying faster, getting those babies out was the biggest change to my play experience.

My all-human warshade plays somewhere between a blaster and a defender. Not the AoE control of a controller, and not the damage of a blaster, but more control than most defenders, and substantially more damage than either controller or defender, with more survivability than any of the three also. While I don't have the reflexes to coordinate forms, I have been doing ok at mixing melee and range intelligently instead of only based on what was recharged at the time =)

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
You are assuming that the reason I can't tell the difference is that I survive. The opposite is true. With eclipse, if I jump into a spawn blindly, I die. Without it, if I jump into a spawn blindly, I die. Again, no difference.

I run on 0/x3 and don't feel like going higher as it already takes too long. I CAN and have done 0/x6 and mire almost gets me enough damage to kill things faster at that point. And that's where I noticed that eclipse doesn't help enough to let me run around blindly even against lots of targets. And I just don't have the patience for using single-target attacks against spawn sizes that large.

But everyone was like, "once you get eclipse EVERYTHING changes" and I got it, and nothing changed. It's one more click between attacks with a cool graphic. Once I have more set-based defense to combine with the regen and resist, I imagine that there will be a difference. I'm not using any of the shields and I have no defense to anything currently, and as all the tankers and scrappers will tell you resist by itself isn't godly, but resist with even a bit of defense is way cool.

For me, so far the biggest improvement was the pet. Man those are cool. They stick around when I'm dead, pull a ton of aggro, have decent defense against +0 enemies (I can't vouch for them against +2s), and it's pretty easy to stack two of them. At which point they deal fantastic damage. With the mitigation provided by enemies going after them, plus enemies dying faster, getting those babies out was the biggest change to my play experience.

My all-human warshade plays somewhere between a blaster and a defender. Not the AoE control of a controller, and not the damage of a blaster, but more control than most defenders, and substantially more damage than either controller or defender, with more survivability than any of the three also. While I don't have the reflexes to coordinate forms, I have been doing ok at mixing melee and range intelligently instead of only based on what was recharged at the time =)
How do you have Eclipse slotted? I monitor my resistance and damage bonus to see how Mire and Eclipse are doing and I have perma Eclipse and the difference between sitting at the cap and lower than the cap is very noticeable.

Also how do you use it? For example I superspeed into a group, Eclipse, Mire, Nova form, AoE, AoE and all is pretty much dead except bosses and lieutenants so I Stygian the corpses, summon another pet if it is up again, then resume Nova blasting survivors until Eclipse wears off or there are no survivors. Eclipse and Mire are back for the next pack.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
I run on 0/x3 and don't feel like going higher as it already takes too long.
This is your problem. My warshade (with eclipse) did better the more enemies I had to fight. At around x6 I was happy, but x8 seemed to make it even easier.

"Must find more bodies..."

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Mr_Grumpums View Post
Nebulous Form makes activating Eclipse, Sunless Mire, and Stygian Circle easier, as well as using slow moves like Unchain Essence safely. Lastly, you can stack Stuns with Inky Aspect and Gravitic Emanation, and you get VERY powerful pets with Unchain Essence.
Problem I believe is that Nebulous Form makes it impossible to affect the enemy. And Unchain Essence doesn't form pets. It does aoe damage centered upon a corpse.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Might be, but from context I doubt it. Shadow Cloak wont make activating a PBAOE too much safer, since everything sees you anyway. Neb Form however does. It prevents all damage to you. But at the cost of preventing you from doing anything to the enemies.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
Might be, but from context I doubt it. Shadow Cloak wont make activating a PBAOE too much safer, since everything sees you anyway.
Shadow Cloak: Toggle, Stealth +Defense, +Perception +Resistance(Immobilization)



The +def is so low, it's not gonna help much. Nor will the imob protection when it comes to activating stuff like Eclipse. Maybe if a KB protection IO is slotted in it, but otherwise no.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
The +def is so low, it's not gonna help much. Nor will the imob protection when it comes to activating stuff like Eclipse. Maybe if a KB protection IO is slotted in it, but otherwise no.
That's why I highlighted the "Stealth" portion of it. >.> Helpful vs Nemesis or Drones? Nah. Everything else? Yep. (Even more if superspeed or a stealth IO is added in.)



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
You are assuming that the reason I can't tell the difference is that I survive. The opposite is true. With eclipse, if I jump into a spawn blindly, I die. Without it, if I jump into a spawn blindly, I die. Again, no difference.
I'd also like to ask how your Eclipse is slotted. And whether or not you have Grav Em/Grav Well, and whether/how you use Stygian Circle.

What is your usual way to go about a group of enemies? I do want to know, because the above statement just boggles me.



Edit: Woah, didn't realize that was so long while writing it. Sorry.

I'm building toward the last build in this post here. I have the Impervium armor triple already, a level 25 generic recharge, and a level 20-something Efficiency adapter Acc/Endmod as a placeholder. I don't think the expired DO counts, but it's there too. =)

I'm at level 41 and mostly packing pure unadulterated crap in my slots. I got into an ITF and went from 37 to 40 faster than expected so my enhancements haven't kept pace with my level.

Per the build above I have the Decimations in snare and shadow blast, I have stamina fully slotted, I have stygian fully slotted, I have two stupefy in Inky Aspect, I have three kinetic crash in unchain essence. And I have two of the Expedient Reinforcements in my pets and the Zephyr in Super Speed.

All the rest is pure random garbage.

For example, Dark Detonation has a level 18 Airbust (one of the duals I think Acc/Dam), the two Detonation triples (levels 23 and 26), an expired SO end reduction, a level 40 Posi's Damage/Recharge, and one empty slot.

That's about average for my powers currently. Getting much better now that I am high enough to slot the level 40s that are my goal. It's just a matter of buying them, and like I said, I had expected to take longer and have more time to buy up what I needed.

The way I approach a spawn is entirely dependent upon how many insps I have. In an ideal world I pop two purples and one orange. I teleport directly into the middle, mire, eclipse, melee-hold, shadow blast, gravitic, shadow bolt until dead, try to click unchain essense, fail as it selects the next enemy instead, use dark extraction to reselect the corpse THEN unchain essence (this happens at least 3 out of 4 times I try to use this power), stygian to stay alive, summon a pet, then spam an endless chain of Shadow Blast, shadow bolt, Gravimetic Snare, shadow bolt, shadow blast, etc.. until no one is left. I focus on the lieuts first and trust the stun aura to handle minions. Stygian at the end to top off. I use the melee hold as often as it is up, preferably on someone less than half-life as it might drop them at that point.

With low insps, I try to pull with gravimetric snare since at least one of them won't show up if I hit him. If they all react instead of a few, I try to teleport into as many minions as possible to max the effect of my stun and damage auras, and do as much of the "ideal" as I can but I break it up with my self-rez after they put me down. I focus on minions first and use stygian as needed to stay alive. I use the melee hold as often as it is up cycling through lieuts to keep them from attacking.

with 0/x6 it was basically the same, only I was using stygian after each second kill, I had enough time to mire/eclipse twice per spawn, and I died every second spawn but my self-rez was up often enough that had they dropped me twice per spawn I could have handled it. Not fun. 0/x3 is generally smooth. 0/x4 is doable if I visit the store a lot to buy insps. 0/x5 I actually never bothered to try. 0/x7 and 0/x8 was pretty much insta death. Usually I was dead faster than Mire could finish animating.

I don't run +1 or +2 solo as that adds at least one or two extra hits to every single god-@##$%^ minion. And I'm not patient enough for that. 3 to 4 hits each is bad enough. Especially since it's only 3 if I wait for the dot to do full damage AND if they're in my aura AND if no one turned my aura off.

But most of this will be better once I have everything slotted. Like I said, I think I have no defenses at all right now, and resistance with 15% or even 20% defense is massively different from resistance with no defense. Oh, I did just get maneuvers (empty). So, 2.75% defense to all =)

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
The way I approach a spawn is entirely dependent upon how many insps I have. In an ideal world I pop two purples and one orange. I teleport directly into the middle, mire, eclipse, melee-hold, shadow blast, gravitic, shadow bolt until dead, try to click unchain essense, fail as it selects the next enemy instead, use dark extraction to reselect the corpse THEN unchain essence (this happens at least 3 out of 4 times I try to use this power), stygian to stay alive, summon a pet, then spam an endless chain of Shadow Blast, shadow bolt, Gravimetic Snare, shadow bolt, shadow blast, etc.. until no one is left. I focus on the lieuts first and trust the stun aura to handle minions. Stygian at the end to top off. I use the melee hold as often as it is up, preferably on someone less than half-life as it might drop them at that point.

With low insps, I try to pull with gravimetric snare since at least one of them won't show up if I hit him. If they all react instead of a few, I try to teleport into as many minions as possible to max the effect of my stun and damage auras, and do as much of the "ideal" as I can but I break it up with my self-rez after they put me down. I focus on minions first and use stygian as needed to stay alive. I use the melee hold as often as it is up cycling through lieuts to keep them from attacking.

with 0/x6 it was basically the same, only I was using stygian after each second kill, I had enough time to mire/eclipse twice per spawn, and I died every second spawn but my self-rez was up often enough that had they dropped me twice per spawn I could have handled it. Not fun. 0/x3 is generally smooth. 0/x4 is doable if I visit the store a lot to buy insps. 0/x5 I actually never bothered to try. 0/x7 and 0/x8 was pretty much insta death. Usually I was dead faster than Mire could finish animating.

I don't run +1 or +2 solo as that adds at least one or two extra hits to every single god-@##$%^ minion. And I'm not patient enough for that. 3 to 4 hits each is bad enough. Especially since it's only 3 if I wait for the dot to do full damage AND if they're in my aura AND if no one turned my aura off.

But most of this will be better once I have everything slotted. Like I said, I think I have no defenses at all right now, and resistance with 15% or even 20% defense is massively different from resistance with no defense. Oh, I did just get maneuvers (empty). So, 2.75% defense to all =)

First off. Eclipse first THEN mire, second off don't pull with an immob.
sounds like your in the "i'm builiding a epic archetype blues" mode.
You'll learn how to play 'em eventually.

Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.



Another tip, try teleporting in while running Inky Aspect. This drasticly cuts down on the possibility of a dangerous alpha strike. If you don't have eclipse but have dwarf, try teleporting in as a dwarf to absorbe the alpha.

For unchain essence, target an enemy first thing. Make sure it's one that will die fast. Minions are best. As soon as that minion you targeted dies, hit unchain essence.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
Another tip, try teleporting in while running Inky Aspect. This drasticly cuts down on the possibility of a dangerous alpha strike. If you don't have eclipse but have dwarf, try teleporting in as a dwarf to absorbe the alpha.
I do run the damage aura, stealth, and inky aspect continually. the damage aura gets turned off a lot though depending on which enemies I'm facing. On the dwarf thing, you do realize this is a thread about human only right?

For unchain essence, target an enemy first thing. Make sure it's one that will die fast. Minions are best. As soon as that minion you targeted dies, hit unchain essence.
With underslotted attacks, nothing dies fast. My best hope is melee-hold plus shadow blast will sometimes kill a minion. Other than that I'm looking at 3 or 4 hits--not attacks, hits. Underslotted attacks means less than 95% accuracy. Typically 75% accuracy, but sometimes as low as 32% depending on the enemy and any debuffs on me.

second off don't pull with an immob.
I pull with the immobilize specifically because that one person won't be coming. Saves me some damage early on. If no one else reacts, I'm patient enough to wait it out and gank one dude then repeat. Like I said, I only pull when I know for a fact I can't take the whole spawn. Pulling with an immobilize pretty much guarantees that at worst I have to fight "whole spawn -1". This is better than pulling with a real attack and fighting "whole spawn" thus defeating the entire purpose of pulling. I have to prepare for the worst, because it happens often enough.

First off. Eclipse first THEN mire,
See, that makes sense. Which is probably why I didn't think of it. =) thanks!

sounds like your in the "i'm builiding a epic archetype blues" mode.
You'll learn how to play 'em eventually.
Bets? I've got a Broadsword/Regen I've been playing for the better part of two years. She is sitting on 43 hp/second base regen, and tops out at 159 with both dull pain and IH going at once. Almost perma dull pain levels of recharge. I am lucky to get more than 1 enemy in my cone (and swipe has a wide cone), and when I die (not if, when) I have an average of 3 click powers available and waiting to be used, including any or all of instant heal, dull pain, reconstruction, eye of the magus, and moment of glory. And the horror stories of my mastermind failures don't bear repeating. If I can't get the basics down (lining up cones and remembering to heal when I'm taking damage) after two years, I'm willing to bet that two more aren't going to help either. =) I do try. I'm just not very good at this game. But I have fun and that's all that matters.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



The build you're planning for doesn't have Grav. usual knee-jerk reaction is to scream and shout until someone understands just how trivial that power makes soloing. It's permable even without any IO bonuses...with some amount of +recharge, it's extremely easy to perma. Stupefy's a nice set anyway, and the purple stun set is fairly cheap. But if you don't want a perma mag 3 AoE stun and understand what the potential for it is, go ahead.

But anyway...

As was said, Eclipse first. Not sure how your Acc for it is - shouldn't be too bad, but your mentioned build uses only IO bonuses and Tactics to help its Acc, and you don't have Tactics yet.

Grav Em first as well, if you feel like it. If the Acc in it is good, you can face the alpha after you've capped your resistance with Eclipse.

Why no Quasar? It'll clear a spawn (or get really close) after you Mire, and all you have to do is pop a blue + Stygian to return.

Meh, don't have much more to say...when I was leveling mine, all I had to do was Grav Em once then go into Nova, and that pretty much took care of a spawn. You've got to deal with surviving for longer since you don't have that amount of damage available.

*Oh, and Khelds (Warshades in particular) play radically different than any other AT, especially the more static melee AT's like scrappers. And it takes a bit to learn to reign in on them - my tactics and strategies seemed to change with every new power I got. So don't take Debt's comment too badly.