Sixth Anniversary Meet and Greet (North Am.) Part 1




Hey all, I find myself in the enviable position of having a bit of time to kill today, so I thought I would start on this, taking all of the red name talk last night, extracting out the questions and comments from players to whom they were responding, and putting it in a thread so that you don't have to read the entire chat log of everything to get at the nuggets of what you're looking for. Here's the first hour. I think the most disappointing part of the evening is that I misspelled the word "dye," but otherwise, it was--to use War Witch's word--awesome.

I've put my own comments in brackets and italics, and notice that some chat lines may have been slightly rearranged for the order of the dialog to make sense (e.g. keeping questions and answers together). Oh, and general disclaimer: I captured as accurately as possible which questions or comments go with which answers, but the possibility exists that I've mismatched something. Others have posted the entire chat log if you want to be sure.

Enjoy, and I'll post more as I have time to work on it!

The Television: thank you, thank you. [In reaction to people noticing he was there and talking to him.]
The Television: Look how silly I look [In referencet to a garish outfit his avatar was wearing.]
The Television: I'm sooo ugly right now
The Television: but I have the strangest inclination that should be nicer to heroes
The Television: I'm just being silly and dresssing stupid.
The Television: OK, I better dissappear before he gets here. [Referring to Dr. Aeon, who someone else mentioned. Also, by this time, he had changed his avatar to the Television contact in Grandville.]
The Television: don't let him know.
War Witch: WOOOOO!!!! Happy Anniversary!!
War Witch: Oh wait...I'll switch to Admin. That's nice and pretty. [Referring to the Admin broadcast channel, which only devs and reps have access to, and which appears in red text.]
War Witch: Hm...let me take care of me. [Referring to her doppleganger normally found in Pocket D, which she hid during the event.]
War Witch: She can read a book while I'm workin' :)
War Witch: How is everyone!?
War Witch: Man, I can't thank you guys enough for being here and being so amazing.
Dr. Aeon: Hello everyone!
DJ Pheonyx: Thank you all fo r6 years and counting, War Witch
War Witch: Anytime, DJ P :)
War Witch: So anyone from Boston's Meet n' Greet here?
War Witch: Or the HeroCon Meet n' Greets ?
War Witch: We need a Meet 'n Greet World Tour.
War Witch: I come to Canada all the time. My family is there ;) [Referring to several players who mentioned that they are from Canada.]
Green Taipan: Oh, War Witch! The single -most- important young hero is here to see you! SISTER FLAME!
War Witch: SISTER FLAME!! [See this forum post for more background on who Sister Flame is.]
War Witch: I just found out that my home team is playing Detroit in Round 2. [Referring to the Destroit/San Jose NHL game in the Stanley Cup Playoffs.]
Just A Little Crabby: Ultra Mode looks Awsome!
Event Horizon Man: gotta love ultra mode
Golden-Girl: ultra mode is amazing
War Witch: Yeah, makes me want to upgrade my video card at home. I'm so cheap.
War Witch gives all hugs and hugs
Brother Frost: Frugal, not cheap.
War Witch: That sounds better. Frugal. I like it.
Amy Amazing2 gives Supa-Kitteh huggles to War Witch and then squees with delight!
War Witch: Ok, I have a question. Where did the word "squee" come from? [Several responses ensued.]
Dr. Aeon: You all don't see me? [Dr. Aeon had some trouble getting his avatar visible and for several minutes, the players could only hear him.]
Guardian of Shadows: .... LOL War witch's powers.
War Witch: Hey, I was in a rush. My character got wiped this morning ;)
SynapseOverload: Your signature character was wiped? Uh-oh.
War Witch: I know! You'd think.....
War Witch: If you're wondering why I keep turning around....I'm looking at the costumes...
War Witch: Me likey
War Witch: Okay, got it out of my system.
TonyV: Speaking of costumes, you should die your hair with streaks of green this Halloween. You could totally pull it off.
War Witch: Funny story.... I actually went out and bought the dye....
War Witch: Not permanent of course....but I chickened out at the last minute.
TonyV: Do eet! DO EET!
War Witch: You think?
Future Soldier A: I feel so silly...I didn't transfer my production characters to the Test Server, and I created this fellow.
War Witch: Well I like.
Dr. Aeon: Can you guys see me now?
War Witch: Hm...thought I saw somethin'
War Witch: Dr. Aeon, epic fail. S'all I gotta say.
War Witch: Wait, I think I did that last year for like 20 minutes before I realized I was invisible.
War Witch: Wait...I said that out loud. ..
War Witch: BUTTERS, your name makes me want popcorn.
War Witch: So who else has been staring at themselves in admiration in front of windows lately?
Dr. Aeon: Here I am!
War Witch: Okay, I got a coat tail...
War Witch: I know it's really vain, but as I always say.... "Fashion before function." Which is probably why I spend a lot of time face-down in the dirt.
War Witch: I appreciate that you love me despite my numerous faults. :)
War Witch: Positron whacked me on the European training room this morning. I was saying my goodbyes and fell over dead.
War Witch: I like to think it was with regret. Let's hope it doesn't happen here. [At that point, Positron was present, though I don't think his avatar was visible yet.]
War Witch: You know.... I asked for that. Hey, this is a familiar position.
Dr. Aeon: Res drum?!
Hyperstrike: So War Witch. Going Rogue. Tomorrow? +)
War Witch: Hyper: I wish! You guys are gonna loves it.
SynapseOverload: Blaster down! Cast vengeance! Wait. She's up.
War Witch: Blaster down! Blaster down!
Dr. Aeon: It'll be really awesome. [Presumably referring to Going Rogue.]
Robotronn1: can you say my name to the workd pleas youd make me the happy-its cyborg EVER
War Witch: Robotronn1
Golden-Girl: tell s us some new GR stuff - even little details are welcome
Dr. Aeon: New GR stuff?
War Witch: Well, this is an obvious one, but I'm putting in easter eggs.
War Witch: So make sure you have your mouses (mices?) handy.
Dr. Aeon: Television!!! [Not sure what prompted this.]
War Witch: And Praetoria is quite literally paved with gold.
War Witch: Well, in spots.
Golden-Girl: the word "mailbox" is a RWZ easter egg clue
War Witch: Dangit, GG, why you gotta give away my reveals for me? :)
TonyV: Should you pave the roads in good intentions instead? ;)
War Witch: That could work, TonyV. See how well that goes. Well, I MEANT to lay the concrete, but....
War Witch: Better?
War Witch: What is going to be better? In Praetoria?
War Witch: Everything you look at, quite frankly. I'm not tooting my own horn here... I'm actually totting the Environment ARt team's horn. They are spectacular.
War Witch: The first five seconds after you step into Nova Praetoria.
War Witch: Because that is when you go, ""
War Witch: It's modern with some retro so not over the top futuristic. This is an alternate universe but not crazy too far out there.
Dr. Aeon: It's a pretty startling experience walking around in Praetoria.
War Witch: Ultra Mode makes Praetoria insanelly awesome.
Golden-Girl: War Witch, are there any plan to update any of the Paragon City buildings to take advantage of the new graphics? [I think this was the question War Witch was referencing in her answer below.]
War Witch: I asked that question, too. We'd have to gut the old for the new to get that same effect, which would basically mean starting over. So I doubt it.
War Witch: I just got your PM on that, Commander. That's an interesting question for Televsion. :) [I have no idea what the question Commander asked was.]
Dr. Aeon: Let's give Television more work to do.
TonyV: Oh, one request: Someone poke Black_Pebble to start posting again. ;)
War Witch: Black_Pebble can start posting when we let him out of the dungeon.
Technoform X: i got to go, see ya people!
War Witch: See ya, Technoform!
War Witch: You look great, Sister Flame. :)
War Witch: One of the questions I asked on the EU Pocket D was ....if you wanted a dance emote....what kind would it be? Disco was the first suggestion. [Many replies ensued.]
War Witch: Okay, I started a text war.
Dr. Aeon: One thing that's also great about Praetoria is the awesome new music that's in there.
Sheikster: Awesome, as in, really awesome, Aeon?
Sheikster: like, awesome enough to give us nose bleeds?
Dr. Aeon: Awesome as in really awesome.
War Witch: It's possible to "replace" older buildings but you lose something new to get it.
Krimson Crest: Is there like an estimate of how large Praetoria is? Mapwise?
War Witch: Zones are slightly larger on the whole.
War Witch: I asked this before....on EU.... Do any of you remember when the Atlas statue was hollow?
War Witch: Or is it just me? [Several responses ensued regarding back on beta when Atlas's globe was hollow.]
War Witch: I can't actually read this fast. LOL
War Witch: Wonder if we have a pic somewhere...
Dr. Aeon: I've seen some pics of it floating around.
Holy One: Any plans on making poker tables and slot machines work for real?
War Witch: No plan currently to make gambling tables/poker tables "real".
Hyperstrike: Well, it all depends on how far back you have server backups War Witch [Referring again, I think, to the hollow globe.]
War Witch: LOL True.
Savannah Nightwolf: When will we get the WW and Dr. Aeon TFs?
Dr. Aeon: Dr. Aeon TF?!
Sheikster: hey WW, are they gonna add new tails?
War Witch: Now that we have tails, it makes perfect sense to me to have new variations.
Amy Amazing2: Hello, Dr. Aeon
Dr. Aeon: Hello!
Tin Toy Soldier: New heads...?
Green Taipan: Could you make emotes of gambling and dice rolling for tables, then? I think we'd like to be able to just pretend to use those things.
War Witch: Good idea. Send me a PM.
War Witch: With emote suggestions. I'll pass on to the animation team.
Robotronn1: WW i dare you to go over there and look at your self
War Witch: LOL Robotronn1.
War Witch: If I start, I won't stop. I'll just fix my hair and sigh a lot.
War Witch: That's getting into a different direction of the game. [I'm not sure which direction she was referring to. I suspect it was either a comment about a "barf" emote or a request to disclose file locations to customize more things a la "Splasher."]
War Witch: I'd like a "hug myself" emote because I loves myself so.
R u catgurl?: player vehicles... any chance?
Taliesen Riftborn: I second Catgurl's question. I'd LOVE a motorcycle
War Witch: Taliesen, I have mentioned motorcycles myself, for obvious reasons.
War Witch: No way you could fight from them, though. That would make Art's head explode - collectively.
Super.Devil: emote sugarcube
War Witch: Sugarcube?
War Witch: Sorry if I'm slow, the text is scrolling fast and furious.
War Witch: Let's make this game look like City of Heroes on ULTRA AWESOME MODE (I added the awesome part because apparently it's now my favourite word.)
War Witch: And don't think they don't harass me about that every day.
War Witch: At least they've forgotten I still say "pro-cess".
Commander Amazing: Aeon can we ever have your uber gloves!? :D
Sheikster: I want his gloves.
Dr. Aeon: If I gave you my gloves I'd have no hands to type with
ArchStrike: Dear Buddha, please give me a pony...and a plastic rocket...and...
War Witch: I had a pony back in Canada.
Krimson Crest: \Dr. Aeon - Not to be rude at all, but what's your role with the City of Heroes Dev team?
Dr. Aeon: I run AE and do Mission Design
Psicotic Bat: DR. AEON we have new content for the 45+ lvls in the future?
Dr. Aeon: In the future?
DJ Pollux: LIES! WE BOTH know Canada is FAR too cold to support any life beyond hockey players, Mike Meyers and Don Cherry, WW!
War Witch: Don't get me started on famous Canadians....I'll go on forever.
War Witch: See? Got me started... [As I look at the log, I'm not sure what she's referring to. She never did get started...]
Commander Amazing: Dr. Dr. ! Hopes of the Cut scene editor or a packet size increase / mission max raised past five? :D
Dr. Aeon: I think I'll quote Positron in saying you guys don't want a cutscene editor
Commander Amazing: How do you respond to allegations that you stole the idea of Nutripaste!
Dr. Aeon: LIES
Alexandermon: WW, Aeon, What's Your Faverit Mission?
Dr. Aeon: Favorite mission in the game would have to be the final mission of Viridian's arc
War Witch: Did you know that the "mask" Michael Myers from Halloween is actually a mask of William Shatner?
War Witch: That's what I heard. [Several replies of players who claimed to know that ensued.]
War Witch: Dangit, I thought I had the corner on cool trivia. Clearly, NOT.
War Witch: LOL You started them on cutscenes, DA. Nice.
Dr. Aeon: Maaaan
Arachnos Commander: War Witch, I have a serious question for you: What are your thoughts on poutine? :)
War Witch: I like poutine. I dared my husband to try it and he dared me to try a mocha. We each hated the tastes.
GreenBear: Personally, I would LOVE some more BASE EDITING shtuph.
Green Taipan: Yes, who do we harass about bases? :)
War Witch: You can harass me about bases. I'd like to make them more fun to edit with more textures, etc., but that's my wish list. So we'll see.
Sheikster: Stackable items in the base without having to glitch the place, please!
Taliesen Riftborn: Or more furniture in the bases.
War Witch: Agreed. Some of the things you go through to make a cool base. Honestly.
Sheikster: I've spent over 4 hours making the base of one room in my base, decorating is a different story.
Dr. Aeon: I'm constantly amazed by some of the crazy things that are done with bases.
Dos Glock: Give us NEW GR info please!
War Witch: NEW GR info? I already told you the streets are paved with gold...
War Witch: Well, not all, but I've seen gold as I wander around. :) Shiny, too.
War Witch: So if I give you new info, does it have to actually be true?
Dr. Aeon: We can give false information?
War Witch: Or...can I just wing it and let you speculate on the forums about all the wild and crazy things War Witch promised but never delivered?
Future Soldier A: Feel free spin tales of fancy War Witch
War Witch: That's just cruel. Helloooooo.... Hero.
Future Soldier A: The gaming blogs will do it anyway hehe :)
War Witch: Sad but true, but I like my job. I aims to keep it.
Commander Amazing: I've heard that our Dr. Aeon is actually a clone pulled from multiple timelines and the real Aeon was defeated by a little known hero and his team during a raid on his lab! >.>
Dr. Aeon: That's a lie Commander
Dr. Aeon: I heard Television really isn't all that awesome.
War Witch: One sec.
War Witch: Posi, check your IM.
Positron: My work IM?
War Witch: That's crazy talk. Good idea, but crazy talk. [Not sure what she was referring to. Someone mentioned custom critter power customization, someone else mentioned animal content. Or it could have been something someone said in a tell.]
War Witch: LOL You got it. [Probably to Positron, who also had a problem getting his avatar visible.]
Dr. Aeon: The custom powers thing in Architect is a BaB's question
Dr. Aeon: *dodge*
War Witch: Yay! Posi!
Just A Little Crabby: Hey.. can us VEAT cross over to the blue side in GR?
Positron: yes a VEAT can cross over to being a Hero in GR
Green Taipan: Hurrah! HELLO POSITRON! When are you sueing Tony Stark? :D
War Witch: LOL Green Taipan.
Positron: Mr. Stark and I have settled. We both own 49%; of each others companies at this point
Robotronn1: WW what would you say if I told you I was addicted to City of heroes?
War Witch: I'd say, everything in moderation and THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT.
[NPC] Desperate Guy: Excuse me, I think you have something in your eye. Nope, it's just a sparkle. [I'm pretty sure he was talking to War Witch.]
Positron: If you are sending me a /tell it is getting piped to a window I dont have up, so I am not purposely ignoring just you
Praetor Fabulous: Speaking of moderation, where's OCR?
War Witch: All over the place [I think that's the question she was responding to.]
Taliesen Riftborn: Thanks for 6 years of awesome, War Witch!
War Witch: Thank you, Talisen :)
War Witch: Time flies doesn't it?
Alexandermon: Posi! I Want A Hami And Rularu Spaun!
Dr. Aeon: Posi they want to see Rularuu
Positron: I dont know how to make Rularuu appear
Positron: but I can summon a Nemesis Horse if you guys want
Robotronn1: POISTRON YOU ARE MY IDOL ((sorry ww some one cooler just showed up lol))
War Witch: No hard feelings, Robotronn1 :)
DJ Pheonyx: Thanks for listening to my portion of teh show; stay tuned i for DJ Pollux... tune in at
War Witch: Cape Radio Rocks!
Incredible Mouse: I'm trying to get a screenie of me next to Posi - but it keeps killing all my powers when I'm close
War Witch: It's his cologne.
War Witch: So how do you like your now moving tails?
Positron: Horse is on the west side of the dance floor [A Nemesis horse had appeared on one side of Pocket D.]
SynapseOverload: Summon all Aspects of Rularru and ... SUPPRESS OUR POWERS!
War Witch: LOL SynapseOverload
War Witch: Now I wanna turn itno something ridiculous.... [At this point, some of the devs had cycled through several of the critter models, causing their avatar to change shapes into various bizarre things.]
Positron: Horse is on the west side of the dance floor
Praetor Fabulous: WW, how is the promotion treating you?
War Witch: A LOT of work, Fabulous. Positron made it look easy.
Positron: I am running power suppression, if you lose flight blame me
War Witch: It's a lot easier to judge than to be the one that has to make the hard call. :/
War Witch: ahem....
Commander Amazing: Posi can we expect to feel more powerful with the incarnate system? I'm hoping it's not going to be "here's soem more powers" o.o;
Positron: the Incarnate system will make you feel more powerful, and you will need that power
War Witch: At least make me not ugly. [I think that at this point, one of the devs were cycling War Witch's avatar through various models.]
War Witch: Honestly, it's like herding cats some days...
War Witch looks at Positron and his access controls...
Positron: if you used it against current enemies, how would that be "tougher"?
Commander Amazing: WW or Posi: Can we expect a Warwitch Preatorian!? :D Or a Swap side to the later addtionss to the "signitures"? :D
Positron: WW is the one you needed to extract the GR info out of.
Praetor Fabulous: Wh WAS the Nemesis horse never added in?
Positron: the nemesis horse was something we built for original CoH that didnt get used... it's not planned on being used either
War Witch: Sad but true...
Dr. Aeon: Time for me to head off to work on some more great missions for you guys, see you all later!
War Witch: Bye Dr. Aeon!
Seer Psyche: When VEATS become heroes, will they access the tanker epic power pools?
Positron: You should ask Castle the power questions, he will likely not make up an answer like I will end up doing
War Witch: I think I can get in a few more minutes.
War Witch: No one's yanked me away yet.
R u catgurl?: Will the Incarnate system bring new powers, or only a way to make current powers stronger?
Positron: I cant go into detail on the Incarnate system without getting in trouble... you're just gonna have to wait.
Star-Power: One more tiny hint about Going Rogue, please? :) And make it AWESOME!
War Witch: Well, did you know about the two new map sets?
War Witch: You've seen bits of the Tunnels from the screenshot.
Golden-Girl: what are the labs like?
War Witch: do you guys find out this stuff? There are no secrets in development, apparently.
War Witch: How's that? [Not sure who she was talking to.]
War Witch: The "labs" are cool.... open spaces, modern...
Just A Little Crabby: how many train tokens do we need to get to praeroia?
Positron: Just A Little Crabby: All there are

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



*laughing* This is great... I'd missed Dr. Aeon and Television, so it was neat seeing what was going on before I got there. Do post the rest!


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Ever since the little Television/Aeon "incident" here on the forums, The Television has had it out for me due to my ardent support of the good doctor and his promise of early Ultra mode. Ever the opportunist, he turned me into a television at the meet and greet! It was a infuriating and frightening experience, until I realized Mythbusters was going to be on and my fear and rage turned into curiosity about whether or not I could get Discovery Channel on myself. No longer getting the desired reaction, he returned me to my glorious, green, metallic form.

100% true.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



He was able to get people to recite "I have no voice. Television speak for me" and other sneaky tricks. The staff of the CAPE radio faced him down with shouts of "Long Live Radio!" but by then it was too late. Several innocent bystanders had already been turned into televisions...that could fly.
It was like standing in a surrealist painting.

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



Here's part 2, the next hour. Ghost Falcon showed up, and he and Positron answered a crapton of questions. There were some really good nuggets of information in there being extracted painfully.

War Witch: That's fine. As long as you can't get to the other side. :) [I've pored over the transcript and honestly have no idea what she was responding to here. Maybe it was a private tell.]
Robotronn1: Positron can you sign my head?
Positron: Yellow titles are handed out by Mods, if I were to do it, I wouldnt be answering questions [Several players had their 6th Anniversary gold titles copied over from an event the day before.]
War Witch: Do we have any mods here?
Positron: You're still at work... go check :)
War Witch: I just bugged Ocho...we'll see where he is at.
War Witch: By the way, LOVE the walk emote. I could stare at myself all day walking. Is that bad?
War Witch: I could walk in of a glassy building all day, even.
Positron: my badge count should be more accurate now [Positron had toggled every badge on his avatar, hero and villain combined, for a total of 981 badges, including badges that are currently uanvailable such as the 1250 badge and 78-month badge.]
War Witch: Woot!
War Witch: Looks great in Sam's video. [I think she's referring to the walk emote again. "Sam" is almost certainly Samuraiko.]
American.Medic: I think we need to get Dark Respite in here and have her film a WW vs Posi PvP Match. :D
Faethura1: LOL My money's on Posi
War Witch: He's already dirt-napped me twice.
Kethryveris: Has anybody ever thought of making a paragon arcade? I would love somehting to do besides badge hunting and grinding contacts =)
War Witch: yes, when we released CoV. I, too, wanted the machines to work ;) [That's the only dialog about machines that preceded this comment, I tihnk that's what she was referring to.]
War Witch: Check out The Cape Radio! They rock!
Positron: I am running power suppressing, if you lose powers, you are being suppressed.
Johanna Sinclair: Posi is just not happy unless he suppresses me...
Positron: DR: True dat [I'm pretty sure that "DR" is a reference to Johanna Sinclair's forum name, Dark_Respite (Samuraiko)]
Nezumi-Ko gives Positron a big, warm, and cuddly mousehug.
War Witch: Oh I see how it is. Hug for the metal man, but none for the War Witch. [Followed, predictably, but many players "hugging" War Witch...]
War Witch: Hey, as it says on my Canucks app...We are ALL Canucks. (And's not an insult.)
War Witch: I gives them all back. Big strong ones. Not those namby pamby ones, but the ones that make your bones crunch, but not in a bad way.
War Witch: My dad is from Holland and that is how he hugs, so it works for me.
War Witch: I learned to hug and shake hands like you mean it. Regardless of your gender. :)
Johanna Sinclair: I'd hug Posi but Sorina would belt me
Positron: Who is Sorina?
Johanna Sinclair: *laughs* you haven't read my story
War Witch: Ok, just talked to Ocho...he'll be here in a bit.
Robotronn1: positron is SOOO oblivios to everything
Positron: Im not oblivious, I just read slow. [To be fair, there was indeed a LOT of chat across all channels going on. I don't know how they kept up as well as they did.]
Commander Amazing: Posi Posi! Will there be a Master of Positron TF badge! :D
Positron: There SHOULD be a Master of the Posi TF!
Positron: I am gonna go talk to Black Scorpion and Dr. Aeon tomorrow.
War Witch: Dude. You got your TF. TWICE. Spread the love.
Positron: I had NOTHING to do with the second one..
War Witch: Charity work!
By this time, NCsoft_theOcho was not visible, but gold titles had started appearing over everyone's head who didn't have them already.
War Witch: It does rock... [Not sure what she's referring to. Probably the new version of Positron's task forces.]
Positron: And didnt I send you the idea for the WW TF the other week?
Redios: So why isn't there a War Witch TF?
War Witch: Because we haven't written it yet. :) But Positron has a great idea for one.
Positron: Yeah, WW TF, 75 missions long, every one of them a Kill All
TonyV: By the way, guys, I'd like an interview at some point for our new Titan Network project. ;) Doesn't have to be arranged tonight, but I'm putting the bug in your ear so that when Avatea or the Ocho mentiones it, you'll think "Yeah, I remember that..."
War Witch: Ok, thanks for the heads up. [More on this later... ;)]
War Witch: The WW should give WW her life back. [I think she's referring to a hypothetical War Witch task force.]
War Witch: I mean, yeah, floating through doorways is cool and all, but it sucks when people don't see you because you blend with the background.
Johanna Sinclair: War Witch, take it from me, you do NOT blend in
War Witch: JS: The hair or the attitude?
Johanna Sinclair: both
War Witch: I'll take that as a compliment. :)
Johanna Sinclair: I'll tell you what - you create WWTF and I will make a trailer for it to promote the hell out of it
War Witch: You are a sweetheart.
Cell Ldr Rubber-Duc3: Who turned my protest into a teabag?
Positron: its subtler Cell Ldr [Apparently, Positron had used his admin console to change Cell Ldr's emote.]
SoulTrain: OK serious question. We've a Mac and a Windows version. Has ANYONE approached you all to do a Linux version?
Positron: SoulTrain not to my knowledge, but you should ask the Television
Lord Hellectron: will there be a iphone or ipod app for CoH???
Positron: lord Hellectron what do you want an iphone app for CoH to DO? [Several suggestions ensued.]
Green Taipan: So if Robert Downey Jr is Iron Man....does that make Positron Denzel Washington, Posi? :)
War Witch: Wait...if RDJ is Iron Man, who plays WW? The only right answer here is....
Johanna Sinclair: Angelina Jolie isn't cool enough to be War Witch
War Witch: More attitudinal. [I think she was referring to one of the suggestions for who would play War Witch.]
War Witch: Oops.
War Witch: More attitudinal. I know it's not a word, but it should be.
Holy One: MEGAN FOX!
War Witch: LOL Megan Fox....she's a wee bit young.
War Witch: I was thinking...oh rats...the girl from Underworld...
War Witch: She's a hoot.
Spyder Revenant: Kate Beckensale
War Witch: Kate, that's right.
Shattered Eclipse: Jack Black for posi
War Witch: LOL Jack Black. That's awesome.
Positron: Jack Black??
NCsoft_Mod08: clearly we'd need harrison ford as theOcho
Positron: I'd rather have Jay Mohr
War Witch: milk came out my nose...
War Witch: True Story.... my sister and I (when we were much younger) were at my grandma's house and she made me laugh. We were eating tomato soup. I snarfed tomatoe soup out my nose all over my grandma's lace table cloth.
War Witch: Forget the table cloth for a moment.... TOMATO soup is acidic.
War Witch: And my sister poured pepper down my nose, too.
War Witch: Here's her address.... [... ?]
Psychic Guardian4: sounds like a nice sister WW lol XD
War Witch: Iknow, right!?
TonyV: War Witch's sister... Would that be Peace Witch?
War Witch: That sounds about right, TonyV.
Johanna Sinclair: okay, so Posi wants Jay Mohr, WW wants someone with 'tude...
War Witch: But "good tude" not, shut up you annoy me tude.
Golden-Girl1: who'd play Blue Steel? ;-)
Johanna Sinclair: Chuck Norris
War Witch: Chuck Norris can do anything, I don't care how old he is.
Positron: William Shatner... every part
Robotronn1: oh hey WW is it posible for you to kill right now?
War Witch: To BE killed? Er...only by some...why?
War Witch: Positron, don't even think about it.
War Witch: *laughs* What did I start? [In reference to many more Shatner/Chuck Norris comments in the channels.]
War Witch: This is why I love you guys. Beautiful senses of humour.
Positron: Yeah, me and Sam go way back [I think "Sam" in this case refers to Samuel L. Jackson, who was mentioned as a potential cast member of our hypothetical show.]
Positron: Sean Fish and I collaborated and wrote the famous "top 10 things we want SLJ to say in the Phantom Menace" list [Sean "Manticore" Fish --The Wiki Guy]
Desiree Glamour: WW, you make it easy for us to BE funny!
War Witch: Thanks, Desires Glamour. (BTW, like the "u" in "glamour" there.)
Desiree Glamour: Didja hear that, people? WW likes my "u"!!! :D
War Witch: I doooo. :D
Cootie: maybe a time travel western arc [I'm not sure what Cootie was responding to. This was kind of out of the blue.]
Positron: time travel is tough, since we need to create ALL new art assets (see Cimerora)
Johanna Sinclair: Positron: that means hire more artists
Positron: Hmm, hire more artists, never thought of that :P
War Witch: True, you never realize how "period" things are until you decdie to go back to 1965. Even the cars are different.
Positron: We actually DONT have 1945 art assets
Praetor Fabulous: War Witch, seriously, she's in the next room.. look at the tailor here.. just put i on the whiteboard to fix.
War Witch: And you were doing so well, too, Praetor Fabulous... [This kind of lost me. I think Fabulous was referring to Trina, the Pocket D tailor, but I'm not sure how War Witch's comment follows.]
Thrillseeker: I know you folks have been getting this all day by now but: THANK YOU, Devs, for 6 fantastic years of City of Heroes! <insert standing applause>
War Witch: Thanks Thrillseeker! Thanks everyone!
War Witch: Bah. I have to go. Happy Anniversary!!! HUGS! PC-Appropriate Air Kisses!
War Witch: Positron, don't kill me.
Positron: Bye WW
War Witch: See you guys!
War Witch then left, and Ghost Falcon arrived.
Ghost Falcon: hello
Robotronn1: now we all bother Positron
Positron: you guys are not a bother, you guys make days like this awesome
Ghost Falcon: Hi all!
Positron: All my tells are piped to a window I dont have open... if you send me one I am not ignoring just you
Ghost Falcon: wow....wall of text
Positron: The horse is here on the West side of the dance floor [A Nemesis horse, which Positron had spawned for players to see.]
TonyV: Okay, Ghost Falcon! First question! What is the top thing on the list of stuff you absolutely, positively CANNOT tell us!!?
Ghost Falcon: TonyV, my home address.
Positron: I however am not. Muahhahahaha [I thinks someone may have commented about War Witch still being at the office, because of the context of the next comment.]
Positron: I am at home
Positron: My internet and PC can handle this event better than the office's
Ghost Falcon: I started in 2004, but have been working in the a "ghost" [I didn't see this question. It may have been in the local channel.]
Dos Glock: Castle!
Castle: Shh...I'm not here yet
Positron: I did get a new PC for screenshotting... unfortunately I had to take the April Fools screenshot at about 2 frames per second
SynapseOverload: Ghost Falcon: Can you speak in [Admin]? Some of us are chatlogging. ;)
Ghost Falcon: Ok. I'll speak in Admin. I'm setting up separate chatboxes with Broadcast and Local. I'm ignoring Request channel
Praetor Fabulous: Posi.. you have an april fools themes badge.. details on what that was about and why not implemented.
Positron: The April's Fool badge was an April Fools joke on pigg divers [reference --The Wiki Guy]
Positron: I would say it was successful
Ghost Falcon: ....which was hilarious. :P
SynapseOverload: Much like [Toy Bat]?
Kethryveris: and [Vomit]
Positron: vomit was going to be in the game, but cut due to being too silly
Ghost Falcon: As was the nerf bat power, right Positron?
Positron: I think so
Doomsday Chicken1: More Strike Forces please - and thanks for coming to Boston
Positron: I loved boston
Lord Hellectron: will we have a cut scene maker for AE?
Positron: We can barely make cut scenes work and thats not in AE... I shudder to think of trying to get them into that UI
Ghost Falcon: Getting Cut Scenes into the game is not easy...., I don't forsee that option getting into player hands for MA.
Positron: a lot of trial and error
Positron: Actually Dr. Aeon is fast becoming the cut-scene master
R u catgurl?: Any content in Praetoria post lvl 20? such as arcs for 20-30, 30-40, 40-50?
Positron: Praetoria is upto 20, after that is Going Rogue system content
Death Lass: Posi, when will we be able to find out more info about the Incarnate system?
Positron: More on the incarnate system in July if I recall correctly
ForceField Scoots: Actually you said after i17
Positron: July IS after I17
Positron: July has a lot of days in it for me to still be right
Golden-Girl: will the new GR system content use existing contacts, or new ones?
Ghost Falcon: gg, the GR system doesn't use contacts....
Golden-Girl: so where do the moral misisons come from?
Ghost Falcon: GG, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be talking about the GR system, and how it works....
Positron: If you are sending me tells those are piped to a window I do not have open, so I am not ignoring just you
Johanna Sinclair: when is the Mutant Booster coming out?
Positron: Mutant Booster details are "soon" TM
Dark Beret: Who is the head of marketing?
Ghost Falcon: Black Pebble is the public face of Paragon Marketing.
Positron: If you are sending me tells those are piped to a window I do not have open, so I am not ignoring just you
Praetor Fabulous: also, dangit, we all do /e facepalm on the forums.. can we just gbring it to the game?
Positron: You should ask BAB about emotes when he's on
Psicotic Bat: The new power for scrappers (sorry dont remember the name) will be part of GR?
Nezumi-Ko: Kinetic Melee? Yeah.
Positron: Kinetic Melee will get tested with the rest of GR
Bike Thief: GR question: so for levels 1-20 in Praetoria, which market will you be able to buy and sell your goods at?
Positron: Good, unanswerable, question Bike Thief
R u catgurl?: GR closed beta for vets... e.t.a.?
Ghost Falcon: GR Beta is going on now, but we're still in the early stages. We will be expanding the pool of Beta testers soon. Both Kinetic Melee and Electric Control will be part of of the initial Beta tests, with a huge focus on the GR Ssystem itself.
Commander Amazing: Posi what about possible name freeing for dusty accounts, level 6 is kinda low for the current curb..or maybe accounts over 3 years expired? Or an alternate solution like other competing games did with a database revamp (ties to global)?
Positron: Players told us they do NOT want names tied to globals
Positron: And GF would be in charge of any further name purges ["GF" is Ghost Falcon.]
Ghost Falcon: Next beta wave for GR (on another server that is NOT Training Room) invites are going out within the next week or so. [In respones to many more comments about Going Rogue beta.]
Sultry Siren: any chance we could get another massive base prestige grant this year?>
Positron: Base prestige grant was for the 5 year anniversary, not every year!
Positron: The address is War Witch's anniversary speech [In response to several players discussing the 6-Year Anniversary Address, posted at 8:00pm Eastern.]
Ghost Falcon: I'll forward on the Name Purge request to some folks internally. There have been some concerns about how we rolled them out before, and we don't want to go too high for the name cut off (if we did one).
Castle: Hi, all! I'll answer questions after War Witch's address.
Positron: Castle, why are you so awesome?
Castle: Just am. Born that way.
Dark Beret: Cause Castle has the button?
Ghost Falcon: He doesn't have a button.. That would be the Television...he's got Buttons...LOTS Of buttons. ALL HAIL THE TELEVISION!
Positron: hah! you answered a question before the address!
Castle: Don't make me set health 0 you in front of all these folks, Posi! :) [Positron faceplants. I don't think he saw Castle's comment beforehand; he seemed genuinely caught off guard.]
Positron: wtf?
Ghost Falcon: Not sure who to put money on in a Dev PVP throw down....Posi? Castle? Magic 8 Ball not sure.
Positron: So how many of you followed my Twitter account today? [linky]
Castle: No, I despise Twitter.
Positron: I had fun remembering all those anecdotes. Glad (those of you who read them) liked it
Cende: Oh, no, Castle, the skirt just doesn't work for you. Bad knees. [In reference to Castle, who had been cycling through costumes, settling on a kilt.]
Castle: Bad Knees?! /sigh
Castle: Better? [Following another costume change.]
Cende: Much nicer knees, yes. :)
Praetor Fabulous: Ooooh Posi.... TIPPYTOE!
Positron: Yeah, Arb Fab found me in Boston and scored a Saturday PAXEast pass [Not sure what this exchange was about.]
Johanna Sinclair: come on, Posi, go helmetless
Positron: Helmetless pos has the dumb yellow ring
Roulette: Are you guys going to PAX Prime?
Ghost Falcon: I'm not sure if we're going to Pax Prime...that's a question for OCR and Black Pebble.
Positron: I would be surprised if we didnt GF
Ghost Falcon: I do know we're going to Comic-Con in San Diego.
Castle: War Witch has posted her State of the Game message for those interested!
Positron: Oooh, imma gonna go read it!
Ghost Falcon: On Live it's in the MOTD

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
19:46 Golden-Girl: will the new GR system content use existing contacts, or new ones?
19:47 Ghost Falcon: gg, the GR system doesn't use contacts....
19:47 Golden-Girl: so where do the moral misisons come from?
19:48 Ghost Falcon: GG, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be talking about the GR system, and how it works....
I thought that was one of the most interesting bits of info

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I thought that was one of the most interesting bits of info
Definitely. I'm pretty sure that this is the kind of stuff they're hoping won't slip out, but that in the heat of the moment, they probably forgot what they had and hadn't told us. It's not much information, but it is a little something that I hadn't heard before.

I also totally missed SoulTrain's question about a Linux client. I wish I hadn't, it was a fan-freakin'-tastic question.

The other nugget that I thought was very interesting was this:

Ghost Falcon: Next beta wave for GR (on another server that is NOT Training Room) invites are going out within the next week or so. [In respones to many more comments about Going Rogue beta.]
Of course, that could still be friends and family only, but still, I'm impressed that they're sending any beta invites out at this point. It strongly indicates to me that Going Rogue is well on schedule for the July release. In the gaming industry, meeting schedules like they have is extremely rare, and these guys deserve a lot of credit for doing it so consistently.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Praetor Fabulous: War Witch, seriously, she's in the next room.. look at the tailor here.. just put i on the whiteboard to fix.
War Witch: And you were doing so well, too, Praetor Fabulous... [This kind of lost me. I think Fabulous was referring to Trina, the Pocket D tailor, but I'm not sure how War Witch's comment follows.]
As it turns out, apparently there was a betting pool going on at the PS offices about how long it would take Equation (aka Arbiter Fabulous, aka Praetor Fabulous) to beg the developers to change the look of Trina. Not sure who won.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



I... don't get most of it. It's too all over the place. I need a sense of order in the world, dammit!



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I... don't get most of it. It's too all over the place. I need a sense of order in the world, dammit!
It was easier when it was live - you could follow the conversation streams way more easily.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



So where did the term "squee" come from?

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
So where did the term "squee" come from?

Here's my guess. Just look at that face! If that doesn't scream Squee, I don't know what does!



Here's part 3, which was roughly the 8:00pm - 9:00pm Eastern hour. This was a relatively hard-core question-and-answer session, with Castle and Positron providing a ton of insight about the game's past and current development, and yes, even a few nuggets of Things to Comeâ„¢. Also during this hour, the devs decided to have a little fun by spawning Jade Spiders--while power suppression was on, no less--and faceplanting most of the onlookers.

Cell Ldr Rubber-Duc3: Castle, did you ever consider making [Mastermind_Buff.Traps.Trip Mine] Accept PBAoE sets?
Castle: Trip Mine: It's unlikely I'll change the slotting from one Damage Set to another -- I had a hard time deciding which category to put it in originally.
C O N Q U E R: any of u devs got facebook or myspaces that would like to be added?
Positron: my facebook page is my personal page, but you can follow my twitter (@Positron_CoH) [linky, in case you missed it above.]
IndigoWulf: is there any chance that there will ever be a S/Vg rename option, possibly with buyable tokens like char rename?
Ghost Falcon: IndigoWulf, That would be a little tough to do a purchaseable SG/VG rename option....I shudder to think of the tickets that would be generated if someone got a hold of the SG Leader position, and changed an SG's name to something bad....
Incredible Mouse: Castle - come down for a sec so we can get screenies next to you...
Castle: Mouse: I'll come down for pics around 6 -- I'mm "off the clock" for questions at the point [6:00 Pacific.]
Golden-Girl: she calls GR the "premier expansion" - mor CoV hate? :-p [Golden-Girl is referring to War Witch's anniversary address]
Ghost Falcon: awwww...we don't hate CoV / Villains.
Positron: CoV was an expanshalone, not an expansion
Golden-Girl: I think Villains are useful - we need PvP targets
Ghost Falcon: GG, with Going Rogue, I imagine that there will be a shift of Hero-->Villain population.
Seer Psyche: Castle, the VEATS...when they turn hero, will they access the tanker epic powers? :)
Castle: Seer Psyche: VEATS and HEATS won't have access to any new Epic powersets.
Dos Glock: devs hate trollers!
Proto-Zero: Oh noez! At least I'm a stalker, and not a controller!
Positron: Controllers are hard to balance, so that might be true, what do you think Castle?
Ghost Falcon: I think Controllers are fine....don't touch them Castle! :P
Castle: I missed the controller question...but, they are probably a tad overpowered. Not enough so that I really need to do anything to them, though.
Ghost Falcon: yay
Positron: Someone said we didnt hate Villains but we did hate trollers
Dark Beret: Will the Complete Edition of Going Rogue only be for new accounts?
Positron: You can add Complete Edition to any account
Darken Grey: speaking of new powersets, any chance of a scythe for stalkers?
Castle: Darken Grey: If we end up doing a Staff powerset, it would be the basis for future 2h weapon sets. idea at this time regarding a Scythe specifically.
Positron: Personally I am amused by the Invalid Target message. How does the game know that entity is an invalid?
NCsoft_Mod08: It's up on the forums :)
Roulette: Any plans still to try and port Illusion to villains? I remember there was a mention once but nothing since. I'd love an illusion MM or Dom
Castle: Roulette: If Illusions gets ported (and it likely will, eventually) it would go to Doms, but not MM's.
Positron: thanks to whoever said "Holy Canolee"... I made my wife go out and get fresh canoles for dessert. :) [For the record, it was Mercy.Killing, several minutes before this comment.]
Ghost Falcon: We had BBQ today to celebrate the 6 year anniversary in the studio...i'm too stuffed for canoles
Panda Monium1: Made her or begged her?
Positron: suggested [This was in the middle of a bunch of suggestions, but I really think he was referring to the cannoli comment.]
Dark Beret: comeon you know a /kin mm would be insane
Positron: yes, /Kin MM would be crazy-go-nuts
Tabithabitica: Any chance we can customize colors of demons for MM's?
Castle: Customization questions are really best asked of BAB's -- he's always been the driving force behind that.
American.Medic: Speaking of porting... With GR coming in July, we will start to see Empathy on the Villain side. Since that wall is coming down, any plans to possibly port it to the villains side, or is Pain Dom as close as we'll see there?
Positron: Pain Dom -is- Villain Empathy
Zamuel: Request to those listening that are in zone 1 of Pocket D...can someone ask about plans to tweak and/or rebalance Gravity Control
Golden-Girl: message from Pocket D 2- Will you rebalance Gravity Control?
Positron: Castle would have to answer the Gravity Control question
Incredible Lag: Hmm. How about Targeted Emotes? There's times I'd love to hug my team-mates. ^_^
Green Taipan: Yes, Targeted Emotes please!
Ghost Falcon: Incredible Lag, two-person targeted emotes is difficult...maybe nigh impossible with our game system.
Faethura1: Castle: I like that look, all politician [Referring to the suit costume he was wearing.]
Castle: Faethura -- Castles Secret ID in the Pen and Paper game he came from WAS a politician. :)
Positron: I made an out of costume outfit, but it was too awesome for the servers to handle
Taliesen Riftborn: Will we ever get to sleep laying down? :)
Ghost Falcon: Taliesen Riftborn, not while we have the pushup emote... [This is quite possibly my personal funniest moment of the night.]
Positron: LOL @GF's answer
Dark Beret: Do you guys get together and play something like D&D with each other
Positron: We have "game night" on Tuesdays
Positron: I ran a couple sessions of D&D
Castle: Dark Beret: We play a Dark Heresy PNP game at lunch twice a week.
Proto-Zero: Hey, question for the devs. If there was ANYTHING you could implement regardless of technical limitations, what would it be??
Positron: Proto-Zero: Unlimited time travel to whatever time period you wanted
Cootie: D&D,not Ad&D posi?
Positron: 4e D&D
Redios: Do you guys like Betrayal at House on the Hill?
Positron: I have not played Betrayal
NCsoft_Mod08: betrayal is a great game
Dos Glock: devs, what do you think about CO????
Positron: Nice try Dos Glock
Shattered Eclipse: Castle, are you worried about balance issues cropping up after GR and having brutes and tankers interact more often?
Castle: Shattered Eclipse: Yes, though I am more concerned about the impact of Controllers on Dominators
Roulette: Yeah who will want to player trollers when you can play a Dom
Ghost Falcon: roulette, I like my controllers just fine.
Green Taipan: Okay....I have to put this out there: I know you play D&D...but have a look at the Doctor Who RPG if you like the show at all. :)
Taliesen Riftborn: There's a Doctor Who RPG? O.o
Positron: I love the Doctor Who show, as was evident to anyone who followed my tweets on Saturday
Positron: I started with Tom Baker
Ghost Falcon: Tom Baker rules
Ghost Falcon: Best Dr. Who episode was when they got rid of Adric. /tear
Cell Ldr Rubber-Duc3: Castle, Will you please update what enhancements Detonator can accept. It is broken o.o
Castle: Detonator: I'd rather figure out a way of making the existing allowed enhancements work, rather than remove the Damage enhancements from it.
Hyperstrike: Castle, can you stay "Blessing of the Zephyr changes are FINAL! Suck it up!"???
Castle: Hyperstrike: I would never say "Suck it up." They are pretty much final, though.
Sebastian Dash: Hm.. is the Pratoria world going to have the MA buildings? I remember hearing 'no' to papers.. but I don't recall if they mentioned MA buildings :)
Positron: No MA in Praetoria... too much OTHER content
Dos Glock: who has the most inf out of all the devs???
Ghost Falcon: Doc Glock, Probably the Ocho.
Positron: The ocho
Dos Glock: how much?
Positron: too much
Ghost Falcon: 6 billion?
NCsoft_Mod08: If I liquidated probably in the 12-20 billion range, not so liquid at the moment ;p
Positron: Like I said, too much
Ghost Falcon: TheOcho, hook me up buddy!
Proto-Zone: What about MY urgent question? Mass Effect: Yay or nay? *Pushes Zero aside*
Positron: Mass Effect is awesome, as was ME2
Proto-Zero: The devs havent answered my URGENT QUESTION! Pirates or Ninjas?
Ghost Falcon: Proto-Zero, Ninjas
Force-Fire: Castle, it seems set sometimes get a "look at" when being profilerated, but Gravity Control is already on both control ATs. Any plans to look at it, or anything like that?
Castle: Force-Fire: As a matter of fact....if things go as planned, there might be a few updates for Gravity in GR. Still waiting to see what Colin comes up with... [Probably Colin Brown, character animator on Christopher Bruce's team, though not 100% certain. If so, Castle is probably referring to animation changes, not stats or mechanics changes. --Wiki Guy]
Scarlet Toxin: Any chance GR or a future issue might feature 1) timers for power recharge 2) XP/min display 3) the long-awaited City Vault with online badge listings?
Positron: I will let GF tell you about city vault if he wants
Ghost Falcon: k....City Vault...that thing.
Ghost Falcon: We were ready to launch City Vault.
Castle: Ghost Falcon has the most powerful powerset of all: VETO!
Ghost Falcon: it was the player website that allowed players to look up their characters, see SG members, friends, powers, etc.
Ghost Falcon: We were ready to push the launch button.
Ghost Falcon: the web system just couldn't handle it.
Ghost Falcon: There were other issues....players with IP violation names....EULA violation names, and when those were banned or renamed, problems.
Ghost Falcon: At the end of the day, City Vault was a liability issue waiting to explode.
Ghost Falcon: Not totally out, but first pass implementation...out
Positron: City Vault has never been completely cancelled
Ghost Falcon: we still have the char data exported by the game.
Positron: But right now we want to bring you Going Rogue and End Game stuff
Ghost Falcon: yeah, what positron said.
Positron: GR + EG > CV
Blood Brother Joey: has planning for I18 started yet?
Positron: I18 is Going Rogue
Blood Brother Joey: well what about i19
Positron: I19 is Incarnates
Faethura1: i18 is named Going Rogue
Positron: I never said I18 was NAMED Going Rogue
Incredible Mouse: Please change the word end-game to "stuff-we-keep-adding" content
Positron: I like "elder game" myself
Positron: but people "get" End Game
Feral Storm: Dear Castle; Please Nerf [Corporate Counsel] and [Liability Analysis]. Thanks! Love, me.
Castle: Feral Storm: They have an injunction against that. out of my hands, sorry.
Hyperstrike: Another question: What about a web store where people can purchase CoH products (Plushie Positrons, Vote for Ghost Falcon hats, and "I saw Castle and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt" t-shirts"?
Ghost Falcon: Hyperstrike, you can purchase COH Merchandise from the store.
Taliesen Riftborn: I think they need to make the buttons and T-shirts available on the NCSfoft store, too :D
Ghost Falcon: I can pass on the request to sell the HeroCon merchandise on to Black Pebble.
Ghost Falcon: Arachnos Agent, Rikti Monkey Plushies were sold by Scott Kurtz for a while (the guy who did PvP Online)...*I* still want one.
TonyV: So is Black_Pebble associated with Paragon Studios or with NCsoft Corporate? I'm curious, because I'd like to talk to someone about licensing rights, and I'm not sure who I should be hitting up.
Positron: Black Pebble is a Paragon employee
C O N Q U E R: devs, any info on RV being like Warburg? all out pvp?
Positron: Conquer: RV is not all out pvp
Castle: Conquer: RV using Warburg rules? Not with the current system. Perhaps when we do the update.
Green Taipan: What're you hoping for with End Game, guys? Something ongoing and evolving, or a cap to the game as it were?
Positron: not a cap, an ever-growing system of coolness
Castle: quick AFK
Laughing Guns: Any word on being able tolog to a different character, or at the very least, log dierectly to Character Select?
Positron: Logging to Char Select is on a person's TODO list, but not as high a priority as "Get GR dun"
Lord Hellectron: will we ever be able to transfer toons form accounts ??
Positron: Lord Hellectron: No, probably never
Castle: back!
Feral Storm: Posi, is there a reason Log to Char Select wasn't rolled into GR itself?
Positron: cause there is a ton of other stuff, Feral
Laughing Guns: I couldn't find Doppelgangers in MA. Did I miss it, or no-go?
Castle: Laughing guns, I don't think Doppelganger tech is enabled in MA yet.
TonyV: As a dedicated speed booster, I have to admit that I'd love a "cancel buff" option so that when I hit someone accidentally, I wouldn't hear about it for several minutes...
Positron: Aww, thats my favorite part TonyV
Ghost Falcon: I SB people all the time...especially in caves. bwahahaha
Psicotic Bat: i start to belive our devs are a evil minds ((scared))
Castle: Psicotic Bat: We're not evil, we're just rendered that way.
Incredible Mouse: Posi: Why can't you do it all, instantly, when we demand it? I mean, really! :P
Positron: I try Incred Mouse
Robotronn1: when are the reds shpwin up
Positron: reds?
Ghost Falcon: Ok folks. I've got to jet to pick up my son from daycare. Happy Anniversary and thanks for playing. I love you guys (especially the ones I SB in the layer cake cave map...who don't have flight..)
Faethura1: I'd team with any Dev any where
NCsoft_Mod08: who says you haven't faethura. Most of us play this game far too much :)
Dark Neon1: take care Posi, thanks :)
Positron: I aint leaving yet
Lady Warsprite: was also wondering if there is a way that the number of members in a Sg could be based on global instead of just toon count
Positron: SG members based on global... we looked into that, but there were too many edge cases
Laughing Guns: Any plans to allow respec to include Vet rewards? Some decisions I would like to remake.
Castle: There are no current plants to allow a respec to include Vet Reward choices (I'm not even sure that's POSSIBLE without significant database changes)
[At this point, one of the devs spawned a Jade Spider in Pocket D, which had the effect of faceplanting many of the players standing around the devs.]
Castle: Posi: Don't forget to turn off Power Suppression before spawning things
Positron: aye
NCsoft_Mod08: I was about to turn it on though :)
Positron: but I like having it on :)
TonyV: So... Since Arctic_Sun left, it seems like there's little new content on the web site, like the backgrounders and canon. We got a few posts from Manticore, but are there any plans to improve and increase offline content?
Positron: I wrote two pieces of fiction for the website for GR.
Golden-Girl: when will we see them, Positron=
Positron: when we're ready to release them
Praetor Fabulous: an you spawn both zombie apocalyse AND rikti..Can you spawn, both Zombie Apocalypse AND Rikti at the same time in here.. so a little Plan 9 in Pocket D?
Castle: Praetor Fabulous: No, we can only do one event at a time in a zone.
Incredible Mouse: 2012 vet reward: Posi's Power Supression for all near targets.
Positron: Actually it's Dark Watcher's power suppression
Psicotic Bat: What you study Positron i mean profession?
Positron: What did I study in College? Is that what you are asking Psicotic Bat?
Psicotic Bat: yes is that
Positron: Um, I didnt go to college
Positron: I do have the John Belushi "College" shirt from Animal House. I think it's ironic.
Positron: I do have a TON of industry experience, almost 20 years
Castle: Did someone mentions spiders? [More Jade Spiders spawn.]
Positron: I hate spiders
TonyV: So how did you get rooked into gave development, Castle? Heh, I had to say it.
NCsoft_Mod08: you are going to hell for that pun [He's probably right. For what it's worth, Belle was sitting next to me and said it first, and I think she has enough good karma to offset damnation.]
DJ Shecky1: We wants Clown Summoning!
Redios: CLOWN SUMMONING would be awesome!
Castle: Clown Summoning would NOT be awesome. :)
Castle: I would make sure of it.
Positron: If we added Clown Summoning, everyone would want something different in terms of what the clowns were that you summoned.
Positron: some would want sad clowns, others want cowboys, and still others want mimes.
Positron: and if we did mimes, we'd all go to jail.
Positron: MM sets are a huge PITA
IndigoWulf: yes, and why are there no female mercs or thugs for that matter?
Xprom: 2nd female gang members!
Positron: Ask WW for female MM pets
Positron: Her call now
Hyperstrike: Question, what about a clone summoning or illusions alternate that let's you summon copies of your own toon in place of the defaults?
Castle: Hyperstrike: Illusion Control's pets were originally supposed to be copies of the player character. At the time, it wasn't possible to do. Now, unfortunately, we cannot change it to that because too many other players use the pets as is and would be unhappy with the change.
Sebastian Dash: it's hard to imagine people being upset with the old pets being changed.. wow
Positron: I am constantly amazed at what upsets players in this game... we only want to do awesomethings for you guys
Praetor Fabulous: Posi, withe the doppleganger tech, perhaps a "duplicates" powerset for mastermind?
Castle: Praetor Fabulous: Before the Doppelganger tech ever saw the test server, I was answering that question internally. It's not currently possible, but could be done.
Praetor Fabulous: Posi, THEN FIX TRINA. I'll give you the costume file.
Positron: Fab, did you know we had a pool on how long it would take for you to bring up Trina?
Cende: He's already brought it up several times, Posi :)
Positron: I know, at the 33 minute mark :)
Dos Glock: if you don't make a water based power set in 1 year starting today, i will kill you in an arena match!
Castle: A Water based powerset...we've talked about it, but the FX system isn't really up to it. Maybe in the future.
Positron: and before you scream "ultra mode" for water... that would make UM =required= for all players
Christopher "Back Alley Brawler" Bruce apparently wanted to make a grand entrance.
Positron: Free Ipad from BAB!!
Back Alley Brawler: ONLY $499 FOR S&H
ForceField Scoots: wasn't Energy Blast originally supposed be a water blast?
Castle: Scoots: Yes, it was
Positron: FYI This canoli is AWESOME
Dark Beret: Posi what did you get your wife for getting that for you?
Positron: What did I get her? She wanted one too!
NuclearMedicine: Any change of getting Radiation Melee?
Castle: Nuclear Medicine: Recently, we filled a white board with powersets we wanted to do. There were, I think, about 50 of them. Radiation Melee was listed, but was not one of the few sent to marketing to look into.
Green Taipan: On that Castle....what normally makes the cut regarding powersets and the like? Is there particular criteria?
Positron: Powersets that are easy to market are easier for us to get behind and make
Castle: Green Taipan: The criteria changes based on why we are making the powerset.
Positron: Time Control was on the list... I liked the idea of pausing the entire server so you can go do stuff.
Positron: unfortunately everyone else thought that was a bad idea
Castle: Ok, 6pm Pacific, time for me to get off the clock. I'll hang out in the alcove for a few minutes for folks to get screenshots with me by request.
Castle: Happy Anniversary, everyone!
Positron: I am gonna go too. I'll hover over by the Nemesis horse for screens until I afk logout...
Positron: bye all
Castle: Castle is in the Villain alcove for a few more minutes
ForceField Scoots: anychance of femal castle?
Roulette: Sex change?!
Castle: Someone asked me what Castle would look like as a, I showed them. [Castle had changed his avatar to a female build.]
Back Alley Brawler: This thing on?

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Positron: Time Control was on the list... I liked the idea of pausing the entire server so you can go do stuff.
Positron: unfortunately everyone else thought that was a bad idea

This made me lol

"if I am guilty for what goes on in my mind, than give me the electric chair for all my future crimes"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Originally Posted by TonyV
19:46 Golden-Girl: will the new GR system content use existing contacts, or new ones?
19:47 Ghost Falcon: gg, the GR system doesn't use contacts....
19:47 Golden-Girl: so where do the moral misisons come from?
19:48 Ghost Falcon: GG, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be talking about the GR system, and how it works....
I thought that was one of the most interesting bits of info
Oh BLEEP yes... if this means what I think it does, GR will be amazing.

Great transcript. They picked good questions to answer.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Castle: Castle is in the Villain alcove for a few more minutes
ForceField Scoots: anychance of femal castle?
Roulette: Sex change?!
Castle: Someone asked me what Castle would look like as a, I showed them. [Castle had changed his avatar to a female build.]
Picture to prove it happened:

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Here's a picture of the Nemesis Horse, in case anyone hasn't seen it before:

I want one.



Fun fact: Castle is one of the few Dev costumes that you can completely recreate in the costumer creator. It has no unique pieces. Once I made a character called "NotCastle" and stood next to Castle in Peregrine Island for a few hours, just to have fun with people on Freedom. It was cute.



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
Oh BLEEP yes... if this means what I think it does, GR will be amazing.

Great transcript. They picked good questions to answer.
From their point of view, they also picked some good ones to ignore

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Picture to prove it happened:

I first saw the female Castle on Test when they testing the walk power - not sure if that's related

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I thought that was one of the most interesting bits of info
I'll /sign this. Different from what I thought, but still really cool.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Fun fact: Castle is one of the few Dev costumes that you can completely recreate in the costumer creator. It has no unique pieces. Once I made a character called "NotCastle" and stood next to Castle in Peregrine Island for a few hours, just to have fun with people on Freedom. It was cute.
When Castle was placed in Peregrine Island as a contact, there was a lot of concern from various people that players could copy the costume completely. I had to insist on the costume not getting a unique piece added to it. While I'd love to get unique bits added, it wouldn't have been *his* costume anymore.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
When Castle was placed in Peregrine Island as a contact, there was a lot of concern from various people that players could copy the costume completely. I had to insist on the costume not getting a unique piece added to it. While I'd love to get unique bits added, it wouldn't have been *his* costume anymore.

So.... do you think of Castle as his own person, his own character? Do you have a backstory that you'd like to share with us, because I don't think we have any backstory on him, do we?



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
So.... do you think of Castle as his own person, his own character? Do you have a backstory that you'd like to share with us, because I don't think we have any backstory on him, do we?
Meh, not so much anymore. At this point, he's really just my "in game face" and the character himself has become far more "me" than reflecting the fiction I originally had for him.

Back in the PNP game he came from, he was a Mutant who was a radio political analyst who ended up being "outted" as a hero/mutant. He used the notoriety/celebrity to get elected to a public office, while still continuing his work as a hero.

Translating him over to COH, I updated his fiction to be that he'd never been a 'hero' at all, until the Rikti Invasion wiped out most of the heroes. He decided to don a costume to help fill the void left...which is why he as level 1 starting out.