577 -
Quote:Ok, this isn't a plot hole. Other points stand. Unless, of, course, in arc 2 mission 1 Grym&Dillo would apologize for pulling your leg and start acting like classy heroes Twinshot herself is, instead of bumbling idiots, and Proton gets some development. (Flambeaux is hopeless.) ADD: And of course, if you aren't robbed of chance to really accomplish anything meaningful by Manticore's brilliant manoeuvring yet again.I'd advice you to not judge it until you've finished the entire mega-arc at level 15 or so. No guarantee you'll like it then either of course, but it's kind of a thing.
Hint: Manti has his reasons for suddenly setting you up with resources.
Anyway, thanks for saying that the rest is better. I really want a new 10-14 arc I could play on my lowbies, and the experience of the first arc almost made me to fall back on the Hollows. -
Am I the only one who is, well, underwhelmed by Twinshot arc?
Twinshot herself, is well, OK, once you forgive her her patronising ways... And you will forgive them, once you realize, whom she has to work with Everyone, except a colourless non-character that is Proton is a comic relief??? And not very funny at that? All right, I chuckled at Grym&police dogs joke. First time I read it. Next time it was "What an idiot."
Then, the whole thing turns out to be ABSOLUTELY MEANINGLESS. It was all a set-up to showcase who is a rip-off of a FlyingMammalMan in CoXverse and how awesome he is. Mind you, FlyingMammalMan and his expies tend to hijack spotlight like that, it's part of what they are, but it's not working in a computer game. Old origin missions, for all their blandness, were at least genuine accomplishments of your character. No one told you afterwards those Clockwork in the warehouse weren't real, and it was all a test, now we can send you against the real thing... At least we want you to think this time it's for real.
Then it's not working as an extended tutorial either. All the useful info is lost in torrent of lame jokes. That wild goose chase around Atlas where you hear that police dogs joke and Flambeaux shopping for hair care products is supposed to teach you day jobs. It does even contain good info on them... In clues. IIRC, nothing in the mission indicates that unlike with a Ms. liberty mission, it's clue text that's important tutuorial info, not the dialog, which is all stale jokes.
And then, this lamest superteam EVER passes the test as a whole and gets the funding. Even though you and Twinshot did all the job, and no one but you even showed up at Sinclair's mansion. Manticore, you're an idiot.
I didn't touch Mercy 2.0 yet, but I hope it's better. I really do. -
Quote:THIS. Back in my 24/7 TFing days I honestly tried to learn the story of a new-for-me TF as I played it along (either as a leader or as a player.) It never worked. Click-click-click, no time to pause and read, teammates are waiting. Or back in those 3 days right after release when such thing as "AE story teams" existed... The main issue with them was that without the star duplicating all the mish text in chat, no one understood what the heck is going on anyway.admittedly most stories work better solo while players like to team.
So, if you want to explore the world, you solo. I did solo a lot as a new player, I really read descriptions of every new mob I met, and sometimes just flew around sightseeing. So, of course, new players who team alot miss most of the lore. It's not because they're conditioned by some World of Clichequest desire to "get to the raids," some of them are, some of them aren't. DEFINITELY not because they're all semi-literate yahoos. It's because it's simply not the sort of thing done in PuGs for very practical reasons. -
All right... Traps/Dark/Dark is obvious, but the concept (a Vahzilok Eidolon who had fallen out with good doctor and now does good and not so good deeds FOR REAL SCIENCE and against "quacks" like his former boss) lends itself to hero/villain revolving door anyway, and some patron pools look very good.
So, would T/D/Mace or T/D/Soul be better? -
Actually Soul is much more tempting... Power Boost instead of PBU (Build Up aspect being lost is compensated by Soul Drain) Fortunata as a patron pet... Not very concept-fitting though, and the whole rigmarole of switching sides twice will take time. Buit worth thinking about.
Well, it's just that all his defenses are Choking Cloud for melee minions-lts, and debuffs+more dakka for anything that isn't chokeable. Works well as long as mobs don't have something to detoggle CC and debuff toggles, and most 40+mobs do.
All right, I really want to try incarnate trials, but I just can't decide which character would be most useful in ways other than venge-bait.
1) Shield/elec tanker - I don't like tanking, don't know why he's 50 in the first place, use him as a farm tractor and, well, I really, really really, doubt I'd get to 59% def on him anytime soon. On the other hand, he is my only 50 who could really solo all the EBs in Mender Ramiel's arc.
2) Rad/Rad defender with perma-AM. Good for oldschool TFs, but I have no idea how he'd perform in I-Trials, from the sound of it he'll faceplant more than a blaster on SOs. (Defence was pretty much sacrificed for recharge in this build)
3) Claws/regen scrapper. Not touched since 2009. Would need a major rebuild anyway.
Or should I level something else entirely? -
Actually if they just changed it to "Account-wide" and "Character-specific" it would make much more sense. That's probably what devs thought when they named them like that. Then they shortened the names, and confusion started.
Account items casn be claimed 1 time per character.
Character items can be claimed 1 time per account.
Which is a big fail of logic on Paragon's part. (Yes, I know, from dev's side it isn't upside-down at all, but we aren't the devs.) -
ABlast... I really, really, really tried hard to find use for the thing. It has none. Even with the recent Vigilance revamp, and even on perma-AM build. I still kept it, because it looks cool when customized, but that's it.
Solo, it leaves mezzing bosses (one thing Rad/Rad has problems with at higher lvls) intact. On team Fallout or EMP wins hands down as panic anti-wipe power. Fallout also accepts the same sets.
Maybe I should lrn2nuke, but It really is probably the most skippable power in Rad/Rad. -
Hmm... Maybe it's just my ham-handedness with the keyboard, but you don't get any GR-specific emotes, (unless you've actually bought GR, I assume) and should buy them with points, even on a subscribed account. (No idea why emotes, of all things, aren't part of the sub.)
Quote:That's rank ignorance. What I meant was someone who obviously DOES know things like "10 reasons pure heals won't keep you alive in CoX," but drank too much powerset-hate kool-aid.As I posted in the Rude Tells yesterday my Traps/Beam defender got this on Exalted last night.
Me : "Level 26 Traps Defender lft"
after a few seconds
Idiot : "Level 21 Team running tips looking for a proper healer instead"
No idea who idiot was, but I hope he got an aura-rocking healzor and they got torn to tiny shreds anyway -
Quote:Yesterday, during a slow day at work I was thinking that I never, ever heard something along the lines "Hey, I've read that FF sucks on forums, your FF, ur kicked for ur gimp build."I went on an Eden run today and brought my sonic/rad defender. They said we would go fast because they had 2 Time corrs (which I will admit are good). Then the guy says, "Oh and we have a kin, too." I mentioned that I was a sonic so I could contribute to the debuff, to which I got a "Sonic? Meh" and that attitude prevailed throughout the trial.
Now I heard everything.
"Bad" support set like FF, Sonic, or TA isn't "bad" the same way a blast is bad, or an armour is bad. It may be a bit boring to play, or over-specialized, or something, but, played competently it still contributes more to team for less investment than pretty much anything else.
People on AT forums are all too often too fascinated by uber-soloing builds, and yes, uber-soloing builds are fun. But a single defender with pretty much any primary can give many of the advantages of such a build to EVERYONE ON THE TEAM. FF? Softcap, posi to inc trials if you wish (post-small bubble buff and PBU@35 epic pool change.) Sonic? See above "damage goes to ELEVEN" post. TA? All sorts of useful stuff there, too much to enumerate. (I actually don't understand TA hate, it's supposed weaknesses are, as I understand "no buffs of any kind," then we praise sets like rad, cold or therm for their great debuffs and how incredibly useful they are. Forgetting that the price for those is things like rads having AM (non-perma) instead of SB.)
Don't be afraid of gimp support sets. Be afraid of team leaders who don't get how support works in this game. -
The tutorial shocks and awes new players, who DO NOT know that you can really just click brawl 4 times to complete it. Players who do know this fun fact have an option to skip it with no consequences.
Now, a new player wouldn't either read anything said in a tutorial anyway, or will read everything, tutorial, forum guides, ParagonWiki... In either case too much info in the tutorial is, well, pretty much pointless anyway.
In other words, the tutorial does most of the things it's supposed to do well enough.
The problem starts when you exit it. AtLLLLLAAAAAGGGGGGG Park. With grand total of 3 choices you can make, lag, Twinshot and her team of half-wits, lag, Find Ms. Liberty (Fort Trident) for extra confusion, lag lag, lag and lag.
Galaxy City was there for a reason. Yes, the reason could be easily forgotten after years of half-empty servers, but it was there. And yes, I understand that part of it was probably done in order to save on re-designing missions in two zones. Still, nuking, say, South Skyway for new tutorial would've been much less disruptive. -
Quote:Umm... As other people stated, level increase just won't work. Lvl 50 content basically already deals with cosmic-scale threats, so, short of "Solo Rularuu, now without Limitless Freem"
im not one to get into details with IO's and the mechanics and guides. to me this game is a great social game and its now on a f2p hybrid to boot. the only thing that would really make it better would problably be a level increase (hint hint)there's very little stuff that can be added without being silly over-the-top, even for a comic book game.
Another part is that the way game works (you still use those lvl1 power picks in the endgame) even levels 40-50 sometimes already give you more power picks than you really need. So, any levels beyond 50 would be "Upgrades" of the current powers... Like Invention and Incarnate systems.
There are disadvantages to this approach, worst probably being that well, there's little point in getting top-tier stuff except for bragging rights, which may annoy players who are used to the way endgame usually works, but, on the other hand, is great for more casual player. -
Obvious one is a Pistols/Kin corruptor, - An Equilibrum/Wanted/John Woo type villain (or hero) who is Just That Good because of secret training techniques he learned or devised.
First of all, hi to all Union players
Looks like I'm back for good... (if you can level lowbies even without sub fee there's simply almost no way to stay out of game now
Tyvm Paragon for recreating this major time-sink in my life.
Anyway, since I was away since shortly after GR launch I have alot to catch up to, and some things just aren't on ParagonWiki. Because I always was intrigued by MMs, but hated look&feel of Rogue Isles (apart from the "you can rob banks there" part, anyway) one of the first things I did upon return was to roll a MM hero (Thugs/sonic) and he's quickly approaching levels where teaming becomes a major part of the game for me.
And then I remembered that back in the day there was some level of prejudice against MMs on teams. So far I haven't noticed any dreaded effects of a MM being on a team (well, except an OMG WHAT'S THIS LIGHTSHOW AND WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN??? effect a Demons/Therm produces) while playing other alts, but maybe I was just lucky and played with good MMs? Are thery any pointers on how not to inconvenience your teammates with your pets and their powers? -
Quote:My nasty paranoid mind tells me it won't be anytime soon. Unless extreme pains are taken to insure a "gift" feature won't be abused for creating a... secondary market of PPs and in-game scams that cost a victim real money to go with it.Lastly, because of the two points above, it is not nearly as urgent as you suggest, but yes it would be nice to have some way to gift folks with either points, or items. Or a subscription, as in your case.
Both "require proof that you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY are friends IRL" and "embrace, regulate and profit" paths had been tried by various companies, and both might work, but neither is easy to do just right. -
Actually, posting account names of other people is against forum rules. So, congrats, instead of receiving help from the official support you put your own account at risk.
(and they do take billing issues seriously, and they did eventually fixed even such major messes as epidemic of double-charges affter the release of superbooster #2.)
Grandstanding and writing open letters should be the last resort, not the first. And putting private item in open letters is stupid, even is it wasn't against the rules. -
I never did that mission, but if he isn't significantly different from his Faultline arc version... Force Field drones he summons are buffing his defenses quite significantly, so try to take them away as quickly as you can, or, if you can, confuse them, so they would buff you instead.
As an AV he has purple triangles, even downgraded, so all the general rules for fighting enemies with purple triangles apply: don't count on mezzes other than immob, try to hit him with -regen and-res, if you have such powers, or get help. Castillo is a tough customer, so if your powersets aren't known as AV-killers there's nothing wrong with not being able to solo him. -
Quote:UM is purely clientside.If I had to guess, UM has been causing some major server meltdown, and they're upgrading for that and the anticipated load GR will bring.
As for perparing for GR, etc, - why it's only NA servers? Granted, EU servers being in Germany (IIRC), there being only 4 of them and NA low populaion being EU high population may mean that server hardware is upgraded NA side and not EU side plus the ability to back up EU servers much faster...
Or that they just stagger maintenance... -
Quote:They will figure it out first, and sure as everything you'd need either natural ability ("commitment" in the terms of the original article) or training in musical theory, solfège exercises, etc. ("process") to play anything like music.
Granted this depends on your definition of art but yes of course art is possible without craftsmanship or technique and yes of course you can play a musical instrument without knowing previously how it worked.
Wordlessly hand someone an obscure instrument that they have never heard of before like say a recorder and see what happens... many will figure it out and be playing it in a matter of minutes.
Just monkeying around with a recorder would produce a series of whistles, not music, no matter how good a show of knowing what you're doing you can put up. -
Hmm... Didn't OP meant that they wanted to solo AVs while leveling?
Quote:Art wouldn't be possible without craftsmanship and technique. Developing an MMO without software engineering, coding, QA, etc. is no more possible than, say, playing a musical instrument with no idea of how it works.Mhmm, and somewhat along those lines...
I prefer to consider stuff like this the work done by artists.
Recognize it for what it is and either enjoy your appreciation or forget about it.
Sure, there's much more to any computer game (or any program for that matter) than these craftlike aspects, but... No code, no game, no artistic value.
Whether or not someone finds such a low-level shop-talk interesting is another matter. Those who either work or worked in software business naturally tend to be ones most interested. But we aren't ignoring artistic aspect. We just want to learn how and why it's done the way it's done. -
Quote:Well, the sad truth abouyt software engineering is...how the developers don't know what they're doing and that current studio is using software development methodologies one step removed from card readers and vacuum tubes.
Tl;DR version: If it works and employees are happy, the methodology is right, no matter what exactly it is.
If on the other hand, your product is best described by four-letter words and the staff looks like characters from Dilbert, you're in trouble, even if you're using what appears to be a modern methodology that successful companies use.